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What I miss about UO...



Write what you miss from UO (continue the number sequence)

I Miss....

1. Pre-Insurance Items Days
2. People @ West Brit Bank
3. Stealing Bags with Blessed items inside (i.e a bag of checks)
4. House keys to lock doors
5. Being able to step on house steps/patios regardless if they are private/public (made walking the world easier!)
6. All Skills Capping at 100.0!

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Getting PKed by some L33T PVPer on my mule.
Getting my house key stolen.
Repairing peoples armor and wep in Brit.
Old guild mates.
Seeing other people while walking around.
Talking to other people.


13. No Item Properties...GM Armor was the best (No Poison, Cold, Fire etc resist)
14. When a Small house was worth millions and there werent spots for 18x18 and keeps everywhere


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
15. Supremely Accurate Silver Katana of Vanquishing.
16. Invuln. Armor
17. Base fights
18. Looting


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
I Miss....


1. Pre-Insurance Items Days

I think insurance was one of the things that saved the game, too many were leaving back then....

2. People @ West Brit Bank
Yes, I miss this as well but I also miss people in Vesper Square (I remember it being filled of players and it is a big place......) at Skara Bank or at Magincia mage shop which was full of players as well....

3. Stealing Bags with Blessed items inside (i.e a bag of checks)
I saw too many players quitting for having lost hard earned items because of that.
Can't miss it..

4. House keys to lock doors
Same here, saw too many fellow players hurt by their homes emptied out because someone got their keys somehow and cleaned up months, years of playing.
Nope, don't miss them at all.

5. Being able to step on house steps/patios regardless if they are private/public (made walking the world easier!)
Well, that also allowed house break ins using marked runes and gating. No nostalgia here neither as house break ins made too many players leave the game.

6. All Skills Capping at 100.0!
This I miss as well.

The thing I miss the most, though, is the feeling of playing a game where skills mattered way more than items.


14. People selling horses and ostards at the Banks.
15. Blacksmiths hanging out by the smith shops fixing items on the spot and charging. GM Plate was the BEST!
16. Guildmates
17. Cheater/scripter free times.
18. NO UOAssist. Hardworking times.
19. Harbor filled with Boats.
20. Item Dependency was an all time low. Skill was more important than having the super-duper-uber-million/billion-gold-worth-special-item. It was all about timing and movement.

Those were the good'ol days.


Standing at the forge in West Britain with 3 or 4 other smiths selling my smithed goods and services. This one aspect of the game brought more interaction than any other.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Standing at the forge in West Britain with 3 or 4 other smiths selling my smithed goods and services. This one aspect of the game brought more interaction than any other.
Setting up new players with armor and weps for free so others could see your name.


i miss the nostalgia of the early days. where things were new, and simpler. sure, the archaic systems weren't perfect, but they made UO what it was. since the age of shadows, UO's systems became more generic, and less like how the original ultimas were.

i'll admit that UO had some serious imbalance in respect to thieving and murder, and never did understand why the dev times just didn't make stronger deterrents.

i miss the old item systems, where item id and arms lore helped determine inferior and superior items. where forensic eval was a bane to thieves. where templates were less cramped and a pvper could infact have a crafting skill without detriment to combat. crafters had a lucrative career selling even mundane items. you didn't need to gmx7 to be competitive.


Always Present
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20. Item Dependency was an all time low. Skill was more important than having the super-duper-uber-million/billion-gold-worth-special-item. It was all about timing and movement.
Those were the good'ol days.

Most indeed. That skill based UO was priceless to me.

I wonder if it will ever come back, one day..............


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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I miss being *wealthy* enough to buy a full set of GM verite platemail AND tip the GM smithy an extra 5k for his efforts.

I don't really miss anything the original poster posted...but that's prolly cause I'm not a PvP thief.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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13. No Item Properties...GM Armor was the best


15. Supremely Accurate Silver Katana of Vanquishing.
16. Invuln. Armor




13. No Item Properties...GM Armor was the best


15. Supremely Accurate Silver Katana of Vanquishing.
16. Invuln. Armor

Nope same era...GM weapons were for PvP (cause you'd lose them) and Silver Vanq Katana was for PvM


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Nope same era...GM weapons were for PvP (cause you'd lose them) and Silver Vanq Katana was for PvM
Hmm when I finally found a silver sword, I could not take it out of the bank because some PK would show up every time I was out hunting.

I miss the number of players that were online. The shards seemed more crowded.

Also miss logging out by campfire and bedroll.


