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Ten Years Later...well....Twelve

  • Thread starter Jonathan Baron
  • Start date
  • Watchers 4


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Beer, You help keep this Jon fellow interested and you will earn serious karma points from me.

@ Jon. I at the top of that hill myself. I turn 50 on my next birthday. I am so enjoying this thread. I have been playing 9 some odd years. Last seven on Siege though... We can discuss that later. I am so enjoying the journal of your voyage.


Old and in the way
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Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Jon... It is obvious writing is one of the skills you have honed in this life. *nods*


oh crap ... there's a lot to reply to on this. Lemme see if I can fill you in.

First ... I have a runebook (empty) that will hold 20 charges. I also have several hundred recalls for you ... easy stuff. But ya have to remember to NOT use recall - SJ (Sacred Journey) is the puppy to use for us Paladin type folkses. The runes and books are just a convenience the mages thought up to keep us happy and out of their hair (all two strands of it).

Compassion ... one of the 8 virtues (of which several stand unfinished to this day) that really helps others more than it helps you. You gain in Compassion by doing escorts of NPCs to their destination. If you can cast Gate (Magery spell) it is much easier than what I will relate here.

What you do is look in towns and the orc/brigand camps where NPCs are hostage. In town they are usually tagged as "Quest giver" under their name. Double-click them and there is a dialog that explains what the destination is that they need. For the hostages, either have them follow you on foot or gate them to the destination - typically the bank or inn of a town or something.

The town NPCs (except Haven) you need to take via public moongate to the city they desire ... or for places like Nu'jelm you do need a gate. Some are Seekers of Adventure and will most likely want a certain dungeon.

All of these escorts will reward you with a modest sum of gold for your effort and except for Haven, you will gain some points in Compassion.

Haven Escorts: They deliver no Compassion points, but still reward you with gold. All destinations for the quest givers in that island area will wish to go somewhere within the bounds of that area. This makes it easy for new players to accumulate modest wealth as well as train up skills.

On the CC there is a symbol above the head on your paperdoll ... double-click it for the virtue gump. Click the blue "Status" button and select Compassion by clicking the blue gem on the scroll. I am not sure how it is done in the EC.

There are dots at the top of the scroll that change color as they get filled. Each 10 dots is one level of Compassion or any other virtue that is active. Each level delivers some bonus as a result of your devotion to the virtue.

Compassion levels heal others when you resurrect them (via Noble Sacrifice Paladin spell or bandages) with 20, 40 or 80% of their health returned versus the normal 1/1/1 in stats. For Mages the Resurrect spell (An Corp) will also deliver that same bonus based on their Compassion level.

Using Noble Sacrifice: As a Paladin this spell does marvelous work of resurrection however use it sparingly unless you are really safe from battle as YOU are left with 1 point in each of your stats and it might take some time to recover. It resurrects ALL within your range, so you could conceivably rez 8 or 9 ghosts all at once depending on where they are standing when you cast it..

For the other virtues (Justice, etc) look on the UO Stratics main page - I think down in the lower part of the left hand menu. Explanations of benefits and how to work them are there.

Serpents Hold ... haven't been there in a long time so no idea what you relate for that place. Magincia ... that's another story. As you know now, it was destroyed, moongate shattered and until a bit back overrun with various type of nefarious characters who wished nothing but harm to you. Quite a bit of battling was done and unless it's been deactivated, you will find a teleport pad on the Magincia docks (S side of town) that takes you to Trinsic docks.

Ummm, while I think of wonky travel methods, I should also mention that SKara Brae requires a bit of a different manner in travel onto and off the island if you do not use the public moongate. On the mainland, follow the road to the docks where you will find 2 boats with open gangplanks and willing crew for them.

Choose one of them and board via the gangplank, then speak the word "cross". The crew will deliver you to the Skara Brae docks in jig time with nary a word about the terse command just given. At the Skara docks, simply repeat the process and you will be delivered to the docks on the mainland side.


<laughs> I will do my best. Gortman on LA is also following along ... I'm battling the Internet Gods for good ping and little packet loss so have been unable to meet JB in-game.

Just for the record I am a young 62 years of age (March) and will be celebrating 25 years of ummmm, wedded bliss. Yeah, that's the phrase ... this coming week. We are heading over to the Adirondacks for a few days vacation and to see some relatives of ours.

Siege ... yeah, later. A lot later based on Jonathan's seemingly overwhelmed reports ATM!


if you use ICQ at all, look for Beer Cayse as the handle. When I am in-game I do use it if I think someone needs to contact me. Lately its because I'm selling some stuff! <grin>

I'll also get you to my house in Malas where I can coach you on things if you wish. The first floor is public with some seating, floral decoration, a fountain and some trees for shade. The local spawn is mild ... Vampire Bats mainly and then only spradic. Hanses Hostel (an Inn) is just down the road to the S.

Jonathan Baron

I don't want this to sound pompous, because it's actually the reverse of the situations in most families when it comes to names. I'm Jonathan. Only my mother called me Jon and, alas, she is no more.

Thanks, Beer! I wondered about those boats. You'd think they'd notice you going aboard and ask if you wanted to cross. I came aboard....waited for something to happen, nothing did, so I figured it was a disabled feature. Water journeys sound nifty to designers but they're just not, as players stuck with LONG water voyages in the first year of EQ will attest.

So I take it that the gate option in the runebook is a shortcut for Mages casting a spell the way we Paladins do with Sacred Journey. The charges are a way for folks who are neither Mage nor Paladin to get around? Sacred Journey works for me, only giving me that fizzle sound occasionally. And, as you told me earlier, it doesn't charge me for the trip.

But let me get this straight: unless you're a Mage you cannot create temporary gates, nor can you "gate" other people or NPC to places in your rune book.

In short, is there a way for us Paladins do send other people places? Is there a way to bring people with you to other places?

The guy who helped me out with runebooks gave me a book for Trammel towns and another for Dungeons setting the former always to banks. Sounds like this would make those NPCs in peril happy. Pity is, as I said, I've been in situations where there is no public moongate available such as the ice island.

It's not that I'm out to gain virtue points. Rather, it's a sense of completion. Killing brigands doesn't get you much gold, never phat loot, no fame and no karma. Same for the critters surrounding the prisoner. Rescuing the AI in distress makes it a bit more interesting. Plus this could become QUITE handy when I'm trying to work with a group of players.

As an aside, as I said, the book I have takes me to lots of banks. It's interesting how few players use the old method of saying "Bank" while standing outside to open their bank box. 99% of those I've seen go inside. This is actually an improvement in willing suspension of disbelief. Standing outside one in meat-space and shouting "Bank" would like bring only cops and never a teller.

Indeed, Kelso, I once made my living as a writer. Hated it. Need to work with people and writing doesn't go with that. Thanks for the kind comments though.

Finally, I found the perfect mantra for new players going into dungeons alone.....


Now....back to the game. BTW, Beer, lots of folks have been suffering lag and packets moongating themselves into the void. I sure have. Sometimes the game just freezes - the part that the host has to participate in - and I wait for awhile.

They may be trying to do something about this. At about 8AM (yes, I pulled an all nighter in the game) they gave a two minute warning. "The host will be shut down in two minutes. Get to a safe place." Uh...was in the middle of a multi-bogie fight and I'd just looted an amazing green thing called a crescent blade that just whacks-whacks-whacks bad guys in RAPID succession. Hate to run during phat loot time but, oh, how I heeded the "Get out of there," then. Hope it was to fix something.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As an aside, as I said, the book I have takes me to lots of banks. It's interesting how few players use the old method of saying "Bank" while standing outside to open their bank box. 99% of those I've seen go inside. This is actually an improvement in willing suspension of disbelief. Standing outside one in meat-space and shouting "Bank" would like bring only cops and never a teller.
It's interesting to me how simple game mechanics affect players. You always hear about how this or that doesn't seem real yet this game is not about reality. There are several reasons why a player may go into the bank to do their banking. One would be just habit from long ago when there were theives abundant at banks, another would be because the bankers are too far away to hear them say BANK from the outside, another would be just to avoid spammers trying to hawk thier wares and fill the air with words or it could be that they feel more in character doing that.


I typically go inside when I am getting checks or commodity deeds ... outside (or on roof) they don't seem to acknowledge me when I say "balance" and "vendor buy".

