Sorry... I didn't read the whole thread... I got ticked off right away... as usual a bunch of whiners who didn't take the time to build a tamer (cause it's a large investement in time..) whining that tamers have it all.. well they don't leave them alone... I for one haven't played my tamer since they nerfed GD's a year or more ago.. I play my dexer, there's nothing I haven't been able to take care of, using him, no yelling, no waiting for a response, no pain in bring them to areas... just jump on my ethy and go, really fast in-out pleasurable. Playing a tamer at times can be very frustrating... but people don't take that into consideration - easy of playing a non tamer..
Taming - can be a pain.. and what the non taming whiners don't have to deal with is the hours-days-weeks of getting a pet trained (pre-trained they are all useless)... then have a fully trained pet the dies, stat loss and the hours-days getting it back... anyone elses template - res - get gear and your 100% again..
Tamming can't be compared to melee or other players, there is a huge difference, it's not like comapring Mage vs. Dexer, etc..
I need a sig.. something that goes along with... UO Team isn't turning me off UO... UO is pretty good ingame... it's all the dam Whiners that turn me off.. anyone help me with a sig.. may want to reword it a bit... But I like it.