I dont miss the camping, I had a hella hard time lighting the kindling


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I miss living out of Haven bank on Atlantic...those were some fun days. No one could afford a house so it seemed to be the spot to converge when not out fighting


I miss...

Looting bones in Tram
Ideas for bard content actually being considered
Galacial staffs and their three effects
Pretty much everything before publish 16
Armor affecting dex
Resisting spells actually resisting spells
Everyone not being a Tamer
Order vs Chaos
Pre AOS Factions
Guild Wars
Rare meaning rare (it currently seems to mean brand new)
Friends who have quit
Mage PvP & duelling
People who knew the difference between spar and duel
New items that were new and not rehues
People training in cemeterys and BK wall


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
...People training in cemeterys and BK wall

I remember and thus to a degree miss, when UO was new and house far and few between, that people would train in the towns at the various guild halls, vendor houses or the town area set aside for training skills and people talking, exchanging tactics, how best to raise some skill, etc.

Towns had people ... Towns are now just a Name on a Moongate menu and I suppose that is how things are.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What I really miss about UO is the one thing that can never be returned to me.

The first kiss, the first blush, the NOT knowing about how things were, working with others that were equally clueless about how things were and getting the Eureka Moments, the Light Bulb being turned on.

Even when I went to EQ and it was all brand new, squeeky clean etc, it was not the same intensity as the same experience in UO, how could it be, none of the MMORPG'S can be all that different until some adventurous soul, takes a career making/ending risk and changes the paradigm of the fundamental game mechanics of how the Environment interacts with the Players (aka PvM).

Takes a risk and implements a means to permanently eradicate the people in PvP that are not there to play and have fun, but who are there to get to the person behind the screen and grief them. Then construct an environment were there can be The Good, The Evil and The Victims.


I miss:

- AC, dex loss, med penalties
- Valorite GM Platemail
- Magic items with charges
- Mana regen being slow enough that having two EVs meant you had high med
- active meditation
- Buc's Den (minus the server line in the middle)
- Red, Successful, No Skill - pick only two
- The bone wall
- GUL, Napa Valley
- The guy who lived a couple screens over. We hated each other. It was fun.
- Everyone not having a recall-like ability to insta-transport themselves everywhere. There were more people just running around the world.
- Item decay
- The feeling I had when I placed my first house, after searching for days for an open spot that no one else had found.
- Thinking I was super cool because I had over 90 skill in tactics, GM chainmail and a cloak :loser:
- Pub 16, when killing someone on the dungeon server meant they weren't coming back for awhile.
- Origin :)
- When champ spawns had dozens of people doing them
- Hiding stuff under other stuff in your pack to make it harder to steal
- Moongates that you had to stand around and watch the moon phases to know how soon it'd be till your destination was on the other side. (And just blindly running through one while running from your life, not knowing where it was going to go - "aw, crap, I'm in Jhelom again")
- Patrolling the seas looking for unattended macroers doing 8x8
- pack horses while mining
- never knowing where a player gate was going to go
- moonstones!
- duels that could last for half an hour
- smacking mages around with a big axe on my 'jacker
- looting player bones in trammel
- dragons that were... tough
- demons that were... tough
- Blacksmiths at the forges
- Guildstones
- Using reagents
- Selling reagents on my vendor
- When having 1M gold meant you were rich!

- The feeling I had when I first logged on (and got past the mongbat tutorial)


People probably would still be training at Bone Knight Wall if a GM hadnt decided it was an exploit and set a spawn point behind the wall
When we "walled" with complete strangers for mutual benefit, we displayed the kind of collaboration and community that they're so desperately trying to put back into the game. How sad.


The era surrounding Age of Shadows started the downward spiral of decentralizing the community. My fondest memories in UO were seeing people rely on each other in towns for things. As we've progressed the entire game has become less about that.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IF EA only knew how many people quit the game when Renaissance and AOS came out..... I play UO and started playing darkfall recently, i have ran into so many people in darkfall that played uo between 97-99 and quit because of tram.... so many hardcore pvpers that got screwed over, i dunno what they were thinking back then.... if EA ever made a pre renaissance or atleast pre aos official server and publicized it on mmorpg.com they would get a lot of players to come back.... but anyway this is what i miss about uo