See y'all in a few days ... am heading out in 1/2 an hour or so for the Adirondacks. Essentially I will be somewhere between Ticonderoga, NY and Queensbury, NY on NY Rte 9. Should be back sometime late Wednesday night.

Take care of Jonathan ... he's fragile from all the overload this past week. rolleyes: Perhaps when I get back, the damn lag will be subsided so I can move faster than the Brigands.

Jonathan Baron

Yeah, Beer, it remains a laggy world, alas.

Checks I understand. Commodity Deeds, repair contracts, those order books some vendors have....these documents I've yet to understand.

That, and vendor acronyms such as PoF, BODs and a host of others that escape me at the moment.

Yes, Percivalgoh, I remember when banks had to be hit and run affairs, along with scam and run deals before Secure Trading. And, yeah, this is indeed a fantasy world ;)

Finally went to Ter Mur. Wound up in a fight with something that looked like an ice age musk ox called....I forget....Boura I think, just over the bridge from the refugee camp. Big beast without weapons or magic...hummmm. By the time it finally died, it had killed me once, KILLED MY HORSE, made me run all over a wholly unfamiliar city looking for a healer and forced me into hit-run-heal up-repeat tactics for several minutes while it slaughtered countless refugees. Finally brought it down after its health bar was barely registering any life at all for ages.

Proudly brought my agonizingly earned pelt prize back to the Fortress of Solitude as a token of my appreciation for the leather armor suits my benefactor has made for me and found a stack of SIXTY Boura pelts locked down on the floor. Such is the way of things in this world of many levels of skill beyond the comprehension of a three week wonder.

She showed up and made me a fresh suit of leather armor. I went from the tan clad man to the teal deal. As I noted, she's a he but is a terrific role player. To pay her back, at least a little, I slew and skinned over one hundred polar bears. Took me an embarrassingly long time to learn the procedure.

Whenever she crafts stuff for me - nicely styled leather armor or copper swords with matching shield and helm - she leads me somewhere to try it out. This proving ground is the dungeon called Shame.

Okay, I'll admit that these dungeons, at this stage, scare the bejesus out of me as they RAPIDLY turn into facing a mob of Earth Elementals on top of me with scorpion pests in the midst. I'd chop up a few and and run as if from a bomb that's about to detonate.

"Hold your ground!" she demanded.

"Huh...whaaaa....uh," was my thoughtful reply.

It worked. IT FRACKING WORKED!! With a tough suit and a mighty sword - by any standards I'm yet aware of (all the while mindful of the cost of my one Boura pelt versus her sixty), adding my Paladin spells (most still give me that fizzle sound) it ended up with me - ALIVE - atop a rock pile, and those stone bastards didn't kill my horse!

Immediately after that, "Thus endeth the lesson," moment I will confess...it was tough to type. My hands were indeed shaking. I'm not ashamed. If you google me with the words, online games, attached you might find the residue of my fifteen minutes and, in '98, folks found it most shocking when I asserted that the human heart cannot differentiate between emotion felt in a virtual setting from that in a real, physical one. Nowadays that's old news.

Regarding a thing from earlier times, I recalled selling gems to town jewelers. I take it that's no longer true. I collected looted gems but could find no NPC to sell them to. Jewelry has an entirely different meaning now. The NPC blacksmith, however, did buy all my looted, and now useless to me, armor and swords.

Finally got truly scammed. The infuriating part was that it was AN NPC that did it - an NPC in Haven of all places. Mage said he'd give me some powerful leather bound book in exchange for five recall scrolls. I presumed it was a quest to find such things. I did. Made them quest items (took me ages to figure out that awkward process), the NPC took them and all I got was your typical BLANK BOOK. Brought back memories of what players did to new guys, none of them fond recollections. Tossed the damned thing on the ground in front of him....yeah, as if that would register with an AI programmed to scam :)

I'll end this somewhat boring account with just one question. Does the 700 point skill limit go up after you've played for a certain time?

Hope so.


Jonathan Baron

Oops, forgot to add, Beer, that you didn't come up as Beer Cayce, Beer_Cayce, or Beer Cayse in my ICQ search, alas. This was, however, when I was using the actual ICQ: a malicous monstrosity that fires browser bombs and spyware like dragons spew fire while it assaults you with animated ads, most of them for porn.

Miranda was a too obtuse alternative. Ended up with Trillian.



Your skill cap of 700 goes up as your account ages. I do believe it is 5 points a year until year 4 (correct me if I'm wrong). So at year 4 you will have a skill cap of 720. I hope this helped :)

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
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Your skill cap of 700 goes up as your account ages. I do believe it is 5 points a year until year 4 (correct me if I'm wrong). So at year 4 you will have a skill cap of 720. I hope this helped :)
This is indeed correct. There are discussions from time to time about making the increase happen faster. I, myself, am in favor of a 5 point increase every 3 months so that by the end of your first year your are at 720. But alas these discussions seem to fall on def ears or more likely overloaded plates.

Luna du Selene

At about 8AM (yes, I pulled an all nighter in the game) they gave a two minute warning. "The host will be shut down in two minutes. Get to a safe place." Uh...was in the middle of a multi-bogie fight and I'd just looted an amazing green thing called a crescent blade that just whacks-whacks-whacks bad guys in RAPID succession. Hate to run during phat loot time but, oh, how I heeded the "Get out of there," then. Hope it was to fix something.
I could be mistaken but I'm fairly certain that was just your shard going down for its daily maintenance. :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would've liked a Privateer Online game. But EA would've screwed that one up. Eve Online seems to fill that Privateer void.

As far as gating, Paladins can't gate unless you have magery. And there's no way for Paladins to gate people or NPC's around. What I do, is I try to find escorts in Skara Brae that want to go to Jhelom or Britain since the gates are close. Or I sit at Jhelom looking for escorts that want to go to the other two cities. Either that or have a buddy gating you. At one point, the escorts would ask for more destinations, but when we had city invasions three years ago, many escorts don't ask for certain cities much or if at all. I never see them ask for Trinsic or Britain or Minoc.

Jonathan Baron

I would've liked a Privateer Online game. But EA would've screwed that one up. Eve Online seems to fill that Privateer void.
They did....by canceling it. It was pretty far along when they did and it was the best dev team I had the privilege of working with.

The crewed ship feature I'd long advocated was dropped, however. I'm big on that because I've seen it work. Problem with contemporary MMOs is that so much has gone into the technology of making them support vast numbers but little design has gone into creation of persistent micro-communities beyond guild structures.

We had crewed bombers in Air Warrior. Ten guys aboard an aircraft, facing peril together, is among the most bonding of gaming experiences, even if your ship goes down. Shared failure is as bonding as shared success, odd as that sounds. Plus voice comms were available. Given the limited bandwidth of the day, heavily compressed voice packets sounded like....well....aircraft radio. The more recent incarnation of Battlestar Galactica used poor radio quality to great effect. It builds tension.

You can't force people to crew a ship though. You can create Capital Ships, however, that people can logon to in order to get their space missions. They can take out solo or two person ships, and likely would at first.

However, some Capital Ships will have players that logon to the same one each evening and natural bonds will develop in the course of things. When that happens the larger ships can go out. Interesting combination of incentives there. When the sh*t hits these larger, crewed ships can launch fighters that work together like adventure parties do in every multiplayer game with combat in it.

What happens then is that the most interesting stories told on the forums or among players in the game involve the crewed ship in the tough fight.

The player who likes to go it alone could still do so. The important thing is for player activity to have an effect on the game world, though it needs to be slight for individuals and small groups within a game instance (shard). Some will bond around having an effect that pisses people off, of course, but that makes things more interesting IMO....thought not as mass market as a WoW or a Facebook game....hell, Facebook proves that nowadays they'll let just anyone online....KIDDING!!

Doesn't matter. Few game designers have seen significantly crewed ships in a game. It won't happen for awhile. Privateer Online, as is, as it was before its death, would have been at least an advance for the medium...well...that's not right. It would have been a fascinating alternative.

The Eve guys are cool. I love to bait them at conferences because they're very nice and extremely committed to their customers. They're wise to me now though and don't fall for my crap. When I worked for Microsoft on the launch of Live, I saw Eve prior to its launch. I begged MS to pursue an X-Box Live version. That's mostly what I did at Microsoft....beg and it all came to naught...my begging that is :)

Yeah, I figured the server had gone simply for daily maintenance....though I had my hope that they'd found a SNAFU and were addressing it.



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Jon & others:

Do you know where the intersection is by the Desert of Compassion? It's the one with the funky building straddling it.

