To my mind, these might not be the best use of imbuing for jewelry as it currently stands. The 1.4x weighting on skills and FC is prohibitive, and the (i believe it is) 1.2x weighting on FCR is very nearly so. That first ring is only 366% unweighted intensity -- I'd probably think it was an ok ring on a vendor, but hardly the sort of thing I can make for my sampire (who has no pressing need for +skills, FC, or FCR). On the other hand, I guess you need what you need. And my FC/FCR/+26 barding skills ring is (slightly) better for my bard tamer than what I had before.
I'm avoiding imbuing anything with a 1.4x weighting -- it's just not the best way to get the most out of an item slot, especially a jewelry slot, since you only get two shots at getting the most out of your jewelry-based mods. All of the following, by contrast, have a 1.1x weighting or better, and are important jewelry-based mods: DCI, EP, DI, and SDI.
Hmm...actually, I guess that means that jewelry in general is rather nerfed for imbuing. HCI also has a steep 1.3x weight. I wonder why the devs saw fit to make it so steep for all the stuff that people need on jewelry...with weapons, by contrast, you can get tons of the good stuff. The only things that are heavily weighted are hit spell (which I personally detest for PVM since it messes with targetting) and HLD (which lots of people get on glasses anyway). Armor is good in terms of weights, but how imbuing deals with resists is more than a little wonky, IMO.
Sorry for the ramble...I've been poking through the various imbuing menus as I write this, and it's an interesting and surprising thing. I think I've found a FoF question though: why is UBWS 1.4x while EP is 1.0x?