Yes. I'm asking another question. Live with it.
During the open beta I noticed something as I was running around in the 2D client that nobody seemed to mention... that Fire Gargoyles had had their sprites replaced with imported versions of the KR/SA Fire Gargoyle. I could be remembering it wrongly (IE I could be mixing my recollections of the 2D and SA runs I made), but if i'm right is this the start of an attempt to replace the hideously low-detail creatures from LBR-ML with the much improved KR art (that Fire Gargoyle looked goooooood compared to what it was before)? Or is it confined to that one monster type? Or, even further, is it confined to just that one monster type, just in Ter Mur?
Its seriously a good idea, at least for all the LBR-ML stuff, and I hope its expanded to cover all of those monsters (with possible exceptions of ones people didn't like the KR versions of as much, like the Kraken). If people complain about any of it, its easy enough to change it back in the file that controls it.
During the open beta I noticed something as I was running around in the 2D client that nobody seemed to mention... that Fire Gargoyles had had their sprites replaced with imported versions of the KR/SA Fire Gargoyle. I could be remembering it wrongly (IE I could be mixing my recollections of the 2D and SA runs I made), but if i'm right is this the start of an attempt to replace the hideously low-detail creatures from LBR-ML with the much improved KR art (that Fire Gargoyle looked goooooood compared to what it was before)? Or is it confined to that one monster type? Or, even further, is it confined to just that one monster type, just in Ter Mur?
Its seriously a good idea, at least for all the LBR-ML stuff, and I hope its expanded to cover all of those monsters (with possible exceptions of ones people didn't like the KR versions of as much, like the Kraken). If people complain about any of it, its easy enough to change it back in the file that controls it.