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SA question for the devs


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes. I'm asking another question. Live with it.


During the open beta I noticed something as I was running around in the 2D client that nobody seemed to mention... that Fire Gargoyles had had their sprites replaced with imported versions of the KR/SA Fire Gargoyle. I could be remembering it wrongly (IE I could be mixing my recollections of the 2D and SA runs I made), but if i'm right is this the start of an attempt to replace the hideously low-detail creatures from LBR-ML with the much improved KR art (that Fire Gargoyle looked goooooood compared to what it was before)? Or is it confined to that one monster type? Or, even further, is it confined to just that one monster type, just in Ter Mur?

Its seriously a good idea, at least for all the LBR-ML stuff, and I hope its expanded to cover all of those monsters (with possible exceptions of ones people didn't like the KR versions of as much, like the Kraken). If people complain about any of it, its easy enough to change it back in the file that controls it.


It does make some sense that they would at least update the Gargoyles since it is a Gargoyle Expansion. I'd love to see more of the higher-res graphics used, but I do think it should be optional as others are sure to complain...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It does make some sense that they would at least update the Gargoyles since it is a Gargoyle Expansion. I'd love to see more of the higher-res graphics used, but I do think it should be optional as others are sure to complain...
Well thats just it.. it is optional. All the art changes are handled by one file that can be edited in notepad, and with a little searching on the net you can find how to do it. It isn't "oficially sanctioned" or such, but it isn't illegal either since its completely limited to what sprites monsters and NPCs use, and removing whats there makes them revert to default stuff.

I'm betting if they did it it shouldn't be too hard to add to the options menu a section for what sprites for each creature to use, since its not a file replacement, just a text file telling the client to look elsewhere. For each creature they could have a selection to tell what part of the file to look for.. the old one or the new one. Or they could just make it a blanket "all new/all old" choice and leave making detailed selections to those who can edit the file.

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
noticed the same thing with the blistering gargoyles on the 2D client in retribution, did not check if they were the same in hythloth though, only noticed them in the new lands


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you agree with me that it looked good? I just wanna know that i'm not alone in thinking that. :p

Certainly was better than the one we've been stuck with since LBR IMO, that's for sure.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just wanna know if they have any plans related to this or not, honestly. :p


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well thats just it.. it is optional. All the art changes are handled by one file that can be edited in notepad, and with a little searching on the net you can find how to do it. It isn't "oficially sanctioned" or such, but it isn't illegal either since its completely limited to what sprites monsters and NPCs use, and removing whats there makes them revert to default stuff.

I'm betting if they did it it shouldn't be too hard to add to the options menu a section for what sprites for each creature to use, since its not a file replacement, just a text file telling the client to look elsewhere. For each creature they could have a selection to tell what part of the file to look for.. the old one or the new one. Or they could just make it a blanket "all new/all old" choice and leave making detailed selections to those who can edit the file.
This is only tangentially related, but sometimes when I'm doing bods I have a really strong desire to find out if I can mess with the art files and replace stacked cloth/leather with a tiny graphic so I don't have to move piles of resources all the time trying to find the items for the bods underneath them. I think the spools of thread graphic would work...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually that's not even related as it would require hacking the art files and directly replacing art. Big difference between that and editing a text file.

Trebr Drab

I really don't like the idea of having art that isn't consistent. One person sees one thing, and another sees another. It makes things confusing when people show screen shots and what not. I don't like it even more when players choose a look that they want to represent their characters, and it looks completely different to other players.

Remember how in the old days with the 2D, a male character wearing a piece of armor looked like he had breasts because it was using the female art? I remember a guild mate wearing that while using KR (I think), and being completely embarrassed when he found out what it looked like.

So, overall, I say pick the best looking art and go with that for everyone. Keep consistency in the game.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
the blazing, fiery etc gargoyles in Hythloth are currently using this graphic:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the blazing, fiery etc gargoyles in Hythloth are currently using this graphic:
Did you miss me saying "in the Open Beta" or something? Or did you decide to ignore that on purpose?

No duh they're currently using that graphic.. the client hasn't been patched with what the beta client had yet. Or are you just trying to show what it is currently so you can get a comparison when possible?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's alright.

Pardon the blunt rudeness in reply from me. Is just how I am. Of course most everyone here should know that by now anyway. :p

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the blazing, fiery etc gargoyles in Hythloth are currently using this graphic:
they didnt look like that in the new lands for 2D, more like a putrid guardian without wings that just crawled out of the lava.....
i just never bothered to go over to hythloth to see if they looked the same there or not..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did you miss me saying "in the Open Beta" or something? Or did you decide to ignore that on purpose?

No duh they're currently using that graphic.. the client hasn't been patched with what the beta client had yet. Or are you just trying to show what it is currently so you can get a comparison when possible?
Wow, that was a bit harsh. The way I saw it she was just trying to help answer the question you asked... she even took the time to look up the graphic an post it. Even if she missed the part about the client, at least she was going out of her way to help provide you with both an answer and a visual example. I think a "thank you, but..." would have been a much more appropriate response. If your too High and Mighty to do that at least just ignore her post... but your response was down right rude. If you want people to actually help you out and answer your questions in the future you might want to try a little tact and respect.

Lol, funny you posted this while I was typing up my rant...
It's alright.

Pardo the blunt rudeness in reply from me. Is just how I am. Of course most everyone here should know that by now anyway. :p


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

It looks fairly close to this (old KR snap I took for the "strat-o-graphic safari" thing to get KR shots of every monster that apparently never went anywhere; the title I got for helping was also never carried over to my new account :(), though the graphic has been changed a little bit over time. And it looks really good with how they've adjusted it for 2D.. you really just need to see it in game to understand.

Kensai Tsunami

some of the new graphics are very cool. others are not.
i def like that graphic of the new garg look. while at the same time the giant- sized fire beetles look like bloated ...uh ...flapping ...uh ...i dunno what!! and the ant queen statue graphic is a tiny lil thing that you can barely see! granted i am thinking of my last venture into KR, but i suspect the 2 i mention still look the same (forgive me if i am wrong ...i'm kinda lazy). anyway ...i always love a new look to keep my other (gemini) half interested. i hope it sticks.
seems to me that if thats true then its a 2d graphic; if you can see it in 2d huh?
thats alright with me. 3d/2d tags mean very little if the look is 'just right'? just my 2 cents ...albeit i may be short a cent or 2.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cmon devs.. say something.. there gonna be more changes like this? Like mayb ethe Ilsh gargoyles from the mountain city for a start? The other special gargoyles in Ilsh? Maybe the stone ones too? Or even further to all of the ugly creatures added since LBR?

I'm excited and curious! This is a definite positive. :D