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What I miss about UO...



I miss also

The 2d graphics for most monsters, at some point we seem to have merged with the creatures from third dawn, and now have a strange mix.

The time between third dawn coming out and me getting it when blule beetles looked like purple llamas.
I beta tested Third Dawn, boy was that hell lol



Can tell its an old picture theres only one dragon on the screen.

(& no, before anyway says it, I don't want dyeable pets - it was just funny at the time)


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Very saddening to me how many of these posts involve "missing" things that caused great harm to other players. Sadder still when one of the dev team members (*waves to Wilki*) joins in. If nothing else most of these replies show why Trammel was necessary, why UO would have been crushed without it.

I miss plenty of things that have changed....No real point in discussing them here, though. This is a "tRaM 5Ux" thread in a thin, thin disguise.

-Galen's player


I miss:

- Valorite GM Platemail
You can fix both of these sir :)

Just make Valorite GM Platemail Armor (Regardless of what hammer you use) all 60 Resist.

And as for WBB just detroy Luna...pretty please!

Calis M^N

i don't think tram sucks.... i miss the things that made the game more "realistic" for want of a better word... i mean this dyable pet thing i think is silly... i also feel that one of the things i said i missed was "needing regs" i think they should of capped lrc when it first came out.... would of made a huge difference...
tram was needed for space as well as allowing players to choose between pvp and non pvp...
most of the stuff i miss though is conected with having more people online...
like with the bone wall back before tram everyone used to work together in training and then every now and then a couple of PKers (that term isnt really relevent anymore) with the much envied GM magery would come along and it would take all of the training chars to battle back! and then when you had finished your training and found your silver weapon you could go to the next room and kill liches which was at the time the best way to make gold.... they were good days with...
i aint sayin it isnt good now... it is good in a very differnt way with new challenges and objectives!


Very saddening to me how many of these posts involve "missing" things that caused great harm to other players.
Err, like what?

I miss plenty of things that have changed....No real point in discussing them here, though. This is a "tRaM 5Ux" thread in a thin, thin disguise.
-Galen's player
No it isn't, not in the slightest, hardly anything mentioned in this thread is pre tram.


Much as I love reminiscing, I think I actually like the current game better. Yes, its grown easier, but also deeper and more dynamic.
Old UO didn't need to be "deep" in the way that you describe, because its game mechanics made it inherently fun to play. AoS fundamentally altered UO, it's never been nearly as fun since then.

Old UO definitely didn't have the depth of game features and skills as today, but it was possible to have fun on a character that had absolutely no skills. Now? There's almost no player interaction, and there's a LOT less playstyle freedom.


I miss paging a GM and actually see him...when i close my eyes I can hardly remember what they look like


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Much as I love reminiscing, I think I actually like the current game better. Yes, its grown easier, but also deeper and more dynamic.
Old UO didn't need to be "deep" in the way that you describe, because its game mechanics made it inherently fun to play. AoS fundamentally altered UO, it's never been nearly as fun since then.

Old UO definitely didn't have the depth of game features and skills as today, but it was possible to have fun on a character that had absolutely no skills. Now? There's almost no player interaction, and there's a LOT less playstyle freedom.
Yeah, I think it comes down to what you like about the game. My favorite aspect of UO is now - and always has been - template dynamism. Back in the old days, the ability to choose ANY 7 skills to GM was quite unique and made designing toons so much fun! Nowadays, as we've moved away from the 7x GM design, templates have only grown more complex. I loved this customization then and I love it all the more now. :thumbsup:

Obviously, I'm not trying to speak for you. Your favorite aspects are probably very different.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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1. Power Hour
OHHHH YEAHHHH...Power Hour Rocked
Sometimes I miss Power Hour .. but then I remember when I kept hearing things from guildies like..... OK sure lets do that..... but it'll have to be later man..... this is my Power Hour.....

And getting anything done with the "guild" meant waiting till about 830 or 9pm CST cause everyone had to have the "power hour" in first.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sometimes I miss Power Hour .. but then I remember when I kept hearing things from guildies like..... OK sure lets do that..... but it'll have to be later man..... this is my Power Hour.....

