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"That is not a herdable animal" ?



Please forgive me for sounding like a broken record, but-




Herd yourself away from here.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Wyrms/dragons are known to flock, it's called a weyr.

Really ?

From the Hunter's Guide.....

The Wyvern

These dull brown dragons are a weaker variant of the race. They lack the breath weapon of their cousins the dragons & the drake, but they have powerful claw attacks..
For the record, Wyverns are not herdable.......

Not to mention that if we adventure in that logic, that is that Dragons "are known to flock into a weyr", well, then that brings up some problems since also the Skeletal and Serpentine Dragona are, well Dragons, but ro my knowledge do not seem to be herdable....

I have learned a while back that trying to argue logics in a fantasy game like Ultima Online hardly works......

nb: Sorry if I come across as abrasive, I don't mean to be. I just find it irksome when people grind up a skill without researching it and, 2 seconds after they GM it, they find it "sucks" & they come on the forums telling everyone how the skill should be mapped around their own expectations. Nevermind that people have been enjoying the skill as it stands since day one.
Not quite.

As I explained in a previous post in this thread, the OFFICIAL PlayerGuide states that herding works on "animals", generically stated.

Now, since to my understanding animals are animals and monsters are monsters and yet, as we know, herding works on monsters like Dragons, Nightmares etc., my guess was that the generic indication of "animals" since the skill did work on monsters, was indicating "creatures" otherwise called "animals", generically.

That is, I understood that there was no limitation to herding but the skill level. At 100.0 any "animal" ("creature" if one will...) as generically stated, was herdable.


*weeps brokenly*

Look. This would be very easy to fix. Just go to the Herding section of Stratics and change the word "creatures" to "tameable animals." There. You can only herd tameable animals. That includes greater dragons, cu sidhe, unicorns... If you get a huge pack of ki-rin like Fink showed above, they will kill negative karma creatures and you can use them to slaughter basically everything out in the open air in Ilshenar, if you're determined enough to drag them over the whole landmass.

Wasn't that simple? By "creatures," they meant herdable animals. Using herding, you can swamp things with ki-rin, you can surround yourself with a meatshield of livestock, you can lure tameables away from the spawn. It's not useless. Just because you can't haul Ancient Wyrms wherever you want doesn't make it useless.


Who really wants to fix this problem?

Who honestly thinks that if someone fixes this problem, this... person... will not turn up in ten minutes complaining because his backpack is too small, or his avatar's underpants are ugly, or he found a glitch wherein a character displays a sitting-down graphic for a fraction of a second if you run around in a perfect circle thirty times at the Spirituality moongate while wearing nothing but a jester's hat, or there were kids on his lawn, or he heard that Draconi went bowling on Saturday night* instead of taking the time to go through every single one of his posts and implement all his trivial, useless, bizarre "suggestions", or his dinner got cold because he was playing UO, or someone told him that he had pickled ladybits, or whatever? Seriously?



*Note: I do not know Draconi personally, I don't mean to imply that he bowls, and I'm sure he spends his Saturday nights very constructively.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
By "creatures," they meant herdable animals.

Really ?

Wow, To me "animals" or "creatures" is VERY generic and has no reference whatsoever to 'tameables"........

The Official PlayGuide, though, talks about "animals" not creatures and animals are stuff like sheep, bull, chicken, hearts and great hearts, got the hang of it ?

So, stuff like unicorns, Dragons, nightmares, ki-rins and so on would not be identifiable as "animals" yet, they can be herded.....

Therefore, if "non" animals like those could be herded one could well conclude that the Official PlayGuide reference to "animals" as being herdable, actually refers to "creatures" not distinctively identified.

The only limiting factor in herding an "animal" or "creature" being the skill level.
Therefore, given what was available from the PlayGuide, I do not personally think that it would be far fetched for a player to imagine that only upon reaching GM 100.0 herding status all of the "animals" or "creatures" would finally become herdable....


Popps you must be a very bored person.To me it seems like you like to argue and take great efforts to think of subjects you can post and quibble over. Just a rather obvious observation.

How hard is it to grasp that only tamable animals can be herded.
Nothing to debate,thats the way it is.

It`d be stupid to be able to herd ALL mob`s. If you can`t see the exploit potential there.....I don`t know what to tell ya.:next:


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Only Shepherd of the Night can herd balrons. What a silly thread!

