"And old man, you are right, I haven't tried the latest EA offering of a client."
You should try the new client and mapping features before saying you can create something better.
Okay, again. Show me how my saying I haven't used a client equates to me saying I can create something better. In my "rants", I don't believe I've said I could create anything better. In my last "rant" I pointed out that a third party developer has a better chance of creating something better and 100% in a more timely manner.
Your largest argument against this map project was "it violates EA RoC". I called you on it asking you to show me where it was against the RoC. Instead of being able to show me where it proved your point, you fell back upon "no you find it". So I dug out the RoC and dissected it for your benefit and I'm a jerk.
As for being a jerk, look in the mirror. You are the one who has consistently hi-jacked a thread about something you have no interest in using.
I'm still confused how if two things are equivalent how one can be evil.

So assuming this map project is strictly a replacement to UOAM with no special super powers, how is it mysteriously evil?
I have not made any arguments based upon client for why a replacement UOAM should or should not be made. Again, that is YOUR argument. I have never made a claim as to why people want the old client but in your opinion, many won't upgrade clients because of the evil cheat programs(and upon that I agree, cheat programs ARE evil). I won't argue that other than to say SOME. What you will find is many don't want to upgrade to the new client because of the graphics.
Let us look at the two main selling points on why a new UOAM is needed:
1) Neither client supports tracking other players that are playing together.
2) Current UOAM does not support new maps
Even if the new client DID support tracking other players similar to what UOAM provides, there are those of us who WILL NOT play the new client for whatever reason(hacks, cheats, graphically unappealing) So there is still the need for an updated UOAM based on reason two.
As far as I can tell, the original post dealt with asking the devs to put in an API to provide x,y, and shard info. So if we can, let us get back onto the topic of actually making one and not arguing the point on whether such a program is the spawn of satan.