Updated Guide: How to "do" the new event (pics included)
New P67 additions, 5th August
The Bane Chosen have moved! They are no longer in the Ophidian desert but, instead, are camped outside of Spirituality moongate, in Ilshenar.
It is worth noting that you can now also go over the 2500 loyalty barrier that was, previously, the limit for loyalty. It is possible that there is either no limit, or that the new limit is 5000. You can go over 2500 for both Ophidian and Bane loyalty (Meer is unknown).
In addition, killing Bane will reduce your loyalty to them for the amount of points they did previously (5 for a hound master, 3 for a recruit), however the loyalty increase appears to be a flat rate of 1 for each Meer and Ophidian.
Finally, it appears that there is no spawn advancement at the moment. There is no separate meer base (other than the meer spawns that already existed) and killing either side doesn't seem to advance spawns along any path.
More info to be added later!
Banes and Ophidians
The following is old and largely no longer applies
New P67 additions, 5th August
The Bane Chosen have moved! They are no longer in the Ophidian desert but, instead, are camped outside of Spirituality moongate, in Ilshenar.
- Wait, what happened to the Ophidians and the Bane desert invasion?
Although no fiction has been released yet, it appears that the Bane have gone. The Ophidians there, now, do not attack players loyal to them and the old NPCs that would trade crystalline blackrock now sell the potions, instead, at 1271gp each (valuing 10 crystalline blackrock at 3813gp each, or, 381gp per piece).
- So what happens to my current quest with the Bane NPC?
Any quests started for 20 blackrock can still be completed, although stopping this quest and starting it again from the Bane NPC reveals a new quest.
- So how do I get food for my dragon?
The new quest involves the acquisition of power crystals; 20 of these will give you blackrock stew.
- How do I get these crystals?
Although golems and other mechanical enemies may give you them, the Bane appear to be interested in killing the Meer. As a result, you can now lose loyalty with Meer for killing them.
The closest Meer "camp" to the new Bane camp is in Lakeshire; roughly north-west from Sacrifice (and Spirituality) -
- Can non-combatants take part?
Unlikely, since you need loyalty to get any quests, obtained through killing meer, ophidians or bane. However, if you already have Bane loyalty, you can simply hand in any power crystals you may already have.
- So what happens if we kill the Bane Chosen at the moongate?
Currently, the only known thing to happen is your loyalty increases toward both the meer and the ophidians.
It is worth noting that you can now also go over the 2500 loyalty barrier that was, previously, the limit for loyalty. It is possible that there is either no limit, or that the new limit is 5000. You can go over 2500 for both Ophidian and Bane loyalty (Meer is unknown).
In addition, killing Bane will reduce your loyalty to them for the amount of points they did previously (5 for a hound master, 3 for a recruit), however the loyalty increase appears to be a flat rate of 1 for each Meer and Ophidian.
Finally, it appears that there is no spawn advancement at the moment. There is no separate meer base (other than the meer spawns that already existed) and killing either side doesn't seem to advance spawns along any path.
More info to be added later!
Banes and Ophidians
The following is old and largely no longer applies
This in-game "event" takes place over all shards to coincide with the fiction here, In the Shadow of Virtue: Good Neighbors. It involves two sides: The Bane Chosen and the Ophidian army.
- Where do I go?
The "war" takes place in the lost lands desert by the Ophidian Lair, North-north east of Papua, in both Trammel and Felucca. To get there from Papua, you can simply run north across to the desert, where you should eventually find the Bane camp (which looks like a gypsy camp).
- How do I choose a side?
Initially, neither side will attack you. To choose a side, all you have to do is go into negative loyalty with one side; either the Ophidians or the Bane Chosen. The camps for the two bases are shown below
- What is loyalty, how do I see what I have and how do I get it?
Your loyalty ratings can be viewed by clicking your paperdoll and going to "Loyalty Rating".
Here you can see your loyalty to in-game "sides", including the Bane Chosen and Ophidians.
To get loyalty for the Ophidians, you have to kill the Bane Chosen and vice versa. However, you will lose three times the points that you gain from the side that you kill. So if you kill everything you see, you will end up being considered an "enemy" by both sides.
- So what do you do?
The more of a given side that you kill, the more the side you ally with can advance. However, you must attack the "front line" forces in order to make any difference.
