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[Discussion] Time to have some fun.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Part 1 - Cebo, considered by many as one of the greatest thieves who ever lived-some say even rivals that of Ricardo and the like, was reported in a bar fight with Manticore at the Cat's Lair Inn in Britannia last night. Manticore is a well known collector of fine things accuses Cebo of stealing a significant amount of items from his treasure horde. Cebo denies the allegation of course but when Manticore showed him the Cebo Shroud that was left at the scene of the heist Cebo panicked and began to run out of the bar. Right before Cebo made his way out of the Tavern, Manticore threw a Messana cream pie filled with blackrocks and hit Cebo in the back of the head. Manticore was tossed in the local jail for the night waiting for trial for the assault and Cebo was taken to the local Healers. This happened around 10 PM. At midnight when the graveyard shift healer began to make his rounds he noticed Cebo was gone.... Story continues

Part II - Cebo woke up with a bump on the back of his head, dazed not knowing where he was at (he did noticed the smell of banana cream pie around him). He looked out the window and saw the position of the moon and figured it was around 11:30-11:45 PM. Not knowing his surroundings he did instinctively what he had learned back at the thieves guild through years of training which was to go into stealth mode. He crept around the bed, the tables, the chests, and noticed wash basins and bandages lying all over the place and small beds laid out all over the room. He quickly realized he was at a Healer's place. He thought to himself gaging from the knot on the back of his head that someone had brought him here. But he wasn't going to stick around to find out why so he did what he do best and stealth-ed out of the building through the open windows.

Meanwhile, the local judge set the bail for Manticore in the amount of 100gp which he gladly paid and went home for the night. Story continues.....

Part III - As Cebo successfully snuck out of the Healer’s place he instinctively went to one of his hideouts. When he arrived, to his surprise, he found the room filled with powerful magical armors, weapons, and other relics and even some famous collectibles. Not knowing how it got there he became nervous about it thinking his hideout has been compromised (What Cebo didn’t realize was that the hit on the back of his head bruised part of his cerebrum – the part that controls memories). So, he thought to himself, well, I’ll show this person whoever he/she is trying to use my hideout as a storage. He then proceeds to take everything and left the place. He looked at his Balron-skinned calendar and mark on July the 11th (Sunday) he will take care of these items in the region of Baja.

Part IV - As Cebo sat in his den thinking out loud what he was going to do with this new found loot what he didn't realize was that during the bar fight with Manticore, Manti slipped a communication crystal in Cebo's pocket (sort of the advanced tracking device for back in those days). This was the newer model no bigger than a fingernail and it was magically bound to any cloth it attaches itself to on contact. Cebo decided to put a marker down in the form of a book spread throughout Trammel cities, dungeons, and wilderness, and later go back and bury an item or two at each location. As he was saying this to himself, Manticore carefully listened far away.

Part V - As Cebo was going through the loot he found a box. This was no ordinary box, and it had a letter inscribed on it that said "Z". He proceed in opening it and found 5 beautiful objects. He knew right away this was expensive. He said to himself, hmm this requires a special place and I think I know just the place. He asked his buddy Slick the Lizard-man, Bobo the Ogre, and Nash the Executioner where he should hide them, and they all agreed on one place. This place is at the bottom where their kind lived (a large square room) and to help out they will also summon some flying friends.

So, Manticore asks those who are willing to search these areas starting 9 AM today and if you found a book that looked like it had a code in it please bring it to him for a gift in return. The books will have a roughly 2:30 - 2:45 decay timer on it so that is your window period

Please contact me with your book to claim your prize in the following way:
1. PM me, with your book code so I can verify.
2. ICQ me at 123172317
3. You can find me at random times on Baja via chat channel that you are looking for me or come to my museum located east exit Umbra, first 18x18 with white statues in the front.

Part 2 of this event will continue after this event is over, more information to follow.....


On Sunday, July 11th, around 9 AM Central, on Baja Shard, look for the announcement of the event on this thread. As stated earlier, there will be many many good prizes, its best you have a strong character who can run or fight :).

