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My Ideas For Dragon Hues

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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This is just my idea for the dragon hues. I hope EA/Mythic will get away from dyes this and dyes that. Why not get your player base going to places that are not used anymore? So again this is just my idea.

The dragon depending on color would spawn in certain areas BUT not just one dragon per 18x18 tile spot. Spread it out so it cant be camped or grieved. Stop just useing solid colors. UO has enough splash of cheap solid colors used to make a quick penny. Do something that shouldn't take to much time. I suggest the way this Uhall poster came up with it. Make it look nice. DO NOT give it new stats and new specials. Just a normal dragon but its got a Hue color.

Water Dragon - Spawns in Tokuno, Fel and Tram waters. Not just one area. These also can spawn when throwing a net and will make seas a little more fun.

Forest Dragon- Spawns in Tokuno forests. Can become apart of the Sleeping Dragon Spawn.

Ash Dragon- Spawns in Fel and Tram around mountain sides and in caves. A GREAT way to deal with script miners I might add.

Lava Dragon- Spawns in Ilishnar. Mostly spawns in the lava areas next to the
gargoyle city in Ilish.

Water Llama..... Ummm all I got is put em in a Illish cave around a water hole.

Just at least give them a place to spawn. Make people explore areas that are not used as much anymore. Make Draconi do more work and write a story behind each type of Dragon. This is your CHANCE to introduce different kinds of Dragons into UO even if it is just by Color. It brings something new to the game. I wouldn't say make special moves for them or add different attack abilities you will unbalance stuff. But forget the pet dyes. Introduce different kinds of dragons. Do what most communities inside of UO do and were founded on. Use your imagination. Dive into an entire world that is already inside of your own. Get people to do things together to get to these dragons.
Heck even make one rare one you have to fight a spawn then a big boss and everyone has to do them together.... but umm make the Ash ones spawn to kill scripters heh.

**Thank you to the people who did these pictures.BLAU andTramMoonWalker **


Seasoned Veteran
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That would be cool. I still have my old regular dragon. Had him out earlier today. He still does very well as a pet.


Crazed Zealot
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It's very tempting to suggest lifting the weapon damage-type system for random creature types/hues, but I suppose even as mere highlights, a brilliant green "100% poison dragon" might be a little hard on the eyes.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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I like your idea. Green Dragons
100% poison
Ash 100% Energy?
Water 100% cold

Many different things you can do. If you want to get into the dmg types.


I think any kind of secondary hueing or tattooing is pretty much the way to go. Even though I didn't hate the proposed dyes anywhere near as much as some folks, I still thought the monochrome thing was pretty lazy looking.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think any kind of secondary hueing or tattooing is pretty much the way to go. Even though I didn't hate the proposed dyes anywhere near as much as some folks, I still thought the monochrome thing was pretty lazy looking.
I would agree. I'd still rather see some type of breeding system, but it seems like something like this would be a much smaller effort (and thus more likely for us to actually get.)

It's amazing what a difference just adding a second hue makes to the examples above. Tattooing would be neat too... I'm thinking something akin to the tattooing on savages and some ridgebacks would be a good place to start...


I agree that they different coloured dragons should spawn and not come from dyes.

I also agree that they could be used to bring traffic back to unused areas.

I do not, however, think that every dragon/creature in that area should spawn as such. More like peerless in that it happens every now and then but still regularly enough that you don't have to camp there for a billion years.

Der Rock

Why not the "easy" way ?

We need 2 buttons:

1 button to turn on/off the hues

and most important

1 button to change the dragons into chickens in battle areas, so other player can enjoy the battles also.

nothing is more disturbing and boring as to see 8+ dragons on 1 Bossmonster :(

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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I am not against an on and off hue button. This was just suggested since what they wanted to do was just ugly and lazy. What I think might be ugly as well.

That is fine a toggle can be added.

