No they weren't. They were comparing the benefit/cost of obtaining keys and doing the champ. In your scenario, while you sleep your guildies can rock out 3, 4, 5, even 6 of the spawns. And then BANG, you show up to help pull the harry off. In the case of Exodus, you have to have a character farm the keys (or buy/sell/trade) to get the keys you need. After that, you need to roll in and get a drop...and let's face it, there is ONLY one drop that really is on people's minds, in spite of the fact that another couple of them aren't terrible at all. It isn't easy. With a harry, as long as the spawn is held, even if I don't get a DIRECT drop, my guildies will get them, and then we roll dice. You are trying to make a harry out to be something it's not. No matter the party size, with a harry we ARE going to get X number of +25's. With Exodus, even after keying, partying, dying, and killing him, there is no guarantee. On top of that, if you are in one of those perpetually crappy rng rolls, you may get nothing after 10's or 20's of Exodus'. Always? No, but it WILL happen. At least with a harry I bet 90+ percent of the time I wind up with at least 1 +25 if we hold the spawn. The same can't be said of Exodus with his +5.