Just like the "Idols Give Back" event it's time to do a "Rare Collector/Broker Give Back" event. This will be a multi-billion gp event so you definitely don't want to miss.

Since this event has been moved up to this Sunday on Baja shard, I can now only take donations on Baja shard before Sunday. However, if you are donating gold then any shard will do as I can and have swapped my gold supply on Baja for other shard donations. I hope some of you old timers feels that giving something back to the community via this event would be an easy thing to do since I will be the one doing all the work :).

I will take items or gold. But please nothing under value of 100k.

This event will be incredible and fun. I don't want to give too much info out but here are some spoilers:

1. It involves running. "A lot of running" or flying, or recalling etc...
2. It involves chance
3. It involves evil people
4. It involves danger
5. It involves incredible prizes
6. It involves the community, literally to anyone from any shard.
7. Most importantly, it involves FUN!!

The event will be sometime in mid August. I will reveal more as the event becomes more developed. But for me to be excited at this point, you know its gonna be great.

Icq me 123172317 or PM me for donations.

Current Donor's List As Of 6-19-2010
1. UOFree (Europa)
2. Flutter (Catskils)
3. Nabin (Pacific)
4. Buns Of Glory (Atlantic)
5. Anonymous Donor (Legends) (500 Mil)
6. Stratcat (Catskills)
7. Jinx (Baja)
8. Bliss Marie (Napa)
9. Neptune (Great Lakes)
10. Lykor (Catskills)

Here is a list of items given at the event:

A Mumified Corps
Archdemon Statue
Armor of fortune x 5
Asian Package x 2 (Furisode, Honri and Nagagi Embroidered with "Tree Growing Project", Wooden Cow, Big Chocolate Muffin)
Black Rose x 5
Blood pie void x 5
Blood Pie x 5
Candelabra of souls
Chirstmas ribbons
Cloak Package (Power, Death, Life, Silence, Corruption)
Conjurer Grimore
Crown Of Arcane Temperment
Demon Blood pkg (5 pieces) x 2
Easter Basket Package
Easter Carrot
Elder Detective Of Royal Guard Boots x 5
Equinox wine
Ethereal Mount pkg (Llama, Horse, Ostard, Beetle, Unicorn)
Explosive crossbow bolt x 10
Fallen chair Rubble
Fallen Mystic's SB
Freezing arrow x 8
Fruity sponge cake x 2
Gingerbread Cookie
Glacial Rose x 5
Hair Dye
Happy Halloween pumpkin
Hat of Magi x 3
Helm of Damned Replica x 3
Holiday Cake Legends
Hooded Shroud Shadows x 5
Mage/Warrior Pkg (Robe Equinox, Shield of Invul, Heart of Lion, Glove of The Pugilist, Glove , of the sun, Storm grip, Fey leggings, Quiver of Infinity, Bright Lens sunglasses, Alchemy Bauble, Pendant of Magi)
Mind Climber Claws x 2
Misc Package 1
Misc Package 2
Moonberry Rose
Ornament of the Magician x 4
pegasus statue x 2
Potted Plant pkg (5 plants + original deed)
Protector of the Battle Mage x 10
Relic Fragment x 1000
Shadow Wyrm Halloween Costume
Shroud of Ari (Replicas) x 2
Soles of Providence x 5
Tangle x 2
Torc Of The Guardian
Triffle x 2
Vampiric Essence
Void Fusion Gem x 2
Warded Demonbone Bracers x 2
Catskils Irish Stout
Winter Net Crab Cake
Vending Package

Congrats! You've taken Shame 29 Globe
Congrats! You've taken Deceit 85 Globe
Congrats! You've taken Destard 21 Globe
Congrats! You've taken Hylolth 98 Globe
Congrats! You've taken Wrong 69 Globe


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What is our cause?
No real reason just want to bring some fun for all. it started as one of my friends quiting this game and he is thinking about donating some seed money for a community event. I said why not bring it to a whole-notha-level with my contacts so thats where we're at.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Great! I'm one of your "contacts"..... always knew it'd cost me somthing :p

What'll it be? 100m? geesh....


