Morgana LeFay (PoV)
I suppose you have some numbers to counter my claim? If so, I'd really love to see them.Stating your opinions as fact earns you a big fail on your post.
I suppose you have some numbers to counter my claim? If so, I'd really love to see them.Stating your opinions as fact earns you a big fail on your post.
..By NOT offering a Classic Shard, they are losing far more subscription dollars than they will lose from the few current players that rage quit (and will likely be back within 2 months) because they took a little time and resources to put up a Classic Shard...
Ok Cal... how is this....Dazzle us with your candor and skills of persuasion. We’re watching … and we just love cake.
Too funny not to note. Who sees the irony in the phrase?SEIGE ATTENTION
Arenas = Great. Nice PvP content.
Please remember unlike stratics where 50% are PvPers, the great majority of players are PvEers. Maybe a new peerless every quarter would be nice to keep the PvEers resubscribing too.
Classic = Darkfall (3400 subscribers LOL) = Mortal Online = Failed business model. End Of Story.
I wasn't the one that started up with the "your post isn't factual" garbage...I suppose you have some numbers to support your claim? If so, I'd really love to see them.
It doesn't work that way exactly. There is no proof that the devs even have the old server backups (although I am 99% sure they do). The client has changed since then, and there have been bugs that have been fixed. Not to mention the fact that DirectX versions have changed, etc. There will be some development involved here...don't think there won't. However, if you really take a look at what options the devs have right now to grow the game, it makes sense. The options at the moment are:I'd play a classic shard and I see little reason why it can't be added. Really it needs little up keep, you find a 1999 save date and bango you have a server. Just pick a random date before tram but after t2a and let it rip. Don't update it, never police it(just like every other server), no em's just another slot on the server list.
We live in the same city. Are you sure we don't work at the same company? I have to hear that alll the time too!Uhg I wish he hadn't called the EMs "rockstars". I hear that goddamn nouveau corporate slang so much at work.
- If they did just as you say, then I would agree with the resources spent on developing a classic shard. Only problem I have with it is the magical word called 'image' (EA's image even): once a task is taken on (~classic shard), it becomes a positive or negative situation for whom (~EA.Bio-Mythic) took said task (~classic shard) on.. therefore you are inevitably vested (by the people.. blame it on 'human' nature), once you take on another task.. This demands that resources be spent on the new task in order to maintain a desired image.. This will take money away from what is UO now; whether the money it brings in will offset this, is exactly what I believe Cal has just said they need to consider, prior to making any major decision about yet another task.I'd play a classic shard and I see little reason why it can't be added. Really it needs little up keep, you find a 1999 save date and bango you have a server. Just pick a random date before tram but after t2a and let it rip. Don't update it, never police it(just like every other server), no em's just another slot on the server list.
Your post was indeed 'garbage'. You posted an opinion as fact. Therefore, please... provide these 'facts' to back up your opinion that you falsely believe is a fact.I wasn't the one that started up with the "your post isn't factual" garbage...
That's pretty much it in a nutshell.- If they did just as you say, then I would agree with the resources spent on developing a classic shard. Only problem I have with it is the magical word called 'image' (EA's image even): once a task is taken on (~classic shard), it becomes a positive or negative situation for whom (~EA.Bio-Mythic) took said task (~classic shard) on.. therefore you are inevitably vested (by the people.. blame it on 'human' nature), once you take on another task.. This demands that resources be spent on the new task in order to maintain a desired image.. This will take money away from what is UO now; whether the money it brings in will offset this, is exactly what I believe Cal has just said they need to consider, prior to making any major decision about yet another task.
I am not going to trade childish insults with you or anyone else here. If you wish to insult me, or attack me, I can easily add you to my ignore list.Your post was indeed 'garbage'. You posted an opinion as fact. Therefore, please... provide these 'facts' to back up your opinion that you falsely believe is a fact.
We'll be waiting. So, please, by all means, show us this data you've collected.
A few huh? No one expected you to even remotely mention the number(s) you're finding, but please don't downplay the results we all know you discovered....scared you didn't it?
I suppose this translates as: 'I have no facts to back up my earlier statements. You are right, canary. I'm sorry.'I am not going to trade childish insults with you or anyone else here. If you wish to insult me, or attack me, I can easily add you to my ignore list.
