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Alright, Ultima Online's 13th birthday is coming....

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Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is the game going to be ready for this Event, in September ?

Any news, rumor or whatever about the 13th year Veteran Rewards being planned ?

Lord Chaos

Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please no more super powered veteran rewards. There's no reason to further the gab between newer players and old ones.

Its really not going to sit well with a new player to be told "yeah, that is a nice item, if you keep paying for 13 years, then you'll get it".

Cerwin Vega

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Im guessing there will be goofy gifts that no one really wants but everyone keeps just incase them become worth something someday.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As long as they stick with the current veteran reward idea like house teleports:


claimable by a veteran, but usable by anyone, i see no problem with it.


how about a cart that can be attached to a mount. It can be broken if you are attacked by mobs or other players, but a good carpenter can repair it.

or just invent the motor and give everyone cadillac's.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Give 13 year old accounts 10% extra storage, Giving a total of 50%.


Yup. Vet rewards are planned right now we are working on timing inside the current schedules with so many things going on.

Community Event
*mumble mumble other thing*
Updates to Live Arc --> Magincia


My producer's update is never going to be done with all the questions around.

Hope this answers your question.


IMO, the 13th Anni should be a massive bug fix publish/patch. As for Vet stuff ... I'll leave that to those who have reached or will reach it soon.

I do like the idea of carts that has been mentioned, however how about the ability for a carpenter to make them ... pure & simple. Crafting expansion ... requires hitch hardware made by a Tinker, maybe harness gear (for the animal it is hitched to) by a Tailor. Kegs require Carpentry and Tinkering to make ... why not a cart?

What capacity would the cart have? Could it be hitched to a standard mount such as Ostard, Swampie, Horse, etc?



I hope, prey, beg, beseech, demand, insist that this idea NEVER sees the light of day.
Yeah, even this 720 skillpoints compared to 700 skillpoints is kinda... stupid.

Atleast there should be a way to buy those extra 20 skillpoints from uogamecodes.

My acc is 93 months so not a prob to me, but to couple our new guild members it is.


Rideable packhorse, traded in crystal form and instant bond upon release.

GPS crystal ball, for senile old veterans who have lost their way in these newfangled lands.

Gargoyle slayer skeet rifle, one-shot kills players who hover afk.

Dual-wield fish, self-explanatory.

Shamus Turlough

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How about a saddle? Gargoyles can move at mounted speed with a greater dragon in tow, why can humans/elves ride one at mounted speed?


Warsong of LS

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Yup. Vet rewards are planned right now we are working on timing inside the current schedules with so many things going on.

Community Event
*mumble mumble other thing*
Updates to Live Arc --> Magincia


My producer's update is never going to be done with all the questions around.

Hope this answers your question.
Guess the means they will be late again? Or we will see the "coming soon", "you are going to love them, but we can not talk about them right now" answers? Just asking. Or should we ask EAJapan? They seem to know before you guys/gals in Fairfax do.


Rideable packhorse, traded in crystal form and instant bond upon release.

GPS crystal ball, for senile old veterans who have lost their way in these newfangled lands.

Gargoyle slayer skeet rifle, one-shot kills players who hover afk.

Dual-wield fish, self-explanatory.
What species of fish?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
just make them usable by everyone and not someone with 13yrs.

a cool deco soul forge (maybe give the same as queens bonus)
I guess the new ridable will be a bane or perhaps a skeleton dragon

(not vet reward) house building tiles that are cool also like 1 step stairs, smoking chimmys, traps.


As a 13 year vet i would like to be able to draw skills off soulstones in increments ie.. i got 120 chiv on a soulstone but only want to put 80 on my character.


that what the lobster is for to celebrate the 13th birthday


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I hope, prey, beg, beseech, demand, insist that this idea NEVER sees the light of day.

I second that motion Mr. Lynk. And Shamus Turlough, the saddle has been one of my 3 biggest pet peeves in Ultima Online history. Yes... its true on the KR client the faction horses had barding, giving the appearance of a saddle. And there are even decorative saddles in the game. Stats change the moment a pet is tamed, why couldn't the moment a horse is tamed it automatically acquired a saddle? My character's butt is really starting to hurt riding around barebacked.

Oh dear... there I am, hopping up on that darned soap box again. *hops down*


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please no more super powered veteran rewards. There's no reason to further the gab between newer players and old ones.

Its really not going to sit well with a new player to be told "yeah, that is a nice item, if you keep paying for 13 years, then you'll get it".

"No more" ??

When EVER there has been any Veteran Reward, in all of the past 12 years that has been in any way unbalancing either for PvM or PvP ?

None, IMHO.

Sure, there have been nice and sometimes usefull rewards (as they should rightfully be to be wanted by players and be a motivation high enough to maintain accounts as active to qualify with the age, given time...) but nothing that players could not play the game just pretty much the same..........

Nope, I cannot think of NO past reward that was in any way "super powered".........


Rideable packhorse, traded in crystal form and instant bond upon release.

GPS crystal ball, for senile old veterans who have lost their way in these newfangled lands.

Gargoyle slayer skeet rifle, one-shot kills players who hover afk.

Dual-wield fish, self-explanatory.
What species of fish?
Trout obviously. Special Move: Trout Slap


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As a 13 year player, i would love to be able to add one more skill to my template.

I am sorry, but I could not agree to this idea. THIS would be, IMHO, "super powered" and give too much advantage in PvM or PvP......

