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IMBUING SUMMARY - to be continued



after reading all threads around imbuing/unraveling in the forums over the last 2 weeks i want to summarize what i learned. and ask where i am unsure.
please correct single points listed. but please only if you are pretty sure(and up to date).
please keep discussion and further questions on a low level because
i would like to see this thread as a summary of informations that could be corrected and extended by the experts out there (if they are very sure to know it)
and can be a usefull help to others, that are still confused or unsure (like me)
or didnt read that much about imbuing till now.
because most time i found threads with single questions or infos on imbuing discussed to death :bdh: and in most cases you really had a hard time searching for real infos or the threat went in a whole other direction.

Everything will be viewed as on Standardservers. Siege Mugen Rules (if they differ) will not be added here

A) you can imbue an item to 450% weighted properties if it is normal or 500% weighted if it is exceptional.
A1) But on the other hand a item that is not exceptional has a 10% bonus of succeeding in imbuing
The weightings and intensities can be found here: http://uo.stratics.com/php-bin/show_content.php?content=30739
A2) Each property uses different ressources to imbue. a table can be found here http://uo.stratics.com/php-bin/show_content.php?content=31013

B) you can NOT imbue items made of colored material (example barbed/valorite) except it is Jewelery (means Jewelery can be imbued even if made of colored ingots)

C) you can NOT unravel items made of colored material (example barbed/valorite) except it is Jewelery - (This is diskussed at moment. seems it has to be corrected)

on the further points if talking about maxed property i talk about properties with a weighting of 1.0 (to keep it easy)

D) at armor the 5 possible resistances TOGETHER count as 1 property according to imbuing if they were there BEFORE imbuing it

E) if i change no of the resistances that were there before imbuing, then i can add 4 magic properties at max. but if i decide to change one of the resistances, then i only have 3 more magic props left and so on!

F) at weapons a SINGLE resistance added to a blank weapon counts as one full property and leaves 4 for imbuing (if its exceptional).

G) The max value for a single resistance you could add by imbuing is 15%

H) You can not use Powder of Fortifying on a imbued item. But you can repair it.

I) You can use Powder of fortifying on a item BEFORE you imbue it!

J) Jewelery that is imbued gets durability. but it starts at 255/255 without needing a PoF.

K) we omit and go directly to L ;)

L) the more maxed properties a item has the higher the chance of failing and loosing ressources on imbuing. so its better to imbue expensive properties first.

M) Assuming i have two identical exceptional weapons with 4 maxed properties (lets call them WeaponX and WeaponY) they only differ in:
WeaponX was blank and got all 4 maxed Properties by imbuing.
WeaponY is not imbued till now. it has the same 4 maxed Properties by crafting it out of iron with a agapite runic hammer.
I now want to imbue the same fifth Prop on both. Is the chance of succeeding really exactly the same for both weapons?

N) You can NOT unravel armor/weapon that is: Blessed, Faction Item, and some Artifacts(will be precised later) more ?

O) You can NOT imbue armor/weapon that is: Blessed, Faction Item, Artifact Rarity XY, Craftable Artifact, ToT, Minor, ...more?
Example: Pendant of Magi (Recipe-Rare also called CraftArti) can be unraveled but can NOT be imbued

P) imbued items can be enhanced

Q) its not possible to mix every property together on imbuing a item. they come in gropus an will replace each other if in same group.
example: a weapon with elemental slayer when imbued with repond slayer becomes repond and LOSES elemental slayer status.
same with skills the groups can be found here: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=145009&highlight=imbuing+groups
there was a list with the other property-groups. i not found at moment.

R) at moment the best Imbuing Skil Gain Guide is: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=152366&highlight=skill+gain

S) Talismans can NOT be imbued or unraveled.

T) Self Repair can not be imbued. If a item has SR and you imbue it the SR Property will be lost.

hope it helps and hope it becomes corrected/completed soon.

P.S. yes i know the whole stuff isn't on production yet and some things might change. but i think most of the here said stuff will not change that much. I will update this Head-Post from time to time. The corrected or new informations will be colored. until the next update. i will simply replace wrong infos and not make a history because that would confuse i think. the correspondences (quotes) may change then later but i think that is no problem.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Heres some corrections according to my understanding.

A1. Regular crafted items has 10% imbue bonus. Exceptionally crafted has 20% bonus.

E. Each additional resistance mod counts as one mod. You can add 15% to each type of resistance but leaving you with 0 magical mod.

G. Same as E.

K. I slap myself awake and jump to N

N. You cannot unravel blessed and faction items but you CAN unravel most other artifacts.

I am sure I missed some of them but hope some one can point them out.
Hope these helps.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a question having to do with N, and O..

I know that you cannot imbue something made from special material, but, can you unravel it?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a question having to do with N, and O..

I know that you cannot imbue something made from special material, but, can you unravel it?
No, you cannot unravel anything made with special material or enhanced with special material


@ WarUltima
thx for your info. i 'd like to update the head-post
for clarification- so if a armor piece would have 5 lets say 15% resist after i found or crafted it. i could imbue it with 4 more magical props at max. if i start a blank armor example from npc i would have to ibue the 5 resist (then they count as 5 props) and so couldnt add any magical props by imbuing. is that correct?
for N) are you sure? so you could unravel. example a bonecrusher?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, you cannot unravel anything made with special material or enhanced with special material
Correction: you cannot imbue anything mode with special material. You can unravel them though (and special materials counted as a bonus mod towards calculating what ingredient you get).

(subject to usual disclaimers that things may again change)


Thanks, everyone.. gathering this information was becoming very convoluted and confusing due to scattered posts and also things changing over time.

