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Change Monster Curse Back Devs!!!!

  • Thread starter Connor_Graham
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


All we asked for was an icon in the debuff bar for a monster's Curse.

What do we get?

A Curse similar to the PvP curse which drops resists by 10 from the max resist. So are we expected now to create all 80's suits in order to counter this?

Why, yet again, have you nerfed the warrior class when it had finally gotten to the point where it could compete on an even playing field?

An additional 10% of protection gone when it's possible for monsters to cast 4-5 Flamestrikes in the same amount of time that a player can cast a single one, even with max FC. Please explain to me the reasoning behind this. I'm hoping it was just some noob from Mythic that had no idea what he was doing that caused this, because the Devs that know UO should know better.

Change it back. We didn't ask for a nerf. We asked for an icon. There's a big difference.

No warning. No input prior to the change asked for from the players. Nothing in the patch notes, just a random nerf for no good reason. This is exactly the type of thing that ticks players off and makes them quit the game. EVERYONE I've talked to hates the change. Normally I'm one to roll with any changes, but this one is stupid, not thought out at all, and frankly, one of the most boneheaded things I've seen come from the Devs in a very long time.

Please advise as to when we can expect this changed back and have just the icon put in place, and not a PvP type curse.


not only that conner... it lasts AFTER your dead and ressed with the 138 second counter still going. Magic Resist to this spell means squat as well. I will also agree with you when it comes to having it looked at. thats just rediculious.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
A Curse similar to the PvP curse which drops resists by 10 from the max resist. So are we expected now to create all 80's suits in order to counter this?
Having 80 in resistances won't help anything. Your maximum resistance cap in elementals goes down by 10, not each individual resistance.

Why, yet again, have you nerfed the warrior class when it had finally gotten to the point where it could compete on an even playing field?
Chivalry lets you remove curse as much as you want and there are the enchanted apples.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think that is ok, makes it more interesting and chivlary more usefull. 10% down on all resist expecting physical makes pvm more interesting for me and is not a punishment in my eyes. but iam also a pvpler and hey we had this for years ;)


"Chivalry lets you remove curse as much as you want and there are the enchanted apples"

To correct this:

Chivalry lets you remove curse IF you have mana to do so and IF you can do so uninterrupted and is no guarantee that you won't just get cursed with the next spell cast, and there are the enchanted apples with a 2 MINUTE timer between uses which is useless in PvM when monsters not only have enormous mana pools unachievable by players, but can also (and do) cast Curse over and over again, and do so regularly, and all at speeds that players are unable to match.

So, you can waste 20~ mana just to be cursed immediately afterward, or eat an apple which might help you for a second or 2 until Curse is cast again.

Forgive me if that doesn't appear to make things "ok".


Seasoned Veteran
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thing is that monster curse is NOT comparable to players pvp curse. conner had details already.

different thing is if you like it for the sake of "making pve more demanding"


I dont really mind it. Takes ya out of auto pilot and have to play again. It does seem a bit harsh though when they spam curse so often. Maybe tame it back a tad. Is this part of the new AI monsters are supposed to have? *shrugs*

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Chivalry lets you remove curse IF you have mana to do so and IF you can do so uninterrupted and is no guarantee that you won't just get cursed with the next spell cast, and there are the enchanted apples with a 2 MINUTE timer between uses which is useless in PvM when monsters not only have enormous mana pools unachievable by players, but can also (and do) cast Curse over and over again, and do so regularly, and all at speeds that players are unable to match.

So, you can waste 20~ mana just to be cursed immediately afterward, or eat an apple which might help you for a second or 2 until Curse is cast again.

Forgive me if that doesn't appear to make things "ok".
Remove curse only costs 12 mana with 40% Lower Mana Cost. Someone should go find out how often magic casters put out a Curse because I don't think it is very often.

Still Frame

We'll get it fixed so players such as yourself will have something to complain about. :rolleyes:
My friend I almost never set foot in tram but the only pvm things that i have not enjoyed (which come into play in pvp) are super dragons and when they added necro to liches because it makes holding a grinder at a spawn much harder when spawn and people are wither grinding you from both sides. Other than that I don't see pvm being difficult even with all 60s :p.

ps. Is 14-20 mana really that much to waste? everyone has their little vamp form which gives mana regen and u seldom have to heal on your own because of the 100% life leech so is it really that hard to leech mana with your little soul seekers and vamp form? :rolleyes:

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ps. Is 14-20 mana really that much to waste? everyone has their little vamp form which gives mana regen and u seldom have to heal on your own because of the 100% life leech so is it really that hard to leech mana with your little soul seekers and vamp form? :rolleyes:
"PVM" players generally don't take advantage of wraith and vampiric forms. Not to the extent "PVP" players do.

