I was at bank yesterday, trying to sort out some stuff.
I was hidden doing my shuffling and stuff.
These 2 players come over and start chatting this and that but something caught up my attention.
Not sure whether it is just talks and rumors or it actually is for real but it seems some scripts out there make it so that they can recover the trap before it sinks 100% of times?
Uhu ??
I tried my best not to loose a trap, manually, but most of times, before I can double click it it is gone, sunk below the waves.....
I have even stayed with my cursor over a single one trap, STILL, but nonetheless, I cannot beat the sinking, not manually at least.
Can a script really recover 100% of traps ?
I HATE scripting, wholeheartedly, and I do not understand why I have to keep playing a game where others can script............
I was hidden doing my shuffling and stuff.
These 2 players come over and start chatting this and that but something caught up my attention.
Not sure whether it is just talks and rumors or it actually is for real but it seems some scripts out there make it so that they can recover the trap before it sinks 100% of times?
Uhu ??
I tried my best not to loose a trap, manually, but most of times, before I can double click it it is gone, sunk below the waves.....
I have even stayed with my cursor over a single one trap, STILL, but nonetheless, I cannot beat the sinking, not manually at least.
Can a script really recover 100% of traps ?
I HATE scripting, wholeheartedly, and I do not understand why I have to keep playing a game where others can script............