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Quick review on Shame...

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Overall, I like it. I only tested out the new dyes, not Shame and I don't play Origin, so this is a first look review for me...

The new loot is interesting, the place is busy, but not overwhelmed with people (on LS), so there was plenty of PvM action for whomever wanted it and easy to find the level of comfort (or challenge) for the character being used. The use of "Wall Masters" makes it feel like actual progress to go through the dungeon itself instead of simply running through or recalling.

Everything has definitely been upped in power once you get down past level 1, so it will be necessary to advise any newbie character/player to NOT go any further than they can handle (and level 1 will be enough for quite a while for developing characters). The fights as such are longer and it's not simply just start a fight and look over at another monitor to read a webpage then clean up the loot after, you'll actually have to pay attention. And at level 3, it's going to be a challenge even for well-built characters. That's as far as I went before realizing that I did NOT bring enough bandages to continue further.

A bit more on the loot... interesting that the new grey color has been added seemingly at random. The hue used is actually nice as well, good contrast and doesn't look like a white blob or washed out. The ship cannon material loot was a bit of a surprise as well as seeing the different ore types on the earth elems (random number of any type, smallest type on Earth elems, scaling up as the level of the elems scale up).

Gotta admit, I am quite impressed with the new Shame. Kudos to the team all around!


I like the new one as well. I feel lvl 1 is a little crowded and gets uncomfortable at certain places, especially when the troll gate opens and it floods out mobs.
I like the division of loot (human vs garg). Intensities are great for unraveling, asltho i found a better replacement for my demon bridle ring. Don't go expecting to make a fortune real fast gold -wise, but it's more than it was for sure. and no slayers
Get stunned a lot, no sound, you just stop swinging. a Good earth ele slayer comes in real handy, as does a troll one - troll-masters weren't that much harder, to a dexxer, but they hit for for about 52 in 70's, and they 'can' get 2 hits in real quick (a near death experience). take hpr gear too. greater earth ele was slightly harder than the regular one.
the golems were too tough for me (ouch), and fire ele was waay tougher than i expected (bigger ouch).
they DIDN'T fix the stairs around the gates going from lvl 2-3 - so you can still get stuck on them (this was on LS).
This is where I found out that i forgot to put on my Big Girl panties, so it outta there for me.

good job over all :thumbup1:

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

The greaters are a bit of a challenge, the Molten Earth Elems are pretty tough with a rough firebreath to go with it.

The stunning is annoying especially with how often it happens, but that's part of the challenge... Pinco's UI is good in telling me when I'm free again though


Im really impressed with it overall, ty devs, well done!
Pincos UI tells me a couple hours got me 35 relic frags....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
interesting that the new grey color has been added seemingly at random.

Could someone tell me what the grey hued loot means?

And along the same lines, why do creature corpses sometimes turn different colors as well?

Finally, has anyone found any honesty items in Shame? And if so, where?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
Honesty items are not in Shame, they're merely using the same loot generation system.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Everything has definitely been upped in power once you get down past level 1, so it will be necessary to advise any newbie character/player to NOT go any further than they can handle (and level 1 will be enough for quite a while for developing characters).

Is there a certain Template that does better than another in the new Shame Dungeon ?

Like, is it more for Sampires than for Tamers than for Bards blah blah ?

Or does it really depend on the specific cpawns like certain spawns are better handled by certain templates ?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was down there last night and while I had played with it solo on test let me tell you it was even more fun in a group. I love it. I had more fun last night then I have since I came back I would think. I only had about an hour but I want more. The fact that I am not grinding to get that one drop but am searching through things, the titles on the items. It really brings me back. Each item, useful or not seems to have a story with the titles. Many items could have a suit or a temp built around it that would be new and fun. Most importantly it was so much fun and I was with one of the larger groups that my alliance has fielded in some time. Thank you devs for hitting this home run for us pat yourselves on the back and let yourselves have a good turkey day because you all done good, really really good.


Could someone tell me what the grey hued loot means?

And along the same lines, why do creature corpses sometimes turn different colors as well?
that 'lighter' hue is on brittle? items, it's always on the same type, probablly just a quick identifier.

I've had the color also, mine turned a weird blaze'ish color, it was on the 1st bridge in lvl2

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend

The greaters are a bit of a challenge, the Molten Earth Elems are pretty tough with a rough firebreath to go with it.
The CC is showing it as a fireball. Does lots of damage. 70 Fire resist and I took 40 damage from 1 hit.


I recall seeing posts on the yellow/gold hue of some monsters but I can't remember what was said about them.

On another note has anyone discovered how to negate the weird effect of using energy based weapons/spells on the new earth elementals? I recall Supreem or Phoenix saying you needed to ground yourself before using those spells but how?

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I think the monsters are enraged when they change colors. If they die in that state, then their corpse seems to have a gold color to it, like a paragon. I haven't done enough loring of the monsters yet to figure out what changes with them when they become enraged. Maybe someone else has been more diligent about it and has more information. They don't necessarily seem to act like paragons when they are enraged, i.e., I haven't noticed that they will switch targets just because a character moved like paragons often do, but that may vary by type of monsters. (For example, the mages MIGHT do something like that, but it could also be that the few times I saw it happen my character was hit by an area effect and that was what made the mage change targets.)


I think thats the very thing I remember reading Tina. Its a rage thing

Old Man of UO

Is there a certain Template that does better than another in the new Shame Dungeon ?

Like, is it more for Sampires than for Tamers than for Bards blah blah ?

Or does it really depend on the specific cpawns like certain spawns are better handled by certain templates ?
I do well with my Tamer, Bard, Sampire and Archer. I don't do so well with my miner though. Just make sure you have the right slayer. Isn't that a pretty balanced dungeon design?


I don't do so well with my miner though. Just make sure you have the right slayer. Isn't that a pretty balanced dungeon design?
A miner against a stone elemental surely that should work? :p

For the love of god why did you challenge him - theres bound to be a lengthy post and then a subsequent 20 more of saying the same thing reworded slightly

Old Man of UO

I think the monsters are enraged when they change colors. If they die in that state, then their corpse seems to have a gold color to it, like a paragon. ...
I'm getting the colored loot from things that never go into a rage, unless they go into a rage and you don't get the text for it. Good story, I just don't think that's it.


She means the bodies being different colors old man not the loot - loot seems to be related to whether its brittle or not. Bodies are the rage thing

Old Man of UO

... For the love of god why did you challenge him - theres bound to be a lengthy post and then a subsequent 20 more of saying the same thing reworded slightly
Yes - everyone is being too nice in this thread!


Old Man of UO

She means the bodies being different colors old man not the loot - loot seems to be related to whether its brittle or not. Bodies are the rage thing
ahh... errp...

Yah, I had to re-read that. Yes, I do see the rage colored corpses.