Also id LOVE a turn them into chickens. Maybe UO assist can do this. Have you tried asking them? I know u can turn yourself into whatever.

Stupid Miner

This is just my idea for the dragon hues. I hope EA/Mythic will get away from dyes this and dyes that. Why not get your player base going to places that are not used anymore? So again this is just my idea...


...r imagination. Dive into an entire world that is already inside of your own. Get people to do things together to get to these dragons.
Heck even make one rare one you have to fight a spawn then a big boss and everyone has to do them together.... but umm make the Ash ones spawn to kill scripters heh.

**Thank you to the people who did these pictures.BLAU andTramMoonWalker **

Bleh, makes on non-tamer feature into a tamer feature.
...not to forget we'll get around a dozen tamers on the boards whining for more pet slots if they did implement this. rolleyes:

Tay M'real

that's actually not a bad idea - giving them some more natural hues native to specific areas with characteristics.

When I took the survey - I suggested they reduce overall resistance stats for animals and allow for new animal armor that could be crafted by smiths/tailors - people could add a splash of hues through their armor and would make crafters more desired for tamer characters.


Stratics Legend
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It would be amazing if they could actually be hued like that rather than just paintbucketed, but I fear that it would take a lot of work, so I wouldn't count on it.

I think theres are lots of creatures that should come in a range of (realistic) colors, from bears and wolves, to dragons.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
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Really like those ideas, i also wouldn't mind having war paint on my horse. Give a reason to ride a regular horse again.


Crazed Zealot
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Not to take anything away from anybody or any ideas ....


You seriously want to suggest changing the Tamers Pet's so they need to have 5 Different versions of each Pet?

To Kill hundreds of Mobs to get the desired Color multiplied by the hundreds of mobs needed to be killed to get both the desired color AND the desired stats/resists/skills?

While I am disappointed that the Pet Dyes got Railroaded onto the Scrap heap of Good Ideas, I fear even more that the same process will Railroad Taming into the pit of oblivion.

Can't you see the analog .... "Blaze Greater Dragon (100m), Pure White Greater Dragon (60M), Jet Black Greater Dragon(65M). You want versions with good stats OR resist OR skills? Multiply the costs by 10. For 2 combination's multiply the cost by 10x10. For all 3 combination's multiply the cost by 10x10x10.".

Is there any reason what so ever to believe that there is any existing example, of color spawned mobs, where the above is NOT true?

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Blaze dragons and neon colors I am against. This was just an idea for certain colors. I just meant for one of the above colors have an area you have to go to to get that color. Thats just an idea obviously can be scrapped.

I just went off of what EA/Mythic stated somewhere. They want more random encounters. Well this would be random for me. Mining.... la la la oh (Censored) I just walked into an Ash Dragons nest inside of the mines near Vesper/Minoc.

Or walking through the woods. Oh crap where did that Forest dragon come from?


Crazed Zealot
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Blaze dragons and neon colors I am against....
Please understand I am not railing on you or your idea and In am not really interested in derailing or hijacking this thread. Ideas do need to be expressed, I am all for that.

The Colors I chose were just easily understood examples of the concept. It wouldn't mater if the Blaze became the "Really desirable, Really super rare, Blood Read Dragon".

I suppose more straight forward, I was saying I would not want a Poison Greater Dragon, an Energy Greater Dragon, Fire Greater Dragon, Cold Greater Dragon, Physical Greater Dragon and then all the possible permutations to be in my 16 slot Stable.

I do not want to kill thousands of Greater Dragons to get the mostly right color with mostly good stats/resists/skills.

In the end what ever they decide I and others will adapt.

I am disappointed that a very simple, straight forward process, to allow players the freedom to express themselves by proxy through colored pets, got thrown out because people did NOT like either the concept or the colors. Rather than simply changing the colors to be something that the majority could live with and well those that didn't like the concept period, they would have lost this time.


