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NEWS Let Voting Commence!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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In fact there are two 'Halloween' themes and one 'Valentine's Day'.

The poll results are currently set at the default 'sort by votes cast'. I could change that to 'exact order' which would put them back into the same order as they were before voting. If that is desirable.
I think it's fine the way it is Petra.


Stratics Legend
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not entered, Serenity's offering for the Christmas season.. if you would like to visit this Nativity scene is located just west of the hedge maze in Skara Brae, Legends... no spawn there except for the occasional mongbat


Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
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Roof.jpg front.jpg Would like some votes for my house in the Holiday Deco contest. Please review and vote for me!
it is house titled "Atl Malas 26o33N9o 33E" link to voting page is
UO Stratics *New* | Holiday Season Contest VotingThanks for any help folks!
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Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
Would like some votes for my house in the Holiday Deco contest. Please review and vote for me!
it is house titled "Atl Malas 26o33N9o 33E" link to voting page is

UO Stratics *New* | Holiday Season Contest Voting Thanks for any help folks!
Thread merged. Sorry, but I'm not about to allow one is to allow all, and there's no way I'm allowing 90 vote-begging threads to clog up the board.

Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
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I believe we need some Dev-ine intervention.

I am not begging for votes (thats beneath me) but I will post a picture of my entry The Holiday Attic 1.JPG The Holiday Attic 2.JPG

Its actually 3 houses

its on Pacific in the snow covered mtn pass (116.48N - 3.18 W)

The Holiday Attic..... A Magical Elven town hidden in the forest where all the decorations are stored


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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In fact there are two 'Halloween' themes and one 'Valentine's Day'.

The poll results are currently set at the default 'sort by votes cast'. I could change that to 'exact order' which would put them back into the same order as they were before voting. If that is desirable.
Actually it shouldn't actually 'show' the votes, as after a while it becomes prejudicial in that people who haven't yet voted are hardly likely to waste a vote if they see their favorite has 0 votes and think there is no point, then look at the top 5 etc. It becomes self reinforcing. Same as listing them in order. Has the same result. Should have been a totally blind vote until such time as they were announced. Also the 'order' of the entries really should be switch around every 3-4 days so the one 'first' in the list isn't always first. Probably a bit late now.


Goodman's Rune Library
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I'm having a hard time just picking one. There are so many really great entries. Well done!

*goes back to try & pick just one*


Madness Personified
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ugh. Looks like the line-up post-voting changed. Now it's nearly impossible to see what position my guild's entry is in.


Madness Personified
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I'm pretty shocked that the top two entries seem to have move votes individually than all of the other entries combined.


Grand Poobah
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It was a farce from the moment people were allowed to post "This one is mine-vote for me". A legit contest that is decided by who is most popular on a forum can never go well.
Maybe I'm missing something because I don't see anyone posting that.


Madness Personified
Stratics Veteran
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Petra, please change the line-up back to display leading entries first after voting. It's impossible to track our position otherwise.

Tangled Metal

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I would like to officially withdraw my house from the "contest." If at all possible please give the 3 people that voted for my house their votes back. I do not want to be further associated with this so called "contest." Thank you.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I would like to officially withdraw my house from the "contest." If at all possible please give the 3 people that voted for my house their votes back. I do not want to be further associated with this so called "contest." Thank you.

You know I hate to say it but I almost feel the same way. Rather disgusted by the results and I seriously don't understand why folk who claim Neon ruins the game and is UGLY would vote for a house with a bunch of ugly neon goza mats all over it... And to be totally honest I SERIOUSLY don't want another Christmas themed mini house anyway... we already have 2 of them. The gingerbread house and that other neon bright thing... But maybe that's just me.


Madness Personified
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think it's important to note that, even if you are unhappy with the outcome of the contest, this is not Petra's fault. Nor is it Stratics fault.