Still Frame

"PVM" players generally don't take advantage of wraith and vampiric forms. Not to the extent "PVP" players do.
It must depend on what shard your from. On great lakes we have entire pvm guilds full of people using a soul seeker, darkwood suits and vamp form to solo dread horns and on rare occasions parax and travesty


"My friend I almost never set foot in tram"

Thanks for the frame of reference....

"Other than that I don't see pvm being difficult even with all 60s :p."

Since you "almost never set foot in Tram" it's obvious you do little, if any at all, high end PvM. Go put on an all 60's suit and take on a paragon Balron. See how long you can last.

"ps. Is 14-20 mana really that much to waste?"

When you're already talking about a very small mana pool for warriors, yes it is when you'd have to cast it over and over again. You're forgetting that monsters can Curse, re-Curse, and cast 4-5 Flamestrikes on you before you can even get the first Remove Curse cast, and you have NO chance to interrupt their spells, much less even land a second hit with your weapon even at max swing speed to leech any mana back. Monsters also don't have line of sight, and can cast on you through buildings, and continue casting on you from 5 screens away.

"everyone has their little vamp form which gives mana regen and u seldom have to heal on your own because of the 100% life leech so is it really that hard to leech mana with your little soul seekers and vamp form? :rolleyes:"

You actually have to hit more than once to overcome multiple hits from both magical and physical attacks in order for Vamp form to be useful. All the change to curse does is nerf the hell out of warriors regardless if they use Vamp form or not since monsters can cast faster and are uninterruptable.

Toss a Corpse Skin into that equation from say a paragon Lich Lord and it's insta-death.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
oh em gee, someone has to pvm with resist. Will the horrors never end? You shouldn't be soloing the paragon balron without difficulty. Curse is fine the way it is.


The game should be getting harder, not easier. The change is fine.


From the patch notes it really wasn't clear that this was how it would be at all, I was under the impression that what needed to be fixed was curse being stuck on the bar (not that I use the bar). I only found out while taming a greater dragon and wondered why he was suddenly doing 80 damage breath. So I agree it should be changed back.

Though to a lot of other things that were said:

Magic resist only affects curse spells duration not effect. Poison is the only thing that can be completely resisted (possibly mana drain/vamp too but not sure on those).

Remove curse is an option depending on the characters set up.

"small mana pool for warriors" On a pvm dexxer? With mana leech and 300% di cap? Poor setup maybe?
"You're forgetting that monsters can Curse, re-Curse, and cast 4-5 Flamestrikes on you before you can even get the first Remove Curse cast" lol, no they can't.
"Monsters also don't have line of sight" Yes they do.
"can cast on you through buildings" No they can't.
"continue casting on you from 5 screens away." No they don't.
"everyone has their little vamp form" No they don't.
"which gives mana regen" Yeah 3.
"100% life leech" Vamp form is 20%, and leech on weapons is calculated differently.
"You actually have to hit more than once to overcome multiple hits from both magical and physical attacks in order for Vamp form to be useful." Maybe if your using a weapon like the soulseeker, but if your using a good weapon you don't.
"All the change to curse does is nerf the hell out of warriors" No it affects everyone that hunts anywhere with casting monsters.
"Toss a Corpse Skin into that equation from say a paragon Lich Lord and it's insta-death." Where did the parragon lich lord spring from while you were fighting a parragon balron?

To sum up, yes it should be changed back in PvM but not for the inaccurate reasons half of you have put.


oh em gee, someone has to pvm with resist. Will the horrors never end? You shouldn't be soloing the paragon balron without difficulty. Curse is fine the way it is.
You still get cursed with resist, and paragon Balrons were already difficult.

Also, everyone is missing the point that this was done with no notice, no discussion, and nothing in the patch notes. It was simply put in.

Additionally, once again, PvM is in no way even close to PvP in how to counter spellcasters. There is no way to do it in PvM. This is simply a nerf to warriors again, putting the Tamers back on the top of the heap, especially with the new dragons.

