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[UO Herald] Got another Survey For You!

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Crazed Zealot
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If they are going to implement this, I would like to see it have a greater application beyond just those with tamed pets. Let us also dye our ethereal mounts.

I also think that the color should be permanent and not wear off.


Lord Frodo

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First thing is I took the survey so my vote counted. The first thing I ask people after an election is did you vote. If you didn't vote then you have no right to complain. If you voted than you are allowed to say what you want, but you don't need to name call. After the totals are counted then we will know how the vote went and I hope people will be adult enough after the fact to accept that the majority won.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I voted yes for the colors to remain perma and yes for every color but white and off white.

Also i suggested a rare reward be glacial yellow/blue like lady mel hair dyes. It doesn't matter if anyone likes it or not this is what i would like.


First thing is I took the survey so my vote counted. The first thing I ask people after an election is did you vote. If you didn't vote then you have no right to complain. If you voted than you are allowed to say what you want, but you don't need to name call. After the totals are counted then we will know how the vote went and I hope people will be adult enough after the fact to accept that the majority won.
It's a survey, not an election. The results won't be published, they are for EA internal only. And they aren't looking for a majority -- if there is enough support (say 30-40%) they'd likely consider that good enough support to put them in.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Great idea.

I want everything in game to be able to be dyed.
hehe one of the worst things I found about playing WOW was that you had zero choice in the color of anything you had, it was basically take me as I am or go without. This applied to everything from your hat to your boots and it didn't matter if the stuff clashed like all get out and was hideous to the extreme or something that you wouldn't ever be caught dead in. Everyone looked like a clown in a circus because of this factor.

Thing is 'sure' there will always be people who dye something in a color combo that you don't like, but the majority of players actually do have some color sense and will generally alter colors so that stuff looks better and is more in keeping with 'normality'. As soon as they introduced blaze cu's, bright yellow and pink hiryu's etc pet color became a non issue in my book. The colors are already here so why argue about a 'novelty' pet dying thing, sheesh what a waste of effort.

The only pet I would look at dying on a regular basis would be that revolting fire beetle which I find to be an eyesore as it currently is, I think a nice pale orange/brown color would be much easier on MY eyes. But again, that is personal opinion so shouldn't be a factor.


Why is someone always referred to as a 'whiner' on these boards just because they disagree with others? That always baffles me that people have the gall to use that word. It's a cheap shot, imo, and WAY overused around here.
Thank you. ;)

Why not:
Horse dyes come in creams, browns, whites & blacks.
Dragon dyes come in reds & browns
Beetle dyes come in base black + iridescent coloured highlight
..and so on.

Why must everything be as gaudy as possible? ToT2 pigments were a step in the right direction, then they flip-flop with ToT3. Not nearly as bad as ToT1 but still a turn for the worse.

Pet dyes could be a worthwhile addition if they chose hues with a modicum of restraint. And no, it's not a matter of personal taste. There are right colours and there are wrong colours. Those colours in the screenshots are wrong on many levels.


Great idea.

I want everything in game to be able to be dyed.
hehe one of the worst things I found about playing WOW was that you had zero choice in the color of anything you had, it was basically take me as I am or go without. This applied to everything from your hat to your boots and it didn't matter if the stuff clashed like all get out and was hideous to the extreme or something that you wouldn't ever be caught dead in. Everyone looked like a clown in a circus because of this factor.

Thing is 'sure' there will always be people who dye something in a color combo that you don't like, but the majority of players actually do have some color sense and will generally alter colors so that stuff looks better and is more in keeping with 'normality'. As soon as they introduced blaze cu's, bright yellow and pink hiryu's etc pet color became a non issue in my book. The colors are already here so why argue about a 'novelty' pet dying thing, sheesh what a waste of effort.

The only pet I would look at dying on a regular basis would be that revolting fire beetle which I find to be an eyesore as it currently is, I think a nice pale orange/brown color would be much easier on MY eyes. But again, that is personal opinion so shouldn't be a factor.
Great posts Miss Echo.

It is good to hear a sane voice in this Asylum called UHall.


