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[Discussion] Autumn 2010 Rares Festival - Catskills


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Autumn Rares Festival will be held on Catskills:
November 5th, 6th, and 7th.

Rares Fest Location West Of Umbra:

We are going to change up a few things this time around. We will not have any “events” to occupy your time while on Catskills.

We are giving the Rares Fest back to the items!

So, in this effort, we have decided to truly make it a “weekend” festival. Vendors will be given out starting Thursday, November 4th. This will be unpopular with some of the people wanting to sell off some “non-rares” to get some gold on shard, but it’s my opinion that the pre-selling of items has spread the festival out too thin and by the time the weekend arrives, a lot of people are flat worn out.

Another major change: Rares Auction.

We will be moving this up front as the Official Kickoff Event. We will start the auction at 7 eastern on Friday, the 5th. There will be NO ITEM LIMIT. We will auction items til they are gone. Server down time be damned! We will start it again when we come back on-line if necessary.

Saturday morning, we will hopefully be catching up on some sleep and the rest of the day will be strictly a shopping day. No distractions. Just wheelin’ and dealin’. (Maybe, there could be a secret scavenger hunt for late night power gamers on Saturday)

Sunday we will have closing ceremonies including an awards ceremony similar to the one they did on Great Lakes. Categories include: Best Dressed Vendor, Best Dressed Attendee, Best Stocked Vendor, etc. All categories will be announced at the start of the festival.

Our Event Moderators and Mesanna have pledged support and we will have perma-gates to the festival site.

Festival Endorsed Brokers:

There are quite a few brokers these days and a few that are around have “earned” their reputation by fancy artwork in their Stratics signatures. Please use caution when trading at Rares Fest or at any time in game.
If it can’t be sold or bought off a vendor, please contact me or another of the people off this list.

Lykor ICQ 495659440
Manticore ICQ 123172317
Diablo ICQ 460228443
Restroom Cowboy ICQ 63999499

Catskills Museum Coalition Auction:
(Fee Free Auction)

Auction is going to be Friday November 5th - 7 pm Eastern - until……

How To Submit:

When submitting your item, make sure that you only give your item to me, Lykor. I will have something on starting at the beginning of the festival that will distinguish me. Also, I will be the only person taking items and handling them during the auction. I will only accept items over the counter at the Rares Auction House. I will have designated times that I will be taking items that I will post the week before the Festival starts.

Please have this complete before you submit:

1. Place your item in a bag
2. Place a book in the bag with your name as the title and contact info
(ICQ preferred) Then on page one: Title of item, a brief description
and a starting bid


Finally, please do not attempt to submit items or collect fees right before (there will be a cutoff announced), during, or immediately after an auction as it causes too much confusion for the staff as they are preparing for, conducting, or attempting to conclude an auction. While from your perspective, an auction worker may not look busy, they are frantically working to track items in databases, update lists, and communicate with other auction workers. While it may look easy, a tremendous amount of time and effort is spent behind the scenes to bring you this exciting auction!!! So please be considerate of the staff during these times. After the auction give the staff time to clean everything up and document numbers before collecting. It’s going to be a long night and some people may not get their auction winnings til the morning. We will do our best to get them out ASAP.

And finally, Please Post Here For Your Reserved Vendor Spot!!!
(Lineman, Gunga, Diablo to the end of the line!)

*dupers, thieves (except Peil), and l33t hackers need not apply*
What we expect to see/not to see on vendors:

1. Yanaki
2. Athelas
3. Bliss
4. Gunga
5. Jinx
6. Manticore
7. Curran
8. Foxie
9. Lineman
10. Goodmann
11. Assia
12. Shulginist
13. Flutter
14. Diablo
15. Fraggles The Rock
16. Apetul
17. Demonous
18. Tom The Builder
19. Big Easy... I mean Ev
20. Snow
21. Devin Ashley, my BFF
22. Alina
23. Jyachori
24. Val-Shah-Ri Lura Who's Your Daddy
25. Neptune
26. Kimberly
27. MagicMule
28. Traveler
29. Gus of Llanowar
30. bandw
31. Trent Gheed
32. Raistlin
33. Blight
34. Luna
35. Radugast
36. Angel Dust
37. Buck
38. Ultimakong via PoCove reference
39. Wootsauce
40. Restroom cowboy
41. Orc


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i would like to be first in line to reserve a vender.if available and not taking away spots from others i would like to get a couple more venders, possibly up to 5, as this is one of my home shards i will be bringing over 1000 items for the venders from rubble to necro regs to tree ornament jewelry to lower end items such as 50k diamond jewelry sets and about 50+ lower end event items.

ohh and for others dont forget to bring your potted plants, i bought over 200 on gl and want more... those and furs please :)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd like to be second in reserving a vendor!


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i would like to get a couple more venders, possibly up to 5, as this is one of my home shards
For now, I'm going to limit this to one reserved vendor per person.

We will have at least 2 vendor houses, plus overflow at the auction house. I'm sure before it's all said and done, we'll have room for a spare vendor or two for you.

But for now, let's just keep it at one :)


Back of the line !!! I know where u live now Lykor and I will take all Cats event items back to Chessy !!! mu ha ha !!