People complained about the fire breath before. They're really gonna love it when they get cursed first.....:eek:


From the patch notes it really wasn't clear that this was how it would be at all, I was under the impression that what needed to be fixed was curse being stuck on the bar (not that I use the bar). I only found out while taming a greater dragon and wondered why he was suddenly doing 80 damage breath. So I agree it should be changed back.

Though to a lot of other things that were said:

Magic resist only affects curse spells duration not effect. Poison is the only thing that can be completely resisted (possibly mana drain/vamp too but not sure on those).

Remove curse is an option depending on the characters set up.

"small mana pool for warriors" On a pvm dexxer? With mana leech and 300% di cap? Poor setup maybe?

We're talking about multiple spells landing before a second swing, even at max swing speed, that can be made by monsters.

"You're forgetting that monsters can Curse, re-Curse, and cast 4-5 Flamestrikes on you before you can even get the first Remove Curse cast" lol, no they can't.
"Monsters also don't have line of sight" Yes they do.

Then explain to me why, from 4-5 screens away, through buildings, I'm still being hit with Flamestrike? LoS does not work in PvM. If the monster loses LoS, then the spell should fail. It doesn't.

"can cast on you through buildings" No they can't.

Yes, they can. Go spend some time in the rift with the Fallen Warriors. They most certainly can cast through buildings. If you run around to the other side of a building after one has locked on you, you're still being cast upon.

"continue casting on you from 5 screens away." No they don't.

Yes, they do. If they don't, then how is it when you go through the rift gate, you've still got spells being cast on you, and people actually die outside the rift. I've had that happen to me once. How is it when they're not even on the screen anymore that you're still taking damage?

"You actually have to hit more than once to overcome multiple hits from both magical and physical attacks in order for Vamp form to be useful." Maybe if your using a weapon like the soulseeker, but if your using a good weapon you don't.

That all depends on whether or not you can use EoO and/or a slayer. If you're only hitting for 30-40 damage, you're not leeching enough to cover the mana dump a monster can do.

"All the change to curse does is nerf the hell out of warriors" No it affects everyone that hunts anywhere with casting monsters.

Moreso the warriors that are going toe to toe, or even archers that get pounded by the magical damage. Tamers have their pets taking the damage, and mages have summons doing so.

"Toss a Corpse Skin into that equation from say a paragon Lich Lord and it's insta-death." Where did the parragon lich lord spring from while you were fighting a parragon balron?

It was simply another example of how badly thought out this change was.

"To sum up, yes it should be changed back in PvM but not for the inaccurate reasons half of you have put."

Your responses are opinion, not fact, in many cases, but I of course agree that it needs to be changed back.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Monsters also don't have line of sight" Yes they do.

Then explain to me why, from 4-5 screens away, through buildings, I'm still being hit with Flamestrike? LoS does not work in PvM. If the monster loses LoS, then the spell should fail. It doesn't.
I have posted about this many times.

When monsters cast a spell, it is actually two spells in one. The first needs line of sight. The second will go off regardless of whether the monster can see you or not. You can teleport to the other side of a sub-server and still get hit. The only way to avoid the second spell is if the monster dies or you cross a server boundary. This should definitely be changed about monster casting.


I went and played with a Lich for a couple minutes. It only cast curse on me twice in about 5 minutes. It cast Pain Spike like 30 times in comparison.


"We're talking about multiple spells landing before a second swing, even at max swing speed, that can be made by monsters."

Max swing is 1.25s, monsters cast in bursts of two spells the most you will get between swings is 2. It has always been that way (the monsters casting) it has nothing to do with curse and is totally irrelavent to this entire thread.

"Then explain to me why, from 4-5 screens away, through buildings, I'm still being hit with Flamestrike? LoS does not work in PvM. If the monster loses LoS, then the spell should fail. It doesn't.
Because the flame strike was cast while you were within 10 tiles. 4-5 screens away is a riddiculous exaggeration unless your speedhacking out the wazoo. LoS being lost in no aspect of the game makes the spell fail so theres no reason for it to with PvM. It works in a very simple way if your within 10 tiles when the monster casts (which you can't see so have no way of knowing - except exploision which makes them step/turn/tab or however you like to think of it) then the spell will go off even if you move out of range or round a corner. If what you were saying was true then something flagging on you from the other side of a wall would be able to cast on you and (aside from certain walls in hythloth etc & auras/aoe) doesn't happen. Go in to the time rift and find a wisp trapped in a building and see if it can strangle/pain spike/flame strike you through a wall.

