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NEWS Let Voting Commence!

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Voting on the Holiday Season Contest is now open. To cast your vote follow this link Holiday Season Contest Voting.
There are many outstanding and imaginative entries, we thank all those who have submitted them for taking part.
You have one vote, so choose wisely.

Voting will close 15th December, Midnight EST
Time Zone Adjustments:
9pm San Francisco
5am 16th London
7am 16th Athens.
2pm 16th Tokyo
4pm 16th Sydney.

Leather Lucy

Seasoned Veteran
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People are so creative :) there are some fab entries there! I love that evil looking tree from a Napa entry heh.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Campaign Benefactor
are you kidding me..... a snowmobile..... and a hockey rink with sticks and all the fixings!
sweet mother of pearl some of those are just incredible!
how people can look at a ball of yarn and some cotton and get it in their heard to make things like a snowmobile is just freaking cool!
MacGyver would be smiling if he where to see some of those!

i feel decorating handicapped after looking at all those hella cool decorations.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some great entries. My castle is open to the public on Oceania so anyone who wants to come for a look see please feel free.

The images displayed are a bit small so if you want to view the original size pics you can do so here. Christmas at Angelwood

It is a relative easy run from Vesper, the closest moongate being Minoc.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all in UO.

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Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Such imagination and creativity, and the attention to detail! I agree Poo -- It's really cool to see how you can make something come alive out of our ordinary UO items. I appreciate all the entries as I know alot of work and time went into doing them; Great job everyone!
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Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some great entries. My castle is open to the public on Oceania so anyone who wants to come for a look see please feel free.

The images displayed are a bit small so if you want to view the original size pics you can do so here. Christmas at Angelwood

It is a relative easy run from Vesper, the closest moongate being Minoc.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all in UO.

The images will expand if you click on them. I didn't resize any, I just put them together.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
don't think any size would do the designs justice, to appreciate all the work involved ya just gotta go see them (good grief, all those goza!!)... I see a lot of traveling in my future

:) great job everyone!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My friends castle is open on cats as well to the public , careful though its in fel

But you can safely go to luna house at this coords 92º55N,26º9W and use the house teleporters to take a look around


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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

L.S. Luna 93º0N,19º45W

Mine. Very simple compared to a lot of the designs, but I was going for something specific (what I thought Santa's Workshop would look like in a standard Sosarian style). Unfortunately that meant most of whats going on had to be inside.

Ah well, its in Luna so its easy to get to. Check it out if you wish, my house is almost always open to the public. :)
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
My entry. Catskills shard just a couple screens east of the Labrynth Pedestal. If you come over, make sure to go see Santa in his study on the top floor and sign either the Naughty or Nice Book. :)



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
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The train and snow covered smiley face tree are awesome. Hard to pick which one to vote for.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some of the best houses aren't getting votes. This should be a popularity contest instead of a house deco contest. There are clearly winners that will not be getting the prizes because they don't know enough people.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
These are great :)
Had really hard time choosing a favourite.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Wiki Moderator
Depends on what people like I think. Since the winner is going to be a mini house, I'm leaning towards that ones that will look nice as a mini house..meaning the interior has really nothing to do with it. It might look amazing on the inside..but noone is going to see the inside when it's a mini :/


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I myself like (once again) the japanese shards decos best - they're simply awesome! :heart:


Social Distancing Since '97
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have noticed that some votes are going poof. I keep checking the rankings, and some are losing votes.

How is that possible?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Some of the best houses aren't getting votes. This should be a popularity contest instead of a house deco contest. There are clearly winners that will not be getting the prizes because they don't know enough people.
Sadly it's very clear that's happening, but one or two are getting some votes that'd I'd vote for myself. I'm a bit confused why one entry went from one vote to zero votes but maybe it's a hiccup?