May I have a spot please :)


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Throw me a spot please, be it the end, the middle, or the front, although I like it best on top. =) thxs

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd like to reserve a vendor. Thank you *smiles*

Assia Penryn - ICQ 465-972-004


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmmmm.....I wonder if you'll give ME a vendor spot.


I would like to request one, if possible.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would greatly appreciate a vendor also please and ty


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think I would like to reserve a vendor spot if I may



I will be needing a vendor also...reserve one for me please :)


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

These vendors are for selling RARES. These are not to pawn off the stuff you have stacking up in your house. That is what Luna is for.

If you do not know the history of this Festival, it is a multi-year event where lovers of UO Pixel crack get together to buy, sell and trade our Rare Items.

Rare Items, as defined by the collecting community at large, include Server Births, Seer Items, EM Items, Rubble (and other no longer spawning items), and rare clothing( sewn by, double blessed, etc.)

Bugged items are permissible to sale at the festival and many people collect them.

I will not discriminate against changling duped items for the purpose of the vendor house because I know that is just about a split issue among the community.

This will be the "rule of thumb":

If we see a vendor that is not

90% Rares/10% Padding,

we will have issue.

Any vendors that do start stocking majority regular items will be blocked.

Sorry folks, just trying to head this one off at the pass!


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Any vendors that do start stocking majority regular items will be blocked.

Sorry folks, just trying to head this one off at the pass!
just curious, how does one block a vendor?


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is more of a visual block than a actual block. You stack cloth up and over the vendor.
But... u need to enter in the house to actually see the cloth/gozas/whatever right?


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The ppl that abuse this will be banned from the auction. And they will miss out on any "special" opportunities of the weekend :)

Is that the consequence with "teeth" that everyone was wanting to hear?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
are any of the following considered not allowed?

soulstone fragments
heritage tokens
old numbered jewelry(ie. 100 diamond bracelet ect..)
old christmass and holiday gifts (such as a set of christmass sleighs, or 300 anniv bags)
higher end primevil drops such as the spider wall or lava ect..

just want to clarify before i move a bunch of stuff.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the vendor which sell exploit items should be rejected after a warning.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Peil, are you going to make it?

Do you need/want a vender?

Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How Unfortunate for the Toad Town Merchants Faire-

Back in September I posted for Atlantic shards Toad Towns Merchants Faire for that very same weekend


odd that rares fest is less then 3 weeks away and only 28 vendor spots are claimed and the thread was nearly on page 3 of the forum. is the lack of intrust for this rares fest due to the fact that vendors will not be allowed until thursday night? lack of events? or the auction set up? i personly am abit reluctent to attend do to the fact we cant claim vendors until thursday. alot of people like to sell items through out the week to have gold to spend at the fest and it also makes it seem like a longer event and gives people who are not on much a chance to participate by having more options as to when they can go and buy items. if someone is going to spend about 50m on xfer tokens they want to make it seem more worth while to have 5 days to spend and shop and sell items as opposed to 2 1/2 days. also having events and giveaways all week makes for a more entertaining time for everyone and gives people more of a chance to mingle and discuss rares and meet new people.
this is my opinion and was wanting to know others imput on the subject


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
odd that rares fest is less then 3 weeks away and only 28 vendor spots are claimed and the thread was nearly on page 3 of the forum. is the lack of intrust for this rares fest due to the fact that vendors will not be allowed until thursday night? lack of events? or the auction set up? i personly am abit reluctent to attend do to the fact we cant claim vendors until thursday. alot of people like to sell items through out the week to have gold to spend at the fest and it also makes it seem like a longer event and gives people who are not on much a chance to participate by having more options as to when they can go and buy items. if someone is going to spend about 50m on xfer tokens they want to make it seem more worth while to have 5 days to spend and shop and sell items as opposed to 2 1/2 days. also having events and giveaways all week makes for a more entertaining time for everyone and gives people more of a chance to mingle and discuss rares and meet new people.
this is my opinion and was wanting to know others imput on the subject
I think it will be fine, if its a smaller fest it is a smaller fest. The only thing that I would do different is have the auction Sat night to give people time to build up gold to bid on items. Either way though i am sure Lykor and crew will put on a decent shindig. And i for one am looking forward to it.


odd that rares fest is less then 3 weeks away and only 28 vendor spots are claimed and the thread was nearly on page 3 of the forum. is the lack of intrust for this rares fest due to the fact that vendors will not be allowed until thursday night? lack of events? or the auction set up? i personly am abit reluctent to attend do to the fact we cant claim vendors until thursday. alot of people like to sell items through out the week to have gold to spend at the fest and it also makes it seem like a longer event and gives people who are not on much a chance to participate by having more options as to when they can go and buy items. if someone is going to spend about 50m on xfer tokens they want to make it seem more worth while to have 5 days to spend and shop and sell items as opposed to 2 1/2 days. also having events and giveaways all week makes for a more entertaining time for everyone and gives people more of a chance to mingle and discuss rares and meet new people.
this is my opinion and was wanting to know others imput on the subject
Tell you what, next time you host the festival. Then you can do whatever your heart desires. Lykor and Cats took this on so they can run it as they please. Nobody else stepped up to the plate. I for one can't wait, as this will most likely be my last Rares Festival.