"If you run around to the other side of a building after one has locked on you"
Exactly it's already cast the spell, you've moved the spell still lands becaus spells like energy bolt don't land instantly. Stay on the opposite side of a wall to any caster and the most spells you will get hit with is 2 from the inital running round the corner. (not that any of this has f all to do with curse)

"How is it when they're not even on the screen anymore that you're still taking damage?"
Because you were in range and on screen when they cast it. Some spells are instant, some are not.

"That all depends on whether or not you can use EoO and/or a slayer. If you're only hitting for 30-40 damage, you're not leeching enough to cover the mana dump a monster can do."
Well obviously I can't speak for everyone but if your dexxer isn't doing enough damage because you've chose not to use those things and that causes you a problem then shouldn't it occur to you TO use them? Plus Bushido & items. Your saying that you can't leech enough because you chose to do low damage.

"Moreso the warriors that are going toe to toe, or even archers that get pounded by the magical damage. Tamers have their pets taking the damage, and mages have summons doing so."
Except the monsters don't always flag on pets first, you have to flag on monsters to tame them, summons get dispelled etc etc...

"It was simply another example of how badly thought out this change was." It was off (your own) topic nonsense. Don't get me wrong I agree with you it should be changed back, but if you support the cause with simpler logical arguments it's more likely to get done.

"Your responses are opinion, not fact, in many cases"
I didn't claim otherwise, most of your comments don't support getting it changed back they just cloud it with irrelavance.


"I didn't claim otherwise, most of your comments don't support getting it changed back"

My comments were meant to show the differences between monster and player spellcasting, and why the change shouldn't apply since there is such a huge difference.

For the rest of whatever you feel like your trying to debate, the simple fact of the matter is that we got hit with an unannounced, unasked for, and unneeded nerf that hits the warrior classes the hardest, and makes no sense in PvM. It needs to be changed back, simple as that. We asked for an icon, not a nerf.


"My comments were meant to show the differences between monster and player spellcasting, and why the change shouldn't apply since there is such a huge difference."

Oh, well for future refference it helps if you look like you know how they work in the first place.

"For the rest of whatever you feel like your trying to debate"

You asked how on several things, I (& another player) tell you and you attempt to shrug if off. This is why your comments look ill informed.

"the simple fact of the matter is" That most of what you said was wrong & can be easily proved.

Fox (Europa)

Nice change. PvM has been far too easy for too long. People have got used to farming instead of fighting.

AI needs a boost too and all monsters' HP increased...along with the gold and loot of course ;)


"Oh, well for future refference it helps if you look like you know how they work in the first place."

As I speak from personal experience, everything I said can and does happen regularly. Maybe you should try going out and actually fighting some of the high end stuff and you might discover that for yourself.

"You asked how on several things, I (& another player) tell you and you attempt to shrug if off. This is why your comments look ill informed."

I shrug it off because you're inaccurate. As I said, I speak from personal experience on what actually happens while in combat.


"PvM has been far too easy for too long. People have got used to farming instead of fighting."

I guess that would all depend on exactly what it is that you're fighting. I have yet to see anyone "farm" paragon Balrons or other similarly difficult creatures.

"AI needs a boost too and all monsters' HP increased...along with the gold and loot of course"

I agree, but nerfing is not the answer.

Still Frame

Last time i checked curse and corpse skin dont stack like that, i could be wrong but im pretty sure they dont. Corpse skin takes advantage over the curse and drops you another 5 so your statement means nothing there. With 85 fire corpse skin will do nothing to you but drop your poison. Pvmers have nothing to cry about its just curse. Get resist and maybe a little chiv or apples and you'll be fine.

Back in the day i used to solo paragon ancient wyrms who no matter what can 1-2 hit you so who really cares about curse lowering resists?


"Get resist and maybe a little chiv or apples and you'll be fine."

Resist has zero effect on the lowering of a character's resists. If you get cursed your resists get lowered. Period.

"Pvmers have nothing to cry about its just curse."

It's Curse that has drastically changed with no notice, and without the balances and couters that are present in PvP, with monsters that can cast faster than any player and have more hp's than is possible for characters to have. No one's crying. We're ****ed because a major nerf was made without any warning or notice, and not even any word after it was implemented. It was simply thrown into the game with no forethought.

