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[UO Herald] Got another Survey For You!

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Oh, finally someone accurate on the problem. The current way hues apply is the main reason for me to reject the project of pet dyes as a whole.
Pouring a paint pot on a pet is ugly. It's ok with some colors on some pets. But most of the pets need more variations. It's particularily worrying that devs didn't think of packhorses and packllamas. It dyes the saddle bags too. From there it's not too hard to think a little further and understand that such hues don't apply well at all on pets with several colors. You lose too many informations while applying the hue on the whole pet.

And Chrissay, how can you say there's no neon when pure white is still there? Denial?
Any hue that has its darker value too light will become neon on all the creature without enough contrast. Hint : imported from old 3D client. Take all the creatures on one picture, turn it to grayscale and you'll see all the problematic creatures.
So if you don't plan to remove from pet dyes all these creatures or plan to rerender all these creatures for a good quality 2D (which you seem capable of doing seeing some of SA creatures), then remove those hues.

"And Chrissay, how can you say there's no neon when pure white is still there?"

White, even pure white, is NOT a neon color.

That is why this is probably the first and last time you will hear the following descriptions:

neon clouds (eh?)

neon snow (huh?)

'Neon' is the color of bar signs at night...


I would like to see someone who thinks JC is "blowing it out of proportion" posting those Test Center screenshots tell me why the dyes here are okay but glacial dye wouldn't be.



This sorta crap destroys the already-battered integrity of the gameworld. Way to turn the real game into just another stupid "Why is that llama green?" freeshard.


I would like to see someone who thinks JC is "blowing it out of proportion" posting those Test Center screenshots tell me why the dyes here are okay but glacial dye wouldn't be.



This sorta crap destroys the already-battered integrity of the gameworld. Way to turn the real game into just another stupid "Why is that llama green?" freeshard.
Because the devs asked us which colors were acceptable and removed the ones which were not. The colors that remain are dark, muted colors, except the white which, again, is something already existing on some animals and in dyes for other items. The devs ARE trying to maintain SOME level of artistic integrity for the game, and a few people here choose to take the opportunity to roleplay Chicken Little.

The Fallout

The recruitment of the questionnaire is still performed in Japan.
However, why will a result be already given?
I think in doubt.

Yes, I am against an idea of the Pet Dye.
I want to say to the development team, if you adopt this idea in defiance of dissenting opinion..
Please do more polite work.
For example, in this way.

This is the minimum compromise that I can agree.
I will agree this would be much better then the current way they have it set. Maybe they can do this instead.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Because the devs asked us which colors were acceptable and removed the ones which were not. The colors that remain are dark, muted colors, except the white which, again, is something already existing on some animals and in dyes for other items. The devs ARE trying to maintain SOME level of artistic integrity for the game, and a few people here choose to take the opportunity to roleplay Chicken Little.
If they want to maintain 'artistic integrity' then they should be doing the job properly instead of going down the total rehue option which just looks crap. I'm not against colours per se (some colour changes can be good), just against the total rehue they are using which just looks amateurish.


You not been to Ice island in the new client then, that sure as hell hurts my eyes its that bright. :D

Antartica probably hurts the eyes in real life too but I have never heard it described as 'neon' either.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend

As has been stated, the 2d client isn't built to maintain "artistic integrity"... the newer (KR/SA/Enhanced/whatever) clianet(s) may have been, but since we haven't seen any examples yet, that remains relatively unknown.

The 3d client for its faults would have handled this the easiest and with ther most integrity due to how its model system was set up... but that's been scrapped to go back to the older modelling method.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Antartica probably hurts the eyes in real life too but I have never heard it described as 'neon' either.
Dictionary definition:


1. (Symbol Ne) A rare, inert gaseous element occurring in the atmosphere to the extent of 18 parts per million and obtained by fractional distillation of liquid air. It is colorless but glows reddish orange in an electric discharge and is used in display and television tubes. Atomic number 10; atomic weight 20.180; melting point −248.67°C; boiling point −245.95°C.
2. A neon tetra.
3. An extremely bright color.

White can therfore be described as neon.


Anyone in the know able to fill in this piece of UO history? A few minutes on google didn't reveal what I was looking for, but I'm 99% positive that we were told years and years ago that the sprites for the original 2D art were lost, so it isn't even possible to make the "nice" type of recolor we'd all prefer.


