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Spellweaving focus: pain in the hind end


Siege... Where the fun begins.
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm very late to the party. But while I will allow that I don't actively test as much as I used to, and have not touched total DPS on whammy/samps for a good long while now, what I know is that there is a lot more room, conventionally, to build sdi into a suit for a necro/weaver than there is to play around with things like that for a samp. So it is possible, likely even, to do more damage with WoD now than it has ever been, and I used to get the skull at champs, working right along side samps and whammy archers all the time.

And, if you don't know, getting the skull at a fel champ is only possible if you are the lead damage dealer. You may take that information in any way you like.

My fear, as I have said before, is that we will end up with all of the convenience other people want, and much less of the functionality (of the "biblical donkey" stomping variety) that I love. That would be disappointing.

Recent experience leads me to believe if we get what y'all are asking for we are likely lose the stuff that made it worthwhile in the first place.
^^^^^^ Well said....

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
The only thing this cat is asking for is various ways to get a focus, Mesanna did however pop into a thread and say the whole spellweaving thing could use some attention. So I'll get off it til we can see what they are doing to it. Meow.

Hi guys we agree, Spellweaving could use some love to be inline with the other spells. Its on our list .
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