I have the Treasure Hunters of Britannia guildhouse right next to it on LA, on the Northwest side.

The plains to the east and south of the intersection are positively crawling with Gypsies and Brigands. So, if you need to do compassion escorts, wand want to do rescues from Brigands, head over there, and bring the rescued nobles to the THB house. I have set up one of the Veteran Reward Crystal Portals up on the first floor.

IF you go over to it with an escort, you can say the city name and "mint" (for example, "Jhelom Mint") and it will take you to a bank in that city, along with any escort or pet (bonded or unbonded) you have.

This will make it much easier for you to gain in the virtue of compassion be means other than abusing the poor Braveheart quest (or the Lissbet quest in Ilshenar - anyone else find it creepy that you're escorting a young woman to live with her "grandpa" in the middle of nowhere, a man whose only companion on the farm is a SHEEP?).

Jonathan Baron

I put an easter egg into Air Warrior II where, if you hit the right combo of keys (I forget which) next to a sheep, you'd hear either, "Meeee so hooorny," or "Aaaare you my daaaaady?"

Sounds powerfully odd, but AW had been around for ten years prior to the AWII release and, for reasons that surpasseth understanding, somehow jokes about intimate relationships with those wool producing creatures became part of the community culture.

Though it was in the original AW world, AWII was a rather thorough redesign of many aspects of the game (most of them aimed at persistent community creation and maintenance). As a nod to veteran players, there were sheep everywhere, even calendars on the walls inside the airfield rooms featuring sheep in lingerie.

Hey...stop looking at me like that!

Jonathan Baron

Oh, one question, Basara.

You have setup rune libraries in at least a couple of places. Help sites urge players to go to rune libaries. What are they for, and what do you do there?

Thanks :)


Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Oh, one question, Basara.

You have setup rune libraries in at least a couple of places. Help sites urge players to go to rune libaries. What are they for, and what do you do there?

Thanks :)

Hi Jonathan - rune libraries are player run establishments that house a collection of recall runes to any number of locations. This save the individual player from having to have their own private collection (although many do). I have a small collection I use for myself, but I use player run rune libraries often while traveling around.


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For example, the THB library is of the 390 T-map sites (190 Trammel, 200 Felucca), so that you can go directly to the spots, if you recognize where it is. Furthermore, most of the sites are marked so that if a treasure chest is currently there, the chest blocks the recall (prevents a newbie with a level 1 map from recalling into the middle of a level 6 map's spawn, while the chest is up).

There are genre-specific libraries (like the T-map ones) as well as general ones (the two in Luna). The latter are useful to get to places one normally wouldn't be marking for yourself in advance.

Back before resources were randomized, there were even rune libraries for Ore types and wood types.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I put an easter egg into Air Warrior II where, if you hit the right combo of keys (I forget which) next to a sheep, you'd hear either, "Meeee so hooorny," or "Aaaare you my daaaaady?"

Sounds powerfully odd, but AW had been around for ten years prior to the AWII release and, for reasons that surpasseth understanding, somehow jokes about intimate relationships with those wool producing creatures became part of the community culture.

Though it was in the original AW world, AWII was a rather thorough redesign of many aspects of the game (most of them aimed at persistent community creation and maintenance). As a nod to veteran players, there were sheep everywhere, even calendars on the walls inside the airfield rooms featuring sheep in lingerie.

Hey...stop looking at me like that!
Players from countries like Wales and New Zealand would not find this at all odd.

Jonathan Baron

Ya see, Saunders, how easy it is to lapse into....sheep jokes.

Then add ten years and you've got one squadron accusing another of wearing loose boots, and you see elaborate 8th AF style mission orders with the target: Madam Fluffy's brothel.

Back to the rune libraries. I was thinking too RL about it, imagining runebooks that could be seen yet locked down. You find a spot you want, perform the proper cursor clicking, and off you go. Game clearly does not support that method.

I see stacks of locked down runes. I can run my cursor down the pile to get descriptions but I've not tried making my cursor that little hand that looks like it's holding a telescope to select a rune.

I see individual runes laid out on floors. Clicked one at Malice house that's tooltip said it would take me to a guy's rune library. I wanted to see if I'd actually been to a rune library.

First you learn something, then you use it a lot, and pretty soon it becomes an assumption that key elements simply exist in other player's brains, new or not. Nobody's - not the vet's, not the noob - fault that the communication is difficult in a game featuring fresh levels of complexity each year for 13 years.

This is why I ask so many questions and this is why I so often fail to understand what you're telling me - not a clue. Thanks for being patient....really.

Being a griefer at heart, I imagined a rune right out there on Malice's doorstep with the tooltip, "New player quest," that would zap you into the midst of one of those multi-monster levels of almost inescapable hell. That's okay when a game is packed. Not cool for a game where you really want to hold on to people. Folks have gone to enormous efforts to help me.

One guy gave me a llama last night....a cute rideable llama. Said it was better than a horse...faster. It was definitely more adorable and never made a sound...none of that whinny business. I enjoyed running about at full gallop on my llama. Loved my llama.

You can see where's this is going.

Was visiting my benefactor who I thought was roleplaying a gal but I find is a purely MALE character. Outfits for most professions can make guys look like gals, and the gargoyle race makes players look like exotic pets. Imagine my shock when one asked, "Hey Eaglerock - are you Jonathan?"

The quest from Boura Boura (Ter Mir....Terror More...whatever) to gain access to the Abyss (a harrowing tale that I may have bored people with on another topic I created (How do you get to Ter Mir?) left the leggings on my armor a few points shy of tropical weight fabric pants. My arms and armor angel offered to help.

He likes to have me try out new stuff he makes for me. ZAP! Were in a cave featuring Kevlar Ogres and bugs the size of Buicks. Managed to get one Ogre but my shock at seeing the sheer size of the gold loot....well...poor excuse. Sh*t happened, I died.

I'd lost my llama.

This buddy and kind mentor I keep mentioning, Agamemnon, was just a little frustrated with me. He didn't understand my hit, run, heal, return tactics but I always seemed at the edge of death most of the time. There's a lag with bandages and my Close Wounds Paladin spell was giving me that fizzle sound. No big deal though. I'm a noob.

Hell came, however, not from virtual death or the death of the kind llama gift, but from the fact that my overhead yellow text was not visible to Agamemnon above my ghost. My ghost was also invisible. Agamemnon could not see me to rez me. Logged, relogged, didn't matter. You can easily imagine HOW FRUSTRATING THIS WAS.

In the end I ran out of the dungeon, in my ghostly form, found a healer, ran back to my corpse....and only found my insured items in my bag.

I'd failed in insure the key to the storage box with lots of my stuff in it that Agg had given me to keep in his Fortress of Solitude house.

And my llama was dead.

Got a horse. Agg addressed the problem of my not insuring my shoes and then ZAP, back into dungeon hell. This time war mode stopped working....went into and out of war mode, and sometimes that worked and sometimes....DEAD AGAIN.

I'd lost another horse.

Again I was a true ghost and, again, I could be heard over our party channel but not overhead via /say. Again, I could see my text just fine but...well...I've gone through that. Logged, rebooted, logged back in, still broken.

It was time at last - as it comes to us all - to type endless text that conjugated the old Saxon word for coitus in every manner imaginable. Got the "I'm stuck" beam-out to Cove and was healed, insured items all there.

Apologized profusely to Agamemnon before he logged. To work off my frustration and begin to rebuild my toilet flushed fame I grabbed a horse and went into Shame to slaughter Earth Elementals. Was cool 'cause my special move last night (they keep changing for some reason) was the berserker that whacks every enemy within reach....handy when you're in the middle of one of those monster scrums. As I killed off the last EE in front of the next level black moongate and began to loot it, I double clicked me instead of the corpse, thus dismounting. Before I could get back on, an EE was on me and THE ******* KILLED MY HORSE. Leapt into the moongate, got clear, and beamed myself out of there.

Evening totals: two deaths - both packed with rez snafus - three dead animals.

Damn I wish I could get another llama.

Oh, and I realized that my griefer idea I'd mentioned earlier would not have been at all amusing.



Seasoned Veteran
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when you become a ghost pop back into war mode.This will make you visible to other players so that they may resurrect you. Unless they have the spirit speak skill they won't be able to understand anything you say while you're a ghost but at least they can see and aide you.

