If 60-70% of UO's players would be upset by this implementation, it's time for Mythic to pull the plug on UO for good. Frankly, the number of "I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO LOOK AT THOSE COLORS, OW MY EYES" cries of exaggerated disgust are as melodramatic as the people who whined and cried about "neon" in the game.That is your opinion and you certainly have a right to it. On something like this I would hope that a 30%-40% majority would not be enough to sway them. You really think EA wants to upset 60%-70% of there player base at this time?
And the first time someone applies Dryad Green, Invulnerability Blue, or Fire Orange to a piece of armor, this changes the current discussion how?this is horrible...
if you want to add diversity to pets - why not enhace the crafting system to provide armor for pets beyond just horse barding. you can hue the armors and still retain original animal colors. they could reduce overall natural resists of the animals and allow the armor to increase it.....players have enough ability to hue armor
What, exactly, are they going to fool us into believing? That their Greater Dragon is indeed a White Wyrm? What's the risk here? We might accidentally buy a White Wyrm and instead it turns out to be a Greater Dragon (and just who would the joke be on in that case)? Or that we might accidentally PvP against a White Wyrm and it turns out to be a Greater Dragon (because, you know, we can easily tell the difference between a Greater Dragon and a Regular Dragon because the Greater Dragons all have 1337 nam3z unlike the Regulars)?...I find it hard to believe that they'd be able to dye their ... greater dragon to look like a white wyrm and be able to FOOL anyone.
If your choice is making my game less enjoyable, then maybe I will ask for this choice not to be. And of course if your choice hasn't much impact on my part, I won't whine/cry/complain.If 60-70% of UO's players would be upset by this implementation, it's time for Mythic to pull the plug on UO for good. Frankly, the number of "I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO LOOK AT THOSE COLORS, OW MY EYES" cries of exaggerated disgust are as melodramatic as the people who whined and cried about "neon" in the game.
Why some of you have such issues with how OTHER PEOPLE use things to look how THEY want to look is beyond me. If you don't like it, make fun of them in game, chuckle to your friends, or go pull some wings off of flys.
But for god's sake, STOP denying people the opportunity of choice simply because YOU don't like it. I've never seen a group of people with such sensitive retinas in my life. Maybe if you folks got up from in front of your computers, went outside, and pretended to have lives for a millisecond or two a day, you wouldn't be blinded by these colors.
Here you forgot history. When ToT were introduced, players were asking for metal dye tubs and expecting metallic colours. MrTact even discussed about the dyes saying it would please the players, and from the discussion he decided to put 50 uses instead of 10. At that time we were still believing it would be metallic colors. When ToT actually went out, we discovered the horrible hues they chose. A few were good, but there's been a storm on Stratics because that wasn't what we were asking at all.And the first time someone applies Dryad Green, Invulnerability Blue, or Fire Orange to a piece of armor, this changes the current discussion how?
This is something they at Mythic can do that would satisfy a request that a lot of the playerbase HAVE asked for (regardless of some interesting revisionist history going on at the moment) without a butt load of programming, and which allows yet another level of personal choice into the game.
Chrissay, Personally I do not mind colors I even like many of them especially if some temporary award dying set ups.To clear up confusion on this it is a reward for completing a puzzle in the Under World. It is FREE to anyone who completes the puzzle.
AMEN!!!Why don't you guys just give back the ToT dyes (all of them) in addition to the new dyes for staining and not bother with pet dyes? I mean, pet dyes? Wasn't it always stated that would never leave Test Center???
I love the color options from the ToT dyes, the bod cloth, the bright hair and now the new dyes coming, but pet dyes??? You can't ...nay WON'T...give us banana trees to grow, but you want to add pet dyes?
Actually fire steeds are "Fire" hued. As are fire beetles, fire cloth, fire sandals, and fire cu sidhes.Oh didn't everyone quit UO when they introduced those BLAZE colored fire steeds?
BLAZE bod cloth and BLAZE sandals were just too much for us, the Devs gave us zero choice but to say goodbye UO!