-looting bones in tram (dunno why this stopped) i used to pretend i couldn't rez people in the lich room in deceit and loot silver weapons off their bones
-when armslore + wrestle would allow you to disarm and anatomy + wrestle would allow you to stun punch
-having my macro made to disarm a weapon and steal it from someone while they were fighting a guy
-having to kill monsters for gold and taking 3 months to make 250k and buy a small house
-no insurance and being so afraid to take out a vanq weapon to use it
-no mods on armor/weapons
-using an ID wand on a magic item to hope you got something good
-24 hour sigil corruption time when factions was actually fun
-being in the same faction as OHM, the tamer with about 8 white wyrms before followers were added
-placing a house with a deed
-using regs to cast
-running around naked with a gm weapon and still killing people
-having incentive to kill monsters all day for loot and gold rather than doing a champ spawn or peerless nowadays, i haven't killed a mob for gold in about 7 years
-if someone scammed you and you paged a gm, they would actually RESPOND within 5 minutes and DO SOMETHING about it
-attacking a red that was on foot and watching him get on his ethrial instantly before summoning delay was introduced
-stealing from someone at brit gate and running through the gate to another town before someone called guards
-not being able to go to any town besides bucs den on my reds
-the OLD uo music and when it would play the stones song while you logged into game, the feeling that gave you..... the new songs are horrible
-lumberjacking + swords combo was very powerful in pvp
-weapons would give random specials (axes = concussion blows at random taking away half of a persons mana, spears = para blow at random, maces = crushing blow at random that would destroy armor and sandals)
-the ability to DP a katana or any 1 handed weapon and constantly swing and dp over and over
-magic reflect spell actually did something
-reactive armor absorbed 2 hits
-resisting spells skill would allow you to take less damage from certain spells at random
-skills were actually hard to gain (except taming, thats still hard)
-enticement skill, dunno why it was replaced with discord
-needed balanced stats like 90 str 90 dex 45 int unless you get destroyed by the mind blast spell


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I miss:

- AC, dex loss, med penalties
- Valorite GM Platemail
- Magic items with charges
- Mana regen being slow enough that having two EVs meant you had high med
- active meditation
- Buc's Den (minus the server line in the middle)
- Red, Successful, No Skill - pick only two
- The bone wall
- GUL, Napa Valley
- The guy who lived a couple screens over. We hated each other. It was fun.
- Everyone not having a recall-like ability to insta-transport themselves everywhere. There were more people just running around the world.
- Item decay
- The feeling I had when I placed my first house, after searching for days for an open spot that no one else had found.
- Thinking I was super cool because I had over 90 skill in tactics, GM chainmail and a cloak :loser:
- Pub 16, when killing someone on the dungeon server meant they weren't coming back for awhile.
- Origin :)
- When champ spawns had dozens of people doing them
- Hiding stuff under other stuff in your pack to make it harder to steal
- Moongates that you had to stand around and watch the moon phases to know how soon it'd be till your destination was on the other side. (And just blindly running through one while running from your life, not knowing where it was going to go - "aw, crap, I'm in Jhelom again")
- Patrolling the seas looking for unattended macroers doing 8x8
- pack horses while mining
- never knowing where a player gate was going to go
- moonstones!
- duels that could last for half an hour
- smacking mages around with a big axe on my 'jacker
- looting player bones in trammel
- dragons that were... tough
- demons that were... tough
- Blacksmiths at the forges
- Guildstones
- Using reagents
- Selling reagents on my vendor
- When having 1M gold meant you were rich!

- The feeling I had when I first logged on (and got past the mongbat tutorial)

Very good list, brought up so many good memories.

I have the same nostalgic feelings......

Most of everything, what I miss and would hope one day will come back is

- Everyone not having a recall-like ability to insta-transport themselves everywhere. There were more people just running around the world.
- Item decay
- Thinking I was super cool because I had over 90 skill in tactics, GM chainmail and a cloak - Pub 16, when killing someone on the dungeon server meant they weren't coming back for awhile.
- When champ spawns had dozens of people doing them
- Hiding stuff under other stuff in your pack to make it harder to steal
- duels that could last for half an hour
- dragons that were... tough
- demons that were... tough
- Blacksmiths at the forges
- When having 1M gold meant you were rich!

A note on Champion Spawns, for the first few months they were like a blast.

I remember at the very least some 50+ players doing them, all blue, and the few reds who showed up were fastly dismissed.

Everyone could do them and was having fun with them and thieves could have their business also.

It was too short, though, in a few months some guilds started to get organized and gained control and Champion Spawns never came back to those first few months and became only a tool of huge revenue for only a few players who so could become even more powerfull and keep their control of their wealth source even tighter.....