And getting anything done with the "guild" meant waiting till about 830 or 9pm CST cause everyone had to have the "power hour" in first.
Oh my....This does bring back memories.

I remember a long-ago RPed PvP event on LS wherein the character with the biggest personal stake in the outcome wasn't there....And why? It was power hour!

-Galen's player


Sometimes I miss Power Hour .. but then I remember when I kept hearing things from guildies like..... OK sure lets do that..... but it'll have to be later man..... this is my Power Hour.....

And getting anything done with the "guild" meant waiting till about 830 or 9pm CST cause everyone had to have the "power hour" in first.
I miss that too...was a good excuse to not join a guild meeting or event


Site Support
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Write what you miss from UO (continue the number sequence)

I Miss....

1. Pre-Insurance Items Days
2. People @ West Brit Bank
3. Stealing Bags with Blessed items inside (i.e a bag of checks)
4. House keys to lock doors
5. Being able to step on house steps/patios regardless if they are private/public (made walking the world easier!)
6. All Skills Capping at 100.0!
Stealthing in the back room of Brit bank insuring insecure Trades were insecure. (GMed, Smithing, Tinkering, Carpentry, Bowcraft, Tailoring, and Alchemy from resources gotten this way.)

Setting [young] players up with a full spellbook, a city runebook, and a set of GM Armor. (Of course the runebook had a rune back to my shop!)

Looting corpses in Trammel, and finding Silver Vanq's in Deceit that way.

Selling Armor and doing repairs at WBB, along with taking orders for Tailoring, and Bowcrafting. (I might have been a crook on my other toons but not that one.)

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

One thing no one has mentioned:

Guard whackings.

How often do you see some heinous scene at the bank where 10 or 12 people are just whacked for seemingly no reason these days?

The throng of thieves, and the people stupid enough to loot them, provided endless hours of joy around the banks.

Just the sound of it was exciting. Whooosh----WHAM!

Nothing like it in the game today. :D

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One thing no one has mentioned:

Guard whackings.

How often do you see some heinous scene at the bank where 10 or 12 people are just whacked for seemingly no reason these days?

The throng of thieves, and the people stupid enough to loot them, provided endless hours of joy around the banks.

Just the sound of it was exciting. Whooosh----WHAM!

Nothing like it in the game today. :D
HAHAHAHA, i almost choked when i read this LMAO...i sooo miss those days!!!!!!...wtf happend to the game i once loved??


i miss the living ecology, which was soon turned off due to people overhunting the ecology in the early months. you used to be able to see animals hunting, or monsters hunting for food. predator animals would hunt players when the players were low on health. deer and rabbits would run from players.

i miss the excitement of magic items. revealing magic items. trading magic items. while there was risk to using them due to pkers and looting monsters, if you were clever, you could turn enough profit using them that you could replace them relatively easy if you did lose them.

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I miss:
- The feeling I had when I first logged on (and got past the mongbat tutorial)
is that the same one that was an offline tutorial where we had to go and slay a dragon with 1 shot with the glass sword in the end?? lol

also remember logging in for the first time directly into a flame wall lmao
but i love it, loved being a newb in hiding against the mountain outside covetous! praying that the pk's wouldnt walk over me!!..heart thumping when the dungeon you and your friends were romping in would get raided!, trying to hide in spots nobody would go close to..then trying to sneak out of there and getting chased through the woods lmao (no recalling anywhere)
things were just more exciting for you then, then again it was the start of anything like it..so that explains some of it


i miss the living ecology, which was soon turned off due to people overhunting the ecology in the early months. you used to be able to see animals hunting, or monsters hunting for food. predator animals would hunt players when the players were low on health. deer and rabbits would run from players.
I dont remember the "lving ecology," you sure you werent watching the discovery channel?


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I miss thinking ettins were boss-level encounters.

I miss getting lost at sea and when I finally stumbled upon land, trying to figure out where I was by the vegetation along the shoreline.