Stratics Veteran
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I like the idea of seeing a Forest dragon in the forests... randomly. Adds some depth to exploring.
Tattoos and warpaint are my choice. Imagine having your guild's horses painted in virtue tats prior to an event (the honor virtue tat, for example, similar to the tiles). Or tribal tats.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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hehe I see what you mean.

I honestly just thought renaming the Dragons to a water dragon, Forest dragon etc would be simple for them heh. No changes just hue and spawn location.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hehe I see what you mean.

I honestly just thought renaming the Dragons to a water dragon, Forest dragon etc would be simple for them heh. No changes just hue and spawn location.
And I have no issue with that concept as it is "simple and straight forward" as long as that color always spawned in that area. As in no color variation to chase down for that location.

Gets down on knees and begs "And please none of these in Ilshenar were they can become Paragons"

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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And I have no issue with that concept as it is "simple and straight forward" as long as that color always spawned in that area. As in no color variation to chase down for that location.
What? It doesn't make sense for a water dragon to spawn in the desert?
Gosh open your mind more!!! hahaha. Okay maybe I only think thats funny


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What? It doesn't make sense for a water dragon to spawn in the desert?
Gosh open your mind more!!! hahaha. Okay maybe I only think thats funny
To be clear, if a Hued Pet spawned in a particular area then there would be no variations on the hue in the Area as in your Water Dragon, No Dark Water Blue to Ice Water Blue hues.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Gotcha. I was just being silly :) Its early and I've been updating news and EM event info for 16 hours. Still not even close to done.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm, i like the idea of horse armor and tattoos now.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What? It doesn't make sense for a water dragon to spawn in the desert?
Gosh open your mind more!!! hahaha. Okay maybe I only think thats funny
Maybe its a desert because of the water dragons rp wise... they are controlling the water. Although it would be cool to see the water dragons on the various islands of the worlds.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Stratics Legend
Also, I absolutely LOVE this idea. *applauds*

As I posted in the other thread...

Tamers could have a hued pet permanently (without allowing it to 'drop loot'), the monster-like tames (dragons, etc) might have better loot or a special item for those who just pvm and for those who still try to lose themselves in the UO world by role-playing... seeing a water dragon would have more much meaning than trying to imagine someone trying to force their dragon to take a bath in blue dye.

I still like the idea of having them spawn with some bit of eye candy as loot for those who aren't tamers like "a necklace made of blue dragon scales". Those who weren't interested in taming could sell the item to players for gold or keep it as a wearable or to have as decor. I know quite a number of rpers who wear such items to further their character's rp and bank sitters who wear event jewelry for the bling factor. Tamers and non-tamers alike could benefit from the addition so long as there wasn't a set location to prevent the camping of the animals or forced spawning. Having a blue dragon would be seen as a symbol of prestige much the way colored cu sidhe's are now.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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"a necklace made of blue dragon scales".

I think it should spawn a whirlpool water tile as a chance for loot. Water Dragons Stomach. hahaha. I can put it in my pond.


The OP is sort of what I commented to the dev team during their survey. Do LOGICAL spawns for the colors and make the colors feel "natural".

Of course, the whole natural part does kill off rainbow bright llamas and horses. But my thought there is add in new patterns and shades for those.

But dragons, drakes, beetles, etc could and should get some normal feeling colors added to their spawn.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love the dragon ideas so far. I'd like to say that I'd like the spawn areas large/varied enough that they are not able to be camped or force spawned.

Water Dragon - Spawns? Tokuno, Fel and Tram waters or perhaps deserts which were made deserts because they control the flow of water in the area. Also maybe they spawn on the Islands of those lands.

Forest Dragon- Spawns in Tokuno forests. I'd like to see these spawn also in a few of the major other world forests.

Ash Dragon- Spawns in Fel and Tram around mountain sides and in caves. A GREAT way to deal with script miners I might add.

