Lord Gareth
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This is just my idea for the dragon hues. I hope EA/Mythic will get away from dyes this and dyes that. Why not get your player base going to places that are not used anymore? So again this is just my idea.
The dragon depending on color would spawn in certain areas BUT not just one dragon per 18x18 tile spot. Spread it out so it cant be camped or grieved. Stop just useing solid colors. UO has enough splash of cheap solid colors used to make a quick penny. Do something that shouldn't take to much time. I suggest the way this Uhall poster came up with it. Make it look nice. DO NOT give it new stats and new specials. Just a normal dragon but its got a Hue color.
Water Dragon - Spawns in Tokuno, Fel and Tram waters. Not just one area. These also can spawn when throwing a net and will make seas a little more fun.
Forest Dragon- Spawns in Tokuno forests. Can become apart of the Sleeping Dragon Spawn.
Ash Dragon- Spawns in Fel and Tram around mountain sides and in caves. A GREAT way to deal with script miners I might add.
Lava Dragon- Spawns in Ilishnar. Mostly spawns in the lava areas next to the
gargoyle city in Ilish.
Water Llama..... Ummm all I got is put em in a Illish cave around a water hole.
Just at least give them a place to spawn. Make people explore areas that are not used as much anymore. Make Draconi do more work and write a story behind each type of Dragon. This is your CHANCE to introduce different kinds of Dragons into UO even if it is just by Color. It brings something new to the game. I wouldn't say make special moves for them or add different attack abilities you will unbalance stuff. But forget the pet dyes. Introduce different kinds of dragons. Do what most communities inside of UO do and were founded on. Use your imagination. Dive into an entire world that is already inside of your own. Get people to do things together to get to these dragons.
Heck even make one rare one you have to fight a spawn then a big boss and everyone has to do them together.... but umm make the Ash ones spawn to kill scripters heh.
**Thank you to the people who did these pictures.BLAU andTramMoonWalker **
The dragon depending on color would spawn in certain areas BUT not just one dragon per 18x18 tile spot. Spread it out so it cant be camped or grieved. Stop just useing solid colors. UO has enough splash of cheap solid colors used to make a quick penny. Do something that shouldn't take to much time. I suggest the way this Uhall poster came up with it. Make it look nice. DO NOT give it new stats and new specials. Just a normal dragon but its got a Hue color.

Water Dragon - Spawns in Tokuno, Fel and Tram waters. Not just one area. These also can spawn when throwing a net and will make seas a little more fun.

Forest Dragon- Spawns in Tokuno forests. Can become apart of the Sleeping Dragon Spawn.

Ash Dragon- Spawns in Fel and Tram around mountain sides and in caves. A GREAT way to deal with script miners I might add.

Lava Dragon- Spawns in Ilishnar. Mostly spawns in the lava areas next to the
gargoyle city in Ilish.

Water Llama..... Ummm all I got is put em in a Illish cave around a water hole.
Just at least give them a place to spawn. Make people explore areas that are not used as much anymore. Make Draconi do more work and write a story behind each type of Dragon. This is your CHANCE to introduce different kinds of Dragons into UO even if it is just by Color. It brings something new to the game. I wouldn't say make special moves for them or add different attack abilities you will unbalance stuff. But forget the pet dyes. Introduce different kinds of dragons. Do what most communities inside of UO do and were founded on. Use your imagination. Dive into an entire world that is already inside of your own. Get people to do things together to get to these dragons.
Heck even make one rare one you have to fight a spawn then a big boss and everyone has to do them together.... but umm make the Ash ones spawn to kill scripters heh.
**Thank you to the people who did these pictures.BLAU andTramMoonWalker **