I miss the Friday Inu puzzle/mystery/quest.

Kensai Tsunami

I just miss my old friends that are gone now.
the rest is/are only 'changes that i roll with'.
in fact, i like change ...it keeps me interested.
peace to all my surviving friends!


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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I miss when seeing the title "glorious lord" or "dread lord" gave you pause.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
good list so far :D made me think...

i miss:

-First time loggin in watching that chest open up
-The music...i actually found this site and was listening a few minutes ago: http://ultima.dor-lomin.com/musicarchive/uo/
-guild wars, running through brit knowing the opposing guild was at the other bank.
-no insurance
-packed dungeons
-chatting at the blue boar
-the x-roads were to be feared
i guess i could go on for a long time but this post would get extremely long...

Kensai Tsunami

do it anyway Bardie!

...i miss hunting reds that would face off with you one on one ...long b4 trammel was even a thought in the dev's mind ...they would fight you like REAL men and women would do ...with honor!


I dont remember the "lving ecology," you sure you werent watching the discovery channel?
they took away the ecology model when the flux of players trying combat skills wiped out all the spawning creatures in the wild. the devs figured such a complex system was rather moot when players just want to kill.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was a pretty big fan of that stuff too..

It kept it exciting and made my heart pump pretty loud :D


I miss see`in boats everywhere packed with goodies and snooping someone with a boat key on em. I miss the old dungeons where there really was such a thing as risk versus reward. I wish they would have made champ spawns overland....or elsewhere. I loved hunting those dungeons. Smackin demons around with my swordsmen or daring to try out the elder gazer rooms. Walkin the wall at the Terrathan Keep.Felt like a god with my bard in the Balron room even if it were only for a lil while,lol ooOOOooo! Cross healing and skills that really meant something when you FINALLY GM`d something.I remember a RL friend taking months to GM smithing.It was a day for celebration when she finally did it,rofl.I remember when you could not safely walk from Trinsic to Brit.The woods actually held..... *Gulp* ... MONSTERS!!!! Not to mention the other players you may run into along the way.Most times they were great encounters,sometimes not so much. I miss me and my 3 rl friends banding together to fight my red neighbors,"Night Crawler" is the only one I remember but I know he had 3 friends that was always around to kick our asses,lol.I played Pacific back than. I miss see`in peaple in any city I chose to recall to,even if it was N`jelm or however its spelt! :p

I guess it didn`t take a whole lot to make/keep us happy back than.Yea I was on 56k back than but it didn`t matter.Still managed to raise a red and a thief along with 2 accounts worth of blues. Will always be the funnest times I`ll probably ever have in an online game. For me,those are the times that keep me luvin UO....well,and this cable connection I got now dayz.:D

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I miss see`in boats everywhere packed with goodies and snooping someone with a boat key on em. I miss the old dungeons where there really was such a thing as risk versus reward. I wish they would have made champ spawns overland....or elsewhere. I loved hunting those dungeons. Smackin demons around with my swordsmen or daring to try out the elder gazer rooms. Walkin the wall at the Terrathan Keep.Felt like a god with my bard in the Balron room even if it were only for a lil while,lol ooOOOooo! Cross healing and skills that really meant something when you FINALLY GM`d something.I remember a RL friend taking months to GM smithing.It was a day for celebration when she finally did it,rofl.I remember when you could not safely walk from Trinsic to Brit.The woods actually held..... *Gulp* ... MONSTERS!!!! Not to mention the other players you may run into along the way.Most times they were great encounters,sometimes not so much. I miss me and my 3 rl friends banding together to fight my red neighbors,"Night Crawler" is the only one I remember but I know he had 3 friends that was always around to kick our asses,lol.I played Pacific back than. I miss see`in peaple in any city I chose to recall to,even if it was N`jelm or however its spelt! :p

I guess it didn`t take a whole lot to make/keep us happy back than.Yea I was on 56k back than but it didn`t matter.Still managed to raise a red and a thief along with 2 accounts worth of blues. Will always be the funnest times I`ll probably ever have in an online game. For me,those are the times that keep me luvin UO....well,and this cable connection I got now dayz.:D

You got it right...all of it!

