you can only "Herd" something if you could normally Tame it... This also means that named versions of monsters ...Miasma / Thrasher / Pyre etc are not Herdable...
On a side note having all the dragons in Destard following a stealth herder & sitting at the entrance to the dungeon is a REALLY effective way to block one of the 2 dungeon entrances for doing a Harry lol...
Drakes can be tamed.Well, Drakes cannot be tamed, Daemons cannot be tamed either, for example among a ton of many others.
Does this mean that they cannot be herded either ?
If so then the usefullness of herding is greatly dimished.
I thought that all MOBs could be herded if one was 100.0 but it seems instead the use of this skill is extremely limited.
Drakes can be tamed.
ahh my badDrakes can be tamed.
Sorry wanted to say Daemons and Balrons............
It always mentions "animals".....Using Herding
To use your Herding skill to herd animals:
# Place a shepherd's crook in your hand.
# Double-click the crook.
# Target the animal you wish to herd.
# Target the location you wish the animal to move toward.
If successful, the animal moves in the direction you intend.
Leave it to poops to break a skill that has never had any problems with it in all of the years it's been in the game.
Industry term for monsters.Just curious, what does MOBs actually mean? Never heard it in UO before I quit, I'm guessing its something taken from another game?
You could roleplay an Ent herding Huorns.Yes with 120 herding I could leave a reaper forest outside my neighbours house.![]()
What exactly did you want to herd that you are unable to herd? Herding, when included with original UO, always seemed like an assist skill for tamers so they wouldn't have to chase around animals, they could have the animals come to them for taming.
In general, herding was thought to be useless but a bunch of creative players got together and found ways to have immense fun with the skill, although it is still limited. Nevertheless, I'm hopeful that I'll be able to take a herder into the new lands and her Fairy Dragons perhaps, leading them into battle as I do unicorns and ki rin in Ilshenar.
What non-herdable creatures did you want to herd popps?
Yes with 120 herding I could leave a reaper forest outside my neighbours house.![]()
Old Dungeons & Dragons acronym meaning "Monster or Beast"Just curious, what does MOBs actually mean?
or mobile...Old Dungeons & Dragons acronym meaning "Monster or Beast"Just curious, what does MOBs actually mean?
I have up to four reapers spawning around my house. Why is it so unfeasible to herd them to my neighbour's?Bah, that is hardly feasible as herding only work in the limited area. Cannot herd anything through a Gate and moving around for long distances anything would be a pain.
Besides, it can already be done though with Dragons, Drakes, Nightmares, etc. rather than reapers.
I do not see the difference.....
Well, that sort of thing requires the player skill of luring! Hiding is a great complementary skill for this.Nothing special. As I said, Daemons and Balrons but also Blood Elementals, perhaps move a Poison Elemental who was annoying a spot I was interested in.
Stuff like that....
I really think the skill could be made more usefull opening it up to the other creatures via 120 powerscrolls......
Petra! You need a bit about recalling and herding! If you have a rune marked on the same subserver and recall to this location, the herd will run to your new location (unless something blocks them). So lets say you were to herd a group of Skittering Hoppers, guide them to the east entrance of Luna, then recall to the west entrance, they'd run in a straight line through the bank area to reunite with their herder.Try reading the herding guide on uo.stratics.
We have a whole site full of information which we have spent the past 5 months working on to try to bring it up to date. I guess we could stop bothering and just go play the game if no one bothers to read what we've written.
The idea of being able to herd non-tamable creatures just sounds silly. I've always seen herding as temporarily taming a creature to tell it where to go. If you can't tame the thing why should you have any success at telling it where to go??
Try reading the herding guide on uo.stratics.
We have a whole site full of information which we have spent the past 5 months working on to try to bring it up to date. I guess we could stop bothering and just go play the game if no one bothers to read what we've written. just won't let you part every spawn and arrange it to your own design......
I'm gonna go with YAY! uber suits of armor.How unfortunate. That would be very cool and usefull............
Herding could be the poor player helping hand. It is easy for uber fitted players to deal with spawns and drag around what they want with low risks thanking to their uber suits, cast super fast using their high mods items and so forth.
Just as an example, a 1/3 ring with 10 LRC was going 1,500,000 gp and considered as cheap........
Poor players who do not have all that could rely on their skill, herding, and do what other players do with items and wealth using instead the skill........
As I said, herding could be a poor player helping hand to better deal with spawns.
Unfortunately, my impression is that this game revolves too much around the "Haves" rather than the "Have Nots".........
The only way to really herd aggressive creatuers is to stealth-herd them but even then the herd behind you will occasionally reveal you.
So, you think you should be able to walk up to creatures like daemons, poke it with a herding stick and expect it to obey you? Yeah this is a fantasy game, but come on, even in fantasy I don't think creatures like elementals, daemons, etc would obey someone poking them with a herding stick. On the contrary, they would mock the herder and destroy them for insulting their intelligence!Herding can be used regardless from taming, like a standalong skill of its own so, there really is no need to tie it to tameables.
Besides, in a fantasy game like UO there is plenty things that not necessarily may follow a real life logic.