Grand Poobah
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For those that havn´t seen them, including the devs...

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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It's a survey, not an election. The results won't be published, they are for EA internal only. And they aren't looking for a majority -- if there is enough support (say 30-40%) they'd likely consider that good enough support to put them in.
First thing is did you take the survey? If yes then the rest is for you. If not then good-by.

That is your opinion and you certainly have a right to it. On something like this I would hope that a 30%-40% majority would not be enough to sway them. You really think EA wants to upset 60%-70% of there player base at this time? And what makes you think that this is not like an election. Surveys are done all the time and people asking for them tend to swing to what the majority want, not the minority as you seem to think. UOStratics is not the majority of the player base and as our voices may be the loudest, they are not the majority for or against.


Stratics Legend
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First thing is did you take the survey? If yes then the rest is fo ryou. If not then good-by.

That is your opinion and you certainly have a right to it. On something like this I would hope that a 30%-40% majority would not be enough to sway them. You really think EA wants to upset 60%-70% of there player base at this time? And what makes you think that this is not like an election. Surveys are done all the time and people asking for them tend to swing to what the majority want, not the minority as you seem to think. UOStratics is not the majority of the player base and as our voices may be the loudest, they are not the majority for or against.
I guarantee you this goes in based on a majority poll. Uhall has always been a mere fraction of the most vocal players. The majority of players will choose to add these dyes. This debate in this thread is the reason so many people don't post. All they get is flamed and taunted and called names if they don't agree with with the vocal minority.

Guaranteed. Enjoy the futile debate.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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I guarantee you this goes in based on a majority poll. Uhall has always been a mere fraction of the most vocal players. The majority of players will choose to add these dyes. This debate in this thread is the reason so many people don't post. All they get is flamed and taunted and called names if they don't agree with with the vocal minority.

Guaranteed. Enjoy your futile debate.
Gee didn't I say it should go in on a minority? Did I flame anybody? If it goes in on a majority then I will accept that, but you notice I never said what I thought about the idea of the dyes themself, did I. The only thing I tried to do was tell people to go take the survey and let thier voice be heard, for or againest.


Stratics Legend
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Gee didn't I say it should go in on a minority? Did I flame anybody? If it goes in on a majority then I will accept that, but you notice I never said what I thought about the idea of the dyes themself, did I. The only thing I tried to do was tell people to go take the survey and let thier voice be heard, for or againest.
My apologies Lord Frodo. Buy you a beer?



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On something like this I would hope that a 30%-40% majority would not be enough to sway them. You really think EA wants to upset 60%-70% of there player base at this time?

Just my 2cp's but I think that the majority of that 60% - 70% will be profoundly apathetic to it.

But heck yeah, people should take the survey and express their opinions :thumbsup:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yuck! I do not want to see Rainbow Brite Dragons Online in UO. :thumbdown:


Most of those pet colors are HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE. UO is neither a SIMS game nor Pokemon!

Black magick



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think there are more important tasks to complete before thinking about letting us dye our pets in Disney colors!

I am disappointed.

Besides, if you want to add dyes for pets, make them slightly different shades of it's original color, and make them permanent. But blue and purple dragons? Are you kidding?????

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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You know what will be fun? Coloring your dread war horse in your faction color and then slaughtering people who mistake it for a normal horse.


Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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OK I like the Dark Orange / Dark Blue / Dark Red / White / Black.
Dragons came in many different colors.
No horse should be dyable because of Factions and other colored horses.
And no Off White anything, looks to much like a goast.
LOL I can see it now, you go up to help out someone and chomp chomp your dead.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've always wanted different colored pets, but not this way.

If you're going to add colored pets into the game, please do it as new pets spawn, not in a dye format. Let different colored tamables spawn, but have each color serve as calling card to the pets abilites (different colors should mean the pet has different resists, elemental attacks, hitpoints, etc then different colored tameables of the same type). Say a red dragon is fire based, a blue dragon energy based. this would get tamers back into the wild taming things again, and selling pets again.

I want colored pets, but not in the dye format.

