Seriously? You honestly beleieve that the people I referred to love the game or have any clue about how to ensure the longterm survival of UO? Or any other MMORPG for that matter.
Regardless of a person's experience with the game industry is, everybody here knows that a lack of communication does not help ensure the long-term survival of UO. Communicating with your players in a timely manner is MMORPG 101. UO pioneered it back in the 1990s. Even during the worst of the pre-Tram days when people were flipping out over being PKed and quitting, Origin stayed in contact with the fans.
What kind of fool believes that coming to the main forums of an MMORPG to do nothing other then bash it and its employees is constructive or loving in any way?
There maybe some people bashing the game itself, but if you dig down, they are upset with how the game is being treated. They maybe pissed about Tram or AOS, but if they are still hanging around in 2012, deep down they love the game. I don't know how to explain to you that you can love the game, but hate how it's being handled.
As for being constructive, do we wait until EA cancels UO and then come out with the criticisms we have about their handling? Is that the proper time?
Or is the venue the problem? Stratics is the official forums according to Mesanna, but if this is not the place to criticize the game, should we take it over to where non-UO players are liable to stumble over it? Oh wait, there are already threads there critcizing EA's handling of UO.
"Those of us" ?? Who are you to say who loves the game other then yourself btw lol? You say they love it based upon what? The mountains of negative whining they post here weekly. No offense bud but I think you should look up the meanings of the words 'love' and 'obsession'
UO is not some casual game like Angry Birds. If people are here in 2012 still playing and posting about UO, they do have an attachment to it.
I used to make some really tasteless jokes about people that were, in my view, addicted to UO, addicted to the items, etc. but having played a lot of other MMORPGs, I've come to realize that it's wrong to assume that they are addicted, because UO offers things that no other MMORPGs do. I'll make jokes about pixel crack, but you know, ultimately UO is just a completely different game.
What may seem like an addiction to you or me could be simply that they have found a unique little world that nothing else touches.
I'm not saying there aren't people addicted to it, I believe there are some who have a level of addiction to it. The first time I left UO, I remember talking to a friend about it, and they got visibly upset just hearing me discuss leaving UO. I'm not going to deny that people don't get addicted to it, I'm pretty sure I saw it in that friend I mentioned, but I think a lot of people aren't necessarily addicted to it like it's a drug, it's more that they have found something really special, and they don't like that it's not being handled well.
For me, if EA announced they were canceling it tomorrow, I'd be pissed that everybody saw the problems and did nothing to correct them, and I'd be disappointed in that I feel UO never got a proper chance after the numbers started dropping, but I've got Guild Wars 2 pre-ordered, and unfortunately most of my October and November are going to be tied up with my WOW guild running around doing Panda crap (and ironically, they started in UO), and I'm sure another guild I was in will drag me back into EVE Online with some of the Dust 514 stuff.
It's the wasted potential that is frustrating for me.