Thank You.
No, this translates into "I have better things to do with my time than to deal with immature posters on a gaming website"I suppose this translates as: 'I have no facts to back up my earlier statements. You are right, canary. I'm sorry.'
Apology accepted. Just a reminder that 'facts' and 'opinions' are very different.
- Maybe they should work with what is; focus the true fix on the foundation(s) and avoid taking on additional gambles (~added tasks) unless the resources are significantly increased to accomodate such undertakings....
However...consider this, over the last 7-8 years, the population of UO has been declining steadily. Everything else they have tried to 'breathe new life' into the game has pretty much failed to do so. Expansions, new clients, none of it has done the trick. So what makes anyone believe that yet another client, or yet another item-based expansion, will do it now??
The only thing I'm disputing is that you made a statement of opinion as fact. That is all. I'm unsure where this entire 'I'm insulting you' is coming from.No, this translates into "I have better things to do with my time than to deal with immature posters on a gaming website"
Too often have I allowed people like yourself on this forum to drag me into heated, silly, and childish behavior, and I simply refuse to do it any longer.
I have posted my say on the matter...you are within your rights to disagree. Time will tell who is correct...but as of today, I haven't see anything from the dev team stating that a Classic Shard is anything other than a distinct possibility. It sounds to me like you are taking your aggression over the announcement out on me.
As they say, don't shoot the messenger.
I believe its called 'dangling a carrot' and I'm curious how he will handle this come years end. Perhaps it will be akin to 'cheaters on an excel list'... stated but never dealt with. We'll see.The bottom line is that a 'Classic Shard' is an unsound business move. Cal obviously knows this but is in a deep denial since he fancies himself the savior of UO PvP.
It's funny that you continue to spout this as though you have some sort of, you know, valid figure to toss behind it. Please show me where these hundreds of thousands of players who never played UO in the first place are waiting in line to spend $12.99/month for a 14-year-old game with 17-year-old graphics.2 things...
1 - By NOT offering a Classic Shard, they are losing far more subscription dollars than they will lose from the few current players that rage quit (and will likely be back within 2 months) because they took a little time and resources to put up a Classic Shard.
And... they need a 9+ backup copy of the Classic Client too. That means maintain a 3rd client. Fix the recall bug on that client along with tons of old bugs.. again. Oh and another UO install because the map has changed alot.First they have to reengineer UO ‘back’ to whatever era is decided on. The likelihood that a pre-AoS or pre-Pub 16 version of the server code still existing isn’t very high. (If they lost the CC’s original art assets, fat chance they kept a 9+ yo backup copy.)
Then they have to fix the enormous amount of bugs that existed back then, along with the new bugs they will undoubtedly introduce.
It seems Judah the intern was responsible for the Bane & Meer war and left before implementing the Meer part of the event.Oh no... I have to say my heart sank when I read this update. In part because the vast majority of it was dedicated to things I personal had no interest in, but mostly because the little mentioned for the Live Event was so disappointing.
Some of us took sides on the war between the Bane and the Ophidians but most of us didnt even care. For the ones particiapted have more than one character slot, they didnt have to stick with one side. Remember the post "How good are you when no one is around?" to describe the event cycle four months ago? So it was obvious that we'd have an evil path available too.So you’ve battled the Chosen, the crystal has gone missing, and it seems that everyone is falling in line with the easiest route to get the spoils of the game.
Seems it’s very easy to be evil when it’s so obvious that that’s what the devs want you to be.
And when is Dev cycle time EVER going to be available? There is always something else in the works. Last year you told me it was SA. By the time you get to seeing the changes from the latest update there might be the Classic shard to deal with. Neither is there support from the Live side, and now Siege groupies are no longer deemed worthy enough to have their own "rockstar".Hey Symma. Didn't mean to imply we were done ... but wanted you to know we will make changes as time permits in the dev cycles. Also, I'd like to see the impact of this change before proceeding.