To everyone that's yet to vote look at each pic zoomed in carefully....see if its original, overall well done, degree of difficulty. a mess of red and green stuff strewn about or well planned? It's not supposed to be a popularity contest but creative effort. I do hope we get a NICE mini house selected once the dust clears. Good luck to all who worked countless days and days (and most likely a month) on their entries.


Seasoned Veteran
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I submited one and didn't vote for it. I sat there with a friend last night for over an hour going through houses and narrowing down our top favs. And then felt bad cause so mny was so much work and fun to look at, while somes look fun to visit. I feel bad for just voting for one and not the other tops we liked. Goodluck with it all and win or lose, it is for fun.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Refresh your browser also, I never seen any votes get vanished.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I took a quick look this morning and thought "oh my GOODNESS, this is going to be hard!". I love the creativity and will as usual, save the pics to my UO game pic folder for using later to do some decorating. The creativity is inspiring and quite useful to those of us who are creatively challenged.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I have been removing duplicated votes, after double checking the setting that's supposed to stop people being able to do that.
Setting is now correct.
I'm touched some cheater voted for me then, lol! Seriously glad you nipped that kinda stuff in the bud thou. I remember a contest from years back that was a fiasco over duplicate votes...ugh.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My entry on Chesapeake-Malas. Santa's Winter Wonderland! If you drop in. make sure you go to Santa's office and sign the Naughty/Nice book on his desk! He's making his list and checking it twice!
Santa's Winter Wonderland- East from Luna along the shore line
82 48 N 0 21 W
( When you go up the stairs, stay to the right, Santa's reindeer are off in flight!)

Please leave a message on the Green Message board with comments! Thank you for looking! and as always- Happy Holidays UO!
Winter wonderland.jpg

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm touched some cheater voted for me then, lol! Seriously glad you nipped that kinda stuff in the bud thou. I remember a contest from years back that was a fiasco over duplicate votes...ugh.
Some people just have to screw things up I guess.
I have logs, and I'll be keeping track. This vote is going to be as fair as can be managed.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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Stratics Legend
So it is one person per house so to say?. Because I know my wife and I both voted, both being players. I can see the reasoning in one vote though.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Depends on what people like I think. Since the winner is going to be a mini house, I'm leaning towards that ones that will look nice as a mini house..meaning the interior has really nothing to do with it. It might look amazing on the inside..but noone is going to see the inside when it's a mini :/
This will be my criteria too; combined with which ever gives the best sense of a seasonal scene ... most have gone for a winter view, and to my mind most in turn thus wouldn't work as a mini house, as much of the detail is lost at that scale, and furthermore they just look like people's normal houses covered in snow from that distance. The original winners of the mini house did a good job, with over sized trees, of capturing a winter setting at that scale, but I wonder then what other criteria people are using for their votes...?

Edited to add; That's not to say I'm not in absolute awe of some of the decorations people have designed, the bagball penguins, the trains and sledges and sleds are just jaw dropping... I just don't think they'd work at Mini House scale, it would be come too blobby and "busy", and as a collector of those houses, my preference is for a lovely deed for all...
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some guy is spamming icq paying for people to vote for him, LOL some contest. 5m a vote! Good contest design. I guess you can buy anything
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Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
ICQ? How quaint.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Season greetings everyone!

My entry is on Pacific, Stygian Abyss. But to be honest...my photo came out to be too small. Here is a up-close photo to help those who have trouble viewing mine.


My reason for entering is to show some creative images and
believe there should get a mini consolation prizes. I will be looking forward to traveling to the x-mas homes on
other shards in person when i get a chance before voting. Everyone have a safe and happy holidays.

Good Luck to all who participated and looking forward for the winning results on 15th of December. Merry Christmas soon!!


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
This must be one of the outtakes from the contest. Just never made the holiday cut...


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I had to look twice....my shamu! Glad to see somebody tried to make one for themselves :) Was always my fav creation[/quote]
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Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some of the best houses aren't getting votes. This should be a popularity contest instead of a house deco contest. There are clearly winners that will not be getting the prizes because they don't know enough people.
I agree with this. I'd say that there should be a rule against posting a specific image and saying "this is mine". The contestants should be as anominous as possible for fairness sake.