"Get resist and maybe a little chiv or apples and you'll be fine."

As I've already said, resist has zero affect on the lowering of the resists. Chiv can only be used if you have enough mana, and can get the spell off to begin with, plus you're almost guaranteed to be cursed again nearly immediately. Apples have a 2 minute timer, and again, you can bet you'll be cursed again almost immediately.

You already admitted you don't PvM, so what do you care? The change doesn't affect you, so of course it doesn't matter to you.

My biggest concern is the insta-death that happens. The current event in Moonglow is a perfect example of it. Get Cursed, then hit with 4 flamestrikes in seconds (which happens on a regular basis), with no chance to heal, and the lack of having 70 fire resist means just about anyone will be dead instantly. That's not challenge, that's a boneheaded decision to make a change that wasn't asked for, nor needed.


I also do not like the changes. I would like to see the resist change in PvM reverted.

However, if not, we will learn to cope.

I definately do like having the icon now.


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Remove curse only costs 12 mana with 40% Lower Mana Cost. Someone should go find out how often magic casters put out a Curse because I don't think it is very often.
Let's see.... Most monsters cast Curse (even if you are ALREADY cursed) about 6-12 times a minute - EACH.

It is much more common to cast remove curse, be cursed again within 5 seconds, cast remove curse, and STILL be cursed again 5 seconds after THAT second RC goes off.

Get in combat with 3 casting creatures, and you're lucky if you go 2 seconds without being cursed after removing one.

Curse is probably the MOST cast spell that doesn't do direct damage, by monsters - they cast it more than they cast Greater heal on themselves!

And, you all and your fel PvP bias...

Not every warrior uses the Vamp form exploit (That's what it is, even if not officially declared one yet); nor does every warrior have massive LMC (the only "warrior" I have with more than 15% LMC is my MAGE using her mage weapons - and I added Chivalry and tactics to her to make her capable of using bows effectively in peerless).

There is a HUGE difference between fighting opponents that do 40 a hit max, with similar stats to you, and those that do up to 200, with near-bottomless mana pools and DON'T follow the same rules concerning line of sight, range, etc. (even standing still for 10 seconds, and the monster unable to reach me, they still cast spells at ranges that are "too far away" for me to return the exact same spell, and other spells that I can't cast because I "can't see" the target to cast them back)


Let's see.... Most monsters cast Curse (even if you are ALREADY cursed) about 6-12 times a minute - EACH.

It is much more common to cast remove curse, be cursed again within 5 seconds, cast remove curse, and STILL be cursed again 5 seconds after THAT second RC goes off.

Get in combat with 3 casting creatures, and you're lucky if you go 2 seconds without being cursed after removing one.

Curse is probably the MOST cast spell that doesn't do direct damage, by monsters - they cast it more than they cast Greater heal on themselves!

And, you all and your fel PvP bias...

Not every warrior uses the Vamp form exploit (That's what it is, even if not officially declared one yet); nor does every warrior have massive LMC (the only "warrior" I have with more than 15% LMC is my MAGE using her mage weapons - and I added Chivalry and tactics to her to make her capable of using bows effectively in peerless).

There is a HUGE difference between fighting opponents that do 40 a hit max, with similar stats to you, and those that do up to 200, with near-bottomless mana pools and DON'T follow the same rules concerning line of sight, range, etc. (even standing still for 10 seconds, and the monster unable to reach me, they still cast spells at ranges that are "too far away" for me to return the exact same spell, and other spells that I can't cast because I "can't see" the target to cast them back)
QF freaking T

Nerf Nerfs

Still Frame

resist will help you against the stat loss which in turn keeps your hp up. As for the spamming of spells it happens, same as pvp. You can atleast evade of use your honor to run through monsters and lure them away. It isnt hard to make a suit with the 3 main resists u need for pvm, phsy fire and energy. It doesnt matter to me what happens in the pvm world i just like to see people cry about stuff thats already easy in this game :(

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Oh boy MORE annoyance from one of the most annoying and non-resistable spells in the game.


Dermott of LS

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Except that Resist does absolutely JACK to prevent the Curse spamming in PvM by the monsters.

Basara explained the problem perfectly.


"As I speak from personal experience, everything I said can and does happen regularly. Maybe you should try going out and actually fighting some of the high end stuff and you might discover that for yourself."
"I shrug it off because you're inaccurate. As I said, I speak from personal experience on what actually happens while in combat."

