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Spellweaving needs some help


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dear Devs. It is ok to give us a piece of what we ask for. It would seem that Spellweaving has worked according to plan. We are fifty posts into a thread and it hasnt degenerated into insults or bickering.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
If anyone needs a focus on Atlantic, you can ICQ me and if I am around, I will log on my accounts to get you a 6. 3@ 120, 2@ 100. So, as long as you are at least 80 skill, I can get you a 6.

Speaking the Truth

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I don't think the skill focus should be the eval for it.

I just think you should not have to rely on other players one way or another. Either having a small gold sink where it costs gold but you can get a solo circle, or for every 20 spell weaving you get 1 level on your focus.

Something simple so there are options if you play by yourself that don't rely on 4 trial accounts.


Slightly Crazed
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Aside from having access to 5 accounts with spellweavers on them, I believe it is extremely difficult for an individual to get a decent focus these days. I believe it is time the elves in Heartwood set up shop, and help aspiring spellweavers get a focus.

These elves could be some nature loving hippies and ask for herbs and vegetables as payment or just some gold hoarding anti-social elves who don't negotiate price.. they just charge a flat 20k gold to help you get a focus. Better yet, they could charge 20k or so per level of focus they help you achieve. So a 6 focus could cost 100k! (20k per helper). I dunno, this could help weavers on the less populated shards, and keep people on the few really populated shards from yanking their teeth out for playing at less popular times than the majority of the server's population.

--- Disclaimer: MEOW
Already said the logical and much needed balancing solution. 1 focus level per 20 spellweaving skill. 20/1, 40/2, 60/3, 80/4, 100/5, 120/6. The End.


Slightly Crazed
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Maybe they could just change it so that Focus would work as SWs eval.

20 focus would be like having a 1 focus
40 focus like a 2 focus
60 like a 3
80 like a 4
100 like a 5 and
120 like a 6

And maybe they could still keep the circles and tweak them so that if you can get 6 people together you´ll get a new 7 focus.

That way you can get the level 6 power by yourself and still have a use for the circle gathering for an extra buff.

And I understand that the 7 would be the new 6 and people would complain about that but you got your 6 power so if you can´t get enough people for a 7 then tough luck heh.
If they do that then they will need to change a lot of things to actually deal damage instead of just debuff statuses.


Slightly Crazed
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People do realize how much the lower level skills are abused with the focus system set up the way it is right? Or does no one like to share things that are broken?


People do realize how much the lower level skills are abused with the focus system set up the way it is right? Or does no one like to share things that are broken?
I know what you're saying and I think I have a solution, we still want folks to get together, and we still want to have an effective tradeoff for not needing a secondary skill. The simple solution, there is no real bonus for 120 like with other skills, so give in addition to the normal timer increase from having a 120 cast, a plus 1 focus count for 120 skill. This also keeps the abuse(debatable) from becoming any worse, it will not harm them either. TLDR make 120 spell weaving give a +1 boost to the count. ie 3 120 = 6 focus. Many skills get a specific bonus for having 120 skill, time for spell weaving.


Crazed Zealot
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Okay, I think it is safe to say we have a while in front of us before any significant changes would be made.

But it would sure be nice if someone from the Dev team would address their thoughts on this skill and general gameplay balance as it stands, and the playerbase desire for something that allows access to full utilization of the skill with more convenience. I think understanding their mindset might help us converse to specifics. Not that ideas are bad, but we have a lot of ideas, all expressed with consideration (yay!) and it might be helpful to have a nudge in a productive direction.

Assuming of course we are trying to be proactive and productive. :)


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know what you're saying and I think I have a solution, we still want folks to get together, and we still want to have an effective tradeoff for not needing a secondary skill. The simple solution, there is no real bonus for 120 like with other skills, so give in addition to the normal timer increase from having a 120 cast, a plus 1 focus count for 120 skill. This also keeps the abuse(debatable) from becoming any worse, it will not harm them either. TLDR make 120 spell weaving give a +1 boost to the count. ie 3 120 = 6 focus. Many skills get a specific bonus for having 120 skill, time for spell weaving.
You're not understanding the full concept of this fix. But it's ok you probably don't fully get what's being abused. Basing it on skills level instead of finding people to stand in a circle removes players from using the lower level skills at almost the same power as the higher skilled character. Should a no skill human really be able to use gift of renewal to heal 14 HP per tick for 1.5 minutes or resist 90 points of melee damage because they don't actually have the skill? Or a 40 skill weaver have the same range and effectiveness on their thunderstorms as a GM+ skilled player? Does that seem logical?
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Orgional Farimir

Lore Keeper
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You're not understanding the full concept of this fix. But it's ok you probably don't fully get what's being abused. Basing it on skills level instead of finding people to stand in a circle removes players from using the lower level skills at almost the same power as the higher skilled character. Should a no skill human really be able to use gift of renewal to heal 14 HP per tick for 1.5 minutes or resist 90 points of melee damage because they don't actually have the skill? Or a 40 skill weaver have the same range and effectiveness on their thunderstorms as a GM+ skilled player? Does that seem logical?

