I know it's just modifying the old Classic shard even further, but it's an idea popping into mind to curb the PK Griefing issue.
What if such players, like Miners, or that Young Newbie in the Yew Graveyard, had the ability to recall... maybe not even an NPC Guard, but players who have somehow highlighted themselves (Perhaps with a toggle), who are willing to Fight for and Protect the Innocent?
If parameters such as, "Swordsmanship =< 50%" were enabled int the calculation, then only low level players with non-existant or poor battle skills (Obviously, Archery, Tactics, Macing etc would be accounted for too) could use this tool? Obviously it would apply to Miners and the like as well who are helpless.
Rather then having Players who would usually be dettered by following another real player for 3 hours while he Mines "hoping some reds actually appear to actually save him from", they could be called upon at any time to Teleport to him and assist when he runs into trouble?
I know it's a long shot, as the moment the Miner see's red names, he'd have to "press the Help! button". Then the Players who recieve the Message Gump to teleport to and protect said low level player, would have to decide whether they want to actually help or not, and additionally prepare for it suitably to provide the protection.
I suppose if the "Protectors" would only enable the option when they are battle-ready, then that minor issue is solved.
So to try and summerise:
A Toggle System enabled for Blue's only. It indicates if they are Battle-ready to help protect other Low Level Blue's (According to a admitedly, fairly intricate Skill anaylsis to ensure high levels players aren't abusing the system).
When the Miner comes into trouble, he can push a button on the Paper doll maybe (Even a Macro Key?), he okays the request with a simple "Are you sure you want to call for help?" gump to pass the request around. Anyone Blue who has it enabled (and thus prepared for battle) recieves the message gump, and can choose to assist or not.
Anyone who says "Yes", is teleported, and can protect the Miner from said PK's.
ONLY problem, I still see though, is
There's no way the Game can determine the number of PK's approaching, thus cannot set an effective maximum amount of Blue Protectors to be teleported. If there is 10 PK's, a maximum of 3-5 Blue's won't cut it and might just be a slaughter for all Blue's, but if you raise the numbers beyond 5, and there's a single PK, he's then severely outnumbered?
But maybe that doesn't matter, because you are trying to protect him from a pointless death to a PKer that is presumably trying to kill him, for the sake of killing him?
(This bit sounds potentially a point I will get flamed on, maybe I have been trammelised or fail to understand the bigger picture, so go easy on me and correct me accordingly)
I can already see this having more problems then I first anticipated actually. Another one being,
WHERE the Blue Protectors are actually being summoned to? If the Message Gump they recieve can't highlight the location with any type of clarity
(A mini radar?
A lot of coding I guess), then they could appear deep in a dungeon if a Young Newbie ventured that far in... might not be where the Protectors want to end up, heh!
Rip this idea apart, as I'm just sorta speaking my mind, if it's way too flawed or troublesome, just say so, don't need to slap me in the face with a fish about it... just trying to help and contribute -_-