- c
You have to understand there is reasons why so many play, played freeshards with UOR and pre-UOR settings.classic shard - it'll be popular for a year and then it'll turn into siege perilous part 2 - what a waste of developer time
AoS was a death sentence to skillful, consequencial PvP. PvP became item/insurance based and would never recover. Full loot and consequences were out the window. UO became a totally different game which wasnt acceptable for the many of the ones that been subscribing since day 1. How many that left the game after AoS is anybodies guess but since i knew just about all that were involved in Europe felucca PvP before AoS and i saw the huge negative shortterm and longterm impact that Pub had on felucca PvP i'd guess the decline was in tens of thousands worldwide.Aside from AoS itemizing UO play, the reason that UO moved past Pub 16 is that 90% of players didn't like what UO had become. Before Trammel, PKs ran rampant - regardless of how many friends you had. When Tram appeared, Fel became a ghost facet literally over night. People voted with their feet. This hasn’t changed.
A very large part of the ones that subscibed to UO before AoS were mainly interested in the UO PvP. What AoS did was that it alienated the old PvP crowd and many lost all interest in the game since the major part of their interest, PvP, was changed into something from outer space. UO PvP became a totally different game far from the one they learned to love.The majority of UO players aren't interested in non-consentual PvP and are happy with PvM. No amount of shinies spawning in Fel will change this, as time has repeatedly proven. Factions are a joke and Mythic doesn't know how to fix them. (As evidenced by the massive backlash and rejection of their idea for fixes.)
This.I wasn't the one that started up with the "your post isn't factual" garbage...
...but, it is pretty much common sense here. Not that many players are going to quit UO because they develop a Classic Shard. There may be a few because they are angry, but the existence of a Classic Shard doesn't change anyone's gameplay on the existing shards.
On the other hand, there WILL be players that return. I have no numbers, neither does anyone else...but to assume that the number of players that will quit over the creation of a Classic Shard will be greater than the number of players that return is ... well, pretty idiotic.
Nice, so you know some players who not only breaks the rules of the game, but also the law. Seems a lot worse than just knowing a few loot scripters.I still don't understand this. I must be really ****-ignorant about teh cost of creating a retro shard. I know players who I thought were fairly middle class or lower mid-class (IRL) who have created retro shards. Free sharders do it all the time. I'm sure none of them have huge corporate sponsors behind them. WTH?!?!?
People have discussed better ways to do consensual PvP, but this wasn't one thing that tended to be a big concern for most. I see a lot of requests for finished virtues, fishing, art, gardening, classic shards, etc... but yeah, arenas were not on the top 10.Most of the stuff from the newletter either sounds fine or doesn't concern my playstyle, but I'm pretty confused about the Arenas.
Where does this come from? I don't remember massive wishes for Arenas. Why do we need that? If I want to duel in peace I just recall to some remote place in Felucca, it's not like that facet's crawling with players. And Arenas in Fel? What's the point of that anyway?
I fear this Arena stuff will lower the Fel population even more instead of attracting new player to PvP![]()
If only they had Draconi on the team.Server code beyond 2003 is nearly non-existent.
Server code beyond 2001 doesn't exist.
Honestly though, lack of source code won't prevent designers from designing. Any designer who's played the game in that era intuitively understands what needs to be done to the current game to take it back - it's always been a question of time, resources, popular support, and return-on-investment.
Even if the source were available, it could only serve as a model or guideline. So much has changed in security and exploit fixes, fundamentally, over the last decade that the old code would open up a world of grief.
I've always felt that UO's direction lay looking forwards, but I never saw why the classic ruleset couldn't be a part of a forward looking vision... heh.
Impossible, that would equate to EA making a smart and logical move regarding UO, something that any vet player knows is impossible.If only they had Draconi on the team.
Yes, there is assumption, but considered assumption based upon what I read into Cal's comments on the matter. I believe he explained pretty well where things stand at the moment. Perhaps it might have been better if he'd explained things in basic terms though...The fault with your post, Evlar, is that you, like everyone, can only ASSUME what will be involved and the outcome.
I mean, they may just turn around, decide to not invest, and use our current team to create the classic shard, which means development of 'current' UO would be delayed, held up and pushed back.
You just. Don't. Know. They've done it before, with soulstones, character transfers and other things. Who here doesn't recall the months of nothing while they worked on character transfers and it was its own publish?
AMEN!If only they had Draconi on the team.
Many thanks for the classic shard update.
classic shard - it'll be popular for a year and then it'll turn into siege perilous part 2 - what a waste of developer time
You have to understand there is reasons why so many play, played freeshards with UOR and pre-UOR settings.