The road between Trinsic and Britain was indeed a dangerous path! Died there many times!

I miss the sense that you were not safe, and that you were going to be challenged every time you left town.

Remember towns? Vesper? Minoc? Nu'Jelm?

How many people still go to "town" these days? They hang out in Luna or "New Haven" (put Ocollo on my list of missed things)...but the real towns are the ones that you can walk from one to the other without using magic or gates.

Origin created worlds.

EA destroys them.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I miss:

- GUL, Napa Valley

- duels that could last for half an hour
I like you now.

GUL was the greatest thing ever on Napa (TLC is right up there too).

On that subject, I remember fighting with GUL members on my bard (didn't need 7xGM to win those days) and the winner was always who brought the most potions to the fight.

Lord Gabriel

There are alot of things i miss about old Uo, but I will only name 3 as many others have already been listed.

1. Being able to place houses on top of houses!!! If you were one of the lucky few to even own a tower a small house could be place on top of that, i thought it was simply cool.

2. Hunting in the elder gazer room with 4 white wyrms, that was very overpowered and yes had to be changed but still I loved it.

3. the enticement skill (currently discordance) when you could entice nobles away from moonglow to kill them, who carried the highest loot table available. I was however astonished when I became red after killing 5.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People in towns. I saw a guy in Ocllo main street today. There I was, feather hat, kilt and boots sitting on an old brown horse. He stopped for a second for a double take. I said hail; he just rode away on his ethy, face hidden underneath his uber shroud. Now it's just me and the old brown horse.


i do miss the old moongate system, where peering into the spyglass to see the phases of the moons meant something, which helped guide you where you needed to go. of course they took that out since most couldn't be bothered with learning the simple dynamic (or just moongate jump until they reached where to go).

i miss the order/chaos factions, where you had to be a lord or lady to participate.

i miss permagrey theives.

i miss the pvp templates of yore, where you really only needed a weapon skill, tactics, magery, resist, wrestling, and the rest really didn't matter that much. healing only worked once every minute or so.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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the good old days when being a thief was worthwhile
"borrowing" boats left unlocked on the shores of ice isle and looting the goodies in the hold
stealing black pearl from mages who would try to e-bolt you when you revealed only to realize they couldn't
being afraid of the message warning you of the dangers of leaving town unprepared
fighting brigands outside brit and thinking they were red players... until they re-spawned
mining at the farms west of brit because it was the only mountain in guard zones besides delucia
wearing bone armor despite the huge dex penalty
waiting in line at the brit smith
when the 1k starting gold was worth making 5 throwaway characters on trial accounts that came with new expansions


Babbling Loonie
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The rehued ostard graphic used for ridgebacks before they "did it right" and implemented a graphic nobody was too keen on riding. ;)

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The rehued ostard graphic used for ridgebacks before they "did it right" and implemented a graphic nobody was too keen on riding. ;)
I totally forgot about those. They were like a neon yellow color.



I miss hunting player killers. The best time I remember in UO was getting high speed internet and being able to keep up with the murderers, problem is once broadband got main stream, they started disappearing.


Always Present
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People in towns. I saw a guy in Ocllo main street today. There I was, feather hat, kilt and boots sitting on an old brown horse. He stopped for a second for a double take. I said hail; he just rode away on his ethy, face hidden underneath his uber shroud. Now it's just me and the old brown horse.

I hear ya......

I think it is extremely important that the Developers try to bring life back into Towns, somehow.

It was tried once already with the Quests in town but unfortunately after the initial hype of the novelty thing it faded away.

We need some real brainstorming on the Forums with good ideas to have changes to Design to make players want to repopulate the Towns and want to spend time in all towns, not merely a few of them......

What could possibly bring players back in Towns ?


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
What I miss?