Marcus Blackwell

You know what will be fun? Coloring your dread war horse in your faction color and then slaughtering people who mistake it for a normal horse.

JC I believer earlier in this thread Regine mentioned that the pets would have a tag on there name saying dyed..in fact here is entire post of her's on page one of this thread..

As a clarification, dyed pets will have a "dyed" tag on them visible on mouse over to reduce the risks of scams. This tag appears below the pet's name (like an item property), so it will not affect other tags the pet may have.

The puzzle you obtain the dyes from is not from the puzzle boxes. It will always be 100% random anytime you do it. No "solutions" can be posted for it as it is generated in real time as you're doing it. It can also only be done once a day per character.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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aye - but I think I see where that one's going. No one can see the tag when he's sitting on the beast, and by the time his 'victim' can see that it's not a faction horse, it's going to be too late.


First thing is did you take the survey? If yes then the rest is for you. If not then good-by.

That is your opinion and you certainly have a right to it. On something like this I would hope that a 30%-40% majority would not be enough to sway them. You really think EA wants to upset 60%-70% of there player base at this time? And what makes you think that this is not like an election. Surveys are done all the time and people asking for them tend to swing to what the majority want, not the minority as you seem to think. UOStratics is not the majority of the player base and as our voices may be the loudest, they are not the majority for or against.

All I'm trying to tell you is if you think this is some sort of up or down vote, you are in for a big surprise. It's a survey to gauge interest -- a survey of a very small sample size. It's not an election. Not all of the subscribers are taking part. It's a small section of fans here on the website, a fraction of the 100k players. Just like they did a survey of the new Enhanced Client -- if 51% dislike the new client you think they are going to throw it out?

I can tell you already that these pet dyes will be in the expansion. The interest is there. They are just working out what colors to offer and any other issues.

Blind Otto

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I think it is a dreadful idea.

However, I do sympathise with those who cannot pick their dragon out of a crowd. So, try this instead:

Leather barding / bridles / 'pet decor'.
Horses could have dye-able reigns and bridles, or perhaps barding, preferably in the standard ore hues (gold, shadow, verite, etc). Tokuno dyes might work in some cases.

Dragons could have some form of neck-ring, or head-gear, also standard ore hues.

Swampies are just fine as they are.

Certain "war animals" would look good with some form of armour - horses, dragons, bears, giant beetles, etc. Some wouldn't - an armoured ostard would probably look really silly, and so would an armoured chicken.

Of course, if you go the barding route instead of just a ring or bridle for any animal, you're heading down the route of added stats for your pet, and that's likely to derail any discussions about appearance.

But, in short, keep strangely hues pets firmly in the realm of test centres.
If not, please keep them far away from Siege. We have enough strangeness already.:coco:

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Where has common sense gone? Did UO developers discover an open window that says "throw out common sense here"?
I believe this was discovered shortly before the "NOT A MIRROR!" Trammel facet was introduced, and all the original communities and establishments became ghost towns overnight...

Still don't like this system. The animals look absurd. But hey, if the tamers want to wander arround with the UO equivalent of a dyed poodle, they can be the silly looking ones.

I fully support the warpaint-like suggestion, as that would better fit with the spirit of UO and the actual use of most of the pets (read Greater Dragons) people use. However, as this would require actual work on the art team's (there IS an art team, right?) part, I think we all know its not going to happen.

Lazy wins the day.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Leather barding / bridles / 'pet decor'.
Horses could have dye-able reigns and bridles, or perhaps barding, preferably in the standard ore hues (gold, shadow, verite, etc). Tokuno dyes might work in some cases.
I like this suggestion very much. However, I assume that adding different hues to existing game objects can be done with minor code changes, while adding new artwork is much more extensive.

Again (unfortunately) the low-budget option seems to be favored, at the cost of bringing UO one step closer to Disney SIMS, and one step further away from the original medieval-style RPG it originally was.

It makes me want to puke.

Tina Small

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I'm going to repeat what I recently posted elsewhere. I'm really trying to keep this post as factual as I can and leave the emotions out of it. Please try to read through it in the same spirit that I'm posting it.