UO of today isnt an option for many of these oldtimers, they want their old game back.
The interest for a Siege freeshard is not the same as the interest for UOR and pre-UOR. So this comparison isnt accurate as i see it.
Aside from AoS itemizing UO play, the reason that UO moved past Pub 16 is that 90% of players didn't like what UO had become. Before Trammel, PKs ran rampant - regardless of how many friends you had. When Tram appeared, Fel became a ghost facet literally over night. People voted with their feet. This hasn’t changed.
AoS was a death sentence to skillful, consequencial PvP. PvP became item/insurance based and would never recover. Full loot and consequences were out the window. UO became a totally different game which wasnt acceptable for the many of the ones that been subscribing since day 1. How many that left the game after AoS is anybodies guess but since i knew just about all that were involved in Europe felucca PvP before AoS and i saw the huge negative shortterm and longterm impact that Pub had on felucca PvP i'd guess the decline was in tens of thousands worldwide.
And please get your figures right, Felucca became a ghost facet after AoS not after trammel. Felucca was just as if not more populated and intense after trammel then before. The primetime for good, interesting and skillful felucca PvP was after trammel were introduced, not before.
Look at this subscription numbers over years and see what happened to UO subscription numbers after AoS were introduced and you can even look up what happened to the numbers after trammel were introduced. The numbers of subscribers declined and they declined rapidly after AoS. Where did all these former subscribers go? Many of these players started on all the freeshards that were popping up. The accuracy of these numbers can be discussed, but i think it give us a hint on where the game went after AoS.
The majority of UO players aren't interested in non-consentual PvP and are happy with PvM. No amount of shinies spawning in Fel will change this, as time has repeatedly proven. Factions are a joke and Mythic doesn't know how to fix them. (As evidenced by the massive backlash and rejection of their idea for fixes.)
A very large part of the ones that subscibed to UO before AoS were mainly interested in the UO PvP. What AoS did was that it alienated the old PvP crowd and many lost all interest in the game since the major part of their interest, PvP, was changed into something from outer space. UO PvP became a totally different game far from the one they learned to love.
And claiming that shinies should have brought more interest back to felucca is laughable. The PvP was from bottom up changed and that was the reason so many left the game. Shinies and items wont change that. A classic shard would bring factions alive on a classic shard, same with chaos/order. But it wont have any impact on the shards of today cause these subscribers isnt interested in itembased and insurance PvP.
Why some of the today subscribers attack a classic shard that is ment to be for the ones that lost their UO is to me very selfish behaviour. You have your beloved version of UO (today version) and opening up a classic shard for the ones that lost their game is not affecting your playstyle, does it? You dont have to play the classic server, do you?
And there is loads of us that have searched for a new UO after AoS. Were still searching.
UO before AoS was a one of a kind unique game and i cant understand why they didnt keep a classic shard after AoS for the ones that preffered that playstyle?
And why havent a classic shard seen the light years ago?
Server code beyond 2003 is nearly non-existent.
Server code beyond 2001 doesn't exist.
Honestly though, lack of source code won't prevent designers from designing. Any designer who's played the game in that era intuitively understands what needs to be done to the current game to take it back - it's always been a question of time, resources, popular support, and return-on-investment.
For god's sake just invest the money in a decent art team...
...and please fire the current ones.
If only they had Draconi on the team.
Impossible, that would equate to EA making a smart and logical move regarding UO, something that any vet player knows is impossible.
Wrong, ding, thanks for playing anyway.A very large part of the ones that subscibed to UO before AoS were mainly interested in the UO PvP.
Two words: Siege Perilous.I've always felt that UO's direction lay looking forwards, but I never saw why the classic ruleset couldn't be a part of a forward looking vision... heh.
I'm pretty sure that plenty of us have never once used this argument. I get, understand, and know that there is a small handful of players who would enjoy this niche.There are certain people that post here that just against a Classic Shard because they cannot wrap their minds around the concept that it is possible for anyone to enjoy something outside of what they personally enjoy.
No... And it's hysterical you keep using these illusory correlations to try to detract from the valid arguments presented.They also cannot seem to wrap their minds around the concept that a Classic Shard would NOT target the existing playerbase.