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IF EA only knew how many people quit the game when Renaissance and AOS came out..... I play UO and started playing darkfall recently, i have ran into so many people in darkfall that played uo between 97-99 and quit because of tram.... so many hardcore pvpers that got screwed over, i dunno what they were thinking back then.... if EA ever made a pre renaissance or atleast pre aos official server and publicized it on mmorpg.com they would get a lot of players to come back....

I disagree.
Trammel saved Ultima Online, IMHO.

Back then, cheating and griefing was rampant. I have memories of a bunch of ganking, rez-killing, house break ins, scamming and a bunch of other bad things which were having players have enough.

I remember posts of players screaming they had enough to pay for a game that was getting them angry and frustrated.

Too much griefing was going on, uncontrolled, IMHO.

This is what I feel caused the great loss of players, not Trammel.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I disagree.
Trammel saved Ultima Online, IMHO.

Back then, cheating and griefing was rampant. I have memories of a bunch of ganking, rez-killing, house break ins, scamming and a bunch of other bad things which were having players have enough.

I remember posts of players screaming they had enough to pay for a game that was getting them angry and frustrated.

Too much griefing was going on, uncontrolled, IMHO.

This is what I feel caused the great loss of players, not Trammel.
a lot of pvpers back then lived to grief and loved to do it with a passion, thousands of pvpers and were pissed off when tram came out so they quit, uo lost a ton of hardcore pvpers because of that

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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I can never understand people who's idea of fun is to ruin someone else's game play.

Do they never put themselves in the other person's shoes and see things from their point of view?
I remember being lured upon in Covetous by a group of people who set out to keep me from my corpse till it turned to bones so that they could loot my bones.
I was brought up with, and still use, the maxim 'do as you would be done by' I don't do to other people anything I wouldn't like done to me.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
a lot of pvpers back then lived to grief and loved to do it with a passion, thousands of pvpers and were pissed off when tram came out so they quit, uo lost a ton of hardcore pvpers because of that

Yes, but what I was trying to say is that had there been ways found to contain grief play, perhaps Trammel would have never been a necessity.

I wonder if the impact on subscriptions of grief playing might or not have been underestimated.

All I can say is that I remember both from the Forums and from people I knew in the game that a lot had enough and left the game because of the rampant grief playing.

Perhaps, had something been done early on to stop it or at least seriously reduce it, things would have gone much differently.

Who knows........


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can never understand people who's idea of fun is to ruin someone else's game play.

Do they never put themselves in the other person's shoes and see things from their point of view?
I remember being lured upon in Covetous by a group of people who set out to keep me from my corpse till it turned to bones so that they could loot my bones.
I was brought up with, and still use, the maxim 'do as you would be done by' I don't do to other people anything I wouldn't like done to me.

Not to mention players opening up Gates at the Bank saying they were to great vendors or other good stuff and instead they got other unaware players killed....

Things like this had a very bad impact especially on new players who got pissed off early on and decided they did not want to have anything to do with a game where this things happened.....

Myrkrid Ashen

Hmm.. Nope. Can't think of anything. But here's what I don't miss:

Insane lag, and disconnects. Usually occurring right before I was about to leave the dungeon with a full loot bag.

Server reverts/time warps, which were an incessant problem. Not content with deleting my progress due to cutting out, the server would simply make it so it never infact happened.

The then unfinished notoriety system. Originally consisted of killing a rat every fifteen minutes for about a day to achieve Great Lord, if I remember correctly. I also hit perma-grey without even doing anything or, lacking a warning system to tell me what I was about to do, had no forewarning of my actions. Which, as a newbie, sucked horribly and made me recreate my character several times.

The near-pointlessness of the game at the time. You could either chop wood for hours, and days, making crossbows to sell, to buy armor. Just to get more than three hundred feet from a safe zone to kill something more interesting than an orc, before being ganked, trash-talked, res-killed, trash-talked some more. And then eventually return to town to repeat the process. OR. Do what the gankers themselves did and download illegal 3rd party programs that let you circumvent the horrible server stability, and more importantly: 28.8 dial-up modem connection you had, with speed-walk, or fast-walk or whatever it was called.
I have a deepseated hatred of all-things cheating, so I just carried on like the rest of the poor schlubs (who, barring any nostalgic psychosis, probably shudder when they think of the UO they played back in '97.)


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Much as I love reminiscing, I think I actually like the current game better. Yes, its grown easier, but also deeper and more dynamic.


Actually owning a house was considered to be a status symbol.
Selling/Buying houses to make a profit. And run all over the place to maybe, just maybe, find a empty spot somewhere to make a good profit on it.

