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The Greater Dragon Nerf



There Fixed it for you :pint:

Now then Draconi/EA Mythic just how long are you going to keep the Tamers in the Barrel?

Appearance's can be deceiving, I certainly admit that but then there is the preponderance of evidence.

Most tamers want more pets than the old 14 or new 16. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices.

Most tamers want the pet dye's for personal expression. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices. And my personal favorite rebuttal to pet dyes, "I know what Art is, I know what good taste is, I know what is esthetically pleasing and it is CLEAR YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ANY OF THAT"

Most tamers want the Reptalon to be made useful, instead of useless. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices, from a PvM perspective.

Most tamers liked the Greater Dragon the way it was from a PvM perspective. EA/Mythic caters to the "I hate Tamers" and / or "I hate Greater Dragons" on a topic that can have no impact on others game play and limits Tamers Game Play choices, from a PvM perspective.

What follows is not directed at the class of Tamers that enjoy the play style. It is directed at demonstrating EA/Mythics viewpoint of what Tamers should be.

EA/Mythic thinks Tamers should be a class that Runs Cock Fights (Aka Chicken/Animal fights). Gives them a system to breed Chickens to create a Battle Chicken to participate in these Cock Fights. EA/Mythic gives them an offline pet storage system that has no effective limits.

The question to Draconi is just how far are you going to swing the Pendulum this time? Are you going to be known as the Architect that finally, once and for all, removed Tamers from UO as a viable class, leaving it to be viable in only one aspect. Where Tamers can pit their pets against each other to win a Bet?
LOL are you serious man? Reading that nonsense has got to be the biggest waste of a minute in my life. 95% of it doesn't even make any sense. I guess we all now know how you play the game. ALL Kill, *heal*, In Vas Mani. Rinse repeat. Your a pretty pushy person you probably roll up to spawns with people killing stuff already and take over with your 3 macro magic huh. You probably thought you were pretty tough stuff didn't you? Get a life outside UO man your taking the game way to seriously. LOL what a joke.....


I am still trying to get over the Giant Beetle nerf of 2003 - Gahhh!! Where are my meds?!?


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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I am still trying to get over the Giant Beetle nerf of 2003 - Gahhh!! Where are my meds?!?
*rubs eyes* Here, have some of mine.



Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Reading that nonsense has got to be the biggest waste of a minute in my life. 95% of it doesn't even make any sense. ...
Hum, you make a choice and proceed to blame others for wasting time that you chose to waste. :) I would say that is certainly par for the course for you.

And you seem to think your inability to process information is some how ... :) you got it :) again some one else's fault and :) responsibility as in you apparently want life handed to you on a silver platter.

I am also sure your inability to process information accounts for why your post had nothing to do with anything but personal attacks and by definition a troll post. But hey don't feel bad, that is what you and your sock puppets have been doing all along :pint:

One of you even admitted it in a reply, I caught it before he changed the post and I chose, like a good citizen, to let it go and not hammer him with it and REPLACED the captured reply admitting to trolling with the altered text. Not to worry, it is just a difference in how I am vs you and your sock puppets. :pint:

And by extension, how this thread is, one group wants to demean, destroy, dictate to others how the GAME MUST BE PLAYED. The other group, just wants to be left alone, to play the game the way they want. This has been in UO since the day it started. Was the topic of MANY threads on CoB, don't worry that you are still clueless, it is your destiny, just accept it and ... well move on :pint:


Always Present
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Enigma, I deeply suspect that if you spent a quarter of the time you have spent posting here in actually taking your greater dragon out for a series of real tests, you would discover that for the purposes you utilise your GD, remarkably little has changed.

I am primarily a tamer. I have all kinds of pets spread across eight different tamers and the GD is but one pet type in my various arsenals.

Swoop is not my thing, but I did a good handful of those today. The purple birdie dies in a couple of minutes and there was no discernable difference in the loot type & amount as the last time I whacked on purple birdies.

Without a clear pet training goal, I simply haven't the patience or endurance required to PvM repetitively.

I regularly do Peerless and Fel Champs, so there is little doubt the opportunity for my usual defensive PvP will soon present itself. Time permitting, I'll try to report back on any significant changes I notice there if I should have a GD with me.

Rather than winding yourself up like steel spring, get out there and really test the capabilities of your own GDs.

Push your GD, take it to its limits. After all, we do have the luxury of being able to res our pets these days rather than needing to nip out and tame another.

