I'll number them for you because you're clearly having some sort of communication problem.Ahhh now the cute part of where you cant understand anything.
Well then that sure does account for why you can't seem to stay on target as to the topic. You keep replying to things you are totally clueless of.
And I do notice how your trying to sweep the 100% PvP and who cares about PvMr's under the rug. Admirable.
You have me confused with some one else, we talked ON THIS FORUM about how the Tamers gets Bush Wacked on a Disconnect. I thought and still do that it is wrong to invoke an auto death when the Player has no control.
You thought it was 100% appropriate to auto kill the player as everyone knows no one ever gets disconnected and just cheats by hitting the alt+f4. You know the same kind of posturing your doing here. Then you at least kept it about the topic and you were far less blatant in your hatred for PvMr's.
1. I wasn't being cute, I was being serious, what you posted made no sense.
2. Everything I have posted has been directly quoted and thus 'not staying on topic' is yet another figment of your imagination.
3. You are under the delusion that my first reply to you was weighted for PvP or PvM, it was weigthed for neither it was a direct comment on your post that biasedly claimed tamers are at all sorts of disadvantages that the devs support through 'being on the tamer haters side'. It isn't a play ground, the devs listen no more to tamer haters than they do for requests for bard content.
4. The topic wasn't about auto killing the player it was about auto stabling/logging out the player when they disconnect and it would be abused, and was entirely seperate to tamers, other than it was probably likened to their auto stable. This is another post we've spoke on, yes, but at no point does me 'using the wrong slayer' come into it.