Eh' everyone except Cal on that list became trash pvpers.
ALTHOUGH back when undertaker played, I would have also considered them decent pvpers, and better than me at the time.
Pug- has been horrible ever since the wands were nerfed. I mean god awful.
Zoraster- lol, there was a time he was so bad, that he denied he was even playing the necro mage Antiginus(sp).
Dyno-tard(hehe)-He just became a giant mouth, with zero skill.
Trace- Honestly, I never considered him good. But people used to tell me "WAY back when he was..."
Easy E- I don't have anything Negative about him really.
But, they all had their era when they were good. And dang it, Cal still is good!
On another note, I'm playing again too! I'm on ATL right now trying to farm up some of the new ingredients for imbuing. Once I get a sick suit together I'm heading back to Legends, just to dirt nap a few people. Hopefully the rest of !O! will become active again, and we can WTFpawndizzle Legends again. I ran to the gate on a newb char a few days ago, and warned X/BNA that !O! will be back to stat them.