Old Man of UO

Popps you must be a very bored person.To me it seems like you like to argue and take great efforts to think of subjects you can post and quibble over. Just a rather obvious observation.
You do realize that Popps is not a real person, don't you? Popps is a chatterbot, like a modern version of the old Eliza computer program. Popps is programmed to post nonsense ideas and then respond contrary to any other posting. There really is no point to the chatterbot postings and they seem to never end without any meaningful dialog and coming to no conclusion.

Do yourself a favor, don't fall into the chatterbot trap by responding. Nothing useful ever comes out of it.


You do realize that Popps is not a real person, don't you? Popps is a chatterbot, like a modern version of the old Eliza computer program.
When I was but nine years of age, all the school computers were programmed with Eliza. She called one of my friends a "sex owl" and was subsequently banned.

For that reason alone, I will persevere with Popps. You never know what he'll come up with.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
It`d be stupid to be able to herd ALL mob`s. If you can`t see the exploit potential there.....I don`t know what to tell ya.:next:

Hmmm, that is an interesting and intriguing concept......

If a change has potential to be exploited then it is advisable for the Developing Team not to make that change.......


But then, wasn't Heartwood as implemented heavily exploited by scripters ?
And what about Bulk Order Deeds ?
Not to mention chopping frostwood and the Friends of the Library system which made scripters get tons of collectables to sell for millions......

I see, changes that have potential to be exploited should not make it into the game.....

Well, apparently reality differs from theory and if there have been changes that WERE exploited like there was no tomorrow, why would Herding be treated differently ?

How about instead giving to herding more room as a playable skill but with some safeguards so that other players could not be too much annoyed from it ?

Safeguards could be that herding only works on higher creatures if no other players are in sight. As soon as another player is detected at XY tiles' distance the herding bond breaks and the player cannot herd again unless the other player moves away or more distant.

Concerned about a forest of Reapers outside someone's home ?

Just make it so that herding higher creatures (lower ones would be ok) will break in areas with housing.

Problems solved, no griefing possible and still herding could be made a skill more usefull than what it is now.


Really ?

Wow, To me "animals" or "creatures" is VERY generic and has no reference whatsoever to 'tameables"........

The Official PlayGuide, though, talks about "animals" not creatures and animals are stuff like sheep, bull, chicken, hearts and great hearts, got the hang of it ?

So, stuff like unicorns, Dragons, nightmares, ki-rins and so on would not be identifiable as "animals" yet, they can be herded.....

Therefore, if "non" animals like those could be herded one could well conclude that the Official PlayGuide reference to "animals" as being herdable, actually refers to "creatures" not distinctively identified.

The only limiting factor in herding an "animal" or "creature" being the skill level.
Therefore, given what was available from the PlayGuide, I do not personally think that it would be far fetched for a player to imagine that only upon reaching GM 100.0 herding status all of the "animals" or "creatures" would finally become herdable....

Once again complaining about something that is not broken. Please test thing on the test shard before posting. The play guide should be vague, that leaves things for players to discover on their own.

The bottom line is, a skill that anyone can use, even when poor, to move annoying MOBs out of a place where they are not wanted....
Will the hearding skill work on UHALL posters that whine about things? The guide only says "animals" let us all try it.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
How unfortunate. That would be very cool and usefull............

Herding could be the poor player helping hand. It is easy for uber fitted players to deal with spawns and drag around what they want with low risks thanking to their uber suits, cast super fast using their high mods items and so forth.

Just as an example, a 1/3 ring with 10 LRC was going 1,500,000 gp and considered as cheap........

Poor players who do not have all that could rely on their skill, herding, and do what other players do with items and wealth using instead the skill........

As I said, herding could be a poor player helping hand to better deal with spawns.

Unfortunately, my impression is that this game revolves too much around the "Haves" rather than the "Have Nots".........
The best option for a "poor" player is not for him to move the spawn, but to fight it, build his skills and learn how to get along without moving all the spawn in front of him. Then he gets skill gain, gold and practice. And if the surrounding spawn are too much trouble, the main mob at the end certainly will be!

This game doesn't require that you are rich, just don't bite off more than you can chew. Given your equipment and experience you may need to hunt easier critters, but that's exactly how I've trained my characters. No powergaming, no cheating, no buying my way up. What I have I made or enhanced, or more recently I traded for. Nothing needs to be changed in UO for you to be able to hunt and get good kit, you just need to think in terms of what you can do for yourself rather than hoping that EA will spoon feed you with everything.