Stratics Veteran
Special thanks to holding place a very nice housing contest.:)
I enjoy viewing many beautiful decoration in holiday houses.
Everybody did a really great job.

Now, I found a incorrect link in voting page,"answer13".
If I click to thumbnail, it's jpeg file is not found.
Please fix it ! :sad2:

And, my entry is on Sakura, near Luna.
Please come to see my house :grin:

Finally, I am worrying that you may not understand what I want to say because of my poor English.


Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Incredible! These houses are awesome!
I did have an idea for the mini house that ends up being picked. If Mesanna and the Dev's could make the mini house a Holiday decoration chest....
Like the seed box with slots. It would be so useful

Lady Bleez

Stratics Veteran
I agree with this. I'd say that there should be a rule against posting a specific image and saying "this is mine". The contestants should be as anominous as possible for fairness sake.
Agreed. I thought that was the point of putting up only the image, shard and cords for the voting. So it would be a "vote for the house not who you know" type contest.

That being said, there are some amazing entries and I know Petra is doing the best job possible. :)

Tangled Metal

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some of the best houses aren't getting votes. This should be a popularity contest instead of a house deco contest. There are clearly winners that will not be getting the prizes because they don't know enough people.
It is kind of like High School Class President. I say Vote for Pedro! I cannot believe that there are still houses with 0 votes. I bet most all of the houses with 1 vote are the vote of the person who entered it. I feel bad for those who worked really hard to come up with designs that were not previously used or stolen from the Homes and Castles forum. Goodmann, you're right, if this were a contest on originality and execution of decoration rather than a popularity contest, I imagine there would be huge difference on votes. Yay, for the house owners in the biggest guilds!

I wish the houses would have been left static on the page or randomized every time it loads rather than listing the top votes first and then descending. That gives the ones with more votes and unfair advantage over the ones with fewer votes.

My hat goes off to all those people at the last half of the voting page!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Amazing work, well done to all the entries! I did not enter.

I thought the dev team would pick ten then we would vote on those ten for the mini. The way we vote now it seems possible that a player could have entered a bare plot and with enough votes ended up in the top ten. Could that have happened?

It just bothers me so much that some great entries are going to be going to be overlooked. :(
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Lady Tia

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Amazing work, well done to all the entries! I did not enter.

I thought the dev team would pick ten then we would vote on those ten for the mini. The way we vote now it seems possible that a player could have entered a bare plot and with enough votes ended up in the top ten. Could that have happened?

It just bothers me so much that some great entries are going to be going to be overlooked. :(
Petra would not have let this happen. It was a holiday theme. An entry with no theme would not have made it.


Madness Personified
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Stratics Legend
It seemed to me that the newest are listed first, if you're not viewing the results page. I could certainly be wrong, though. As far as the guild tie-in, I'm not convinced. UWFs entry has half as many votes as the house in the number one position currently.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Campaign Supporter
Petra would not have let this happen. It was a holiday theme. An entry with no theme would not have made it.
It said "Holiday" Theme.... does not say "Christmas" Theme. Some houses may not be deco'd for Christmas this does not mean they are not "Holiday" themed.

Lady Tia

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It said "Holiday" Theme.... does not say "Christmas" Theme. Some houses may not be deco'd for Christmas this does not mean they are not "Holiday" themed.
No, it does not have to be Christmas.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It said "Holiday" Theme.... does not say "Christmas" Theme. Some houses may not be deco'd for Christmas this does not mean they are not "Holiday" themed.
In fact there are two 'Halloween' themes and one 'Valentine's Day'.

The poll results are currently set at the default 'sort by votes cast'. I could change that to 'exact order' which would put them back into the same order as they were before voting. If that is desirable.