Keep at it. You're making good progress.

p.s., I'm becoming a really big fan of your posts :)

Derium of ls

Slightly Crazed
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I'd like to take this time and tell you that I have NEVER in one sitting read 124 posts on stratics before. You have an amazing way with words, I love hearing about days of old, and of course watching you grow in UO. In less than an hour I saw you go from knowing nothing to grasping things you thought might be impossible at first.

I suggest when you have time to go back and reread your posts, look at it as a journal type experience.

I'll stop rambling, but welcome back to UO sir! Please keep the stories coming :)


Lore Keeper
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Dear Jonathan
Thank you so much for your wonderful accounts of your adventures. They are helping me relive some of the excitement of discovering the world of Sosaria!

So, runes. You have to cast a spell before you can use them. If they are in a rune book and you click the blue button, the mechanics take care of that for you. If it's a separate rune or rune book, then you need to cast and target.
In your case, as a paladin, your travel spell is Sacred Journey. You'll find it in your white book of chivalry. You can cast it directly from the book by opening to the appropriate page, double clicking the spell icon, and then targeting the rune, or, bette in the long run, you can drag the icon out of the book and let it sit on your desk top. You can then double click that icon and cast the spell without having to fumble around in your pack for the book.

Special attacks. These depend on the weapon you are using. You can also drag the icons for specials from one of the books at your feet (assuming you are using the CC) so you can double click the special move icon to trigger on your next successful hit. There are two specials for each weapon, as well, a primary and a secondary. If you are using Soul Seeker, a very nice weapon, its primary special is that whirlwind hit that smites a whole slew of the foe with one blow.

Keep on adventuring, and it will keep your mind off the sheep!

Oh yes, a bit more detail about communicating when you are dead. The spirit speak skill possessed by most necromancers allows them to understand dead people speaking, and also to speak comprehensibly when dead. Other folk just see dead-speak as ooOOoooOOooOooo, which isn't much help. your utterances concerning coitus would have been incomprehensible except to necromancers, if you had chosen to type them in.

Llamas are indeed lovely. They shouldn't be faster than horses, but they are very cute. :) Next ime somebody gives you one, feed it and stick it in the stables, and use throwaway horses till it has been there a week and will bond with you. :D


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Also, rune books are like containers.

They have to be set for people to access them, for them to work right, in some contexts.

if they are set for "anyone" access, anyone can change the default rune from the book (the gem at the top of each page) to allow one to go to that specific site by targeting the book with one of the travel spells, or to drop Recall scrolls into the book to add charges.

The initial "index" pages are gem buttons that require recall scrolls to actually be in the book. IF you page to each spot's specific page, there is also a button for using the book's charges, but also buttons for using any of the three spells (if you're capable of casting them) to go to that location.

So, for an example, in a city bank runebook, you could turn to the page for West Britain Bank, then look at the bottom of the page for a gem button for Sacred Journey (located below the Recall and Gate Travel buttons). Clicking it will make the reading character attempt to cast Sacred Journey, to travel to the location.

In the Enhanced client, it works similarly, except that many of the buttons are replaced by check boxes, that you mark, then hit the button in the book to initiate the travel method.

Jonathan Baron

My goodness.....thanks....it's all been an astonishing experience and I had to say SOMETHING about it. Taciturn I'm not, for good or for ill.

I'm feeling MIGHTY STUPID over this rune library business. The system works exactly as it should. Contrary to what I initially experienced, it functions precisely like a library made of atoms....difference is I can't go to my local library, pick up a book on Terra Del Fuego, point to something in it and IMMEDIATELY GET TELEPORTED THERE.

This game is cool.

Okay, so why did I insist, up-topic, that it should do that but it didn't? Well, for one thing I was browsing rune libraries while sitting on a horse. I do everything on horseback....I figure I'll keep the poor thing company because it will end up dead soon.

Why is this the key factor...sitting on horses I mean, not the large herd of dead ones attributable to me? BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO BE CLOSE TO BOOKS TO OPEN THEM. I'm shouting the bloody obvious it would seem. Not really. Unlike, say, animal taming, you're not told you have to get closer; you're told you don't have access to it. Riding a horse in a library means you can't get close enough to books to use them. The horse blocks you from getting close enough. Another misleading aspect is that you have amazing vision and can read the titles of books many shelves away. Not being able to do this would be a nasty thief of time of course.

The reason I figured it all out is because I went to the Knights of Light library. They recruited me, gave me guild member privs, I figured this gave me access to the books, and I, by sheer chance, was close enough to one I clicked on. IT OPENED! There it all was: list of destinations within and the standard ability to click on one and select your means of travel...gateway...Sacred Journey...Scotty...whatever. Whoh, this is great, I thought. Then I clicked on a book too far away, got the same "You don't have access," error message I'd gotten in other libraries. Thus rang the bell.

Y'all learned this long ago. You've not seen the "You are not worthy," message in years. Thus you can't think to add it in your counsel. You'd think it goes without saying. Yes but a world made of bits and bytes gets to make its own rules.

Only down part of the KoL lib is that the core of the group are formidable veterans who use these books to save time. Thus many of the destinations I picked, none of them dungeons, plop you right into danger anyway. Good news was that I was, almost by chance, able to kill the critters the book dropped me next to....or flee them.

My horse lived.

Next stop was an auction. One of my squad buds was the first to tame a Terror More black dragon and figured he'd do well selling it there.

Naturally I had nary a clue about what it was the auctioneer was putting up for bid 99% percent of the time.

"Next item is a 70s suit," she said.

"Huh? That doesn't come with bell bottoms and a tie dyed tee shirt does it?"

"Okay, next we have rotted logs from a shipwreck."

"Uh...isn't that just crap that a sensible person leaves on the beach?"

I understood the value of my squadie's dragon. Without one of his fierce dragons on point we never would have survived the Abyss quest. He got a lot for this new to the game black one. We've covered the matter of black.

Someone told me that the suit was a suit of armor and 70, in each category of potential peril, was as mighty as protective wearable gear could possibly be.

Okay, but the shipwreck stuff?

I showed someone a nifty shield I'd picked up from a corpse. Wondered if it was worth anything. Shield looked very cool and had good save-your-butt numbers....Lord Blackthorn Exemplar. "You could get 1.5 mil for that!," the guy said. Hell no, I thought. I'm using THIS to help survive the next pit of hell place Agamemnon is taking me to tonight.

His into-hell-right-now spell kept fizzling. So....he goes to a RUNE LIBRARY in Luna to find a spot. If the order of events had been different with regard to these damned libraries....nah, would have ruined the discovery. Even though he has plopped us into peril before, he likes to know exactly where the spot is. Runes can have only limited descriptions thus we entered the the mouth of a dungeon rather than its crap and acid filled stomach and intestines from the start.

I forget what the featured bad guys were called but they were angry little bastards. Chop, chop, chop, chop and it barely hurt 'em. Chop, hit hot key for bandage me, chop, hit Paladin spell for bind wounds, chop like a crazy naked blue painted Celt (that was my working special move of the night though it wasn't named "Insane Celtic naked guy"), Agg kept pouring healing magic on me between bandage lags and to keep me from being distracted by working my heal wounds spell. More chop, chop, chop...and so on.

Something was working. There was a pile of corpses of these sociopathic freaks all around me, but no time to loot the creeps because more kept coming. I recalled that video of characters in two dozen movies shouting, "Get out of there!" So I did. Agamemnon had to get up for work in five hours anyway.

And my horse was still alive.

My squadies - sorry, a hold over from my Air Warrior days - rather, my Guild mates took pity on me, though, for the untimely death of my Llama, Earl, the night before. Still miss Earl. They gave me another. THIS ONE IS STAYING IN THE STABLES....at least for that week of bonding. False Prophet also presented me with two dragons. One was a cute little white one named Cherry. It too is going into lockup for a week. "Feed him first," FP said. As with the horses and llamas, I tried to give it a few apples which clearly puzzled the mythological creature. "NO," FP said, "Feed it THIS!" Up came the trade box presenting me with two dozen raw ribs. Made sense.

The other dragon was green and fearsome looking. Glad I didn't try the apple trick with THAT one. It had been recently tamed and needed a name. I dubbed him Gar, after a species of dragon in Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth novels. The three should do fine during their week of virtual incarceration that oddly creates a bond with me.

I just hope the dragons don't eat the llama, and that none of them drops a bar of soap in the shower.


Jonathan Baron

Hmmmmm......I saw a reply to this thread notice via email but it appears to have vanished since.