Lava Dragon- Spawns in Ilshenar. Mostly spawns in the lava areas next to the
gargoyle city in Ilshenar. I'd also suggest other possible spawn locations of near lava areas like the Del passage and fire island.

A couple other dragons...

... a light blue/green dragon... "a crystalline dragon" found in the crystal fens of Malas as well as a few other areas.. maybe that one Peerless crystal area.

I'd love to see an undead dragon of some sort that was tameable either blackish in color or preferably the skeletal dragon graphic. Be great for evil rp...

I'd love to see the common animals spawn in different normal hues as well... like goats, cats, cows, dogs, horses, etc. (Although, I'd love to see horse barding if it could be done well. Be a blast to see whole guilds in uniforms... makes me think of the knights)

Maybe when the dragon spawns... it spawns like the old mage camps did. It could spawn with several additional creatures... a forest dragon, with a few forest drakes and some other related creatures. It could be added in with a script similar to those type of spawns. The forest dragon could drop from a table of related items, or could be tamed instead. That way not just tamers are benefiting. I'd prefer the items to not be skill affecting, more deco or eyecandy wearables.. jewelry with green dragon scales/forest/plant motif, etc, perhaps a statuette of a forest dragon using the dragon vet reward graphic dyed green, a green dragon skull, maybe rare plants/trees (it is a forest dragon after all), bones of a ranger/elf, etc..

If the spawns are not set in stone in their location and are sporatic enough, both tamers and other players will wander upon them. Then they can a) run for their lives, b) tame it or c) kill it.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Wow Assia. Awsome ideas in there. I love the "mage like spawn" having a few other animals liking it spawn. Drake would be cool. Kinda like walking into a family dragon nest or something.

Gives it that RP feel. They aren't just there they live there sorta thing.

Then obviously after a certain amount of time the stuff goes away. Great stuff
again really great.

Really good good ideas in there!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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I would like to say we have over 20 replies on this topic. No one has
been negative and no one is trolling each other. It is SOOOO nice to
see the community working together and sharing ideas in a respectful
way. Just thank you guys sooo much for working on this idea together.
Later today I will add in some of the ideas you guys came up with
to the proposal. This is really good stuff.

Where the hell is Petra Fyde?


I really like the idea of different dragons. And those graphics are nice.

I didn't like the horse or llama graphics for the same reason, mainly they were monocolored. It reminded me of the neon weapons. I'm not thrilled with the Cu's and Hiryu's for the same reason--tho admittedly I ride a Cu.

Someone mentioned the difference between tamers and non-tamers and it's a good point. It shouldn't just be things for tamers. Armor is one possibility and a lot better than shading the entire beast. Maybe manes colored or for llamas the stripe? Something that's distinctive but leaves the majority of the beast natural looking?

Rather than dyes, how about something anyone can ride, but requires a tamer to get. I started a tamer to sell ossies back when you could sell ossies and I'd love to see that market come back to life.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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You yelled?
There's this strange thing called 'eating' that I occasionally go afk to indulge in, sometimes accompanied by a small amount of 'TV viewing' :D


Looks good to me. Who called Peterror in!

I mean Petra....

*Hides from the many deaths he is about to face*

Speedy Orkit

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is fantastic and could promote using different pets for different situations(abilities, resists, damage properties, etc) I really like this idea Gareth, big kudos to you.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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) I really like this idea Gareth, big kudos to you.
Thank you but the idea is only as good as its pictures. So i say heh. Who
wants to read a book with not pictures?.....Dont answer that. Anyways
BLAU and TramMoonWalker really brought this idea into visual. So I really
hope people thank these two guys as well.

Also to thank whoever at EA/Mythic came up with the pet dye idea
in the first place. I wouldn't be exploring this avenue without them.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend

Ash Dragon- Spawns in Fel and Tram around mountain sides and in caves. A GREAT way to deal with script miners I might add.
I like the idea for the most part. Except for the part I quoted. Just keep in mind, there are more than just script miners in those caves. My miner can't fight off an earth elemental let alone a dragon.

