What happens with Giggles there is a bit OTT and does smell of a witch hunt. People going OTT like that to me is griefing, if there are that many people doing it at the same time. Although I do Bods here and there, I've never had anyone try to talk to me, party or try to trade crap.
With that there has been mentions of a witch hunt on scripters. I dont think for a moment (unless they are griefing) that many people page on people just becuase they are sitting there not doing anything. Besides if a GM investigates they look to see what the chara is doing and if its providing an unfair advantage. So for just bank sitting, you'll be fine. You'll even get away with UOAssist macros spam gating... AS LONG as you are not gaining any skill or beholding any other advantage (Apart from running a gate to your shop).
It has also been mentioned before that becuase I sell the odd few mill here and there to help pay for my subscription that I am also in the wrong. I disagree with that as what I do to save a couple of pounds is not effecting the game and if I was told by a GM or DEV to stop I would. (I last sold 20 mil last year so its not sometihng I do regularly)
And now that Pub53 is coming with Grobu's fur as a turn in award, I will be luring Lurg down to the bottom of the caves so I can beat Grobu about the place. I do that so that I can actually fight Grobu and not get smited by Lurg. Anyone who's in there and at the computer will be able to avoid Lurg easilly, or if they are strong take him down. Anyone who's running a script will just get mashed.
The price they pay for running scripts.
excuses are like um...you know...
To mask illegal activity behind the premise of something constructive is wrong no matter how you look at it. Such as saying you are doing something while having the motivation to do something else...like smiting the scripter. Gold?? Sell all you want there Trump, you brought up selling it to begin with...I only mentioned it wasnt legal. (I disputed you on that, and was called a little man due to it...another fine example of griefing. In this case you didnt like what I said so namecalling ensued.)
You dont think honest crafters get pooped on 24/7??? Go to Luna sometime on Atl. and start making stuff. You will have all sorts of people hand you things, try to party you, page on you (yes..this too...twice i had a GM show on two occasions asking me if I was or was not there...obviously I was or else I would have been banned.) and even make books about how you are a scripter because you offed them in fel. This very type of activity was spurned by threads made here on the forums. (like the barbed kit threads...i have seen many an Atl tailor/smith suffer from grief due to vigilante justice as a result from these threads)
I make no excuses for what I have done, and admitted them wholeheartedly. I dont think I should be burned at the steak (mmm steak!!!)for having an opinion on this and I definitely dont think my gameplay should suffer because of what someone picked up here on the boards. Two wrongs dont make a right, and making someone think something is legal does not make it legal. You arent convincing me and in the end you have to suffer the consequences from your own misdeeds.
My chars name had nothing to do with getting pages while in Luna. I just refused to talk to everyone every two minutes as they came through. However I did get a mark on my account for having the name Hu Fling Pu, and also another for char Sexual Chocolate. Hu fling Pu the GM laughed so hard at when i paged on myself after char creation...was told it was fine and very funny. Sexual Chocolate was an old tailor created in 2000-2001...again the char was OKed by GMs and never had any problems even through various visits until I killed someone in VIP who said they were going to get me banned. They didnt get me banned but ten minutes after killing them I have a GM show up telling me my name was inappropriate. You see, my concerns are legitament...as my gameplay has been greatly affected by griefers...and so now i have to look over my back everyday worrying about which jerk is giong to get me banned for nothing.
Still want to think that what you say here doesnt affect those in game? Think again...I am at the end of my rope with this game, and have been nothing but helpful to most I met in game. I could understand a person being frustrated for being greifed out of farming, but for the games sake...I am one of those persons you ahve seen laying out Mil gold checks at WBB for noobs to pick up. I am one of those who donates hard earned resources to his guild. (remember I said I have MS...well imagine how much of a pain in the ass it is to mine up 100 blackrock with it legally...and then donate it all to the guld) I am the guy who takes his time with newcomers to the game marking them runes, explaining templates, and even getting them started gold wise and home wise. I am the guy who gets keys for peerless and then invites everyone to go. I am the guy who gets 120 skill scrolls and donates tehm on winning roles to guildies who need them rather than selling them for profit.
Do you want the players like myself to leave the game because of full grown adults breaking the rules out of spite against people they dont know because they have a grudge against somethign completely different? Do you understand how ******** that sounds but how real it is? I like this game, I am beginning to doubt its members though.