I don't understand this concern with horses and steeds. With your example we are worried about being killed by dyed pets. First off, they will have the (dyed) tag to their name. That should key someone off from the start. Second, I don't care if AFK people get killed because someone let a pet loose at the bank and they weren't there. If you aren't paying attention then log out. I don't feel this would be any different than someone letting something going wild now. You have to be terribly slow to disregard a pet that begins to go wild no matter what it's color is.Thus my concern is be it newer players or any of us, some pets that are really dangerous for non tamers when they are abandoned left in cities or wherever going wild...we KNOW them by their colors...cuz they are the only *horse* looking creatures bearing those colors atm...regular non aggro horses do NOT bear those colors at all ATM !
Or twice as awesome!!!Actually fire steeds are "Fire" hued. As are fire beetles, fire cloth, fire sandals, and fire cu sidhes.
"Blaze" is almost an inversion of the Fire palette. It goes yellow-orange instead of red-orange-yellow, making dark areas light and vice versa, thereby making it roughly twice as hideous.
Or that, yeahOr twice as awesome!!!![]()
That is why I expressed my own concerns. I think EA UO should really think this out totally regarding some sorts of pets that should not have their color duplicated.You know what will be fun? Coloring your dread war horse in your faction color and then slaughtering people who mistake it for a normal horse.
Talk about silly logic, this whole game is about pixels and colors. Home decorations really serve no purpose, other than for player pleasure. Anything other than black and white (eh, gray scale tones) serve no purpose that can't be done in black and white. So I disagree with your reasoning.... Silly Logic...Some things are un-needed....when u start looking for ways to improve a game that rly serves no purpose then u end up destroying the game...just my 2 cents.
Miss Echo, the problem with your statement is, EA ask us our views so it does matter.But guess what? MY PERSONAL VIEWS DON'T MATTER.
LOL I love it!It's not that we don't like color. It is just that this is a slippery slope type deal. The next step is that we are going to have to duck coyotes dropping anvils on our heads.
What a disgusting attitude to have. Maybe an MMO isn't the place for you. There are many of single player games you would be very happy with. Yes, you may not want to have to be subject to these dyes in 'your' game, but who are you to say that someone else who likes them shouldn't get to have them in 'their' game?I don't like them, and I shouldn't have to be forced to look at them playing a game for my enjoyment.
To argue this is to argue that because it's an MMO, that anything should go, regardless of how out of place it might be.It's an MMO, like it or not, you do have to consider what other people want/like. You don't like the dyes, don't use them. But don't say nobody should be able to.
Think again. There are a LOT of tamers that hate this idea.As Fallout said, I see alot of the negative posters here as nothing more than anti-tamer flamers.
No disrespect, but if neon weapons and armor and basically most everything since AOS is tolerated, I don't think a blue or red horse is going to cause much damage.To argue this is to argue that because it's an MMO, that anything should go, regardless of how out of place it might be.
Do you think that the feel and sense of immersion is unimportant because some value it less then others?
I 100% understand where you're coming from, and I agree that UO is a world in and of itself. But at the same time it is a game, and we shouldn't't take it too seriously. A natural part of any world is change, as time passes UO must change. And for it to continue to be successful UO has to compete with the WoW's and it's like. And that mean's changes that some of the old time players are not going to like. Sadly, if the dev team listened to only that group and made decisions based on what that group wanted, UO would probably not have made it this far.What worries me most is not this specific change, but that we have a dev team that apparently believes its a game much more then a world. One step closer to a generic game and one step away from the original look and feel of the game that brought so many of us here in the first place.
And for each ONE of them there are 3 that do like it.Think again. There are a LOT of tamers that hate this idea.As Fallout said, I see alot of the negative posters here as nothing more than anti-tamer flamers.
Amber, I think this sentiment sums it up perfectly.What worries me most is not this specific change, but that we have a dev team that apparently believes its a game much more then a world. One step closer to a generic game and one step away from the original look and feel of the game that brought so many of us here in the first place.
THANK YOU! Finally the voice of reason.You know what will be fun? Coloring your dread war horse in your faction color and then slaughtering people who mistake it for a normal horse.
Really, that's the most important issue with the dyes for me. There a re animals that wouldn't suffer from it, a lot other would look really stupid. When a weapon is neon, it's ok : it's tiny and just there. When it's on cloth it begins to be a lot larger, and bank starts to be a clown parade. So please leave that last one bit of sanity that are pets' colors.No disrespect, but if neon weapons and armor and basically most everything since AOS is tolerated, I don't think a blue or red horse is going to cause much damage.
