I've been searching old hard-drives for the screenie of one of my proudest moments in UO... when Wiggles reached 5 x GM... but I can't find the damned thing.
I can't find this pictures of the first time he met Opfasta either: my 5 x GM squirrel gets all embarrassed because he has finally met a UO legend!
I did, however, find some screenshots which show what UO was (and what I think it has lost)
Oonas' last night.
The Rainbow Fort was built in "Proper Haven" (none of this modern "New Haven" nonsense) by Hemi, Trev, Oona, Saunders, Fluffi, and others I can't remember.
The walls were made of individually-dyed bolts of cloth. It took hours to build, because the damn things kept decaying.
It was a totally pointless thing to do, but I think it worthy of record in the annals of Europa.
The FCB net-tosses.
20+ random players gathered together to kill sea-monsters.
I always caused havok by casting nets when there were already 6 kraken on the screen.
FCB got nothing from these evenings except a huge bill for nets, and a really good laugh.
And finally...
The picture, which apart from my "50 people on the screen faction battles" screens, is the real reason I won't be coming back to UO...
For those who don't remember; that is a screen of random players at Brit Bank. Everyone wearing a red robe is a member of the Bloodguard. They had all temporarily allied to fight-off the invasion of Britannia.
The fights were incredible!
If you can convince me that this sort of stuff still happens, I'll be back tomorrow. Until then, I'll just keep being nostalgic.