Petra, you're doing a great job. Thank you.
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Tangled Metal

Lore Master
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I in no way think that Petra is in any way at fault here. I agree that Petra is doing a great job. I think the fault is in a flawed voting system where people are able to vote multiple times by simply having multiple Stratics accounts and people can "buy votes" as noted by the mention of ICQ spam. Yes, Petra was able to catch some of those votes early on and remove them, however it is easy enough to have access to multiple IP addresses easily enough to bypass any way of checking.

Those are just my thoughts though. No, I do not and viable solutions to the problems, I wish that I did. Sure I am not happy my house didn't get a lot of votes but that is not my reason for complaint. There are some really great houses that got none of very few votes that have way more creativity and originality that some of the "leaders." I guess that is a matter of my opinion as well.


Madness Personified
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Stratics Legend
In less than an hour I could write a small app to run up votes on any submission I want. I, of course, have not done this because I believe it violates the spirit of the contest. Some, however, I'm a bit worried about. That said, I won't take my ball and go home because I love how we've all shared our designs with others who may not have otherwise seen them.


UO Forum Moderator
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All I know is every effort was made to make it as fair as possible. And if people have to cheat to try and win then they know their entry was not good enough to win. And I feel sorry for them. its those kind of people that shouldn't have a place in UO.


Madness Personified
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Stratics Legend
All I know is every effort was made to make it as fair as possible. And if people have to cheat to try and win then they know their entry was not good enough to win. And I feel sorry for them. its those kind of people that shouldn't have a place in UO.
Here, here!

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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Stratics Legend
You know I hate to say it but I almost feel the same way. Rather disgusted by the results and I seriously don't understand why folk who claim Neon ruins the game and is UGLY would vote for a house with a bunch of ugly neon goza mats all over it... And to be totally honest I SERIOUSLY don't want another Christmas themed mini house anyway... we already have 2 of them. The gingerbread house and that other neon bright thing... But maybe that's just me.
The big mistake was not having the devs, ems, or maybe the arts department vote for the top ten, Then have the players vote out of those top ten which one will become the mini house deed. That would of been the way I did it.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
early on someone said that voting should be handled by account, possibly at log-in.. I understand that it would have been hard to do, and having said that I'll also say that I'm disappointed that Mythic did not take that responsibility for handling this, some way, by UO account and not by Stratics users accounts

no points taken from Petra here.. she's doing a fine job under the parameters given to operate


Madness Personified
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It could have been done in-game, but that would pull their focus from other, more important projects. There's no win-win here. If they had done that, people would complain that they devoted time to doing that instead of fixing bugs X, Y, and Z.

Tying it to your Stratics account would be possible, but not a perfect solution for many other reasons.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
It could have been done in-game, but that would pull their focus from other, more important projects. There's no win-win here. If they had done that, people would complain that they devoted time to doing that instead of fixing bugs X, Y, and Z.

Tying it to your Stratics account would be possible, but not a perfect solution for many other reasons.
not perfect, no.... I have two Stratics names, I'm sure there are people with many more ;) I thought briefly about the 'minimum post' route, but then thought of how many people, many that I personally know, that have no account but do read Stratics

Michelle touched upon EM involvement.... a banner on login to view entries from each shard on their EM page (information on those pages for finding the houses ingame) and then a ballot system at the EM hall on each shard for voting... I dunno, just kickin' out ideas for the next time, cause I sure don't want to ever watch something like this again

and holy cow, anything they do people complain about..... I'd rather see a fairly run contest!
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Madness Personified
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm with you, but in-game wouldn't be flawless either. I, alone, have five accounts, and could create more at will. Adding in a Captcha might help a bit with discouraging cheating in the current system, but it would also discourage voting by many.


not perfect, no.... I have two Stratics names, I'm sure there are people with many more ;) I thought briefly about the 'minimum post' route, but then thought of how many people, many that I personally know, that have no account but do read Stratics

Michelle touched upon EM involvement.... a banner on login to view entries from each shard on their EM page (information on those pages for finding the houses ingame) and then a ballot system at the EM hall on each shard for voting... I dunno, just kickin' out ideas for the next time, cause I sure don't want to ever watch something like this again

and holy cow, anything they do people complain about..... I'd rather see a fairly run contest!