Some places will be easier if you can bard, stealth or invis-run-invis through. Get some good runebooks or mark when you get to spawns too, that'll help enormously. Join a guild that does PvM and you'll be able to learn from them and have the protection of a group when you venture into rough spawns. You don't need to stick in groups forever, but as long as you pull your weight healing and helping out your guildmates, they'll teach you and cover your rear until you can cope on your own. If you want to go straight in at the deep end a group is a very good idea. Without a group you'll need to take care, practice and learn to dust yourself off after those ill fated trips.



Always Present
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Stratics Legend
The first time I trained herding, the skill was learned whilst running around Sosaria. You know...herding stuff, oddly enough.

Simple trial & error taught me what was and was not herdable. Accordingly, there were no surprises or disappointments on GMing the skill.

I have stated here on a number of occasions that Herding is amongst the most fun of all the skills in all of UO.

Do not mess with what is not broken simply because you do not understand or because you lack the creativity required to truly appreciate the skill.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
You need to add the line,"I Like To Argue About Everything" also.
Popps, people here have tried to explain this Simple skill. Seriously man why are you arguing & coming back with a rebuttal on everyone trying to help you??... You have done this on just about every single post in the past couple of weeks. It gets old, and if you actually really need some help someday, you've Tee'd so many people off you will get none when you do want some.


You know, it irritates the mess out of me that you're wanting to take a really fun, useful skill and change it to the point that it WILL be nerfed. It's overpowered as hell in the rght situations as it is... only the fact that those limited situations aren't widespread that keeps them from nerfing it. I mean, when I marched my army of ki-rin and unicorns to the rat camp, I made 150k in about an hour doing absolutely NOTHING. NOTHING. That's just awesome.



Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Hundreds of players over the last almost 12 years have been happy to use the skill as is, they understand that the limits on it are there for good purpose, but the biggest limit is the imagination of the player - or lack of it.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I'm going to regret this... but... Popps, what's this "poor people" in game concept?
Do you really think you cannot play the game normally without 100s of millions to spend on gear?


I can't one shoot Peerless Bosses by double-clicking on a crook! :'(

The official skill guide isn't the Bible. It's being updated, but not everything's done yet. Therefore there are erroneous informations. What's ingame prevails. So basically, only tamable creatures are herdable. Live with it, it's been designed like that, even if someone mistakenly wrote an elusive "animals" in your favorite source of informations.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Edit : Erases post in case devs sees it and reeaalllly nerf herding...

*Whistles innocently* Nothing to see here, move along, move along.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Getting this message at 100.0 Herding.....

Not all MOBs can be herded ?

I hope that the reference to "animal" does not mean that only sheep, bulls and cows are the herdable ones because it would make the skill hardly usable.....
I know I am going to regret this, but here goes. At the begining of the Threads in Forum : UHall to the right is a "Search this Forum" and if you would have typed "herding" you would have found 131 pages of information. Now to save you the time, took me about 20 min, I found this thread by reading the thread titles onlyWhere's the herding skill? http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=141742&highlight=herding. If you read it, it tells you about this page Professions - The Shepherd http://uo.stratics.com/php-bin/show_content.php?content=30661. And if you would have taken the time to read it, you would have found your answer. But to save you the time of doing this, here is the information.

It is only possible to herd creatures that can be tamed - with the notable exception of champion spawn on the Felucca facet and Oaks in Ilshenar. (Tameable creatures, such as imps, can not be tamed if part of a champion spawn, at Oaks and in Felucca they can be herded. Other Ilshenar spawns and Tokuno can be neither tamed nor herded.)

Herded creatures can not be commanded

You may not take a herd through any kind of access point, ie moongate (public or player-cast), dungeon entrance or dungeon level entrance.

Aggressive creatures remain hostile and will attack.

There is the information, read it, stop whining, do a little research on your subject. For someone that has played this game as long as you have, how is it that you know so little about it. And for having this under your name,Join Date: Feb 2004 Posts: 7,445 you do not know much about UOStratics either.

This thread has been answered, so it is time to lock it. Waiting for popps next whine.


The idea of being able to herd non-tamable creatures just sounds silly. I've always seen herding as temporarily taming a creature to tell it where to go. If you can't tame the thing why should you have any success at telling it where to go??



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know, it irritates the mess out of me that you're wanting to take a really fun, useful skill and change it to the point that it WILL be nerfed. It's overpowered as hell in the rght situations as it is... only the fact that those limited situations aren't widespread that keeps them from nerfing it. I mean, when I marched my army of ki-rin and unicorns to the rat camp, I made 150k in about an hour doing absolutely NOTHING. NOTHING. That's just awesome.


hahaha. That is awesome!