Front lines are comprised of 20 of a given side's force and in order to be repelled, three "waves" must be killed. Each wave has progressively harder enemies and these will give more points than the previous wave. Messages are periodically displayed in the bottom right of your screen, telling you how many have been killed in how many waves for both sides.
Another way to tell is to double click "flags" - there are two flags at any given time in the battlefield that mark the front lines for both sides.
If you double click the flag and nothing is displayed in your bottom right corner, this means that one of the armies has been routed and there is no battle currently active.
- I kill things but it says I kill the bank ranks, what does this mean?
Killing any of the opposition army that is not in the "front lines" will yield less points than if they are a part of the front line forces. They will also not count toward the progression of your own side's forces, although they will still give you some points.
- What is peril bonus?
In addition to points gained through killing something, "Peril bonus" points are additional points that may be given if other players are also killing the spawn. For non-front line enemies, or for enemies that were once front line spawn but are no longer, you will receive 0 peril bonus.
Peril bonus is applied from a pool of points, generated by the opposition's progress. So, if the side you are on is doing overwhelmingly well, you will receive less peril points and your kills will generate peril point bonuses for opposition players. However, anyone fighting for the opposition will gain peril bonus, as they are not doing so well.
A well-balanced battle will probably see both sides gaining peril points, as points are gained and generated by both sides.
- Where have the armies gone!
As one side progresses, the front line will "shift" toward the base of the losing side. Below is a map of the places that the front lines can shift to
Eventually, however, one side will be defeated. Once a side has been routed, there is a "cooldown" period of 20 minutes before the spawn is reset. When it is reset, both armies will start from either side of the point marked "start" on the map.
- What rewards are there?
During this time, if you were on the side of the winning army, you can return to your side's camp and use the chest in your camp for a reward in the same way that you could in the Ranger/Warden of the Abyss housing event and the Ricardo's Book event. Simply double click the chest and a reward will be placed in your backpack (usually a bag containing a random piece of loot).
If you receive a message that "This chest is locked.", there are a few causes:
- You're using the wrong chest (If the Ophidians won, you have to go back to the Ophidian Lair's chest).
- You're fighting for the wrong side (If the Ophidians won, but you are loyal to Bane, you get nothing).
- No side has won yet (The chests can't be used until someone has won).
- You have less than 1000 loyalty (You need 1000 to get a chest reward).
The chests are located below.
- Where is the blackrock from?
In addition to these rewards, you may also notice that some corpses have Crystalline Blackrock. This is the same as the ingredient that you can find in the Abyss and on Ore Elementals and you can find it on both sides' corpses, but only on the second and third wave enemies.
- How do you use the blackrock?
This can be used as part of a loyalty-related quest on either side. If you are fighting for the ophidians, you can use 10 crystalline blackrock to receive either 3 shatter potions or 3 fear potion (the quests available from the two different ophidians to the right of the recruiter will give you the different potions each). If you are fighting for the bane, you can use 20 crystalline blackrock to receive some blackrock stew, which is used to feed - and bond with - bane dragons.
To get the quest for your chosen side, speak with the recruiter (double click) in the camp, although you need 2000 loyalty to do so. After speaking with the recruiter, mark the crystalline blackrock as a quest item and speak to them again.
Below are the rewards for both sides, the potions and stew from the NPCs and the unique rewards from the chests.
- What is a bane dragon and how do I get one?
Bane dragons are new mountables that are comparable to dread mares from Vanguards in 2008. Later waves of Bane forces can be seen to mount and then ride them.
To get one for yourself, you will need to go to the Abyss. To the west of the "centre" area, where the Slasher of Veils spawns, bane dragons will spawn that you can tame. In order to do so, however, you must first "subdue" them in a similar way to beetles. However, Bane Dragons are magical and can cast heal on themselves which may require you to keep doing damage to them. Since damage interupts a taming attempt, this can make taming them difficult.
There are also hell hounds that spawn on both sides of the abyss around the centre area, although these cannot be tamed. Neither the bane dragons nor the hell hounds have any crystalline blackrock.
- Which side do I choose?
Whichever side you choose is up to you! Killing either side rewards you with karma, but neither side currently seems to have an negative impact on your character. Do you sympathise with the Ophidians and want to fend off the Bane invaders? Or do you resent the Ophidian's own invasion of Britannia a few years ago? The choice is yours!