Lord Gareth

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You are smarter then a script to get away but yes that should be thought of.


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So D+D dragons, yeah cool. None in miner spots though, my miner dies to reapers and dire wolves let alone dragons.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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I will try to think of another place for the Ash Dragons. Sometimes I forget
we have good miners :)


Not a bad idea, though I don't see it being implemented because its so far afield from the dye system that's already been programmed and abandoned.


I absolutely despise the idea of dyes for pets, and I made it clear in my survey.

They are ugly and easily used for scamming. They point out that most animals/monsters have not been beautified for 10 years and need to be reworked.


I would prefer they take each major tamable, REDRAW it, adding in multiple subhue elements that can be colored. Then start spawning the creatures with semi-random groupings of hues that represent both their subtype within the creature type; and perhaps the capabilities of the creature.

For instance:
Dragons, redraw them with 5 distinct hueable pieces (which could be "wearables" created by loot and players.) The dragons spawn with a random set of the "plates", which depend also upon their level within the dragon hierarchy.

What do I mean by that? A standard dragon might have reddish brown crests and dark colored plates. A dragon that has a certain level of skill (say above master in something) might have golden crests or lighter colored plates. A Wyrm should have brightly colored plates and a crested helmet (that also improves its resists.) A super dragon( can't SOMEONE come up with a better name than THAT? Come ON Draconi... jeez.) should have specially marked plates with bright crests. Etc etc etc.

The players could craft plates and crests (perhaps using stone crafting or a combination of smithing and tailoring) and change the colors of their dragon all they want, but perhaps one element is always reflective of the creature's overall power - it's crest.

Dragons are SUPPOSED to be intelligent, powerful creatures, and you'd think they'd want that KNOWN. So add something that shows them off. They could even be factionated, with some crests being specific to individual factions (ie shadow dragons have coal-black crests with their rank being the hue within that color group.)

I'm kinda tired of everyone trying to restrict their thinking WITHIN the current system and not pushing the developers to build something NEW.

These elements are possible, and could be easily implemented in small batches (ie one creature at a time) until we have much wider ranges of creatures and tameables to use, plus give crafters and fighters a lot more to build and look for. After all, tamers supposedly have ALL the bling in UO and can afford to pay for their pets to look better than their neighbors.

Think outside the boxes folks, that's what keeps the developers on their toes.



HOW ABOUT we just remove dragons and get back to the way the game should be played?


Stratics Veteran
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Well it's not going to happen but tameable dragons.....
I see your point.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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I would prefer they take each major tamable, REDRAW it, adding in multiple subhue elements that can be colored. Then start spawning the creatures with semi-random groupings of hues that represent both their subtype within the creature type; and perhaps the capabilities of the creature.
I like your ideas and are very good. I am glade you posted them. I am sorry
I did not quote your entire post. Perhaps that is something they can look
into as well.

I don't mean any disrespect but some people might like the inside the box
and go off of what they started. I hope your ideas get implemented and
listened to like mine has.

Thank you for your contribution on this matter

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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HOW ABOUT we just remove dragons and get back to the way the game should be played?
Everyones play style is different. I am sorry you feel this way.
Unfortunately for your play style I am sure Dragons will not
be removed. Perhaps you can start a thread for the removal
of dragons. I would be very interested to hear your thoughts
on the subject. Perhaps you may even persuade some people
to your way of playing the game.

Thank you for reading my idea.

The Fallout

HOW ABOUT we just remove dragons and get back to the way the game should be played?
Your way? Or someone elses way? How about you cry me a river and cancel your accounts, if you already have cancel your stratics account and move on with life.


Thank you for picking up.
I also like to see creatures colored by nature than dyed temporary afterwards.
They are so natural being that they should live in various places according to their colors. It'd be more better if colored drags have characteristic elemental regists and powers(not overpowered please).

More reason to walk around and discover the world!