1. going to a dungeon in plain dress, floppy hat and sandals
2. using Magic Resist against, well duh - magic, and swift legs/mouse/skill against melee attacks
3. wearing armour only on warrior characters or on a blacksmith just for show and knowing what a "heavy archer set" is...
4. reagents
5. WBB both Tram and Fel ;)
6. people selling horses and ostards by the bank, people actually riding horses and ostards that are not semi-transparent
7. VDP katanas ...
8. people everywhere
9. newbiefied clothes and useful objects
10. friends long gone


I hear ya......

I think it is extremely important that the Developers try to bring life back into Towns, somehow.

It was tried once already with the Quests in town but unfortunately after the initial hype of the novelty thing it faded away.

We need some real brainstorming on the Forums with good ideas to have changes to Design to make players want to repopulate the Towns and want to spend time in all towns, not merely a few of them......

What could possibly bring players back in Towns ?
I don`t see anything to do with the topic here,just more whining. Go figure.

Other things I also miss. Training on blade spirits. Someone mentioned enticing nobles,lol. THAT was fun.I remember gettin myself killed here and there from flaggin grey at an unopportune time. Used to be able to get black sandals luring the right npc`s to their doom too.

See Side Stranglers! That was the guild (my red neighbors) me and my rl friends used to always fight.We`d normally lose but it was quite fun. I got my first vanq axe I paid lots of gold for.I was so proud,it was so shiny. Night Crawler made me mad,so I thought "Oh Yea?! I`ll show you!" at which point I ran into the house,grabbed the axe,ran out and hit em once or twice than watched as he dry looted my beutiful axe and all my belongings! LOL good times. Yes made me mad back than,but ya knew what ya was gettin yourself into,so ya had to accept the consequences.


Always Present
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I don`t see anything to do with the topic here,just more whining. Go figure.
So now missing players in Towns and wishing they could come back is whining ?

Then ain't this whole thread about what is missed in UO a global whining thread?

Go figure......


I miss the good ol' days myself.

You know, the days poops wasn't playing and posting on Stratics?

Yeah......good times those.....:thumbsup:



Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Night Crawler made me mad,so I thought "Oh Yea?! I`ll show you!" at which point I ran into the house,grabbed the axe,ran out and hit em once or twice than watched as he dry looted my beutiful axe and all my belongings!
Lol, I wish they would have came up with a better solution to transferring the old vanq items etc to the new expansions instead of turning them into to trash.

Trebr Drab

What I miss?

1. going to a dungeon in plain dress, floppy hat and sandals
2. using Magic Resist against, well duh - magic, and swift legs/mouse/skill against melee attacks
3. wearing armour only on warrior characters or on a blacksmith just for show and knowing what a "heavy archer set" is...
4. reagents
5. WBB both Tram and Fel ;)
6. people selling horses and ostards by the bank, people actually riding horses and ostards that are not semi-transparent
7. VDP katanas ...
8. people everywhere
9. newbiefied clothes and useful objects
10. friends long gone
Good take.
I miss the way combat used to work. The system where armor hurt speed, hit locations, etc. Tough to balance, but they eventually had it except for axers, maybe a couple of other things too. But this allowed a player to go with only cloths if they wanted. Also allowed naked peeps, which was a drawback to many. But Conan the Barbarian often went almost naked, if it's good enough for him, I'd say it's all good.

I also miss the old ways of magic, with reflect and resist, etc. I used to love to cast reflect at just the right time in PvP. Timing was everything, as opposed to today's items. It was much more fun using yer noggin.

Reagents. They gave players what they wanted, and it hurt the game and it's experience. Another "need" that brought players into towns, allowed for players to harvest and sell, etc. Something to consider.

People selling mounts at the bank. Again, making things easy hurt the game in a much broader fashion.

The old weapons magic system. It was simple, and the top stuff was somewhat rare. You took care of those like they were your best friend in Sosaria. You used stuff that was lesser most of the time, so if you lost it...no biggie. You LOST stuff. Again, good for the game, good for the experience, everyone's got a story about losing something special. None of that today.

No people around, no old friends remain. Making the game easier doesn't seem to correlate to keeping players.