Of course I waited until this was on Origin before venturing in
Wrong critters are TOUGH! Can't get into any of the cells without lockpicking to examine bedrolls...did testing on elven robes/items that glitched on TC1 and had no issues...robes, leggings etc. Recalled in and out, logged in and out..died and rezzed etc.
BOD system works nicely, and of course the Luna Craftsmen are being watched..the evil eye of Luna! *laughs*
Was able to get robe to subdue evil-do'ers but none in site yet..I will be keeping my eyes open.
Still need to figure out how to get to the prison of nightmares, the video Storm did is pretty awesome, even though it is in the EC * Winks *
Christmas cards no longer change names every time you move them...which is good and bad..I kinda liked the idea of having one card from everyone on the team lol.
The mannequin fixes seem to be working, I can't test if they get booted when you go into customize mode because I own a castle but I do know that co-owners and friends can no longer access them so thumbs up for that.
This one made me laugh out loud-
Removed a rogue cobblestone tile from the middle of the ocean.
Darn those rogue cobblestones!
Stackable bolts of cloth I ADORE you for that thank you so much! Was a big grievance of mine lol.
And this one..even though most people probably didn't realize it-
Changed out the barstools in the Fisherman’s Brew Inn/Tavern
Thank you! I could never sit down!
So far it's lookin good