Naturally I respect the right of folks to do that....hell, if only I could do that when I speak my life would be very different. Thing is that it was nothing bad. It involved something useful. I'll explain.

I asked around and, yeah, that shield is worth something but not enough to ignore its wonderful numbers and splendid fine looks.

What a relief! Yet I'd been strangely nervous about using certain things because they have a hidden formula applied regarding how many whacks of a blade or hits absorbed by leather/metal/dragon skin they can take.

Vets would give me a wonderful, exotic Scimitar, for example. Eager is a weak word to describe my emotions as I'd IMMEDIATELY employ said Uber Tool of Lethal Destruction. After the little "Yeah, oh yeah, that beast went DOWN!" dance, I'd run my mouse cursor over this force of mighty smiting as if to rub the imaginary beast blood and goo from its blade. They really should show these things dripping blood in the Paperdoll view after a fight. Vendors could sell cloths imbued with special powers to wipe the blood and viscera completely off to get your weapon gleaming clean.

Actually I imagine it would work in reverse. Perhaps the more dried creature blood and bits that showed on your weapon the greater your status would be. You'd pass the vendors and see, "PoFs, BODs, Rares, Boura gore," But I digress....

Then I'd notice something. The final number in the list of breathtaking powers the weapon boasts had changed! After the monsters went down the durability number did also. Same with helms....same with leg armor...same with other things. 80/80 became 74/80...68/80...the countdown had begun.

You know this...thing is I didn't. Again, there is so much you know that you don't know you know that we new guys don't know. A new player came up to me last night saying he's playing UO now solely due to this tread (more a rope than a tread now) and, thus, he doesn't know it. Poor guy thought he'd need to build tailoring skill to make bandages until I set him straight. Plus, as I said before, there are no player smithies camped in either Old Brittain or New Brittain (Luna) to clang-clang-clang your weapons and armor back to their formidable mightiness anymore.

Thus I'd keep an array of weapons in my pack, saving the prize ones for the worst creatures and equipping myself with your basic Halberd or Viking Sword for that mandatory initial attack of those FRACKING ANNOYING Mongbats, sewer rats and such. I had no idea that this ritual was wholly unnecessary.

Then someone told me about the Service Contract system. Like most things IT MADE NO SENSE to me at first. Guy tells me about it, I buy one for just 100 gold from one of those talking statues on Luna's vendor row and the contract - a little scroll opened as if to read it - says marvelous things about the smith who's going to fix your stuff. You head to the smithy shop, and try to hand this little opened scroll to the NPC smith. I forget the "ain't happening" gibberish the NPC says. All I know is that the scroll/contract goes crunch/thunk back into my pack and my magic Brilliant Scimitar of deadliness is still sitting at 18/80. Oh, and that last ******* that blasted me in the butt with some weird fireball had my pants down to a fragile number as well.

Feeling both sad and nervous it comes to me that this must be yet another one of those ritual mouse clicking ceremonies. Click on contract, get the hand making the big O, put the O on the wounded weapon, make sure you're near a forge when you do, and look for a happy message. I get mixed news. The weapon is fixed alright but it's now 79/79. When doctors say you're gonna live they're not saying you're immortal.

Oddly this principal also worked on my pants....my spined leather armor pants. No, not the, "A great and wonderful smith of impecable reputation and renown deeds legendary across all of Trammel has deigned to agree to fix your silly little Scimitar," contract scroll. Yes, these come with a preamble similar to that. Instead you buy a repair contract from, "An esteemed tailor rumored to have sewn Lord British's knickers." What they don't add is that the guy is into leather too....the tailor, not Lord British.

My leather pants possessing the POWER of plate armor were thusly fixed.

Seriously, all the marvelous parts are still there....player crafters craft, their game names and proud status remains exclaimed, and they craft things of far greater diversity of style and capability than ever. Difference is that you rarely interact with them directly as I did with Agamemnon as he made me Exceptional armor and weapons.

In short, I was pleased to discover I can get my sh*t fixed. I now own enough scrolls to fill the ancient library at Alexandria, but I can get my sh*t fixed.


P.S. Amazingly, no horses or llamas under my care perished despite heavy enemy action last evening. Agamemnon proposed creating a work of memorial art for my deceased llama, Earl, but neither of us wants to go back to THAT area of THAT particular dungeon to find a piece of his unfortunate hide needed to properly create one.

Earl....I'm still thinking about ya, buddy. You died too soon and I hardly knew ye.



I was the one who posted about the value of you shield. I got an email from Stratics: "...it is against the Stratics TOS to mention by name or link to sites/services that use or promote illegal game activity. Please edit/remove the link in this post...". Not sure what's illegal with a price site but I attempted to comply only to find my post already deleted. Not complaining just explaining.

Let's move on...

Maximum durability can be as high as 255. You use PoF (Powder of Fortifying). Each bottle contains 10 charges and each charge will increase the maximum durability by 10 points. See this explantion.

PoF used to be cheap but since Imbuing, PoF cost ~100k-200k (on Baja).

Good hunting


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What's illegal about that site is its use of illegal script code to search the shards for the prices via an automated process.


Lore Keeper
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Mending stuff has lost a little bit of magic, hasn't it?

Those deeds are useful, but they can't give you advice, or scold you for misusing your weapon.

Incidentally there is a kind of weapon-wiping available, in that oilcloths still clean acid off blades, I believe. It's too long since my paladin went smiting slime, but I seem to remember that the acid they exude continues to damage your edge until cleaned or worn off. Self repair is a useful property if you are a bit sleepy.

There's supposed to be an optimum damage level for repairing your stuff, somewhere around half damage, which balances the number of repairs and the chance of a loss in durability. I've not done enough repairs recently to check that out either. PoF is very good stuff, especially if you have very little durability left, and risk breaking the item entirely, as it adds 10 to both numerator and denominator.

Crafting at GM level and leaving your name behind really rocks. Whatever happens, keep that armour that was made for you, because in future years it will have huge meaning for you.

Jonathan Baron

More mysteries revealed!

Thanks for the explanation Basara of why what seemed an innocuous bit of info from uoBuoY was tossed by TOS. Got it in email though.

Powder of Fortification. Pity it's expensive. The max durability number goes down by one each time you get something fixed, and I make my gold by corpse loot. Probably means a sort of stasis: you kill the monsters to pay for the weapon/armor fix but killing the monsters degrades the weapons, making you need to fix them. One has to doubt, given the prices I've seen, that a guy can break even :)

False Prophet (major tamer on Lake Austin) gave me a rideable mini dinosaur. Nifty little guy with a LONG neck. Named him Mike. I should stop that and go with my previous idea of Marked for Death [number] so I don't get so attached to these creatures so much. They don't allow spaces in names though. I couldn't even name my next Llama Earl Jr.

Thing is you have to open your imagination to fully enjoy this game, in my opinion, and willingly suspend your disbelief that the world does not contain giant yellow bugs folks ride around, much less swamp dragons or even cute little Llamas and lizards. I make myself believe I'm there, in that world. No...not true. I find myself believing it's real because, emotionally, it is.

Thus I grieve for Earl :)

More innocent creatures perished under my poor leadership this evening.

Laird died because, moments after I plucked him from the stable, I accidentally double clicked, rather than single clicked on him to get the pet command menu to tell him to Stay. But I was also chatting. I'd inadvertently missed the Cap Lock key to make an emphatic point and hit Tab. This put me into war mode and, before I could blink, Laird was a corpse. Laird stayed alright. You can lose a lot of karma doing things like this.

So, I jumped on another horse - I don't want to mention his name because I've given that name to many. No more. Clearly it's cursed. Let's just say that it's the name of the make of aircraft in my sig file. I've flown that airplane all over the country. Difference it that it kept trying to kill ME.

To rebuild my lost karma I went back to that cave packed with those aforementioned Kevlar skin monkeys, and unpronounceable names, near Trinsic. I was getting "you've gained a lot of karma" whenever I manged to kill one of them. Cool. Redemption was only a few thousand sword hacks away. Takes too many to count to bring one down.

They tend to gang up on you. Each is worth over 400 gold in loot as I may have said. Thus the corpses tend to pile up, making getting at that hard earned cash difficult. I try to move around to drag the dead monkey string out. Dead monkey behind you, two or more hacking away in front of you, try to loot the dead one in the rear and move forward to keep the string of lootable monkeys working. But my cape waves. I double click a little piece of my cape, missing dead evil karma giving monkey and I dismount. Immediately the evil little things are all over my horse instead of me. Dead ride number two.