Above all, remember than your in game experience may vary. It says so right on the box. :thumbsup:


Crazed Zealot
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....Above all, remember than your in game experience may vary. It says so right on the box. :thumbsup:
I do know that :)

Are you saying that abrogates ones right to bring up, to the EA/Mythic Developers your opinions, beliefs etc that a thing is .... well better one way than another?

Is that the part I missed, that we should NOT have dialogue about issues?

I mean I certainly would not even have ever considered that I can ignore the basic premise of Game Evolution. :pint:

That it is EA/Mythics Obligation and Responsibility to Evolve UO as they deem to be in the best interest of the Subscribers. If I thought they were NOT doing that, then I would think them very remiss, negligent and most certainly NOT PROFESSIONAL.

What also goes with that is the responsibility of each subscriber to adhere to the Rules of the Game, to the best of their ability, the Spirit of the Game. Hopeful to behave in a manner that Grows the Game rather than Shrinks the Game.

Also, that each subscriber has the Obligation and Responsibility, to VOTE for the stewardship of the game with their Subscription Real Life Currency.

The implication is exceedingly clear, that it is in every ones best interest that COMMUNICATIONS between the Subscribers and EA/Mythic be effective.

It is imperative that the Subscriber must accept and understand that what they individually feel is important, may in fact NOT be viewed as importantly by the Stewards of the game. And as such, the subscriber is obliged to VOTE their Subscription Real Life Currency, with the firmness of their conviction and the Passion of their Beliefs.

It would never occur to me to see it any other way. :pint:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm is GD really nerfed? I was under the impression (and happy) that GD finally get fixed so I took my dragon in fel.

Other than my 60dmg flamebreathe turned out to do 45ish it still instantly redlined my guildie who was wearing all 70s (I was not helping my GD at all).
The Graggy didnt even bleed him, all it did was BITE, FS, EBOLT, FireBreathe at around 80% HP. My guildie had 124 hp all 70s not cursed when from 100% to about 10% after that series of attacks. This means if I helped it by dismounting my guildie or Exp FS with it I would have instantly killed my buddy just like I was able to before SA.

What exactly is nerfed? Other than the reduced fire breathe I really dont see anything different.

I have 4 tamers by the way, 2 PvP 2 PvM, and Id like to find out what else is nerfed enough to create so much tear and whine (even tho just from a small group of certain people). People really tried to use it?

Then I tried my dread and bake, no change, very easily instant killing anything I dismounted. So damnit tell me what's nerfed about the pets damnit LOL. The dread did 40 dmg FB at 100% hp btw.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm is GD really nerfed? I was under the impression (and happy) that GD finally get fixed so I took my dragon in fel.

Other than my 60dmg flamebreathe turned out to do 45ish it still instantly redlined my guildie who was wearing all 70s (I was not helping my GD at all).
The Graggy didnt even bleed him, all it did was BITE, FS, EBOLT, FireBreathe at around 80% HP. My guildie had 124 hp all 70s not cursed when from 100% to about 10% after that series of attacks. This means if I helped it by dismounting my guildie or Exp FS with it I would have instantly killed my buddy just like I was able to before SA.

What exactly is nerfed? Other than the reduced fire breathe I really dont see anything different.

I have 4 tamers by the way, 2 PvP 2 PvM, and Id like to find out what else is nerfed enough to create so much tear and whine (even tho just from a small group of certain people). People really tried to use it?

Then I tried my dread and bake, no change, very easily instant killing anything I dismounted. So damnit tell me what's nerfed about the pets damnit LOL. The dread did 40 dmg FB at 100% hp btw.
You can find Draconi's answer in the UOHerald on 60.

The short version.

PvP Nerf ------

In PvP Stealth Tamer, flagged as aggressor, is revealed when a Fire Breath Attack is made.

Global Nerf ----------

Total Damage caped at 130 (Fire Breath + Melee).

Special Attack ratio changed from 1:5 to 1:10 or spread across twice the time. Think pRNG determines IF and When.

Special Attack 30 second cool down timer

Fire Breath Attack 45 Second cool down timer.

*Shaky memory* 15 Second cool down timer before Special Attack or Fire Breath Attack can be used vs the other having been used.

As a possibility only, depending on the pRNG, and the coding, the interacting Special Attacks and Fire Breath can phase lock such that neither will ever fire. As an example of the more complex rules, if not now, then later when everyone has totally forgot about it and would think anyone doing that to be insane (aka I made a bad assumption about prior design and coding so I will blame them)

You will have two groups of statements, those made the day the patch went live and those that are made after the ... well bad day of being alive. The two groups statements will have very little resemblance. I suppose as in all threads there is also a 3rd group, those that are just making it up.