Here is a link to some old posts with screen shots of faction war horses in the Classic client: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=5521. The first one you see in the thread is a VERY OLD faction war horse in a color that is no longer available. Poo's screen shot shows one of each type of faction war horse. (Give it a moment to load...it's a bit slow. Will also try to attach a copy if I can.)

Since the majority of PvPers are still using the Classic Client, when they see a faction war horse, they see what looks like simply a horse hued in one of four colors. Faction war horses do NOT have any kind of tack or saddle blanket in the Classic Client, as they do in the KR and SA clients. (I believe that in the KR and SA clients, all faction war horses are also black and only the tack and saddle blanket changes color to denote the faction of the horse's owner.)

Below is a comparison of the stats for faction war horses, dread mares, fire steeds, and nightmares. I've italicized the damage information to make it easier to find. The disparity in these numbers is what concerns me and what I fear will make even more people bail out of factions if there is no way to distinguish between these types of pets until one of them is actually attacking you.

The tag telling you it is dyed will not be visible while the pet is mounted and you would also have to mouse over the pet to actually see it, which could be difficult to do when you are in the midst of a PvP battle that could put you into 20 minutes of skill loss if you are not careful. Also, once the owner of the pet dismounts, using All Names probably will not show the "dyed" tag because it is supposed to show up on the second line of information for the pet.

Faction War Horse Stats:
240 Hit points
400 Strength
125 Dex
71 Intelligence
Resists: 47/35/30/35/37
Damage: 100% Physical with 5-8 Base Damage
Skills: Wrestling, Tactics, Resisting Spells, Anatomy, each of which can be maxed at 100. With no training (or deaths), wrestling and tactics are between 35-40, resisting spells is approximately 28, and anatomy is around 3.0. These pets die a lot, so I doubt many of them are well-trained; although some people DO train their faction war horses.

Dread Warhorse Stats: (Note: These are max stats. Average stats will, of course, be somewhat lower.)
650 Hit points
555 Strength
125 Dex
160 Intelligence
Resists: 75/40/40/60/50
Damage: 40% Physical, 20% Poison, 40% Energy, with 20-26 Base Damage.
Skills: Wrestling, Tactics, Resisting Spells, Anatomy, Magery, Evaluate Intelligence, and Meditation, each of which is capped at 100. An untrained dread mare generally has around 88-90 Wrestling skill; 98.5-100 Tactics skill; 82-84 Resisting Spells skill; a small amount of Anatomy skill, depending on how much it struggled before and during taming process; 31-35 Magery skill; 30-57 Evaluate Intelligence skill; and 30+ Meditation skill, again depending on what happened to it before and during the taming process.

Fire Steed Stats: (Note: These are max stats. Average stats will, of course, be lower.)
240 Hit Points
400 Strength
125 Dex
300 Intelligence
Resists: 40/80/30/40/40
Damage: 20% Physical, 80% Fire with 11-30 Base Damage
Skills: Wrestling, Tactics, Resisting Spells, Anatomy, each of which can be maxed at 100 with the exception of Resisting Spells which, depending on the pet, can go as high as 108. With no training, Wrestling and Tactics always seems to start at 90 after taming; Resisting Spells will be between 92 and 108 depending on the pet; and Anatomy will be anywhere from 0 to 100 depending on how much the pet strugged before and during the taming process.

Nightmare Stats: (Again, these are max stats. Average stats will be lower.)
315 Hit Points
525 Strength
125 Dex
125 Intelligence
Resists: 65/40/40/40/30
Damage: 40% Physical, 40% Fire, and 20% Energy with 16-22 Base Damage.
Skills: Wrestling, Tactics, Resisting Spells, Anatomy, Magery, Evaluate Intelligence, and Meditation, each of which is capped at 100. An untrained nightmare generally has around 75-80 Wrestling skill; 88-90 Tactics skill; 83-87 Resisting Spells skill; a small amount of Anatomy skill, depending on how much it struggled before and during taming process; 23-27 Magery skill; 24-30 Evaluate Intelligence skill; and 0+ Meditation skill, again depending on what happened to it before and during the taming process.



Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
For me....

I really dislike this idea. That being said, I'm sure it will be implemented. The chorus of yeas keeps getting stronger and it will probably far outgrow the nay sayers.

So, if your going to do this.... Turn if off in Fel. Just as your cursor changes, the dye comes off. Go back to tram the dye is on. Just have a the dye toggle to off in Fel. Seems like it would be easy to code.

This way everyone that wants one can have a dyed pet, but it doesn't affect the game play in Fel.

Still, I would prefer no pet dye at all. (and yes I took the survey and voiced my opinion there as well)


Der Rock

For me....

I really dislike this idea. That being said, I'm sure it will be implemented. The chorus of yeas keeps getting stronger and it will probably far outgrow the nay sayers.

So, if your going to do this.... Turn if off in Fel. Just as your cursor changes, the dye comes off. Go back to tram the dye is on. Just have a the dye toggle to off in Fel. Seems like it would be easy to code.

This way everyone that wants one can have a dyed pet, but it doesn't affect the game play in Fel.

Still, I would prefer no pet dye at all. (and yes I took the survey and voiced my opinion there as well)

Isn´t fel all about risk vs. reward ?
didn´t you all ask permanently for more risk vs. reward?
are those new pet duy´s not a litle bit more risk??
is risk not equal to FUN for fellies?
dont you like more fun(risk)

what a surprice, you thought you could ambush "sancho panza" on his donkey...
ugh it is a DWH....heeeeeeellllllpp meeee they stole my fuuuuuuunnnnnn :D


What the hell is this? One of the worst ideas ever. I would quit UO if they implemented this crap.

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Isn´t fel all about risk vs. reward ?
didn´t you all ask permanently for more risk vs. reward?
are those new pet duy´s not a litle bit more risk??
is risk not equal to FUN for fellies?
dont you like more fun(risk)

what a surprice, you thought you could ambush "sancho panza" on his donkey...
ugh it is a DWH....heeeeeeellllllpp meeee they stole my fuuuuuuunnnnnn :D
I think I speak for all Felucca players when I say.... What?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Isn´t fel all about risk vs. reward ?
didn´t you all ask permanently for more risk vs. reward?
are those new pet duy´s not a litle bit more risk??
is risk not equal to FUN for fellies?
dont you like more fun(risk)

what a surprice, you thought you could ambush "sancho panza" on his donkey...
ugh it is a DWH....heeeeeeellllllpp meeee they stole my fuuuuuuunnnnnn :D
No, it's just saying tamers, right now, have a large advantage in Fel. Go to any spawn, fight, or the preferred PvP gate on your shard. You will always see a large number of tamers.

They don't need anymore help from the Devs with that template in PvP or Factions.


Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Isn´t fel all about risk vs. reward ?
didn´t you all ask permanently for more risk vs. reward?
are those new pet duy´s not a litle bit more risk??
is risk not equal to FUN for fellies?
dont you like more fun(risk)

what a surprice, you thought you could ambush "sancho panza" on his donkey...
ugh it is a DWH....heeeeeeellllllpp meeee they stole my fuuuuuuunnnnnn :D
Believe it or not, some people who play in Fel would have little respect for those who would attempt to win a fight by disguising a dread mare as a faction war horse. There is little or no honor in using such a cheap trick and I would not go out of my way to develop any sort of ongoing friendly rivalry with someone using such a tactic. Tricks or gimmicks may have a place somewhere in UO, but in my eyes their use ranks almost as low as cheating and using exploits.

Lord Gareth

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I gave my opinion and it was not nice. I don't think Ive ever written something like that.

Whoever came up with this idea needs to go work for the Care Bear Company and get off the team!!!
(No you don't really have to get off the team. Just sounded good for this post.)

Your game is going to look STUPID! PS it might already now that I've seen the new dyes for armor. God gag me. Is this a ploy to make people quit so you can dump UO? At least do reasonable colors.

Speaking as a gay man you don't always have to use every color in the rainbow!

