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Alright, Ultima Online's 13th birthday is coming....

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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hair dye tub (dyes character's hair in a selection of new, unique (but nice and natural), hues)

Or something really cool that makes people think "Wow hes old, i wish my account was that age too!"
Combine the two to get a hair dye in a unique shade of grey?


Colorblind Collector
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Stratics Legend
That's why they are called veteran rewards. Weird I know. New players get the relief of not going through what veterans have endured the last 12 years and the veterans get rewarded for putting up with it for so long. What's the problem? And whats so super powered with a ethy cu? or a +3 phys dress? Have you looked at the 12 year rewards? There's nothing there SUPER POWERED! lol, omg you people are beyond funny sometimes.

Keep it up Chaos! I love good humor first thing in the morning!

The Bud.
They should sell a year increment code for $125.00


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Combine the two to get a hair dye in a unique shade of grey?
since we have more than a few items that do the FS graphic why not have:

Animated Flaming Hair Dye 13 year reward but usueable by anyone.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
since we have more than a few items that do the FS graphic why not have:

Animated Flaming Hair Dye 13 year reward but usueable by anyone.
Only if it actually does flame and cause damage to the person with a burning head - I don't feel there's any need for more neon colours, thanks!

Old Man of UO

since we have more than a few items that do the FS graphic why not have:

Animated Flaming Hair Dye 13 year reward but usueable by anyone.
Only if it actually does flame and cause damage to the person with a burning head - I don't feel there's any need for more neon colours, thanks!
I want an animated flaming sword.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some ideas:
Second house would be nice.
A real moving crate, which allows to pack the entire home in one step and either rebuild it identical on a different place/shart with one click or take items out whenever you want while on a bank or in a new owned house. Lasts endless if player has not placed another house.
An architect deed which allows to snapshot the architecture of an existing house and apply it to another spot.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some ideas:
Second house would be nice.
A real moving crate, which allows to pack the entire home in one step and either rebuild it identical on a different place/shart with one click or take items out whenever you want while on a bank or in a new owned house. Lasts endless if player has not placed another house.
An architect deed which allows to snapshot the architecture of an existing house and apply it to another spot.

House Moving Crate FTW !!!!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yup. Vet rewards are planned right now we are working on timing inside the current schedules with so many things going on.

Community Event
*mumble mumble other thing*
Updates to Live Arc --> Magincia


My producer's update is never going to be done with all the questions around.

Hope this answers your question.
Well if you'd actually answer or say anything straight forward there wouldn't be so many questions...


This year.... how about a cake that does something else besides get eaten or displayed. Some ideas:

*Gets handed to a NPC in exchange for something else
*Acts as a Scroll of Alacrity
*Turns you into something else- like maybe a "clown" (A character dressed in brightly colored clothes)
*Can be used as an imbuing ingredient to craft something non-overpowering (perhaps adds cooking skill)

The Irish used to sometimes bake a wedding ring into a cake for Halloween. It was said that the person who finds the ring gets married within a year! Maybe we could have something "baked into" the cake.

Luke Carjacker

This subject has been discussed in some other threads, but there are some ideas that haven't been mentioned here yet.

A working moongate home deco. Maybe you can select from a variety of colors, and lock it down in your home. Wouldn't really be overpowered because we already have crystal portals that will take you to any moongate. This will just save you one hop, and you can pop out where you need.

Basement digging tool. I guess this would be a variation on a second home, and would probably be of most interest to owners of classic houses. It would give the benefit of additional space & storage, as well as allowing for a customizable area for owners of old-style fixed housing.

Ethereal mount coloring tool - a little different than the retouching tool which was an 11th year reward (so I guess this would have to be 13th). So, instead of turning your ethy Cu or Hiryu into plain solid color, you can change it to one of the available colors (maybe not blaze or super rare colors). And maybe you can select a different color for the ethy horse and swamp dragon or something. Doesn't have to be too outlandish, and should be super easy to implement.

Multi-school spell books. So, instead of having to carry around multiple spell books if you're a mystic/necro/mage or a chiv/bush/SW (whatever), you can just get one spellbook that holds all your spells. These won't have slayer or any special properties, so you'll still need to carry those separately, but it should save some backpack clutter.

Person bank box. So, you can make and cash in commodities at home already, how about checks? Pretty straight-forward. Make and cash checks at home. I don't think this would be considered unbalanced. It's just I tend to haul stuff home after a hunt, and after a few days I can get quite a few piles of gold.

I'm pretty sure they will add a new mount, and probably a new statue (still looking for a terethan matriach myself). For the mount, I'm going to vote for bouras. I know they probably won't add anything that requires new graphics, but maybe riding a boura can us the same graphics as a swampie? For statue, I'd like a full-size true harrower that talks smack. We got a little tiny false harrower statue, it's time for the real McCoy.


A flying magic carpet you can ride.....
A second house on any shard.....
I like the cart idea say 3000 stones carry cap for it.....
Gargoyle statues that eyes glow as you get close to them, and there heads turn to follow you as you go by......
Suits of armor statues that go from at ease position to a salute as you pass by, and actually hear the armor as they move.....


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please no more super powered veteran rewards. There's no reason to further the gab between newer players and old ones.

Its really not going to sit well with a new player to be told "yeah, that is a nice item, if you keep paying for 13 years, then you'll get it".
What super powered veteran rewards?
Ethys = Not THAT vet and there's legacy token for no age limitation ethies.

All vet robes/dresses are + 3 physcial and do people even wear these anymore? with all other REALLY powerful ones introduced... Grab/Robe of Condamned/Power/Life/Death Shrouds???

All vet cloaks are + 3 Physcial and again do people really still use them? Quiver has dci, there's ssi cloaks, MR cloaks with LMC, or whooping +20 skill cloaks

Full Soulstones are 6 mo

Metal Dye usable by anyone.

House Tally/Ethy brush ect all usable by anyone.

Commodity Boxes are 1 yr.

Does Ethy boura/raptalon/cu give the rider some sort of force power?

I just dont see anything overpowered unless you consider placing certain house addons OP...

Felonious Monk

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Flounder dual-wield makes more sense ;)
Sparring with gilled mate in a scaled attack. 1 special move would have to be "Faint".

Actually to stay on topic......
I would like an Abyss Talisman/ Demon Tali. sumpin like the conjurers trinket.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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*shakes head* ...don't we see enough of his NEW threads? you just had to dig up this old pile of dog shi???

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
I can see a reason to bump a thread about what the gifts were, but I fail to see why this one needs to be revived.
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