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Great! I'm one of your "contacts"..... always knew it'd cost me somthing :p

What'll it be? 100m? geesh....
Haha don't worry I think we're all in the same boat! :lol:

Manti ICQ me if I can help.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Count me in for a donation, not sure what it will be yet but im sure I can dig up something )

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Count me in for a donation, not sure what it will be yet but im sure I can dig up something )
This will be HUGE well rewarded fun!!!!! Keep up the Great work Manticore!

Smokey of LS

Hello all, i'd love to donate to this, wether it be gold or a rare or two just lemme know manti. hope its alot of fun!

Green Lantern

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am friends with flutter and I too would like to be part of this. I dont have alot of items per say but i will donate money to this event. Great idea! let me know when you need donation.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Buying the following items on Atlantic, Pacific, and Legends. All going towards this event. Will add to buy list later on.

Orni's 12 mil
Tangles 20 mil


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cebo, considered by many as one of the greatest thieves who ever lived-some say even rivals that of Ricardo and the like, was reported in a bar fight with Manticore at the Cat's Lair Inn in Britannia last night. Manticore is a well known collector of fine things accuses Cebo of stealing a significant amount of items from his treasure horde. Cebo denies the allegation of course but when Manticore showed him the Cebo Shroud that was left at the scene of the heist Cebo panicked and began to run out of the bar. Right before Cebo made his way out of the Tavern, Manticore threw a Messana cream pie filled with blackrocks and hit Cebo in the back of the head. Manticore was tossed in the local jail for the night waiting for trial for the assault and Cebo was taken to the local Healers. This happened around 10 PM. At midnight when the graveyard shift healer began to make his rounds he noticed Cebo was gone.... Story continues
Hmmm So has anyone been searching for Cebo?
And when is Manticore's trial? I do wish to be in the audience for this!


lol only manticore would be running around with a medessa cream pie blackrock version and use it as a weapon in a bar fight . count on me to donate something


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Icq me 123172317 or PM me for donations.

Current Donor's List As Of 6-19-2010
1. UOFree (Europa)
2. Flutter (Catskils)
3. Nabin (Pacific)
4. Buns Of Glory (Atlantic)
5. Anonymous Donor (Legends) (500 Mil)
6. Stratcat (Catskills)
500m !!! (!)


the blackrock scared the judge as to whatelse he may have in his backpack


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Latest update, part 3, it contains the date and shard for this event.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The official announcement for this event is up with time, date, and shard. GET READY!!!


This is really cool :D

I got myself 10 books total, died a few times, found some ones that everyone else must have missed too and it was pretty fun!

I ended up with:

set of demon blood from Magincia event

bag of misc stuff (roses, potted plants etc)

soles of providence

explosive crossbow bolt * 2

fallen mystsics spellbook

some red EM xmas gingerbread cookie

armor of fortune

candelabra of souls

Thank you napa rose (blue/red)

Thank you napa rose (dark hue)

Can't wait to see what else is on later! *goes off to train char up*


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
part 1 was awesome.

I got armor of fortune
freezing arrows
Explosive crossbow bolts
like a red and blue blood pie
a black and white blood pie
mesanna napa rose
Simulacrum of Serendipity
+3 int boots replica
Happy Halloween pumpkin (it's full)
hooded shroud of shadows

Odin of Europa

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeh that was great!

Thanks Manticore :)

Off to grab something to eat before part 2 :D


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What great fun!

I got lucky with my books although I only found two.
I got a blood pie void colored, and a Moonberry Rose ;)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah great stuff Manti, Thanks alot! I got 10 books too and got the following rewards:

Helm of the Damned Replica
2x Warded Demonbone Bracers
Mumified Corpse
Hat of the Magi
Black Napa Valley Mesanna Rose
A fruity sponge cake [Invul blue cake]
Sigil Spellbook
Arch Demon Statue
Bag of assorted stuff including:
2 Soulstone Frag Tokens
4 Heritage Tokens
Black and Orange Halloween Ghoul Statues
Sigil Lantern, Fishing pole, Chaos Shield, Bow, Buckler
Hitching Post
2 Small webs
Soul seeker
Heart of Lion
Leggings of Embers
Fey Leggins
Twilight Lanterns
Gloves of the sun
Set of Zog Platemail (Charcoal colour)
Some stealable consumables
Metal Box

Odin of Europa

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I found 7 books, but one turned out to be a fake :sad4: :grrr:

I got the following

Catskills Irish Stout
2x Explosive crossbow bolts
2x Protector of the battle mage
Simulacrum of Serendipity


Hehe I wasn't able to be home for the first part but running around for this second part is great.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for a truly awesome Event Manti and all the lovely prizes :)

Congrats to the 4 winners of the part 2!