It sounds as if they're building a solid system as a result of all the testing and feedback.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
for clarification- so if a armor piece would have 5 lets say 15% resist after i found or crafted it. i could imbue it with 4 more magical props at max.
Here is my understanding ... however some calculations are made differently between when you imbue than when you unravel which means it's quite possible I've mucked up something here:

human leather has a base 2/4/3/3/3 (15 total). Any looted item with higher than these values has a +resist mod there (that counts against the 5 total). So if you ever found a leather cap on a monster with 15/15/15/15/15 resists, that would mean it already has five mods: +13/+11/+12/+12/+12 and you cannot imbue any more on ... although you could replace one or more with +15s)

exceptional (runic or non-runic) + 100 arms lore has a random +5 scattered amongst the five resists that does not count as a mod

exceptional runic crafted has a random +6 scattered amongst the five resists that does not count as a mod

exceptional (non-runic) has a random +15 scattered amongst the five resists that does not count as a mod

So if you are crafting exceptional human leather cap with a runic tool and 100 arms lore, you expect the resists to add up to 15+6+5=26. If you craft an item with higher resists than this, it means there is at least one +resist mod there.

Unfortunately, it can be ambiguous just how many +resist mods there are on an item. If the total resists on the leather cap we crafted above came out to 40 then it could have one +14 mod or it could have 2 +7 mods or a +6 and +8. Because of the random bonuses from the runic/armslore, you can't immediately tell which ones have or have not been boosted by a mod. You can however poke around carefully in the imbuing menu and deduce the mods by watching the difficulties it tells you for different +resist mods.

To make things a little more cluttered, gargoyle leather has a higher base resist than human leather (since gargoyles have fewer armor pieces with resists, it's balanced by giving them a higher base)

I hope this helps (and I hope that it's mostly right, I'm going off memory here ... again, everything is subject to change)


UO Forum Moderator
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The 5 skill groups for properties can be found on UO Players Corner as a sticky.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
B. on side note you can imbued jewelry made of special ores as per beta experience

C. YOU CAN unraval items made from special resources as per beta experience. I unravaled everything in the arty chest on test and only the robes/footwear, deco and books could not be unraveled.

O. recipe items such as the dark saphire braclet anfd the silver mace can be imbued if not at the 500% cap

Z. going to run one of theese threads update the the first post with what is believed to be true.


human leather has a base 2/4/3/3/3 (15 total). Any looted item with higher than these values has a +resist mod there (that counts against the 5 total). So if you ever found a leather cap on a monster with 15/15/15/15/15 resists, that would mean it already has five mods: +13/+11/+12/+12/+12 and you cannot imbue any more on ... although you could replace one or more with +15s)
Maplestone how sure are you about this? I ask because I never saw where the Devs said you can only do 5 mods. I did see a 500% total. Could I not have 6 mods at 80%?


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Imbuing items with self repair, negates that mod so you can replace it with a mod of your choosing. I am wondering can we inbue or unravel talismans?


UPDATED again!
Thx to all so far. Can someone say something to the Chances for Imbuing in the Example that i discribed in Q) please?


i stoped updating, because on the last thread of draconi i saw that some important stuff is changed. (so the open beta was a fake again like the infos that peerles regs will be required (to build one of the biggest gold sink ever in game)) it seems all my and my guilds effort in preparing for the new expansion has become absolutely useless. only betatetsters and their friends will have profit of their informations. its useles to talk about all that until sept 8th. so i'll not uptade till then
(@betatesters: once again i say: not all will do but a few will!
and thats more than enough to have a extreme impact on the economy and bring a very very big advantage to a small group) gratulations to the new billionairs.


UO Forum Moderator
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So, somehow beta testers can accumulate things that won't even be ADDED to the game until the release?


Indications are the majority of the post-open-beta last minute testing is done in-house, not with the closed beta players.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
FYI. The much maligned beta testers are striving to find out where all these new ingredients may be found, and collating that information so that it may be added to sites like Stratics as quickly as possible after the launch.
So far from trying to gain an advantage from prior knowledge, they're trying to share their findings and save their fellow players the effort of trying to find all this information for themselves after launch. They'll be able to just look it up, or as much of it as we're able to find out by then.

A few dishonest individuals released unconfirmed, in testing, information that they shouldn't have. Anyone who chose to act on that information has only themselves to blame if they then find out that they wasted their time, gold and effort as a result of that abuse.


I'd like to say thank you to the beta testers in general and to Petra in particular. I know I'll be making use of Petra's guide to training imbuing and I'm sure others will too.


With imbuing , can you make an item 100% energy damage for instance?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With imbuing , can you make an item 100% energy damage for instance?
Damage type is not an imbuable property.

( subject to the usual disclaimers that something might have changed - *everything* seen in the open beta will need to be rechecked and verified )


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
So, somehow beta testers can accumulate things that won't even be ADDED to the game until the release?


Indications are the majority of the post-open-beta last minute testing is done in-house, not with the closed beta players.
So fare the best things you can accumulate are :

  • Items to be unraveled (for training and resources)

  • Powder of fortification (Once imbued an item can no loger be powdered, so better max it out before imbuing it)

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The properties that can be imbued are listed in the ingredients table Ailisha made. You can find it by following the link on the top of the main 'imbuing' page listed under 'skills, detailed' in the left menu on the main page. The ingredients still show as the old ones, I have the new version ready to switch out as soon as NDA is officially lifted, and I have included a new column for the source of the new ingredients, though some of those say 'NYD' which stands for 'not yet discovered' We did our best, but we couldn't find them all.

Stupid Miner

So fare the best things you can accumulate are :

  • Powder of fortification (Once imbued an item can no loger be powdered, so better max it out before imbuing it)
Also, for weapons you can later imbue them will dull copper ore to increase their durability by 50%

Not to forget "lower requirements" increases the range of throwing weapons for a non-maxed strength Gargoyle.