Herding can have its uses besides and beyond taming. Only needs to be expanded to other creatures perhaps through the use of 120 powerscrolls.
You waited until GM to verify this?Getting this message at 100.0 Herding.....
Not all MOBs can be herded ?
I hope that the reference to "animal" does not mean that only sheep, bulls and cows are the herdable ones because it would make the skill hardly usable.....
No thanks, quite happy with Herding being a normal skill.Perhaps it is time we see a 120 herding powerscroll that opens up herding ability to all other creatures ?
Well the line of logic is you can only herd something that travels in herds. Seems pretty solid to me, even in a fantasy setting. There have to be some basic rules for any setting to function, some constraints to work within. That's basic storytelling.Herding can be used regardless from taming, like a standalong skill of its own so, there really is no need to tie it to tameables.
Besides, in a fantasy game like UO there is plenty things that not necessarily may follow a real life logic.
So, you think you should be able to walk up to creatures like daemons, poke it with a herding stick and expect it to obey you? Yeah this is a fantasy game, but come on, even in fantasy I don't think creatures like elementals, daemons, etc would obey someone poking them with a herding stick. On the contrary, they would mock the herder and destroy them for insulting their intelligence!
You want to deal with these creatures, have them ignore you or whatever, get yourself the barding skill.
Well the line of logic is you can only herd something that travels in herds. Seems pretty solid to me, even in a fantasy setting. There have to be some basic rules for any setting to function, some constraints to work within. That's basic storytelling.
If 120 Herding gave the ability to herd any mob, why wouldn't 120 Taming give the ability to tame anything also? Tamed Chief Paroxysmus, anyone?
You are talking about old Enticement skill here, not herding.The barding skill only peace them, provokes them or discords them.
It does nothing in regards to getting them moved.
That is what the Herding skill does.......
I still remember the nice tale of the "The Pied Piper of Hamelin".........
It seems in a fantasy tale it is not that incredible to imagine a human finding a way to get creatures to follow somewhere else.......
Mice, Daemons, Elementals........... they can all be subject, in a fantasy world, to humans or elves or gargoyles hypnotic powers to lure them elsewhere.......
I see no problem at all with herding be capable of expanding its effects beyond tameables in this game.
QFT.I am constantly amazed at the things you find to complain about popps.
You are talking about old Enticement skill here, not herding.
Yea like idiot proofing soul stonesBesides, in a fantasy game like UO there is plenty things that not necessarily may follow a real life logic.
Just because something spawns alone, doesn't mean they don't herd. Normally solitary creatures can be herded, polar bears being an example.Really ?
Last I knew is that Nightmares, Ki-Rins, White Wyrms, Warhorses, Fire Beetles and others spawned all alone, certainly not in "herds".......
Yet, being tameables, they are herdable. Does not seem to be much logic, does it ?
But he won't because they spawn too fast for him to loot thus leaving him poor and having no sense when using a soul stoneI'm gonna go with YAY! uber suits of armor.
If you can get to 100 herding you can make any amount of gold you want to. It takes dedication, and focus to get to 100 herding, and that's all it takes to make gold. Not even that really. You can make any amount of gold you want just killing rotting corpses. They have around 1k each, and they consta-spawn in several places. Plus, they are just so dumb. (Not that rotting corpses are a good way to earn gold. It's just an easy way for people with bad equipment)
Fink, ever led that herd to the harpies' nest? Nifty way to get feathers. You will have trouble keeping up with the corpses to loot.Just because something spawns alone, doesn't mean they don't herd. Normally solitary creatures can be herded, polar bears being an example.
Nightmares and warhorses are equine, a herd animal.
Wyrms/dragons are known to flock, it's called a weyr.
Fire Beetles I would imagine are a hive animal, like blue beetles.
As for Ki-Rin..
I'd say that's more than one ki-rin there.
I don't get your point in trying to debunk these things. Do you want these removed from the herdable list? I thought you wanted more herdables.
nb: Sorry if I come across as abrasive, I don't mean to be. I just find it irksome when people grind up a skill without researching it and, 2 seconds after they GM it, they find it "sucks" & they come on the forums telling everyone how the skill should be mapped around their own expectations. Nevermind that people have been enjoying the skill as it stands since day one.
If it's not what you want, just throw it on a soulstone fragment and move on.
Ja, that's where I was headedFink, ever led that herd to the harpies' nest? Nifty way to get feathers. You will have trouble keeping up with the corpses to loot.
For crying out loud, Popps. Would you please go try some stuff on Test Center before you come on here full of just flat out WRONG information.Well, since enticement is no longer, what we have left is herding.....
The bottom line is, a skill that anyone can use, even when poor, to move annoying MOBs out of a place where they are not wanted....
Wealthy players in uber suits just get MOBs to follow them without caring much about being hit or cast on since their uber suits protect them for the most part. Poor players are not as lucky and, as I said, herding if expanded beyond tameables could be that helping hand to poor players to do what uber fitted and wealthy players can do with hardly any risk, thanking to their outfits and mods.