Soooo many harbringers lol :D


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had a lot of fun! =)
I got some cool stuff, too!
Manticore, that was a great event you put together. You did an impressive job!
I think you and your major contributors, deserve some recognition, as well as a big thank you.
Congratulations to everyone who won!



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, I got very lucky and looted two of the five books. I dont know the history on these two but very cool indeed. The orange globe on the left reads "A Snowy Scene of Hythloth" and the blue / red one on the right is "A Snowy Scene of Shame". I was also lucky enough to score an Orny this morning. Good times Manti, good times indeed!



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had a lot of fun! =)
I got some cool stuff, too!
Manticore, that was a great event you put together. You did an impressive job!
I think you and your major contributors, deserve some recognition, as well as a big thank you.
Congratulations to everyone who won!

Aye someone should message messana and ask her to put a plaque up or maybe portrates somewere "manti the spy/detective cought out cebo the thefe" or something like that. Kinda like a town banner or memorial, and put it next to mantis museum ;)



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aye someone should message messana and ask her to put a plaque up or maybe portrates somewere "manti the spy/detective cought out cebo the thefe" or something like that. Kinda like a town banner or memorial, and put it next to mantis museum ;)


That would be cool! =)
Does anyone out there communicate with Mesanna? If so, might you ask her about doing something like this.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aye someone should message messana and ask her to put a plaque up or maybe portrates somewere "manti the spy/detective cought out cebo the thefe" or something like that. Kinda like a town banner or memorial, and put it next to mantis museum ;)


That would be cool! =)
Does anyone out there communicate with Mesanna? If so, might you ask her about doing something like this.

Thats a great idea, this was a fun event! I spent about 90 minutes running around like a loon and scored 7 books:

simulacrum of serendipity
tangle (ooh!)
2 x protector of the battle mage (probably nicer than any other piece of armor I own)
1000 relic fragments
ornament of the magician
robe of briannia "ari" (replica)

Aside from the goodies, I just had plain old fashioned fun running around and talking to people in chat. It was great to see some off sharders too, and I got to make some armor which I haven't done in a very long time.

Thank you Manti, and everyone who contributed! It was a blast. *pets tangle some more* Hrm?

Dryzzid of Atlantic

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gahhh, I wanted to come to this but I forgot. Seemed like a great idea though and that everyone had a good time from what I read :thumbup1:


It was great to see some off sharders too, and I got to make some armor which I haven't done in a very long time.

Thank you Manti, and everyone who contributed! It was a blast. *pets tangle some more* Hrm?
Was that you that whipped me together me a cool (but sadly largely useless against a small army of harbingers) set of gear? :D


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It was great to see some off sharders too, and I got to make some armor which I haven't done in a very long time.

Thank you Manti, and everyone who contributed! It was a blast. *pets tangle some more* Hrm?
Was that you that whipped me together me a cool (but sadly largely useless against a small army of harbingers) set of gear? :D
Hah yeah that was me. I hope you still have it, so you can spend 1% of your play time on Baja, getting your GGS for next years event. =)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have messana's e-mail and have spoke to her a couple of times.

Need some ideas on what this thing should look like (i.e. like a town banner but not lol) more of a "Manticore unravled Cebo's plot to bury the stolen treasure" on a sign next to his museum.

What else should be there? Maybe a platform, the sign, some other item like...?

If anyone uses inside UO can come up wth some designs??

iv never used it but willing to give it a go to get this made and placed "fingers crossed"

(i didnt even find one book lol but would like to do this as a thanks for all Manti's work)
