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[Discussion] Atlantic Rares Fest

Are you willing to attend?

  • Yes

    Votes: 34 54.8%
  • No

    Votes: 23 37.1%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 5 8.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Toad Town, a well known township on Atlantic, is willing to host an Atlantic Rares Fest. We have had permission from Mesanna and EM Bennu and are beginning to contact for help and sponsors. This is just a rough so if you would like the idea of a Rares Fest on Atlantic please vote!

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't agree with the way you are going about this number one, and number two...I don't think many people have much of a clue as to who you are. Unless you are a long standing trusted member of this community I don't feel it is a good idea to ask for such a role.

If any of you think this is a good idea, take a step back and recall the events that lead up to what happened on Pac. Also, if you have any questions on my thoughts...feel free to PM me.

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Atlantic has had many events hosted by Toad Town and its players, we are all high ranked in our shard's royal guard and are trusted players. Yible is amongst us and he is known by many and is a well trusted player. I will also ask for Athelas' help in this so that it can be more beneficial and legit, he own's the Treasure Trove on Atlantic, a popular rares museum.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Again, you don't just decide for yourself that you are going to hold this event. It is communal, therefor must be decided as such by the community. As much as I would like to see an Atlantic event, I don't agree with your proposal nor with you handling the event. Sorry bud, but that is my opinion based on our previous history within the game. Name drop all you want...it still won't change my mind.

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Communal as in....? We've had shard wide events at Toad Town known as Toad Fest and it is basically a miniature rares fest. We're trying to extend it worldwide in a sense. Names do matter because big collectors, want to know if it is worth the travel and trust, but that's just my opinion.

mana hit

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
alot of the big names on this forum as well as others often propose places to hold these kinds of events,people list thier reasons why they like that idea or why they dont,and eventually a place is decided upon.

Beleth of Atlantic

I personally would like to see another rares fest on Atlantic and, having attended some Toad Town events in the past, think it would work well there.

I think the demanding style the initial post came across with should be forgotten and this should turn into more of a discussion rather then a pissing contest.

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Yes I apologize for the way I came across! I just would like you all to shed your input and make this work!

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Discussions are great...however I don't like to just run around making comments for no reason. I don't want to see a repeat of what happened on Pac happen again, ever...and I will speak my mind to try to help avoid that whenever possible. If you have any questions, as I mentioned...feel free to PM me.

If any of you recall, Tetricyde worked his way into a respected group who totally took him in...and even when I said something wasnt right...no one bothered to listen. Lets just all hope that don't happen here.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think atlantic is a solid shard for it though I question the particular locale because I've never heard of it.

Again, I support atl, I just think it'd be nice to see some reputable names behind the fest that we all recognize, be they player or locale.

Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
G'Day Gentlemen

This is Queen Arya- also a member of Toad Town and long time friends with Thomas Bryce (Treasure Trove )
ICQ# 150693039

Toad Town has held annual Merchants Fests and believe the town is set up properly to accomodate any type of event. IE: see attachment
(located by the ancient gate just outside of Luna)

The town boasts Yibles saturday night auctions and flea markets -vendor houses and a teleporter house

Also there is a new type of rune library about to make its debut at Toad Town
(finding a rune by the rooms decor) Dungeon room-fishing boats-craft room etc

As for security and character references:
I too attended the Pac Rares fest and was fortunate to have used only the vendor system that weekend. It isnt necessary to have absolute trust when the items are not going to be involved outside of your own vendor

Yible has been an auctioneer for years and is well known. I invite you to place a teleporter if a silent auction house would like to be placed by one of your "Community Members"

The staff in charge will have special items made by Mesanna for recognition

A date would need to be chosen as to not interfere with other shards events and also a Theme and events for it would need to be decided on

Being a Master Sargeant in the Crux Ansata I can be found in that chat channel most evenings and weekends and have included my ICQ


Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
The staff for the fest will all be members of the township primarily in the guild Mindless Self Indulgence [MSI] and Yible from the [A][E][M][L][Y] of Atlantic [ATLC], we will be identified by a special Mesanna-made item to prevent deceit or scam.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Out of curiosity, who decided this was set in stone? I am an Atlantic native...and I don't recall anyone ever deciding this was a *done deal*.