If i dyed a horse in the UK id be done by the law for animal cruelty.
You (or anyone on this board) have no way of knowing how much damage to player joy this will cause other than your own. Yes, there is a vocal group here who hates it. But if we were to poll every active subscriber I'm betting it wouldn't be the drastic split that you think it would. As someone said before, you will find a small group who loves it and dyes their pets all the time, you will find another group who hates it and cry for it to be removed until the next big issue comes along and makes them forget. But by and large the majority of the population will be mostly apathetic towards this change.That is the kind of addition that does more damage to players' joy to play the game than it gives in terms of possibilities, power to the player or diversity.
Devs already said there will be a (dyed) tag on dyed pets.You know what will be fun? Coloring your dread war horse in your faction color and then slaughtering people who mistake it for a normal horse.
Say What???? That statement right there is why I hold no respect for people who choose to fight another player rather play the game. Why when a PvPer comes to tram he can't find his way around? If PvP is all that great why don't people just play on Seige?Garbage idea, trammies go back in your cave on this one. You guys dont even know how to experience this game to the fullest so ur opinion doesnt count IMO. Scrap this idea fellahs....
And as someone stated above, you won't see this "tag" while someone is mounted. To be honest, who is going to have the time to mouse over the pet in question to check to see if its sporting the "dyed" tag, especially if you've just been dismounted by the pet's owner.Devs already said there will be a (dyed) tag on dyed pets.
What about the cruelty of sending your pet into danger and forcing it to do your fighting for you?I can understand using dye on clothing and armor and weapons, there is a feasible mechanism for this (both in UO and IRL) but the use of dye on a pet IRL is just cruel
*ROFL* Well said, Specialshoes. I couldn't have said it better myself.Dyes only if-
The owner receives an intelligence penalty and the animal suffers from reduced control because it is embarrassed to be seen in public like that.
Please show me anywhere in all my posts where is said anything you have ranted about. You might even find a post of the colors I said I like.If 60-70% of UO's players would be upset by this implementation, it's time for Mythic to pull the plug on UO for good. Frankly, the number of "I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO LOOK AT THOSE COLORS, OW MY EYES" cries of exaggerated disgust are as melodramatic as the people who whined and cried about "neon" in the game.
Why some of you have such issues with how OTHER PEOPLE use things to look how THEY want to look is beyond me. If you don't like it, make fun of them in game, chuckle to your friends, or go pull some wings off of flys.
But for god's sake, STOP denying people the opportunity of choice simply because YOU don't like it. I've never seen a group of people with such sensitive retinas in my life. Maybe if you folks got up from in front of your computers, went outside, and pretended to have lives for a millisecond or two a day, you wouldn't be blinded by these colors.
Except that it's not about a loud minority, a majority of people who doesn't care and some players who would love it. It's about knowing if the players asking for it (not just accepting it or finding it nice now it's presented to them) will suffer more from not implementing the idea than players hating the idea would suffer from the implementation of the idea. All the players who don't care, they just don't care so they aren't concerned by the debate.You (or anyone on this board) have no way of knowing how much damage to player joy this will cause other than your own. Yes, there is a vocal group here who hates it. But if we were to poll every active subscriber I'm betting it wouldn't be the drastic split that you think it would. As someone said before, you will find a small group who loves it and dyes their pets all the time, you will find another group who hates it and cry for it to be removed until the next big issue comes along and makes them forget. But by and large the majority of the population will be mostly apathetic towards this change.
This is exactly how I feel about it now as well. After reading more posts and seeing the comments, I have no problem with pets being dyed. I really didn't in the first place other than I find it silly to dye them and I dislike more inconsistency from the dev team. My gameplaying won't be impacted in the least if a red horse is next to me at the bank anymore than a middle aged woman or older with "JUICY" across her butt will offend me when shopping IRL. So, I voted yes to the dyes.I was torn on this idea at first, but I must admit that I was convinced by the anti-dye crowd to vote in favor. The arguments remind me of roleplayers who scoff at bright weapons my RP characters might possess. Nevermind I roleplay the a orange weapon as being wreathed in fire. I guess some people are just limited by a lack of imagination.