As opposed to speaking from (?)'s experience? (aka that means f all)
Hardly any of what you said happens on any UO shard.
Maybe it's because I do go out and fight things that I know your wrong when you say monsters can cast through walls/5 screens away and cast 5 flame strikes in 1.25s. Maybe if you read what was said to you, you would realise that what I and Link have said to you is correct. Just because your too ignorant to hear it doesn't make it any less factual, thats why you shrug it off.

You want to prove me wrong? Go in the void stand outside a building full of casters and post a screen shot of them all dumping on you. According to you they should all be flame strike spamming you through the wall so you should have no difficulty posting that.


"Resist has zero effect on the lowering of a character's resists. If you get cursed your resists get lowered. Period."
It affects the duration.

"Chiv can only be used if you have enough mana, and can get the spell off to begin with"
Which any player competent enough to even try (i.e using it as their main healing ability) would know wether they were set up well enough for it to work. I know my 4/6 chiver can get it off easily repeatedly. I don't build chiv characters with 0 casting but if I did I'd know not to waste time trying and move away (if needed).

"plus you're almost guaranteed to be cursed again nearly immediately. "
Link already tested this, 2 curses in 5 minutes. From a lich lord. *Ignoring the fact also that if you were well set up (& trying to - I assume he wasn't) you should have killed it LONG before then*

"Let's see.... Most monsters cast Curse (even if you are ALREADY cursed) about 6-12 times a minute - EACH."
Most monsers die vs a well set up template in 2-5 hits... 20 seconds would be a geneorous over estimate on how long most things take to kill with those swing speeds. On anything ranged it doesn't matter unless your getting ganked, but as always if your getting ganked (to the extent you lot are talking about) your going to die with or without the curse.

"Get in combat with 3 casting creatures, and you're lucky if you go 2 seconds without being cursed after removing one."
Then surely the most obvious thing to do is not to try and fight 3 at once if you can't handle it? (I don't mean that in a patronising way but some templates like vampire bushido dexxers can handle much more than most dexxers)


Yes it should be changed back.
(thats all that should need saying)

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let's see.... Most monsters cast Curse (even if you are ALREADY cursed) about 6-12 times a minute - EACH.

It is much more common to cast remove curse, be cursed again within 5 seconds, cast remove curse, and STILL be cursed again 5 seconds after THAT second RC goes off.
I went and let a Lich cast on me for 5 minutes and it only cursed me twice. In contrast it casted Pain Spike dozens of times. Of course if you have multiple magic casting monsters on you the chances of a Curse being cast is much higher. But if you are fighting multiple magic casting monsters then you should probably have multiple players fighting them.

Dermott of LS

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Well, I think people may be including other de-buffs such as Weaken, Clumsy, Feeblemind, Curse, Poison, etc etc etc that DO get spammed (maybe not one constantly, but at it does SEEM like they LOVE to use Curse, Weaken, and Poison constantly so that the minute you remove the one that hits you, it's either back on you, or the next one is on you).

To me it's more of an annoyance than "life threatening" in PvM, but at the same time, it doesn't add to the fun factor of challenging PvM either, mainly because I don't play a gimplate and don't have a huge mana pool for constant Remove Curses.

I'd carry more Resist, but personally I dropped it to improve the template overall since Resist doesn't actually RESIST debuff spells often enough to be of any use. Even though it reduces the effect of the spells, you're still stuck under them.

Still Frame

He seems to be the only one constantly crying about it :( it's one dumb patch where they made 1 spell harder get over it. If your not good enough to pvm with your trammy suit with most likely 70 60 60 60 65 and dont pvp guess where you should go? :p


"Most monsers die vs a well set up template in 2-5 hits... 20 seconds would be a geneorous over estimate on how long most things take to kill with those swing speeds."

Did you already forget the paragon Balrons that I've mentioned more than once now?

You're also forgetting about archers. Vamp dexxers aren't the only type of warriors around, nor are they the only warrior template.


"He seems to be the only one constantly crying about it"

I'm the only one being vocal about it, but then that's just me. Everyone I've talked to in game hates the change. Seems you're the only one crying about someone crying.

Maybe you need a tissue?

I think I've got some Puffs Plus around here somewhere....