@ Arya...no offense to you, I have no issues with Toad Town. My issue is seeing someone part of this community for two months try to take the reigns for something that has not even been decided. I have a serious problem with that, not only due to the age mind you...

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
G'Day Gentlemen

This is Queen Arya- also a member of Toad Town and long time friends with Thomas Bryce (Treasure Trove )
ICQ# 150693039

Toad Town has held annual Merchants Fests and believe the town is set up properly to accomodate any type of event. IE: see attachment
(located by the ancient gate just outside of Luna)

The town boasts Yibles saturday night auctions and flea markets -vendor houses and a teleporter house

Also there is a new type of rune library about to make its debut at Toad Town
(finding a rune by the rooms decor) Dungeon room-fishing boats-craft room etc

As for security and character references:
I too attended the Pac Rares fest and was fortunate to have used only the vendor system that weekend. It isnt necessary to have absolute trust when the items are not going to be involved outside of your own vendor

Yible has been an auctioneer for years and is well known. I invite you to place a teleporter if a silent auction house would like to be placed by one of your "Community Members"

The staff in charge will have special items made by Mesanna for recognition

A date would need to be chosen as to not interfere with other shards events and also a Theme and events for it would need to be decided on

Being a Master Sargeant in the Crux Ansata I can be found in that chat channel most evenings and weekends and have included my ICQ

I think what really needs to be done with this, as has been stated in previous post where people would like to host a fest, is to present a plan for the fest with some details.

What will happen.
Who is involved.
Proposed weekend.

A well presented plan makes a solid situation which we can all jump on board with.

If you look back thats exactly what happened with the current fest.

I would be happy to help support a well organzied plan on any shard. :)

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
If someone could read, they'd realize that I created a forums account in January, not joined the game in January. If you have any problems you can say them to me and not to Queen Arya. Quit being a pessimist and actually read. I had stated that this was just a rough idea and it WASNT SET IN STONE. I am not taking any leadership in this, I just volunteered to post this to get a public opinion, and one which was set rather negatively from you Bathroom Cowboy.

As for you Nabin, Yible and I have come up with some ideas:
UO Trivia
Taming Event
Free for All Fel event
Vendor Deco Event
Silent Auction
Last toad standing (everyone tames a bullfrog and summon a harbinger)
House collapse with items inside
Scavenger hunt

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If someone could read, they'd realize that I created a forums account in January, not joined the game in January. If you have any problems you can say them to me and not Queen Arya. Quit being a pessimist and actually read. I had stated that this was just a rough idea and it WASNT SET IN STONE. I am not taking any leadership in this, I just volunteered to post this to get a public opinion, and one which was set rather negatively from you Bathroom Cowboy.
I said my piece, and I stand by it. Call me negative man all you like...won't change my thoughts.

Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can say that Toad town is very reputable on ATL, as is Yible aka Rares Collector on these forums, and Bon Iver also. I would not mind aiding in this endevor if they need any assistance. But as Restroom stated, make a plan and submit it for everyone to see and decide, since this will involve attracting players from all over you must please the majority of the community to make it work.

Nightly Spirit

ATL has already had 3x the fests than other shards... thought the purpose was to spread it among other shards.

Nightly Spirit

The staff for the fest will all be members of the township primarily in the guild Mindless Self Indulgence [MSI] and Yible from the [A][E][M][L][Y] of Atlantic [ATLC], we will be identified by a special Mesanna-made item to prevent deceit or scam.

Buddy of mine did a trade with someone in this guild I believe. Name was armageddan if i recall correct. He traded a Serpentwyne boot for what he thought was a pair of ethy boots, as you cannot tell in trade window. Needless to say they were not and he is out the book. I am sorry but just because you attend events doesnt make you trustworthy.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
If someone could read, they'd realize that I created a forums account in January, not joined the game in January. If you have any problems you can say them to me and not to Queen Arya. Quit being a pessimist and actually read. I had stated that this was just a rough idea and it WASNT SET IN STONE. I am not taking any leadership in this, I just volunteered to post this to get a public opinion, and one which was set rather negatively from you Bathroom Cowboy.

