Renyard Foxenwyle
I was in the same boat. I hadn't posted here since AoS was released. I just came by out of the blue to see what was going on and saw the classic shard discussion. It got me excited. Unfortunately I couldn't remember my old account credentials and I know I don't have the same email I registered with so I had to make a new one.I have not visited stratics in probably 5 or 6 years, and reading this poll and interest gives me great hope that I can once again play UO to its fullest.
I support a classic shard, and have been waiting for one to be introduced for some time. Hope it comes through.
I'm glad more people are coming back and expressing interest in this. And since I haven't came right out and said it, I'll say it now.
I will once again become a paying EA customer if they institute a classic shard. I will once again buy EA games and not feel bad about it. I know of at least 25 people in my company that would come to UO from other mmo's just because of the stories they've heard from me of UO's heyday. And they'd probably stay since they're tired of the item grind from other large mmo's that will remain nameless but start with War and end with Craft.
Yeah I know all that sounds pathetically gushy and fanboyish, but that's just how excited I am at the prospect of a classic UO shard, even if it is just a hope and dream.