False Prophet takes pity on me and gives me a sweet rideable little dino I named Mike. I don't even want to tell you how I got Mike killed. Number three down.

Now comes a Llama I name Duke.

I'm riding around on Duke, from the provisioner where I buy a wood box from, and everywhere else trying to figure out how in blazes I can get the key I thought I'd bought to fit the lock on the box to work. All manner of clicking rituals failed. Web searches....no joy. It's morning now. Only people still on are no doubt at Luna. Duke and I go to Luna and meet up with the cluster of souls at the bank. There's a horse corpse on the floor in the center of the room. Bad sign.

A guy on a dragon tells me that the box must be crafted by a human to have a working lock. After a "brb" he quickly returns, this time riding a giant beetle, and gives me - simply gives me - a box with a key that works. I wondered how people feel when their giant insects perish.

Well, conceal your shock, I get a conversation going. Folks riding all sorts of exotic things appear and join in. Doesn't matter. I'm proud of my newly acquired little Llama as I sit there asking people the merits of this beast or that. The horse corpse in the center of the room bear mute testimony to their lack of favor as transportation in UO.

Beetles can't fight, the guy who gave me the box tells me. They're good as pack animals. I think he may be joking but he gave me a box and key. I'm not about to doubt him aloud. The guy riding the green shadow dragon likes it 'cause it looks cool. Another dragon rider mentions his beast's ability to aid in a fight. I'm collecting a lot of info here. Duke doesn't seem very interested and nobody's interested in Duke. What am I gonna say....he slays Bouras?

Notice comes that the server will be going down soon. Before we can say our goodbyes, before any countdown is broadcast, POOF, it's down, down, down.

Duke may not be deceased beast number four. I may logon when the server comes back and find myself sitting on wee Duke, just as I left us. Perhaps. I simply don't know.

I wait....I hope.

In the meantime, is there a way to buy a box and a key from an NPC and make the key work in the box's lock? I could find no box that comes with a key already ready.

The statue vendors are "busy" selling PoFs BODs, bonsai trees, repair contracts, stuff from shipwrecks....oy vey, I've made too much already about what they sell.

If there had been one selling boxes with working keys Duke might be safe in a stable just being a virtual Llama.

Oh hell, even if he's alright I'd find a new way to kill the poor furry guy.

And why the HELL was finding a way to make a key work on a damned BOX so important right that moment anyway?

Those, what-ifs, are murder and killing evil monkeys has gone from giving me lots of fame and karma to just a little.

Sometimes it's just....sad.

Y'think I may be playing this game just a little too much? :gee:


Stratics Veteran
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Jonathan, when I first started playing this game there was no way I could afford to keep losing mounts like you do because I didn't have anyone giving me mounts (not very often). Someone did give me a mount that I named bakatare. That mount was very good luck for me. I never died while riding him but finally got him killed at the city of the undead by dsimounting accidentally. I had him for about 2 years. Sounds like you are having lots of fun. It's fun but my problem has been keeping real life in perspective. It's so easy to get lost in Sosaria. Carry on and thanks for the tales.

Jonathan Baron

As I recall, Percivalgoh, when I first played UO I was never able to afford a horse. My fuzzy memory of playing a decade ago had them priced too high....dunno, perhaps I simply was into walking and the world was smaller then.

This time, and this is going to make it all sound worse, it never even occurred to me to get a horse for at least the first week, and I've not been playing long. By then I'd saved up the money through corpse loot: my chief source of income then and now.

Although I have had the privilege of being responsible for the deaths of three animals that were gifts (two Llamas, one Lizard) the rest were all bought and paid for by me....not that it makes it any better. You go two years with one. I go two hours.

Duke was indeed alive with me aboard him when the host went back up. Oddly the folks in the same room were there but were either AFK or not logged back in yet....which doesn't seem possible. Folks always seem to just go poof when they log out.

A couple of hours later, however, Duke died with me, fighting for Bane in the war in the Lost Lands. Rage.Hate.Pain - the Knights of Light (my Guild now) field medic rezed me and said that had I said the words, "All follow me," I could have saved poor Duke.

RHP rezed me FAST on the battlefield but brave, courageous Duke was not yet dead. Instead this mighty Llama charged into the fray.

I'm not nuts when it comes to anthropomorphizing UO animals. RHP was angry with me for failing to save hapless Duke. Up until then I used a mouse to issue commands to animals. One click on the horse/llama/lizard and you get a menu of commands....stay, follow, and so forth. I'd not used text commands to do it. RHP delivered this memorable speech to me to make sure I learned my lesson:

All follow me
All follow me
All follow me
All follow me

He kept at it for awhile. It wasn't the Saint Crispen's Day speech from Henry the 5th but it served its purpose. I think I can remember the phrase now.

Honestly, though, this was my first large scale engagement with waves of NPC creatures coming at us over a rather broad area and several other players on my side, possessing an array of skill sets. I felt a little silly swinging only a sword. Or at least it felt that way, as folks summoned whirlwinds of fire, lightning bolts, brown cloud nausea spells and such.

I'm wrong. At least one other player was firing his Paladin spells that make your sword more deadly and furious, as was I. Yet it all feels a bit of a blur. I simply charged into clouds of foes until I was deep enough in to hear my sword hitting enemies. No kills but a decent number of assists.

When I died - the inevitable conclusion when employing such alleged tactics - I never imagined that my little Llama was still alive, proper phraseology or no.

I sit here amazed that you managed to keep the same horse for TWO YEARS. It's beyond the mere edge of my comprehension.

I salute you, sir!



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I have switched to using etheral horses since then as when you accidentally click on them they end up as a statue in your backpack. But I really missed bakatare so I bought another horse and named it Bakatare and trained it up. But it stays in my stable except for photo shoots. I don't know how that all happened but it seems Bakatare was a good luck charm that changed my life from one of dying all the time to one of rarely dying. It could be that the person who gave me the horse hinted that they were on first name basis with the gods and the gods of Sosaria looked after their horse and me by extension. The etheral horses are a veterans reward that requires you have an account for a few years before you can get one.

Editted to add: I didn't actually buy the second coming of Bakatare. I tamed it and trained it with my tamer character but I loved that Bakatare so much I named it that. The original bakatare belonged to my bowcrafter axer guy now known as Glorious Lord Nestor. as you cna see I suffer from multiple personality syndrome or at least multiple character syndrome


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RE: Renaming pets

For Pets that have more than one word in their generic description (example: "a Pack Llama"), you can click on the name to rename it, click on the existing letters, and add new ones, retaining the existing blank spaces. Then, you can move the cursor over to the letters you don't want and backspace over them.

So, doing this, you can rename "A Pack Llama" something like "Alpaca Death Machine" or somesuch, up to the maximum letters allowed to a pet name.



Get some Taming temporarily on your char. You can easily and quickly train up to 29.1 Taming which is the minimum to Tame:
# Black Bear
# Boar
# Bullfrog
# Desert Ostard
# Ferret
# Forest Ostard
# Giant Beetle
# Giant Rat
# Hind
# Horse
# Llama
# Lowland Boura
# Pack Horse
# Pack Llama

Or you can simply purchase 30.0 Taming from NPCs in stables for about half the price of a horse.

At 30.0 skill you will fail the Tame attempt often but it's a lot cheaper for pet killers like you!

Bring the appropriate food and feed the pet immediately after Taming. This site describes what each pet eats (and a lot more about each pets strengths, abilities, etc.).

Have some fun and Tame your own!

Jonathan Baron

New lows in my animal curse :confused:

Arnold, the llama, dies with me on the battlefield in the Lost Lands War because, at the critical moment when it's time to withdraw from a furball, Spyware Doctor pops up a dialog box proudly proclaiming it has found no problems. It has focus, meaning everything else is driven into background until you shut down the IT'S ALL ABOUT ME box. This thing keeps turning itself on at will and decides to hunt for spyware at unpredictable times. No problems it says....tell that to Arnold.

You know its the luck of the draw when you guy a horse at the stables. They all ride the same, but they don't look alike. I got lucky and got a white one. Looked magnificent, especially in contrast with my dark armor and shield and black cloak.