Dictionary definition:


1. (Symbol Ne) A rare, inert gaseous element occurring in the atmosphere to the extent of 18 parts per million and obtained by fractional distillation of liquid air. It is colorless but glows reddish orange in an electric discharge and is used in display and television tubes. Atomic number 10; atomic weight 20.180; melting point −248.67°C; boiling point −245.95°C.
2. A neon tetra.
3. An extremely bright color.

White can therfore be described as neon.


"White is a color, the perception which is evoked by light that stimulates all three types of color sensitive cone cells in the human eye in nearly equal amounts and with high brightness compared to the surroundings. A white visual stimulation will be void of hue and grayness.[1]"

"A white visual stimulation will be void of hue and grayness.[1]"

We are discussing hueing pets are we not?

According to this white has no hue.

Have you suggested that Mythic re-hue the 'neon' snow on Ice Island in the enhanced client?


Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Not sure exactly what all assets were lost, but I do know that the original UO font was lost at that time and it was when they moved from Austin to CA. You're not mistaken in that they lost the assets, but I don't know all of what they lost assetwise.

If you can dig up the Pixel Graphics Challenge thread, you may find your answer in there... but I don't know if it's still on this board or where else it may be archived because it's a pretty old thread (pre-board crash and pre-KR).


If they want to maintain 'artistic integrity' then they should be doing the job properly instead of going down the total rehue option which just looks crap. I'm not against colours per se (some colour changes can be good), just against the total rehue they are using which just looks amateurish.
Exactly. It just looks like some ****** on a freeshard spent 5 minutes implementing it. The real game is supposed to have actual... you know... artists and stuff and be above silly-looking crap like that.


If you use Inside-UO you can see all the possible hues there are in the 2D client

this is one of them



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
These monotone monstrosities look absolutely disgusting. More cartoon junk to shatter that slender icicle of immersion I cling to when I log into my beloved Britannia.
If these vomit-inducing pet dyes go in I will construct an enormous stake-pit in front of my tower on Drachenfels. Then drop runes advertising free taming scrolls and hitching posts and then my anger will turn to glee as garish pet after garish pet becomes impaled on my spikes of spite. Then I will mount them all on the walls of my fiendish abode (although serfs will be needed to help move the dragons) and open the most freakish of all taxidermy museums.
Devs get some sense in thine noggins.

As for the banana tree idea, that totally rocks but they must only be allowed to grow in jungle areas. There could even be a banana grove champ spawn, starting off with chimps and gorillas and working up through Mighty Joe Young to the final conflict with a paragon King Kong.


HAAA!!! All is not lost....

I have just been informed by a fellow Drachenfelsian that he considers the puzzles too elaborate and demanding for the ageing population on our beloved shard.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People have commented about UO's poor graphics & how bad they look making people look at and leave UO. So now they're going to make the game look worse.

Wonderful thinking Devs. Paint bucket dipped animals in one solid ugly color. And on top of it, no toggle to block the garish effects for those who find the idea disgusting.

Only toggle we're going to have is the logoff button on the paperdoll and eventually it'll come down to why keep paying for a game we don't play much anymore because of the now ridiculous graphics.

To bad Origin Systems sold the game to EA.


Grand Inquisitor
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For example, in this way.
Good. And another example.

I referred to that those masking thing in the survey.
It's a well-known issue in legacy hueing and we know they tried to improve it in KR.
I like the dyes either way, but there is no question, for me at least, that these examples look much better. If it were possible, I would love to see them do that this way. But as Moon pointed out, I expect it would be a serious technical challenge with the 2D client.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
worst idea ever. This is quite possibly the single worst possible addition to UO.

Not to mention the fact that it will be impossible to tell what a persons mount really is until its fire breathing you for 40 dmg.


Give BLAU a job.