Stratics names has nothing to do with it - the voting is on the portal and not the forums. Only the forums require registration.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ahh, did not know that, Tazar, thank you

kinda makes it worse in my mind, tho... it's all so confusing


Stratics Veteran
This is literally nothing but a fight between a couple people over who can cast the most votes from proxy servers. I didn't enter and don't care, but yeah, this was totally predictable.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
This is literally nothing but a fight between a couple people over who can cast the most votes from proxy servers. I didn't enter and don't care, but yeah, this was totally predictable.
Exactly how I feel... But I did take the time to enter and I suppose I can't say I'm surprised.
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Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
lets have 1 winner from each shard - im only saying that because mine was the only seige entry!


Grand Inquisitor
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To all who entered I think you all did a great job. :) The player base of UO has some very creative players out there.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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I looked at each and every entry's home. Beautiful designs and ideas. But after seeing the rampant cheating of votes I've decided not to vote for any of them. I wish you all the best of luck.


Seasoned Veteran
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Welp...I keep looking after work to see if they have done something, perhaps kill the voting thing and get judges but...still going and it's the 12th. Since that one person mentioned how to cheat I've seen quite a few entries previously with a handful of votes now securely into the top ten. So...is this what I'm supposed to do? Stay up all night shutting my router on and off to stay in the top ten? Only the cheaters get prizes this year? Doesn't that seem...wrong to the powers that be? I def didn't build an entry to be a mini house but I certainly made a entry of detail and difficulty to be a real contender...to see it fall wayside to some entries that have no business being even in the top 30...very frustrating. Especially sad for the person who made that steam engine entry...not only a desirable mini house but original and obviously a great deal of time and effort. I can't even agree to the one per shard thing, some shards have a mess of entries and def got a cheater 140 votes or more over the very nice ones.


Stratics Veteran
Sorely tempted to just post a list of proxy resources and let anyone and everyone try to play catchup for the last couple days of voting. lol


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Sorely tempted to just post a list of proxy resources and let anyone and everyone try to play catchup for the last couple days of voting. lol
Well to be fair, the cheating is only a small handful. If you look at say the top 15 entries atm, only 3 are without a doubt in my mind cheating out the wazoo. 2 more are questionable, and 2 others could simply have a lot of stupid tasteless friends. Even accounting for what isn't my taste but obviously effort or a valid "look" others would love, there are 4-5 in the above mentioned that bumped way more deserving entries just below that top ten mark.

I guess the two obvious cheaters whose entries are so ugly I cannot believe they actually thought people would believe it was valid votes is what really gets me mad. What makes me even more mad is that they are prob gonna get away with it. Would love to know why.


Madness Personified
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So what you're basically saying is that any entry in the top is undeserving purely because you don't like it? Just...wow.


Seasoned Veteran
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So what you're basically saying is that any entry in the top is undeserving purely because you don't like it? Just...wow.
Mmm no, i thought that's what i wasn't saying. there are quite a few nice entries that def got up there by their own merit. I agree with most of them, but there's about 4 that def didn't. It doesn't really matter at this point now, it's obvious the contest is going thru as is.

Tangled Metal

Lore Master
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Another thing to consider is not only that people can cheat by adding votes to the entry they want to win. There could also be people adding votes to houses they want to keep from winning by giving them the appearance of cheating. Just a thought.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ahh, did not know that, Tazar, thank you

kinda makes it worse in my mind, tho... it's all so confusing
I hear ya on this one no one has to register, and you could get family, and friends to vote for you that do not play UO. I dont want votes from people who feel they need to vote for me because they know me. I want players who play the game vote for my decorations because I do a good job.

Kimora Alixana

Stratics Veteran
There is an awful lot of complaining going on about this contest, everyone should stop being sore sports. I'm sure the houses that have the votes deserve them....goza's are cool....right?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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Sorely tempted to just post a list of proxy resources and let anyone and everyone try to play catchup for the last couple days of voting. lol
maybe if you did Petra could be like WOW how did I ever think this would work......................