"it's one dumb patch where they made 1 spell harder"

It's one patch where they made an unannounced, unasked for, and unneeded change to a spell that was only asked to have a visible icon. Not get changed completely.


What's really funny about this whole PvP'rs attitude toward the change is that they've been complaining about greater dragons and how they unbalance PvP, yet it's the PvM'rs that have to take them on when they're at full strength. I think someone mentioned 80 damage fire breath? Add that to a spell combo and there's another situation that will result in instant death.

Oh, and to respond to this:

"If your not good enough to pvm with your trammy suit with most likely 70 60 60 60 65 and dont pvp guess where you should go?"

You're trying to insult the wrong person when it comes to PvM skills.

Still Frame

Connor_Graham;3684It's one patch where they made an unannounced said:
So if it was announced it would have made a difference? No there goes that argument. Unasked for, who cares? uo makes alot of changed that arent asked for so the same becomes harder and people dont just sit there farming gold ruining the economy even worse than they already have. Unneeded, again thats all about who you ask simply because you dont like it doesnt mean it wasnt needed. If before you could sit there and honor a paragon balron cash 1 evade u can get it below half life without even being hit tell me that isnt too easy and doesnt fill the game with, gold, and high end loot.

They didnt change the spell completely, they simply added that you lose resists. Go do a spawn, when you get raided and someone curses you and a monster hits you its the exact same effect that your finally getting hit with. When every monster spams strangle painspike and evil omen while u get dumped on (by monsters or players) you get the right to cry. :)

Still Frame

What's really funny about this whole PvP'rs attitude toward the change is that they've been complaining about greater dragons and how they unbalance PvP, yet it's the PvM'rs that have to take them on when they're at full strength. I think someone mentioned 80 damage fire breath? Add that to a spell combo and there's another situation that will result in instant death.

You're trying to insult the wrong person when it comes to PvM skills.
When your taming them typically theres a group of tamers working together to invis/heal you and peace it while you try and tame it. You arent running around on foot from being hit with a bola while people throw walls of stone infront of you so theres no way to escape unless you have ninja or get a lucky paralyze punch on it. I have no problem hitting it with the para punch and invising to remount but its still lame for either pvmrs or pvprs.

What do you mean by im insulting the wrong person? Please englighten me


"Most monsers die vs a well set up template in 2-5 hits... 20 seconds would be a geneorous over estimate on how long most things take to kill with those swing speeds."

Did you already forget the paragon Balrons that I've mentioned more than once now?

You're also forgetting about archers. Vamp dexxers aren't the only type of warriors around, nor are they the only warrior template.
Reply to post by Still Frame:
While I general don't pay attention to what Connor says. I find it completely stupid that PVPers with maxed out suit scrolled out skills should try to dictate what PVM should be. Even if some of these PVPers that claim rediculous monsters make it more interesting for them actually PVM once in a while. Their scrolled out skills and maxed out armor is not even close a reasonable representation of the average PVMer.

It was because of PVPers whines about PVM was to easy for them and their whines about PVPer must all have the same armor that the DEVs decided to dump ton of stuff on everyone, taking pretty any reason to PVM from the game. And any of the DEVs that continue to listen to them in regards to PVM is just going to be driving more PMers from the game. These people are not going to suddenly convert to PVP just because you distroy PVM. They will just quietly close their account as they have been for the few years. Look at the waste land Great Lakes has become. Add another one to that list of PVMers that simply close therirr accounts without a word. And add mine but not quietly.


If before you could sit there and honor a paragon balron cash 1 evade u can get it below half life without even being hit tell me that isnt too easy and doesnt fill the game with, gold, and high end loot.
Uh...yeah.....riiiiiight. It's obvious you haven't taken on a paragon Balron, at least not recently.

They didnt change the spell completely, they simply added that you lose resists.
Which, in high end PvM, means a hell of a lot more damage. That can equate to instant death in many cases. That's not fun, it's frustration.

Go do a spawn, when you get raided and someone curses you and a monster hits you its the exact same effect that your finally getting hit with.
And how many people do you have out there doing a spawn?

Yeah, forgot about that huh?

When every monster spams strangle painspike and evil omen while u get dumped on (by monsters or players) you get the right to cry. :)
Seems that's exactly what's happening out at Moonglow & Cove right now. :eek:

Guess I've got the right....not that I didn't have a right to pancake about a change that makes no sense in PvM to begin with.