Yes it seems perfectly logical because I have 30 spellweaving on my SDI mage.

Sauteed Onion

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Stratics Veteran

I didn't want to do it, but I did it. Sue me. This thread had a lot of good points, to go alongside Eric's post, and was generally conducted in a good light. Lock the necro posting of this, but it is a valid discussion, and I'm not alone in believing Spellweaving in particular needs some adjustments.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Got a question related to Spellweaving.

I answered a call for a Focus at WBB and my characters only being just past GM, not Legendary as the other three characters were was some kind of a problem. I thought all just had to be within a twenty skill point window. I miss a change somewhere?

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Got a question related to Spellweaving.

I answered a call for a Focus at WBB and my characters only being just past GM, not Legendary as the other three characters were was some kind of a problem. I thought all just had to be within a twenty skill point window. I miss a change somewhere?
No telling. When I played, the rule was so long as people were within 20 points of the person casting Arcane Circle then each person would recieve a focus. So in theory 2 people at 80 could sit on a circle with a person at 100 and 2 people at 120 and so long ast the person with 100 skill cast arcane circle everyone involved would get a focus.
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Always Present
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Another possibility could be to allow Focus NOT TO decay when one is logged off.

That is, once the Focus is obtained, the time lasting will be forLOGGED IN time, not for logged in and off as well....


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe they could just change it so that Focus would work as SWs eval.

20 focus would be like having a 1 focus
40 focus like a 2 focus
60 like a 3
80 like a 4
100 like a 5 and
120 like a 6
Sounds good to me. JOAT focus and Level 6 when needed.

People would just soulstone focus off, most likely, but oh well. It's a step in the right direction. I would rather see it so that you need to maintain 120 focus, and remove the multiple player focus needs. Or, using a previous idea in thread, tie level to focus skill, and duration to players in circle. Arcane Focus would then power up based on individual focus skill and the duration of the focus would depend on the amount of spellweavers in the circle. If you took off focus skill, you'd lose the power of the arcane focus. But that is much more complicated, and maybe it doesn't matter, now, since there are so few players.


Grand Poobah
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Sounds good to me. JOAT focus and Level 6 when needed.

People would just soulstone focus off, most likely, but oh well.
Maybe they can make it like necromancy.
A sampire that stones his necro loses his vampire form. Same way here, you stone focus and your level/gem goes poof.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe they can make it like necromancy.
A sampire that stones his necro loses his vampire form. Same way here, you stone focus and your level/gem goes poof.
Maybe it would be too harsh, I'm not sure. That's exactly what I'm thinking, though.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe they can make it like necromancy.
A sampire that stones his necro loses his vampire form. Same way here, you stone focus and your level/gem goes poof.
that would make it even harder to get a level 6 focus. When i cant get a skilled level 6 focus i then revert to asking for a non skilled focus. I stone off the SW and get 5 people with JOAT to get me to level 6 then take the SW back off the stone. Your way i would never be able to get a non skilled focus as no one would have any skill.


Grand Poobah
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Winker, the way I proposed it, a circle would no longer be necessary. The Focus skill would replace the need of a circle and other players since it´s the "other players" part that seems to be an issue.

So in order to get a level 6 focus with my proposal you just have to have 120 Focus alongside your spellweaving.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Winker, the way I proposed it, a circle would no longer be necessary. The Focus skill would replace the need of a circle and other players since it´s the "other players" part that seems to be an issue.

So in order to get a level 6 focus with my proposal you just have to have 120 Focus alongside your spellweaving.
Ahh im with you now, i miss read what you said sorry my bad :oops:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Winker, the way I proposed it, a circle would no longer be necessary. The Focus skill would replace the need of a circle and other players since it´s the "other players" part that seems to be an issue.

So in order to get a level 6 focus with my proposal you just have to have 120 Focus alongside your spellweaving.
O.k. for melee & mystic, not so hot for a mage. Dropping meditation & replacing it with focus weakens us.


Grand Poobah
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Well, the game is all about making choices.

Plus it´s only a proposal, maybe there are viable drawbacks that I didn´t think of.