Fire whoever came up with the lazy hue idea.
Thing is it's not the fault the art department, they didn't have anything to do with it, it's some 2 minute hack job on the hue code. I'm sure the artists would love an opportunity to come up with something better.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Since this argument keeps resurfacing, let me just clarify another thing. This debate was opened on the close beta forums to assess if there was still a majority asking for this or not. The Yes vote was clearly ahead. We decided to redo the vote with a greater number of players to make sure the majority would still be the same. And when I say majority, I meant significant majority. A 51/49 yes vote would not have cut it. In fact, if the no vote had been at least 40% against, that would have been enough to cut this feature altogether. The "No" vote was well below 40% percent. So no, it is not just a few players. In this instance, You, the players fully had control on whether or not a feature was going to be implemented. This is the will of the majority and it is now being adjusted based on your feedback and will be further adjusted once EA Japan's results have come in.
You give % give me number

23 said yes
20 said no

500 said yes
25 said no

Sent into EA/Mythic

I did not do this but. I did do a little test between people. Your survey you can do as many times as you like. All you have to do is change your IP. I thought it would be cheating to say 100 times no. Just something you may want to think about when you're dealing with computer people.

Also Ultima Online people leave for poor graphics. Throwing a solid color on an object and calling it a pet dye is very lazy. At least look at the UHall dyes.



Did you also know your little survey I could do 10x?
I think for that reason alone the survey should be tossed out. Something else should be used, like an in-game vote to ensure everyone is aware of the impending changes.

Let's hear the percentages on active stratics accounts vs active uo accounts and see what porportion of the community is deciding for the rest of the player base. I'll bet it's less than the fabled 40%.

Have Japan & Europe been asked yet?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You give % give me number

I did not do this but. I did do a little test between people. Your survey you can do as many times as you like. All you have to do is change your IP. I thought it would be cheating to say 100 times no. Just something you may want to think about when you're dealing with computer people.
Interesting thought Gareth. Makes one think. Though I suspect if anyone wanted to stuff the NO! vote, this colored pets idea would have been dropped already.

Now we have to wonder if the supposedly so high YES! percentage is due to the whiz-kids-with-computers youngsters who know so much more about computers than most and can do such IP hacking.

Heck, maybe they are all from a couple players who used one of those bot things and made all the YES! postings to outnumber the real NO! votes. They overstuffed the votebox to the point what they want has no chance of failing to happen. What would it take, a couple people out of a couple hundred thousand players with the knowledge to use a bot?

This possibility really only leaves one option. Do a by-account log-in vote. let's get this hairbrained idea of dyed animals shot where it sits before it's to late and not make the graphics problem worse than it is now.

A log in vote can't be weighted by either side of this possibly over colored circus.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

As has been stated, the 2d client isn't built to maintain "artistic integrity"...
Actually, given that there are (I believe) 2D monsters that rehue in specific spaces (hiryus, I believe), but if not, there ARE items that do rehue in specfic spaces (beds, chairs, dye tubs, et cetera), the work COULD be put into the 2D client to get it "right," but given that the 2D client is not a priority (nor should it be in 2009), it's probably not going to happen that way.

We can hope though that on a further pass of the SA client, proper rehue areas are assigned for most, if not all items and monsters.

This still does not make me want to wait for pet dyes to happen simply to appease a few eyeballs.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dictionary definition:

3. An extremely bright color.

White can therfore be described as neon.
Given that white, itself, is no more a "color" than black, but instead, a presence of all colors -- while black is the absence of color entirely -- we could sit around and debate this all day long.

However, in no situation aside this extremely ridiculous thread, I have never heard anyone refer to "neon white" as any sort of color except perhaps someone describing the particular shade of their Dodge automobile.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Not sure exactly what all assets were lost, but I do know that the original UO font was lost at that time and it was when they moved from Austin to CA. You're not mistaken in that they lost the assets, but I don't know all of what they lost assetwise.
Actually, the assets were lost long before they made the move from Austin to CA... what was lost was not the pixel art, but rather, the original 3D models upon which the 2D renders of all of the original creatures were based (which is why the creatures on the Third Dawn client were all completely redone from the ground up as opposed to high-quality re-renders of the original artwork).

They lost a bunch of stuff, probably to a few hard-drive crashes, and -- no offense to the original Origin -- a lax in backup standards. The "comfortable environment" was more gamer-friendly than serious computer-system-safety friendly.


Given that white, itself, is no more a "color" than black, but instead, a presence of all colors -- while black is the absence of color entirely -- we could sit around and debate this all day long.