A search tool, though, only claimable by 13th year accounts but usable by all, on the contrary, would NOT be a super powered item.

Why ?

Because ALL players can still play the game (i.e. search for their items...) the way we have now, one by one and using better storage criteria.

This new 13th Year Vet reward "search tool" item would only made game play easier (allow to find any given item in all secures in the account's house, all characters' bank boxes and backpack contents on the fly) but it would certainly not provide any incredible power in PvM or PvP versus those who do not have it.

Sure, it would be a highly wanted item (because handy and usefull) but certainly not overpowering nor unbalancing.

A perfect candidate, IMHO, as a 13th Year Veteran Reward.
Highly desirable and yet, not unbalancing. A perfect candidate indeed............


a jewelry box, that sorts out, and stores, all those damn rings and bracelets.


An old fart like me would like to have :
- second house deed (why not, plenty of land)
- multi-skills soul stone
- fully automated shard transfer (everything, except house, to a moving crate on a new shard)


"A Token For Free Entry To A Classic Shard"

$19.99 + standard subscription fee for anyone else who isn't already subscribed to the game.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

How about an ethernal sheep mount? Seriously! I want to ride a sheep!

Or how about some ethernal cloaks/robes?


Sandstone and Marble table deeds (the deed lets you place a large, small, east or west)

Wall plaque (place against a wall, choose a house-sign design, can be named)

Ethereal Chicken

Stone dye tub (dyes stone armour, vases, tables, statues)

Hair dye tub (dyes character's hair in a selection of new, unique (but nice and natural), hues)

Special Dye Tub Mk II (like a special dye tub, but with new/different hues)

Passive choice - house storage upgrade

Or something really cool that makes people think "Wow hes old, i wish my account was that age too!"

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Rideable packhorse, traded in crystal form and instant bond upon release.

GPS crystal ball, for senile old veterans who have lost their way in these newfangled lands.

Gargoyle slayer skeet rifle, one-shot kills players who hover afk.

Dual-wield fish, self-explanatory.
thanks as always for the good laughs :)

especially the skeet rifle...i would like a dozen of those plz!


Macing - Dual wield flounder
Fencing - Dual wield gar
Swords- Dual wield swordfish
Throwing- dual wield star fish
Archery - Dual wield flying fish


Goodman's Rune Library
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pretty Please can we have 2 houses per account?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nothing New Needed, simply give Players completing at least one but not more than 3 years paid play an extra Vet Reward; those with at least 37 months but not more than 72 months 2 extra choices; those with at least 73 months but not more than 108 months 3 extra choices; and those with 109 months or more 4 extra choices from the existing list of Vet Rewards.



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Nothing New Needed, simply give Players completing at least one but not more than 3 years paid play an extra Vet Reward; those with at least 37 months but not more than 72 months 2 extra choices; those with at least 73 months but not more than 108 months 3 extra choices; and those with 109 months or more 4 extra choices from the existing list of Vet Rewards.



- This Friday will be the 13th.

The best birthday gift I could hope for UO would be for it to use this year to build a stronger anti-cheat foundation. To me that is one of the most major obstacles that dissuades new (and plenty of old) blood from considering UO. It will take years, but I firmly believe UO will have a better chance of lasting another 13 if people that are/become aware of UO become aware of how much it has finally committed to cleaning up its act re: cheating.

(If I were making a big announcement to the press about UO... I would surely invest in and boast about a new determination to spend resources on anti-cheating tactics. And a UO Town Hall that is less than a month away from its 13th birthday sounds like a great place to spread that word ~ the UO WordOfMouthBand will be listening.)


Nothing New Needed, simply give Players completing at least one but not more than 3 years paid play an extra Vet Reward; those with at least 37 months but not more than 72 months 2 extra choices; those with at least 73 months but not more than 108 months 3 extra choices; and those with 109 months or more 4 extra choices from the existing list of Vet Rewards.

Easy to do and simplicity itself. I agree.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pretty Please can we have 2 houses per account?
Nothing New Needed, simply give Players completing at least one but not more than 3 years paid play an extra Vet Reward; those with at least 37 months but not more than 72 months 2 extra choices; those with at least 73 months but not more than 108 months 3 extra choices; and those with 109 months or more 4 extra choices from the existing list of Vet Rewards.

Both of these are great ideas.


"Gargoyle slayer skeet rifle, one-shot kills players who hover afk."

This is the greatst idea Ive ever heard.
Not two houses.. but how about the ability to make them larger? Theres so much empty wasted land next to my house it makes me crazy.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gargoyle slayer skeet rifle, one-shot kills players who hover afk.

This item needs to be real.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
New ride...

A rickshaw pulled by a Lich Lord

And everyone seems to forget that they almost always put in new choices for other year ranked vets, not just the 13 year vets, and some of 'em were pretty darned sweet. Namely the crystal portal and commodity deed box.


Please no more super powered veteran rewards. There's no reason to further the gab between newer players and old ones.

Its really not going to sit well with a new player to be told "yeah, that is a nice item, if you keep paying for 13 years, then you'll get it".
That's why they are called veteran rewards. Weird I know. New players get the relief of not going through what veterans have endured the last 12 years and the veterans get rewarded for putting up with it for so long. What's the problem? And whats so super powered with a ethy cu? or a +3 phys dress? Have you looked at the 12 year rewards? There's nothing there SUPER POWERED! lol, omg you people are beyond funny sometimes.

Keep it up Chaos! I love good humor first thing in the morning!

The Bud.
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