The PvM issue/point, is the nerf for PvM is both pointless and unjustified.

That in fact it hurts N number of players and their play style.

That it limits Solo/Small Groups selection of Mob's that in all probabilty are NOT selected by any ... kindness on my part ... hardcore/dedicated player.

That it needlessly complicates Treasure Hunters when they are doing Level 6 mobs, because now they need to chase down the mobs to kill them because the Greater Dragon is no longer an effective closer of encounters vs Peer + mobs. Note the outcome is not in doubt or changed. The need to chase things to finish them off eventually, adds nothing to the T-Hunter experience.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I read both the HTML version and the PDF version all it says was


· Added two new stable slots for those with the SA Entitlement

· Help/Stuck will send Britannians in the Abyss levels back to Britannia, Gargoyles back to Ter Mur. If the Britannians are in Ter Mur, they’ll be sent to the Royal City in Ter Mur

· Great Dragons have been adjusted to reduce their damage output

· Craftable books with 100 to 200 pages

· Craftable blank scrolls


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Draconi wrote this note re: the nerf:

Greater Dragon Nerf 1.0:
* Damage cap of 130 (Melee and Breath Attacks)
* Special attack change 10%, instead of 20%
* Special attacks fire no more than once every 30 seconds
* Breath fires no more than once per 45 seconds
* Breath and special attacks will never fire less than 15 seconds apart
* Tamers which are hidden and flagged aggressor against another player will be revealed when their dragon breath attack hits the player


It is imperative that the Subscriber must accept and understand that what they individually feel is important, may in fact NOT be viewed as importantly by the Stewards of the game. And as such, the subscriber is obliged to VOTE their Subscription Real Life Currency, with the firmness of their conviction and the Passion of their Beliefs.

It would never occur to me to see it any other way. :pint:
Then why haven't you closed your account down and left? From everything you've been screaming on your soap box about, it seems that your playstyle has been completely and irrevocably destroyed, and you have nothing left except for maybe Mongbats, possibly Gamans.

Honestly, I've never seen anyone blow something so obviously needed for the balance of the game as out of proportion as you have. They didn't take your first born and your entire life savings, they reduced the damage output of the GD's, which we've all known needed to happen, and which the Devs said a year ago was going to happen, in no uncertain terms. It's not the end of the world, so you can put the umbrella down now.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Has anyone tried a GD against a peerless or a champ today?
Yes. Neira (discorded) died as usual, Mephitis (un-discorded) died as usual, as did both Lady Mel & Travesty (both discorded).

No pet deaths nor even any near-misses, and if it took any more time than usual, it wasn't a discernable difference.


You can find Draconi's answer in the UOHerald on 60.

The short version.

PvP Nerf ------

In PvP Stealth Tamer, flagged as aggressor, is revealed when a Fire Breath Attack is made.

Global Nerf ----------

Total Damage caped at 130 (Fire Breath + Melee).

Special Attack ratio changed from 1:5 to 1:10 or spread across twice the time. Think pRNG determines IF and When.

Special Attack 30 second cool down timer

Fire Breath Attack 45 Second cool down timer.

*Shaky memory* 15 Second cool down timer before Special Attack or Fire Breath Attack can be used vs the other having been used.

As a possibility only, depending on the pRNG, and the coding, the interacting Special Attacks and Fire Breath can phase lock such that neither will ever fire. As an example of the more complex rules, if not now, then later when everyone has totally forgot about it and would think anyone doing that to be insane (aka I made a bad assumption about prior design and coding so I will blame them)

You will have two groups of statements, those made the day the patch went live and those that are made after the ... well bad day of being alive. The two groups statements will have very little resemblance. I suppose as in all threads there is also a 3rd group, those that are just making it up.

The PvM issue/point, is the nerf for PvM is both pointless and unjustified.

That in fact it hurts N number of players and their play style.

That it limits Solo/Small Groups selection of Mob's that in all probabilty are NOT selected by any ... kindness on my part ... hardcore/dedicated player.

That it needlessly complicates Treasure Hunters when they are doing Level 6 mobs, because now they need to chase down the mobs to kill them because the Greater Dragon is no longer an effective closer of encounters vs Peer + mobs. Note the outcome is not in doubt or changed. The need to chase things to finish them off eventually, adds nothing to the T-Hunter experience.
You cry too much.

No one cares besides you.

The dragons still do very well in game, The first group to make it to Tir mur on Siege used greaters, they are still awesome at killing bosses.