As for you Nabin, Yible and I have come up with some ideas:
UO Trivia
Taming Event
Free for All Fel event
Vendor Deco Event
Silent Auction
Last toad standing (everyone tames a bullfrog and summon a harbinger)
House collapse with items inside
Scavenger hunt
hehe Last toad standing sounds hillarious.

I think yes its nice to spread things around the shards but you still need a group who wants to spend the time and put in the many hours of work it takes.

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes Atlantic is convenient, also Atlantic has the largest population.

I'd love to have a fest on Napa, however I'm not willing or able to put in the time and effort to pull it off ;) If someone else took the leed I'd help, but it's a VERY large comittment to host one of these ;)

I have nothing but admiration for everyone that's hosted a Rare's Fest so far!
That's a whole lot of time and effort!

I agree with Nabin. The last toad standing does sound like a hoot!

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
We are currently undergoing construction of a schedule for the fest, I know that ATL hogs most of the events but there hasn't been a Rares Fest here in a while honestly :( Please stay tuned for further information and updates. Thank you all for the support and if you would like to help out by donating (i.e. items for the raffle or such), or helping out (scavenger hunt, etc.) please don't hesitate to PM me, after all this is a community event and we would like to get everyone to attend.


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if you would like to help out by donating (i.e. items for the raffle or such)
Heh, 5 hours after your first post you are already asking for donations. Don't worry about that, if you come with a good plan/ideas and the people decides to
accept that fest as the next one, then the donations will come alone. There is alot of kind people out there.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not to throw a wrench in any plans but I thought the shard locations for rares fest were usually polled votes? I've been away for approx a year but this is how I remember it going down. Someone catch me up.

Neutron Bomb

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yep, we always polled, and No these people have not followed the general rule of thumb. Yes we have a Rare Fest still in construction somewhere else. Yes, cramming fests together takes away from fests at other locations. No, an Atlantic fest isn't necessary at this time. Yes, Bon Iver and Co. is throwing this together whether we vote for it or not.

Hey guys, sure it isn't a written rule, nor has been to vote and/or get the public's opinion as to where to focus our attention, but you seem to want to do it anyway. Goodluck, and thank the LS Fest planners for sharing the spotlight.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
excuse me bon iver, you can't just decide you're doing a rares fest on a certain shard, it is a rares community decision where the rares festival takes place each time, i had to wait a while till i was able to do one on chesapeake even, and atlantic has had plenty of them already, also you aren't a well known player or collector to most people so i doubt they'll trust you

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
The Original post says they are willing to hold one. Not that they ARE holding one it sounds like they are putting together a proposal........ That being said lets just wait and see what comes and if anyone else decides they would like to put out a proposal as well.

If there is only one group willing to put one on no need for a poll. If there are a couple of proposals it will be very interesting :)

Ok now we got the location of the Lake Sup fest. Race you there first person I see that says I saw your post tonight wins a million


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Original post says they are willing to hold one. Not that they ARE holding one it sounds like they are putting together a proposal........ That being said lets just wait and see what comes and if anyone else decides they would like to put out a proposal as well.

If there is only one group willing to put one on no need for a poll. If there are a couple of proposals it will be very interesting :)

Ok now we got the location of the Lake Sup fest. Race you there first person I see that says I saw your post tonight wins a million
While thats all fine and dandy, usually proposals arent even put together until a vote is held. I remember quite awhile ago(last year) that there were usually votes already in place for 1 or 2 rares fests ahead of the current one. It all worked quite well for many years im not sure why the sudden change?


Maybe we can wait until the current rares fest is over before we start working on a secand?

