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[Discussion] Autumn 2010 Rares Festival - Catskills



Ok first i did offer to host this rares fest i posted several times that i would like to host it but they wanted it to be on a more populated shard. i am looking forward to this rares fest as im sure alot of people are and i did not mean to sound like this was going to be a bad rares fest or anything like that. i know there is alot of planning and time spent on these rares fest. im sorry to those of you that are hosting if i offended any of you this was not my intention i was just wondering why there seemed like there was not so many people signed up yet but this is prob just going to be a smaller scale rares fest. I thank everyone who is hosting and putting there time and gold into this event and im sure it will be a blast just like all other rares fests have been


Ok first i did offer to host this rares fest i posted several times that i would like to host it but they wanted it to be on a more populated shard. i am looking forward to this rares fest as im sure alot of people are and i did not mean to sound like this was going to be a bad rares fest or anything like that. i know there is alot of planning and time spent on these rares fest. im sorry to those of you that are hosting if i offended any of you this was not my intention i was just wondering why there seemed like there was not so many people signed up yet but this is prob just going to be a smaller scale rares fest. I thank everyone who is hosting and putting there time and gold into this event and im sure it will be a blast just like all other rares fests have been
Better, I thought I would have to end you.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Stratics Legend
The only thing I can say is, it will be however big or small it is going to be. I can't hold a gun to ppl's heads and make them attend.

The auction is set on Friday, and I'm afraid that it can't be moved, but if the vendor availability is an issue that is actually KEEPING people from coming to the festival, I'd certainly like to know about it.

I'll run a poll and we'll let the people decide.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only thing I can say is, it will be however big or small it is going to be. I can't hold a gun to ppl's heads and make them attend.

The auction is set on Friday, and I'm afraid that it can't be moved, but if the vendor availability is an issue that is actually KEEPING people from coming to the festival, I'd certainly like to know about it.

I'll run a poll and we'll let the people decide.
By opening up the vendors for the week that takes care of building up the gold for the auction for some people. So in essence you killed two birds with one stone =)


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some of my "auction staff" rearranged their RL work schedule to work the auction on Friday night, that's why I couldn't move it....

But as you said, it's looking like we'll be giving out vendors starting earlier in the week. Still working on the exact date I'll be available to do this.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like a vendor as well. I dont think you got my icq a while back.


Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like to reserve a vendor please. Character name accepting spot will be either angel dust or adidas. You can pm me here to confirm when time comes to set up. Thanks in advance.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only thing I can say is, it will be however big or small it is going to be. I can't hold a gun to ppl's heads and make them attend.

The auction is set on Friday, and I'm afraid that it can't be moved, but if the vendor availability is an issue that is actually KEEPING people from coming to the festival, I'd certainly like to know about it.

I'll run a poll and we'll let the people decide.
I can only speak for myself, but having a rares festival every 3 months is just too frequent. I've attended previous festivals and after each one it seemed like I've barely had enough time to recover before the next one was to begin. I'll just have to sit one or two out per year I guess. That being said, your hard work is appreciated and I hope everyone has a great time.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Jack

Anymore vendor for reserve?I maybe have time to join this festival.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Jack

Anymore vendor for reserve?I maybe have time to join this festival.
You collect Orc? Oh that's right, I guess I forgot, since your museum has been closed for so long... *hint hint*


If there are any vendor spaces still available, I would be most appreciative of one.

Thank you in advance.


If there are still spaces, Can I please have a vendor, much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
ICQ 591-732-007


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lookin good so far, stock up those vendors people, i wanna buy stuff !


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi, is it too late to sign up to get a vendor? Today is November 2nd , 2010 Tuesday.
i need a vendor please. Thanks, Seto Kaiba ICQ 487-590-064


Bump this should stay up front so people can see the events ect..and the times