On siege, the tamer is the only thing that can kill anything decent. We dont have huge artie suits and so a mage is only a support character in pvm, and a dexxer is good with crowd control, everything else is still left to the tamer.

Its the world vs you buddy, anyone reading this thread sees that, so I dont see why you continue. Your not persuading anyone. Your simply making your self look bad. You can respond to everyones post in this place but you will still be the only one crying. And by crying I mean posting all day long trying to defend your point of view, which no ones cares about.


Lets look at the facts, the dragons base damage went down a little bit ( I dont see how though, they always bit me for 40, they still do) and there special moves went down.

The special moves is not what kills a champ, its the constant 50 damage its dealing.

This was a perfect balance to pvp without nerfing pvm, get over it.

Essence of Siege

Seems to me this thread is filled with a bunch of whiners complaining that now that can't solo stuff that wasn't designed to be solo'd.

Cry me a river. There's no other 'class' in UO that for basically 480 skill points [assuming 120 tame, lore, vet, & magery] can solo most anything.

Get over it, now you actually have to team up or take a bit longer to kill something. You still have the ability to solo most things [or all things before depending on who you believe].


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Seems to me this thread is filled with a bunch of whiners complaining that now that can't solo stuff that wasn't designed to be solo'd.

Cry me a river. There's no other 'class' in UO that for basically 480 skill points [assuming 120 tame, lore, vet, & magery] can solo most anything.

Get over it, now you actually have to team up or take a bit longer to kill something. You still have the ability to solo most things [or all things before depending on who you believe].
Pretty much. Though, I'd say this thread is filled with 1 whiner and a bunch of people arguing with him.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Has anyone tried a GD against a peerless or a champ today?
Yes. Neira (discorded) died as usual, Mephitis (un-discorded) died as usual, as did both Lady Mel & Travesty (both discorded).

No pet deaths nor even any near-misses, and if it took any more time than usual, it wasn't a discernable difference.
Thank you! It felt like a pretty small nerf. The last couple days I have been hitting ter mur and am not naturally familiar with the monsters there, but haven't encountered any problems except for the "surprise, I'm hidden and now I'm attacking you and I'm really FAST" ones, hehe.


I personally set out to influence the game to spite EnigmaMaitreya in particular, and what's more I revel in my victory. Revel.


Lore Keeper
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Gotta love it. The pvpers finally whined long enough and they nerfed the only thing worth anything to tamers. Its amazing that the pvp community makes up maybe 20% of UO and they are always whinnng about something. They complained and complained about the grd dragon in pvp. I agree why nerf them for pvm. Just nerf them in pvp but they prolly couldt do that. Oh well why bother with a pain in the butt grd now that takes 5 slots.

You have to realize Tamers are/were overpowered in PvM as well. I remember when this game was filled with bards and it was the tamers who complained and got them nerfed. From my perspective it is a good balancing move for PvP and PvM.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gotta love it. The pvpers finally whined long enough and they nerfed the only thing worth anything to tamers. Its amazing that the pvp community makes up maybe 20% of UO and they are always whinnng about something. They complained and complained about the grd dragon in pvp. I agree why nerf them for pvm. Just nerf them in pvp but they prolly couldt do that. Oh well why bother with a pain in the butt grd now that takes 5 slots.
Ouch :(

Someone has serious pvp issues and doesnt mind advertising it.

Nevermind the fact that Gd's were never supposed to be so powerful lol. And the fact that the pvpers only wanted them nerfed for pvp.

No offense Nyte but I do believe that you find it quite easy to blame pvpers on everything from global warming to the sun rising in the east.

Rock on oldschooler!!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ouch :(

Someone has serious pvp issues and doesnt mind advertising it.
Of course your refering to the PvP whiners that want to be able to One hit Kill a Greater Dragon and the Tamer in the same blow and are dazed and confused why their Opposite Aligned Slayer Weapon doesn't to that. :pint:

Much like Nico's belief that a Greater Dragon fighting a Disco'd Mob is identical to a Greater Dragon fighting a NON dico'd mob, especially the tougher ones. Kind of makes you think she may be better off playing solo with her Greater Dragon more, rather than spending so much of her time Reading and Replying to the boards. :pint:

Ouch :(
Nevermind the fact that Gd's were never supposed to be so powerful lol.
No offense meant and all :thumbsup: but ....

Now that is an interesting factoid, mind putting up the link by UO that states that? And on the event you can not :) then ..... well I guess it may be fair to say your facts are some what .... nonfactual. :)