I miss:
- AC, dex loss, med penalties
- Valorite GM Platemail
- Magic items with charges
- Mana regen being slow enough that having two EVs meant you had high med
- active meditation
- Buc's Den (minus the server line in the middle)
- Red, Successful, No Skill - pick only two
- The bone wall
- GUL, Napa Valley
- The guy who lived a couple screens over. We hated each other. It was fun.
- Everyone not having a recall-like ability to insta-transport themselves everywhere. There were more people just running around the world.
- Item decay
- The feeling I had when I placed my first house, after searching for days for an open spot that no one else had found.
- Thinking I was super cool because I had over 90 skill in tactics, GM chainmail and a cloak :loser:
- Pub 16, when killing someone on the dungeon server meant they weren't coming back for awhile.
- Origin

- When champ spawns had dozens of people doing them
- Hiding stuff under other stuff in your pack to make it harder to steal
- Moongates that you had to stand around and watch the moon phases to know how soon it'd be till your destination was on the other side. (And just blindly running through one while running from your life, not knowing where it was going to go - "aw, crap, I'm in Jhelom again")
- Patrolling the seas looking for unattended macroers doing 8x8
- pack horses while mining
- never knowing where a player gate was going to go
- moonstones!
- duels that could last for half an hour
- smacking mages around with a big axe on my 'jacker
- looting player bones in trammel
- dragons that were... tough
- demons that were... tough
- Blacksmiths at the forges
- Guildstones
- Using reagents
- Selling reagents on my vendor
- When having 1M gold meant you were rich!
- The feeling I had when I first logged on (and got past the mongbat tutorial)