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
Stratics Veteran
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Wiki Moderator
excuse me bon iver, you can't just decide you're doing a rares fest on a certain shard
You cant? Opps.... *Attempts to look innocent*

Is there a Rares Fest Procedure document somewhere? Why don't you all like appoint a Festival committee to oversee things? *Tries to remember the rares community is not a city*

Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow I love this site all I need now is a bowl of popcorn and a nail file ( I broke a nail typing my last post)


Oh well, back to Merxmere i suppose. Nabin, start sending your donations :)


Errrmmmm im pretty confused over here....

Im pretty sure (correct me if im wrong) but if you dont want to do something you dont have to do it...lol

You dont have to go to a.. well lets call it a rares event atm.... on atlantic if you dont want to... same as bon ivor doesnt have to stop planning or hosting this if he doesnt want to.

Hes hosting an event and would like you to go, i know id turn up if it went ahead, ive been waiting for a rares event on a shard where i have money :p


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Errrmmmm im pretty confused over here....

Im pretty sure (correct me if im wrong) but if you dont want to do something you dont have to do it...lol

You dont have to go to a.. well lets call it a rares event atm.... on atlantic if you dont want to... same as bon ivor doesnt have to stop planning or hosting this if he doesnt want to.

Hes hosting an event and would like you to go, i know id turn up if it went ahead, ive been waiting for a rares event on a shard where i have money :p
atlantic has had 3 rares festivals in the past, where were u for those?

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As I recall, wasn't there a bumping of heads between toad town and rares festival last November when event dates overlapped or something?

It has been tradition to 'vote' for the next location, but people have taken and run with it before. I think it depends a lot on who "runs with it" that makes a difference on how this community responds. If someone wants to host a rares festival, let them and people can choose to participate or not.

Neutron Bomb

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sure Assia, we are allowed to do anything we want. You are correct.

However, sometimes when we do, our actions are labeled as a, what I'd like to call it; a D*ck move.

Has anyone ever heard of that before? No? Look it up in the encyclopedia and I'm sure it would have a picture of Dennis Leary holding up another picture of Toad Town.

That is all.


atlantic has had 3 rares festivals in the past, where were u for those?
only started collecting recently, and making some real money in the last yeear or so, so i can afford to stat collecting

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
You are all oblivious to the fact that this is only a PROPOSAL. Nothing is set in stone, it was just an idea to bring the fest to a shard that many people either posess characters on or can use to their advantage with the overflowing commerce. I had no clue of there being a tradition as to where a Rares Fest will be held. In the Rares Collector channel, some of the admin's should create a Rares Fest Committee thread for other suitors to post their proposals. I was just curious about what the public would say about this idea. I am NOT in charge of it, I am simply speaking for my peers. I am a returning veteran to the game so I only have a reputation built on Atlantic, of course none of the big collectors will know me other than Athelas (native). But if there is a lineup of possible Rares Fests, please do add this proposal to the que.

Thank you, and I'm not trying to offend anyone.

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
and I apologize to you Fragglez, not trying to steal your spotlight!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would probably attend, but why not let a shard that hasn't hosted a rares fest before, host the rares festival, before we start going back to where we have already been.

It seems like common courtesy to me. These are things we learn in elementary school. "Let everyone have their turn!"



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm a festival on Atlantic eh.

As much as I enjoy my own shard I'd really like to see Ken have to run an entire festival on his own! :danceb:

As for helping with the the Atlantic proposal, I can't really endorse it because I'm afraid I just don't know anyone well enough. Just a few conversations here and there.

Queen Arya on the other hand is indeed a friend of Tomas' dating back to DEI and I have traded with her as well. So I would think having her involved would be a good thing.

I think one of the main issues people will have will be the auction, we've all been spoiled by Lineman, Demonous and Sundina's efforts. Will they be involved?

When it comes down to the festivals, initially Aspen (DVI) was the only one running them so they were held where ever he saw fit, now they are community based. I agree the next location should probably be decided (although not necessarily now) but you might want to put together a poll where everyone can actually see who is voting for what, that way we know how the core community feels. Throw your proposal in with that and you'll be taking some good steps in the right direction.

Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have not been collecting long myself, so not a lot of people know me well. All I really have to go by is my previous sales and several well know and respected collectors trusting me with hundreds of mils in items to xfer from one location to another during fests. If there was an Atl fest I would like to petetion Lineman and Demonous to step up and run the auction part of it.

As for the fest, I will go anywhere its held so makes no differance to me, but would like to see one on Atl sometime again.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree that having an event like a raresfest on a weaker, less populated shard is a great idea for that shard. But holding a raresfest on Atlantic is more convenient for the majority of Ultima Online. The people are there and so is the gold!
Queen and the Toad crew are good people and have the area to pull one off. I would host it if you could do one in Fel because everyone knows I have the housing! But Fel would only complicate things.
I loved the last rares fest on Chessy. It was run with class at some very nice facilities. But Atl has the peeps and profit potential, so bring it.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The LS fest we're about to have I believe was a last minute decision. I always thought this was a little too close to the last one but a good collection put up for auction can easily turn the tide around :). So I think Linemen's collection if he decides to bring part of it would definetly make it more interesting.

Now, as to the next festival, remember I told everyone that when picking the "right" time, its most effective when its after 1-2 big holiday events or 3-4 months which ever comes first. Looking ahead I see Easter and July 4th to be the next 2 big events so it would be appropriate to have one say late July or early August.

Once we can all agree on an estimated time period, then next would be the proposals. As of now, I see Atlantic as being one. Any others?

On a side note, I think if we can have a fixed crew to run the rares auction portion on all festivals then it doesnt matter what other group runs the actual fest since each player controls their own vendor. Thus, it is much easier for a newer (lesser known) group to host the event. The "fixed crew" that can go shard to shard for the rare auction portion I would vote for 1. Demonous 2. Sundia (Demonous's wife), and 3. Linemen.

In a sense, they are already doing that sort of speak. They ran the rares auction on Chesypeak, LS, and I think another shard before that.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
The LS fest we're about to have I believe was a last minute decision. I always thought this was a little too close to the last one but a good collection put up for auction can easily turn the tide around :). So I think Linemen's collection if he decides to bring part of it would definetly make it more interesting.

Now, as to the next festival, remember I told everyone that when picking the "right" time, its most effective when its after 1-2 big holiday events or 3-4 months which ever comes first. Looking ahead I see Easter and July 4th to be the next 2 big events so it would be appropriate to have one say late July or early August.

Once we can all agree on an estimated time period, then next would be the proposals. As of now, I see Atlantic as being one. Any others?

On a side note, I think if we can have a fixed crew to run the rares auction portion on all festivals then it doesnt matter what other group runs the actual fest since each player controls their own vendor. Thus, it is much easier for a newer (lesser known) group to host the event. The "fixed crew" that can go shard to shard for the rare auction portion I would vote for 1. Demonous 2. Sundia (Demonous's wife), and 3. Linemen.

In a sense, they are already doing that sort of speak. They ran the rares auction on Chesypeak, LS, and I think another shard before that.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Stratics Legend
I have been friends with Queen Arya for little bit over 7 years now. She has never done anything that would not make me trust her. In the past, I have often used her services to transfer things between shards without any concern.

However, I have not been an active player on Atlantic for over a year now. I also do not personally know most of the other members of the guild. So, I cannot vouch for anyone else that may or may not be involved in the process. Having said that, I do know that they have been quite enthusiastic about hosting a rares festival for a long time.

I understand the need to take precautions, especially after what happened in Pacific. It shows that the community has matured and is not shy of asking the tough questions. Yet, I hope that this can be done without stifling the enthusiasm of fellow players. The strategy proposed by Manticore could be a possible solution.

Best wishes for a successful rares festival.

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Yes, the fixed crew for the auction portion does sound great also because the public can have items appraised and have some knowledge shed upon them by those three persons. Athelas, you should create a thread for people to propose possible places for the next rares fest, after Lake Superior, and then create a poll for the most supported.
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