However, in no situation aside this extremely ridiculous thread, I have never heard anyone refer to "neon white" as any sort of color except perhaps someone describing the particular shade of their Dodge automobile.
It's not a debate on sementics but on effects, despite what the trolls want. White hue in UO has the same effect than neon hues. You can babble about clouds and what's a color, it will still have the same effect ingame and that's what matters in the debate.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This possibility really only leaves one option. Do a by-account log-in vote. let's get this hairbrained idea of dyed animals shot where it sits before it's to late and not make the graphics problem worse than it is now.

A log in vote can't be weighted by either side of this possibly over colored circus.
Err... wrong.

I have multiple accounts.

I'm not the only one.

Now, admittedly, since I pay more than someone with one account, I certainly believe that in that kind of voting system, my voice should carry more weight.

However, there's not going to be a weightless vote possible -- not even if you tried to do it by active credit card number (I could simply pay for my accounts with a number of different credit cards if I wanted to skew a vote).

Fact is, lots of people have wanted this. A vocal minority here on Stratics will try anything they can to keep it from going in. Me, I'll probably never use it, but I think it's a good addition for players. Can it be done better? Yes. Is it so horrific that we should all cancel our accounts tomorrow in protest? No. But if anyone here decides to... Can I have your stuff?

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thing is it's not the fault the art department, they didn't have anything to do with it, it's some 2 minute hack job on the hue code. I'm sure the artists would love an opportunity to come up with something better.
As I understand it, the entirety of the KR icon/item graphic set was farmed out to China.

I believe Grimm Omen may be the only active artist working on UO at the moment... and if he's not, he's one of two or three at Mythic who are.

And more than likely, the "art department" is split between UO and DAoC and perhaps even WAR. Which leaves the low man on the totem poll looking for better art.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The beetle is dark because the greyscale values are a bit low. That could be fixed with a gamma filter or the curves tool.

And your logic makes my brain melt. Are you referring to the in-game "natural" color of the creatures? Because I'm talking about color theory. In the screenshots from the survey (and your signature), they are clearly starting with white base sprites and adding a multiplicative color filter. Which I'm sure is how they'd do it in-game with actual pets.
Actually, JC is completely correct on this as far as anyone -- including yourself -- is aware. The 2D client does apply color to grayscale images... when it encounters something that is not a grayscale base, it converts it to grayscale to apply the color to it. Like anything else doing such a conversion, reds will translate different than yellows, et cetera.

I don't believe they've gone in and redone any of the animations or anything for this.

Should they? In an ideal world, yes. UO is not in an ideal state of development 12 years into its life.

If you take a look into INSIDE UO, you can see the various hues that are applied to any particular object. Notice that in MOST cases, they proceed from dark on the left to light on the right. SOME of them proceed differently, and were developed for different creatures and uses (such as fire orange and glacier blue). SOME of them are extremely weird (and were used on gift boxes recently for some strange reason... heh). The hues for the various statues are very interesting, and were made extremely custom to give the statuesque look that they do.

Now, when one of these hues is applied to an object (I'm going to guess that there are particular values of gray they map to) that has grayscale base to it, it applies them to that base. If there is no base, it's obvious it does a conversion and then applies it (otherwise, it wouldn't know where to apply what). The one thing I've NEVER been sure of though is whether the colors map DIRECTLY to an RGB for grayscale in the items that are duo-tone (chairs, dyetubs, et cetera), because those, ONLY the grayscale is affected by hue, anything not grayscale is not hued. It seems to make sense (particulary in 1997) that an if/then would check to see if there was a grayscale range within the object, and either apply totally or just to grayscale. Sadly, every clothing item in the paperdoll since UO:SE has failed to understand WHY the original graphics were done the way they were (grayscale, but yet on shields, borders uncolored), and so they're all colored in the actual graphic file (and sadly, a fairly simple conversion to a limited grayscale palette with particular sections left unchanged if needed) would solve that entire problem of certain clothing looking hideous when hued.

But... long story short, JC is correct about how things are hued. And it's not a small order (on the animation side) to change to something else to my knowledge (though, again, they must already be doing this with hiryus, which suggests it might be possible, though why put that effort into the 2D client at this stage would be a good question).


Fact is, lots of people have wanted this. A vocal minority here on Stratics will try anything they can to keep it from going in. Me, I'll probably never use it, but I think it's a good addition for players. Can it be done better? Yes. Is it so horrific that we should all cancel our accounts tomorrow in protest? No. But if anyone here decides to... Can I have your stuff?
Where are all those people who wanted this, I only see people who accept it now it's presented.
We can come to no compromise if we haven't their opinions.