I logon on. Even though I logoff sitting on whatever I've been riding, this time the horse is standing right next to me. No matter....double-click on him to jump aboard. I immediately chop him to death with one blow from a Talon Bite axe! Not only was this the first time I'd logged in not on my horse, it was he first time I logged in with war mode on. Wasn't on when I logged out and the war mode music was not playing. I HAD TO REASON TO CHECK TO SEE IF I WAS IN WAR MODE. I'll never fail to make that a checklist item again but I know it will simply never occur again.

With Martin the llama as my last unstabled for bonding ride I made two, 30k yielding dungeon runs without a scratch on either of us.

Alas uoBuoY, that link only takes me to a single page on hunting. No comparisons of rideable animal attributes, no feeding guide for each, nothing I could find either no matter how I phrased the searches. I think the page you saved the link for simply isn't there anymore :(

It did note that dragons just love to eat human flesh, but I wonder how the author of the page discovered that.

No joy on renaming animals with spaces in them, Basara. The horses come out of the stables nameless as they do from the wild. Thus no trick. Still....if I did have an Earl Jr., how would I explain to that young, impressionable llama how his dad died?

And why is it that EVERY GODDAMN CREATURE in Ter Mir, no matter its size, no matter its sound, no matter its appearance, can kill you?

:eyes: Ya gotta look out for anything at all, all the time. I fought a little creeping blob of slime, yes SLIME, that had major magic powers. It shoots magic at you like a mage. You cannot kill it with steel. As it comes close to dying it simply heals itself. A friggin dog triggers a, "You are bleeding!" message in the text buffer as my red meter bar is vanishing. Little bug things damn near clobber you by themselves, but the don't stay alone for more than a moment.

There are icky looking things with tenacles that you cannot stay in a fight with for more than a second or two. There are other insects with powerful stamina leeching abilities.

We all know or have heard about Bouras.

Oh, did manage to kill one critter - ONE - but lethal crap comes out of nowhere if you linger long enough to loot the corpse.

In the end, on my Loyalty page - I bring it up to see my fame and karma scores, karma being important to Chivalry spells - it showed five points in service to the queen of that place. All that slashing and running, slashing and running, killing and running, all for five friggin points.

But did you all notice? There's a miserable refugee camp just outside the walls of The Royal City! It's crawling with refugees, sometimes slaughtered by the score by rogue Bouras, while this....this queen of Ter Mir sits in a palace on top of the hill.

Okay, so I'm facing all these godawful killing things and, if I manage to kill any of 'em, it tells me I'm serving her royal highness. Hell, what I should be doing is killing the fuggin queen!

It's all so freaking wrong, the whole place. Brownie's doing a heck of a job.

Ain't going back, not at any time, not for any reason.

Well....if we could arm the refugees, storm the city, and sic a Boura on the queen....THAT WOULD BE EXCELLENT!




Alas uoBuoY, that link only takes me to a single page on hunting. No comparisons of rideable animal attributes, no feeding guide for each, nothing I could find either no matter how I phrased the searches. I think the page you saved the link for simply isn't there anymore :(-

Try that link again. On the left screen edge are 2 buttons: 1 for Animals and 1 for Monsters. These open lists of beasts. Click on any critter and it specs are displayed.

Also, right above the Animals button is Advanced Search...extremely useful. That's how I made that list of tameables in the above post.

Jonathan Baron

Thanks for explaining that. I completely misunderstood you at first, uoBuoy.

For some reason I was expecting a chart comparing the the rides....strengths and weakness. That would be tough to update, though, as I'm seeing creatures I never had dreamt of under the butts of players. Huge wolves were the fashion tonight, most of them RED.

Yet riding is just one part of it. That's all I use a pet for. Llamas have astonishing attributes in this regard. They are faster and more maneuverable than horses. Fast is good when it's time to "Get outta there!" Maneuverable is very important in dungeons with all those stalagmites and other obstructions. Having both capabilities make it a fine dungeon ride.

But just a ride. Although I know its been a part of this game for ages, the combo pet ride/comrade in arms is fascinating for me to watch. I hear you need taming skills to manage some of the more formidable beasts, bonded or no...dunno. When I saw the Kill command in he pet instructions menu it threw me. No longer.

Tonight Agamemnon gave me a couple of runes for my formerly blank book. These drop me into portions of dungeons where monsters lurk that stretch what I can do, but not so much that I'll end up dead in the smack dab middle of a multilevel cave. Naturally it's smart to team up with someone who can rez you, but tonight he was Lord Maverick, Grand Master archer. I rode a llama I'd named Martin.

Our intended training prey was Ogre Lords. A few special arrows and swish-thunk-swish-thunk they go down for him. For me it's chopping down a tree. Problem was that the path to said lordly spot was spotted with pools of blood. Somebody had beat us to it...but he was killing them off in a profoundly strange way....to me at least.

An Ogre Lord had been boxed in by a....by a HORSE. This fighting steed was MIGHTY. As no Ogre is a member of Mensa, they just grunt and wave at the horse, like King Kong trying to swat the planes attaching him when he was perched upon the Empire State Building. No Fay Ray though. The player simply circled around his equine distraction and did lethal things to the his immense target of flesh.

We found a couple though. I hacked one up; Mav dispatched one the Archer way. I did not employ Martin, my llama steed, to distract the one I killed. Simply and very quickly bringing me away for a moment to heal up, and then re-engage was more than just fine from my ride IMO.

I've already recounted False Prophet's combat dragon in action. It may be my protection, but not my gig.

And that's the deal, isn't it. Lots of options to do what pulls you in. It's not, "Here's a Mech, there's the enemy, kill the enemy," or "Here's your Messerschmitt, there are the Spitfires....shoot down the Spitfires."

The sheer diversity of activity in UO is breathtaking.

I lied about never returning to Terror More. Martin and I were doing pretty good today, with two dungeon runs, each netting 30k apiece. There's not that moment of lag between wanting to scamper and scampering. Off, then, to hunt the only beast I'm aware of in that strange country that's true warrior prey: the High Plains Boura, of course.

It's simply not possible, even with an armor outfit delivering max protection in every category, and weapons with surreal properties, to hang in a fight of any length with these creatures. Thus the spectacle: jousting on a llama.

Swinging a Talon Bite axe, Martin I kept charging the Boura. When we'd score a hit it was marvelous...a satisfying sound with a bit of a ring to it and a flash of red. Finally got the pace of the passes right to better the odds of a hit punctuating each charge. Two Bouras perished this way, done in by a noob and a llama. I took the pelts and carved off the leather and fur for Agamemnon - Mav's crafting character.

Searched the palace but didn't find the evil queen. The buildings and grounds were all rather magnificent, and quite the contrast with the Gargoyle refugees camping in tents alongside the road. But the rooms inside were all empty save for the nervous guards.

The outdoor market had quite the variety of vegetables though. I kept the raw Boura ribs I'd carved out of the vanquished beasts for the two small dragons when they can leave the stables and get sweet on me. The vegetables were for Martin. I worried that a diet of only apples and pears wasn't a very healthy diet for a dungeon running, Boura slaying steed.

Okay, seriously, this business of digital pets and the utterly cursed ways I've lost so many of mine has brought out a common thread: most of us do see them as alive in ways. Yet on the streets of Luna I saw two tamed and named animals just wandering around, aimless and homeless. One, a pure white Unicorn, and he other, the type of rideable lizard I'm waiting to receive after it's week in the stables is over.

Tamed, named, unclaimed. Seemed....well....sad and very wrong.

I returned to Eaglerock Keep and gave Martin some carrots. Text came up saying my pet looked happier. Although somewhat devoid of facial expressions, I'm certain he was :)



I'm missing my Jonathan fix today!!!
Suffering withdrawal!!!
Where are you and why aren't you posting???
As a quasi-old-timer (UO = ~10 years, no breaks...1st digit of RL age = 6 and that's all I'm saying) I really enjoy re-experiencing my first UO days through your fresh UO eyes.
Post please...


I'm having to scroll horizontally to keep up with all this! Might I suggest a subthread off the main post and we continue the Legend of Jonathan within that? Won't destroy anything ... just make it a tad easier to get to the new stuff IMO.

@Jonathan: Are you on ICQ? I have some stuff for ya. PM me your ICQ number/name and I'll try to contact you. Others have reported not being able to locate me either, so you are not alone.

Also, have fixed performance issues with connection to LA. Of all damn things it was the cable modem and router combined. <sigh> New units are now in place and I had the best fun in weeks last night.

