Started getting my stuff together for imbuing. Saw that I needed parasitic plant as an ingredient.
Now I have been playing for 10 years or more, gave up my lumberjack many years ago. So went shopping for parasitic plant. None... I looked at every vendor on Luna, and couldn't find any vendors any where else in the land except for marble island. No parasitic plant.
No problem, decided to start a lumberjack. Soulstoned a skill off one of my toons to make room. Went to town, bought 30 skill, made myself some hatchets with my tinker. Equipped said hatchet and tried to cut a tree down. System message: "you can't use an axe on that". Hmmm. tried every way I can think of to cut the darn tree, and many others with same result.
Came to stratics to see what it was that I was doing wrong. Lots of info about lumberjack skill except for the crucial HOW DO YOU DO IT?
Please someone.... let this poor noob know. And by the way how many million trees do I have to cut to get some parasitic plant?
Now I have been playing for 10 years or more, gave up my lumberjack many years ago. So went shopping for parasitic plant. None... I looked at every vendor on Luna, and couldn't find any vendors any where else in the land except for marble island. No parasitic plant.
No problem, decided to start a lumberjack. Soulstoned a skill off one of my toons to make room. Went to town, bought 30 skill, made myself some hatchets with my tinker. Equipped said hatchet and tried to cut a tree down. System message: "you can't use an axe on that". Hmmm. tried every way I can think of to cut the darn tree, and many others with same result.
Came to stratics to see what it was that I was doing wrong. Lots of info about lumberjack skill except for the crucial HOW DO YOU DO IT?
Please someone.... let this poor noob know. And by the way how many million trees do I have to cut to get some parasitic plant?