Also, do we need to come down to "cancel or not" to know if something is good or not?
That seems very flawed to me. Cancelling an account is a decision that isn't taken on only one problem. Not cancelling your account when something is added doesn't mean it's perfect, good or even better than nothing. What kind of argument is that?
For a lot of players that addition, as it's presented, is terrible and hurt them. Can EA take the risk of hurting a number of players to satisfy some other? Will it hurt the players who asked for it more or in greater proportion?
It's important to know because UO has difficulties to renew its playerbase.

Also what's the point to make an enhanced client to attract new players with a better looking game if you make so ugly things behind.
Personally I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I'm saying it's not done properly. I can even debate what color is ok before it's properly handled. When they'll find how to make it nice, I'll be there to support the idea with suggestions for colors and whatever needs to be tweaked. But right now, there's nothing to tweak, it's a disaster.


Actually, JC is completely correct on this as far as anyone -- including yourself -- is aware. The 2D client does apply color to grayscale images... when it encounters something that is not a grayscale base, it converts it to grayscale to apply the color to it. Like anything else doing such a conversion, reds will translate different than yellows, et cetera.

I don't believe they've gone in and redone any of the animations or anything for this.

Should they? In an ideal world, yes. UO is not in an ideal state of development 12 years into its life.
We all know how it applies. What you forgot is the fancy dress. Dye it all you want, the yellow stripe will stay. Hint! Hint!


The questionnaire performed in Japan has ended today.
I don't know what kind of means Japanese players voice is conveyed by to DevTeam.
And how much influence does it have?
I don't know...

But, I can say clearly it is too early to give the conclusion of this problem.
It is stupid to decide to be only with the questionnaire of simple contents.

I think that EA should be more careful about this unfavorable idea.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Having followed this thread from the start, my conclusion would be that very very few are against pet dyes in principle providing 2 things:

1. That the colours used are tasteful and subtle
2. That it is not implemented in this awful total re-hue way

Address both of these issues then you have a winner.


Two best posts so far imho: :p:thumbsup:

These monotone monstrosities look absolutely disgusting. More cartoon junk to shatter that slender icicle of immersion I cling to when I log into my beloved Britannia.
If these vomit-inducing pet dyes go in I will construct an enormous stake-pit in front of my tower on Drachenfels. Then drop runes advertising free taming scrolls and hitching posts and then my anger will turn to glee as garish pet after garish pet becomes impaled on my spikes of spite. Then I will mount them all on the walls of my fiendish abode (although serfs will be needed to help move the dragons) and open the most freakish of all taxidermy museums.
Devs get some sense in thine noggins.

As for the banana tree idea, that totally rocks but they must only be allowed to grow in jungle areas. There could even be a banana grove champ spawn, starting off with chimps and gorillas and working up through Mighty Joe Young to the final conflict with a paragon King Kong.

Having followed this thread from the start, my conclusion would be that very very few are against pet dyes in principle providing 2 things:

1. That the colours used are tasteful and subtle
2. That it is not implemented in this awful total re-hue way

Address both of these issues then you have a winner.

Happy Monday


Grand Inquisitor
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Campaign Supporter
You not been to Ice island in the new client then, that sure as hell hurts my eyes its that bright. :D
Antartica probably hurts the eyes in real life too but I have never heard it described as 'neon' either.
At the risk of going totally off track. I managed to sunburn my eyeballs earlier this year, working on a film for a friend. It was all filmed outdoors in the snow, and we spent a couple of days filming on a snow covered lake. Sunburning my eyeballs was a new experience for me... :)

But back on topic. UO is a mishmash of cultural and historical icons, and a wonderful stew of different colours and hues. This is one of the reasons that I think UO has always appealed to a very wide assortment of people. As has already been pointed out, many people have complained about the truly neon colours, but they are consistently one of the most highly sought after items (the original Tokuno dyes, neon hair colours, blaze cu sidhe, etc.), and I can guarantee you it is going to be no different with the pet dyes, and if there were any true neon colours among them, they would be the most highly prized.