So much housespace out there now, and so few people spread on way too many shards now.


Stratics Veteran
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Standing at the forge in West Britain with 3 or 4 other smiths selling my smithed goods and services. This one aspect of the game brought more interaction than any other.

Good days indeed. I'd often go up to north brit forge and join the line to get my armour and weapons fixed. Anytime he liked that smith could have just kept all my stuff ... but its all about reputation. A smith with a good reputation was one you'd trust to hand over your precious set of armour knowing it was in safe hands.

I also remember venturing out for the first time in my full suit of valorite plate and getting stopped by people just saying "wow! Nice armour". Valorite plate was a rare site indeed in those halcyon days...


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I remember that Gandie, people used to actually have a guild of real estate agents :D

First house was a 300k Small Marble. It took me forever to accumulate that much gold. lol

I miss

dungeon crawls that were a challenge.

pvping with a double axe with swords and lumberjacking. Man I rocked in those days.

On a side note I think trammel helped the game out since the population grew on both facets and allowed for more housing. It never really deterred the population of felluca, since there were so many people playing you always run into someone in fel no matter where you went. Not to mention the lag would have been insane.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IF EA only knew how many people quit the game when Renaissance and AOS came out.....
They do, they have the exact numbers. What do you base your assumptions on?

Fact: UO's playerbase reached it's peak after AoS.


OH the good old days!

I remember having to walk up hill, each way, in the snow to get to school. etc. etc.

UO, like life, moved on and the game got better. Peeps played with a measure of safety in their game play. Their houses, their time, their possessions. New lands, new objectives. Honestly peeps, the game has survived all these years precisely because it did evolve!


I Miss....

1. Pre-Insurance Items Days
3. Stealing Bags with Blessed items inside (i.e a bag of checks)
4. House keys to lock doors
Call me cynical, I suspect you miss these items because you were not on the receiving end of having your house key stolen and your house cleaned out. Perhaps you were on the *cough cough* giving end and were taking advantage of players?

Calis M^N

i miss......
1: needing regs
2: Bone Wall Training
3: Moonglow Graveyard Training
4: GM Magery being something to be Awed
5: Bounty
6: Using Item ID Wands
7: Killing Liches with Silver Vanquishing Weapon
8: Moonglow being busy
9: Lagging at West Britain Bank
10: Moonstones
11: Crafters at Britain Smiths
12: Dex Penalties
13: Real Newby Player ticket rewards (ranger armour)
14: Saving up for a small Wooden & Thatched house
15: House Deeds
16: my original 2 story villa being worth something

i might add to this as i think about it more!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I miss a whole lot of things... most of them having to do with the people who are now long gone.

I don't "miss" anything about pre-tram days because quite frankly I never played back then... And I can safely say this much... Had I tried out UO back then... I would have said the same thing my Brother did when I told him I was playing UO... I would have said this game is a POS and I have no idea why anyone would want to play a game where everything they work so hard for is taken away in an instant by someone else...

I can't see being nostalgic for having your hard work being wiped out and having to start all over...

I would have quit and said Scr** this.... this game sucks... Quickly.

Trouble with having it remain like that is well quite frankly it keeps new people from playing. Lets see.... how many would have joined the game knowing NO ONE... and quickly finding that not only can they not leave town without getting whacked instantly losing everything they own... knowing that despite what the box says..... you will NEVER own a home.

I nearly quit after my first 3 months when I found out the only way to "own" your own home ..... which was really the draw for me to play.. was NEVER going to happen. Houses didn't fall... they were sold for more money than I was ever going to have. 5 million gold for a tiny 7x7?

What I miss more than anything is walking everywhere I went.... or riding on a horse. Never ever recalling, gating or sacred journeying around... I knew the lands inside and out.... I knew how to get to anywhere on the map and I didn't need UO Automap to tell me where to go.

I miss going to any town and finding people standing about... outside the bank, at smith shop...

I miss going to any of the dungeons and finding tons of people... working together...

I miss having things take an entire guild to do... like dragon hunting... Demon slaying...

I miss going down to the dungeons and cemeteries and finding folk working skills... Way before bashing silly golems in Luna....

I miss helping people and showing them around.

I miss looting bones in Tram.

I miss when you had to be careful of other peoples spells. Like blade spirits........

I miss going to Ophidian Mound and finding 20 other people there working skills talking.

I miss when all the towns on Great Lakes had their own "town council"... and every town being represented at the High Council meetings...

I miss having 100's of other people RPing...

