Am I the only one who is extremely disappointed to see precious game programmers' time being used into Pet dyes rather than other problems the game has which, to my opinion, are FAR more important than pet dyes ?
I mean, don't we have, for example, RAMPANT scripting, cheating, hacking, duping in the game which could use all programmers' time possible to stop them ?
We have players running into accidents every day and losing hard earned skill points for misusing Soulstones which could be avoided with more detailed warning messaging using up some of that programmers' time.
The examples could keep going.......
This pet dyes issue really disappoints me a whole lot as I believe there are far more important things in the game which need attention and programmers' time.
For the record, I am not in favour of pet dyes.
I find them hardly usefull and, actually, harmfull to tamers as up to know rarity coloring of pets was at least some little help in keeping the taming business going, sometimes.
Besides, I do not want to see pets of who knows how many colors pop up on my screen as I go about playing the game.
Pet dyes WILL make the game less enjoyable for me.
I mean, don't we have, for example, RAMPANT scripting, cheating, hacking, duping in the game which could use all programmers' time possible to stop them ?
We have players running into accidents every day and losing hard earned skill points for misusing Soulstones which could be avoided with more detailed warning messaging using up some of that programmers' time.
The examples could keep going.......
This pet dyes issue really disappoints me a whole lot as I believe there are far more important things in the game which need attention and programmers' time.
For the record, I am not in favour of pet dyes.
I find them hardly usefull and, actually, harmfull to tamers as up to know rarity coloring of pets was at least some little help in keeping the taming business going, sometimes.
Besides, I do not want to see pets of who knows how many colors pop up on my screen as I go about playing the game.
Pet dyes WILL make the game less enjoyable for me.