Jonathan Baron

Yikes, I got a blog! Stumbled into it...oy vey.

Now comes the phase when you have to overcome the sheer, almost unquestioning acceptance as a noob, and deal with personal issues. That's why we play these game and others don't. We want a game world with lots of people sharing it with us and universal harmony would make an online game as mendacious and shallow as the stand-alone variety.

This sophomore sink is best symbolized for me by armor suits of all things.

First there was the matter of a gift from a master craftsman, what they call GM level....Grand Master I think.

He said if I was still there in a week he'd have a gift for me. That was charming, flattering, generous, kind, an expression of every virtue. After the week passed he presented me with something he was extremely proud to have created for me: a suit made of exotic material that is technically plate armor but can be repaired with a repair contract at any tailor shop. All was imbued, fortified, magnificent in every way.

This wasn't just 70s across the board. This, along with the ring and bracelet, had ever element of protection that can be delivered by something a warrior can wear in UO. He even included a quiver, even though I am not an archer, so that he could attach yet another thing for added attributes. It was a three million dollar suit, as I was to discover later.

So how could I mess this up?

Simple. A dark side of me that is rarely in evidence. It was pure Japanese and I don't like the Japanese. One of my Uncles was shot down in the Pacific, was one of only ten percent of POWs who were pilots to survive the war. He spent the following 40 years drinking himself to death.

But it's not all of it. Many of their customs and cultural aspects feel....well....you get the idea. It was tucked awayr of bigotry I've not excised as I have nearly all others.

I could not walk around my beloved home Shard looking like a Samurai. Avatars represent our ideal selves in many ways, as least they do for me. Our suits, our weapons, our fighting styles express us. You see so very little detail of us as animated objects on the screen, bu we all check out the paper dolls that reveal our detailed selves.

Yes, there was an bug in the package. Although the suit was meant to boost my mana, stamina, hit points, all things important, mana and stamina seemed to plunge in action. Probably an easy fix. You put so many things into one package, something could go array.

Although I believe I saw this, I honestly can't say I can be certain that the other issue was clouding my addled mind.

Thus came a first in my life: I returned an immense gift to its giver - a gift he was so proud of. Plus I owed him candor. I had to admit my bigotry....a weakness I tolerate in no one. I have family (my father was Jewish) who died horribly in WWII yet I have no problem at all with Germans.

I felt enormous shame.

The suit is on sale now for 3 million from an automated vendor on Luna. I hope it sells. If it does it will make someone deeply proud to wear it and the beneficiary of the very best the game and its finest crafters can create.

When I returned it to him he said I could keep the potent ring and bracelet. How in blazes could I do such a thing, accept such a present in pieces?

It is beyond the realm of even the best people to not feel hurt about this. Yet when he'd see me wearing something I like, something of Medieval European style I'd be reminding him that I didn't - couldn't - enjoy the gift at all. If you have to hurt someone, do it, but don't amputate the dog's tail and inch at a time. Sometimes being gracious can be a terrible act of ingratitude.

I've devoted a lot of paragraphs to this but for me in this game it was a titanic event I will remember...always.

Afterward I purchased a lesser suit, in a color I do not love, but I see a bit of me in it. It very much looks 13th Century. After pulling in around 80k in corpse loot I could afford the 200k it cost, along with the cost of completing the quest for the last piece of Virtue Armor to make it deliver it's solid properties.

Shortly after starting out, a player gave me all the spares he had handy, and helped me on the quest needed for the final piece: the cloak. Each station along the quest requires payment: wood boards for a museum, animals to help repopulate the Moonglow zoo, and so on. The fellow helped me figure out how to get going with this quest, and chopped up a lumberyard full of wood for the first step.

The second involved taming. Neither of us had so much as a skill point for that. Thus there it all stalled. He gave me a rune to return to the quest giver who was the beginning and the end of the endeavor. Completing each stage ends by telling you where to take whatever it is you managed to acquire: a shepherd's crook, a sash of Britannia, and so forth.

However each stage would take money in lieu of the odd and the arduous. I finally had enough to finish it on gold alone. So I waited.

Sometimes you want to complete something simply to complete it. Occasionally I'd fine a piece in corpse loot. I was told the cloak was special and it certainly wasn't going turn up on in the stash of Trogs, Ettins or Orc Lords.

Finally I had enough of the gold, and even sewer rats some some of that, oddly. I paid my way through most of the rest.

Once fully assembled there is a a magic anointing glow from above and the sound one imagines when glowing anointing happens. All the 70s were there on the primary list but all those other buffs created for me were not as impressive. It looks a bit Mongol but there's something kinda neat about it.

Still, I get the feeling it's old news. I never see it on anybody and I suffered a bit of that let down that's well said in Beer's signature. I'm happy to have it, and I'll get use out of it. In the end I'll probably stick with the one I recently purchased along vendor statue row.

No, that's not it. I felt powerfully strange, after all that happened with that flawless gift, that the notion of a Virtue Suit felt rather out of place...a Virtue Suit, hell!

I've achieve GM point levels in Sword, Tactics, and Parry. Points are just the beginning of competency, as are power suits. The clothes don't truly make the man, no more than the game, though its reward systems, can actually make you mighty. Yet I've graduated from noob phase for certain.

Time now to assemble some of that neat stuff to pass along to a noob rather than receive wonderful things from veterans. I'm making little packages now and putting them into bags so, whenever I encounter a new guy I can rush off and deliver him or her something fast, as others did for me. It won't be uber, nor can it be for me just yet but it will help and make a new player feel welcome and wanted.

That's how I felt: wanted from the moment of my first encounter with somebody who had a clue :)

Most of what I've been experiencing will make for good stories. I think you'll understand, however, that this one, at this moment, has been foremost on my mind.


P.S. My ICQ number, Beer, is 645445933. I usually have it running when I'm online.


Compared to what Imbued items can deliver, the Virtue Armor is not all that effective. Makes for a unique special occasion set, however. Don't get me wrong ... it makes for some pretty good armor overall but a good Imbuer can most likely do better ... and the cost will also be "better". rolleyes:

I use a full Barbed Leather set that I bought a long time ago for about 1/3 of what the Luna prices for the same thing were at the time. It wears well and most of the time a simple swap between selected jewelry is all I need to adjust DI, regen and even stats to what I need for the objective.

Your RL aversion to certain ethnicities shouldn't color the judgement of keeping the pixelated version of you alive though. I'd like to see that outfit as I have no issues with wearing ANYTHING that will keep me going for more battle or whatever.


Ummm, clue for skinning for hides. Find yourself a Butchers War Cleaver ... when used to carve a corpse any hides are automatically cut into leather pieces and neatly stacked in your backpack.

The only limitation is when your weight reaches about 390 stone, the hides will remain on the corpse and you will need to manually retrieve them and cut them. Also, for standard leather, cows are a heck of a lot easier to slaughter! <chuckle>


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Jonathan
I wrote an essay in reply to one of your previous posts, then accidentally deleted it, since when life has been a bit busy.

I can fully understand your feelings about some armour being "not right". My paladin wears the virtue suit, despit its being non-medable, and her having pitiful mana regeneration. Somehow it suits her character.

Why did you want a lockable box so desperately?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One thing: in giving weapons to new players, some people like to give things that increase the damage dealt by the weapon.

The mods that are really helpful are swing speed increase, hit lower defence, increase hit chance, hit lower attack, because they increase the frequency with which you hit the foo, and so increase the opportunities for a skill gain. Leeches are also useful, but only if you are actually hitting.

High damage increase is good once you have finished training.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have been given gifts very rarely in game. I was given my horse Bakatare, a nightmare and a Kirin by three different people. At some point I would feel uncomfortable with gifts. I like to earn my way. I have never given such great gifts but lots of small stuff mostly for new players. I did give my guild my house to use as a shop which prompted someone else to give me their house which I currently live in. Life goes on even in this pixelated world. If you were on my shard I would probably give you stuff too including all the lamas you can kill :) Have fun.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't followed this thread closely (way too much reading for my usually limited time), but I can say (based on the last few posts), I have been given a number of things in game.

In addition to asking about where I can buy minor things, and being handed them for free in response, several times I have been running through town naked, while on my way to re-equip and get back to whatever, and have had goodies dropped on me by random people who saw me standing at the bank. I always try to remember that, when I see anyone asking a question that implies newness...with the learning curve today, I definitely want to be as generous as I can manage, in order to facilitate the continued success of this game.