No, I didn’t. You assumed because it fit your world view. So you can keep your hypocritical label, it fits you best.Cool, thanks for the smart-arse comment. Referring to your standard for hypocritical comments obviously hit a nerve.
You didn't actually state it was Draconi's comments you were referring to, did you now?
I think Morganna was the only one to even acknowledge and adjust her outlook after Draconi posted. Generalities seem to be the stock and trade of the classic shard debate since there is precious little factual data in the players hands.You're generalising too, when you say the classic sharders ignored what Draconi said. Most of us do understand that there's more to creating a classic option than those who've suggested backups or "take the info off an old disk". Only a few people have suggested that, without realising the complexities involved. But feel free to lump us all together, nasty little people we clearly are, contrary to your wondrous and superior self.
The figure could have been hyperbole, or it could have been factual – we don’t actually know as the only sub numbers have come from internal EA leaks and generalized stockholder reports. We know that UO has lost subs in the “six figure range” over the years, hence how empty the shards are. I don’t believe any single event can be attributed to that phenomenon, nor that it happened with such rapidity to “doom” the game.As for the six-figures quote, which could indeed have been 100,000 - had that many jumped ship at the time, as was "sensationally" suggested was/would be happening, then the game would have died around then.
But I guess that I'm so used to people against the classic option rolling out that quote, little do those using it realise how severe the impact would indeed have been had there been any factual basis to it. Pure sensationalism, from someone on the defensive. If you can't see that, you really are very blinkered indeed.
Yes, you do seem rather defensive. Many of the classic sharders do. We know you all want the shard. We’ve heard it – to death in nearly every major thread on here. If you all want to be taken more seriously then the hyperbole, dubious statistical claims and the opinion presented as fact needs to stop. (and just to be clear, “you all” refers to all the classic sharders)
So, please... feel free to get back on your high horse (as if you ever climb off it...), of criticising this game, the developers, etc... that you supposedly prefer and "love".
Yeah, because expecting a quality product and actual customer service is so wrong! Just because you may be satisfied with mediocrity and sloppy publishes doesn’t mean the rest of us are. Please, spare me your faux indignance.