I miss when UO was a community game and not geared to the whining soloists... who want to make UO a console game... Soloists should be playing the old one player games... Not MMORPG's

I miss when UO was an RPG... and role-players were everywhere.

I want Seer's and Councilors.

I miss when I didn't have to use so much math to play UO...

When I could craft up something and all my characters wore armor "I" crafted...

I miss going out smithing, mining and farming leather and finding others there.

I miss going to the Brit Smithy and finding my favorite smith there, Porkchop Jesus.... he was the best... and I still have the hatchet he made for me, now it's in a box of other "rares" that mean more to me than they would anyone else.

I miss when seeing a dragon brought a sense of "fear" of imminent death.

I miss when the DEV's would have "meet-ups" actually INGAME.... and going to see them was like going to see KISS in-concert... it gave you a rush...

I miss Lord British.

I miss the evil Lady Minax.

I miss when seeing a player with the tag "Young" meant it really was someone "brandnew" to UO....

I miss seeing bunches of "Young" players.

I miss the sense of awe at seeing 30 people or more at WBB at midnight...... and more when I'd get home after work.

I miss seeing tamers selling 30 Dragons, or 30 nightmares...

I miss when WW's were "the bomb" and having a 7X WW was "uber cool"..... I miss my WW being useful.

I miss all the jewelery with charges.

I miss when killing a Lich meant you were going to see a staff and crystal ball....

I miss when the sound of a lich brought terror to my heart.

I miss gathering for "Muster" every Saturday at Yew Abbey and going to some remote dungeon..... on foot... in the Militia...

I miss Phoenix and his "Rabid Beavers"..... at the High Council.

So many friends I miss.

Trammel never killed UO.... AoS's did a pretty good job..... as did Pub 16.
Trammel saved UO...

I miss when I was called a Trammy and not a "Carebear"....

I go to fel.... I go to fel plenty..... Enough to see that for the most part the only ones left there are hackers, scammers, and cheats. Who wouldn't know how to "play" UO without some 3rd party program doing most the work for them.

I miss when you could PvP and you knew it was a test of skill not how uber your weapons and suit are...

Would I go back????? Heck no..... I like my custom housing WAY too much to return to that.


I Miss....

1. Pre-Insurance Items Days
3. Stealing Bags with Blessed items inside (i.e a bag of checks)
4. House keys to lock doors
Call me cynical, I suspect you miss these items because you were not on the receiving end of having your house key stolen and your house cleaned out. Perhaps you were on the *cough cough* giving end and were taking advantage of players?
Your half right, I never stole someone's house key or had my house key stolen...I just liked the realistic feel of opening the doors with a key on a key ring.

I DID however steal items ALL THE TIME. That was the purpose of the theif, its not taking advantage of players, if it were they wouldnt have the ability to steal from others in the first place....

and yes on numerous occasions i stole bags full of checks, I didnt consider that a bug as the game warns you NOT to put blessed items inside a bag.

If it makes you feel better the checks i stole were always from the rich, I stole 12 mil from a noob buying his first house in fel (at west brit bank) and I walked up to him moments later and returned the checks. He ended up making me friends of his house but the location was awful so I never went.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What I miss about original marriage, after 20 years of marriage:

1. Her original figure
2. Our initial amazement with Love
3. Going on our honeymoon Cruise
4. My original figure
5. My hair color
6. Her hair color
7. The innocence of youth
8. Feelings of invincibility
9. Chance taking with my body that could kill me today :thumbsup:
10. Wondering how cool it would be to get our house remodeled.
11. The excitement of discovering new hobbies together
12. Our first embrace...our first Kiss.

Hmmmm....I wonder...if I was to find a woman the age my wife was, when I first met her....

I wonder if I can get that "First Kiss" feeling back...

Right...and it is just as likely that we shall never feel that same "Newness" to this game ever again...unless we stop playing this game, and find another that appears to be as, or more, appealing and fun.

'Tis fun to reminisce...the past can become a prison, though; it can entice you to look and live only there...and not to what can be...and what Is.

What all of us CAN do, is enjoy today like Grumm is, in as many ways as we can...and make recommendations for the game...report bugs, and employ activities that support our goal of having a game to log into each day that we really enjoy.

Them's my thoughts, anyway.



Surgeries, you need to divorce your wife...I am sure you can find a nice 19 year old hotty


I miss also

The 2d graphics for most monsters, at some point we seem to have merged with the creatures from third dawn, and now have a strange mix.

The time between third dawn coming out and me getting it when blule beetles looked like purple llamas.