In my opinion this speaks much more loudly than any poll, or thread full of irate posters. I agree, they could be done more artistically, but in my opinion, they are fun, and I expect an awful lot of people are going to agree with me. I for one am looking forward to my badass dragon, looking truly badass. Right now he's a bit like that mousy looking girl with the thick black glasses that no one noticed in high school. He's going to look hot in black leather... ;)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This possibility really only leaves one option. Do a by-account log-in vote. let's get this hairbrained idea of dyed animals shot where it sits before it's to late and not make the graphics problem worse than it is now.

A log in vote can't be weighted by either side of this possibly over colored circus.
Err... wrong.

I have multiple accounts.

I'm not the only one.

Now, admittedly, since I pay more than someone with one account, I certainly believe that in that kind of voting system, my voice should carry more weight.
I have three accounts active with 5 more only needing me to pay the $65 to reactivate them.

I've no problem with voters having one vote per account. I wouldn't reactivate the 5 additional accounts over this because I'm borderline on staying/leaving this game anyways. There are to few players these days and will likely be a few less when UO is turned into a colorful cartoon.

I'm going to hold off buying SA until after I have a chance to see how much of a joke the graphics are going to become. I'll either stick with ML and invest the $30 SA cost into trying another game or two, invest $30 in the new cartoon UO and put up with it, or leave.


Thing is it's not the fault the art department, they didn't have anything to do with it, it's some 2 minute hack job on the hue code. I'm sure the artists would love an opportunity to come up with something better.
That's fine. I said fire whoever came up with the idea.

If they're not from the art department then it's one less braindead idiot making stupid decisions about our game and one more hard-working, caring addition to what is probably a small and over-worked art team.

Win-win, wouldn't it be?


The one thing I've NEVER been sure of though is whether the colors map DIRECTLY to an RGB for grayscale in the items that are duo-tone (chairs, dyetubs, et cetera), because those, ONLY the grayscale is affected by hue, anything not grayscale is not hued. It seems to make sense (particulary in 1997) that an if/then would check to see if there was a grayscale range within the object, and either apply totally or just to grayscale.
It would use the reserved palette method; a portion of the palette on "semi-dyed" objects (chairs with cushions, fancy dresses, scale armour, beds, etc) is in greyscale and is replaced by the dye hue, the rest of the item's palette is reserved (unchangeable) for the wood texture, or gilded trim in the case of the fancy dress. This is why a rare wood bed only rehues the sheets rather than the wooden part of the bed as you'd expect.

Old versions of Windows used this trick to ensure their "reserved colours" (coincidentally about as hideous as the ones in the survey) wouldn't change, so icons and other UI graphics would remain the same no matter what application was run.

Shoddy developers ignored this standard, and the result was Windows was rehued to whatever was in the application's palette, giving a cheap and nasty effect. Which brings us full circle to rehueing pets. :talktothehand:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Great addition to UO. Keep bringing us more DEVS. The polls are overwhelming almost 65% for pet dyes. Thanks again


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
The polls are worthless ... some people have voted up to 10 times!
Correct me if I am wrong, but most of the ones who have talked about stacking the vote, have been against the pet dyes.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
The polls are overwhelming almost 65% for pet dyes.
I don't think the closed beta results or the current polling method are accurate. If you look are everywhere this addition is being discussed the overwhelming response is negative. Look at the Facebook comments and they are almost all negative. Some people in this topic seem to be basing their support of this change on something that isn't happening (creating new creature models to make the dyes look better).

This has turned into a huge mess and is detracting from the expansion itself. I think it would be best if the developers put this on the back burner so that at least Stygian Abyss won't be hurt.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Correct me if I am wrong, but most of the ones who have talked about stacking the vote, have been against the pet dyes.
You have no idea how many people used multiple votes either for or against. The poll is worthless.


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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think the closed beta results or the current polling method are accurate. If you look are everywhere this addition is being discussed the overwhelming response is negative. Look at the Facebook comments and they are almost all negative. Some people in this topic seem to be basing their support of this change on something that isn't happening (creating new creature models to make the dyes look better).

This has turned into a huge mess and is detracting from the expansion itself. I think it would be best if the developers put this on the back burner so that at least Stygian Abyss won't be hurt.
Very vocal people have mounted a very good campaign against this. Of course the reason you see the critics of this system and not those who support it is because those who support it don't feel like dealing with the taunts and trolls and flames of those don't like it. It's simple and all those silent voices have spoken in the polls where the decision was made to put them in. Same thing goes for here as it does with the facebook.
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