See how ******** that sentence looks?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh god no! The concept is one thing, but the colours... "Ooh look ma, I have that baby blue and pink so I can have a girl and boy dragon now!" *gags* Get that rubbish out of this game or at least put some proper animal colours in there if we're getting this nonsense thrown at us. You can make animal dyes that are cool, different markings like mottled brindles on cus or change specific parts of the dragon body rather than re-colour it all. This just looks like someone took a bucket of paint and threw it over the poor beastie. Ick!

Of course it's not game breaking or overpowering to make something horiffically ugly, but I had hoped that UO was trying to be a game for players over the age of 5 who'd moved beyond the colouring book stage.

I hoped the devs would stick to their firm "no" when it came to pet dyes making it over from test centre. Until other players can switch off the ugly stuff, I'm giving this a very firm "no". And the sad thing is, so many better things could have been added instead. I feel like we're now entering UO My Little Pony Edition...If this makes it in, I really doubt I'll want to stick around for the inevitable mess.


Lord Patapon

Sorry Devs, this isn't really what UO should be like, for me.
We already have too much neons and eye-tearing colors; this is horrible.

Though, the reward thingie for a puzzle is fine, just make it plain deco items or such.
Not something that will annoy a fair part of the population.

edit: oh, and this is not a rant as I have a tamer myself, but this is not really something that should need spending time on ... there are many other problems out there at the moment, so just another feature for tamers is, imho, not a good idea.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm seeing this more as a feasibility study for them to guage if it's worth the effort to look into modifying the pet air fresheners on TC to prodo shards.

Not that I don't like pets coming in different colours, but tbh, I prefer a breeding system to get special coloured pets rather than dyes...

If introduced, I would suggest the following:

1) faction horses cannot be dyed
2) colours resembling faction warhorses be removed
3) mares have their own set of colours that can be used
4) dread warhorse have it's own set of colours that do not overlap those for the mare
5) horses have another set of colours

1) normal horses can be dyed off-white, dull orange, dark
2) mares can be dyed black, and the different shades of blue (excluding COM faction blue) and purple. If the blue is too close, we can use a shades of cyan or a different colour altogether.
3) dreads can be dyed white, and the various shades of red (excluding Minax red). If the reds are too close, we again can use different colours.

This way, people can still tell what type of pet it is (it'll make identification
easier in fact). No scamming or disguises.

Same with colours for dragons/wyrms/GDs. Each have their own unique palette selection. Except they can use faction colours. But no white/off-white/red/yellow so people can't disguise their dragons as something else.

Of course, if the intention in the first place is to allow people to disguise pets and create randomness and tactics in PvP, that's a different story. But, tamers already have an advantage in PvP. For the interest of balance, I don't think it's a good idea to disguise pets as it will help tamers more than non-tamers (for those that want to play "bluff").


Look at it this way EA, if you implement pet dyes, you will be pissing off a lot of people while pleasing some, if you DO NOT implement pet dyes, no one will be affected negatively, therefore it makes sense to not introduce them so that no one is upset
Yea,they`ll be pissing off the hugely small minority that plays UO AND watches Stratics. They need to introduce a log in survey for this kind of stuff.That way they`ll get answers/opinions from more of the playerbase instead of the holier than thou know it alls here on Uhall.

Bright and neon colors I can see quibbling over,but none of the colors listed were so wrong.Some were ugly,those I voted no to.Will I cry crocodile tears if some of those ugly colors make it in game? Nope.

If dyes do make it in,it`ll be a win/win for me.Not only will I have my black dragon,but I`ll also get lots of enjoyment reading all the "wha wha wha" posts.



What the hell is this? One of the worst ideas ever. I would quit UO if they implemented this crap.

Oh didn't everyone quit UO when they introduced those BLAZE colored fire steeds?

BLAZE bod cloth and BLAZE sandals were just too much for us, the Devs gave us zero choice but to say goodbye UO!

I know how we all hate those GLACIAL BLUE ice serpents, we were SO right to quit UO the day we first saw those.

Or did we quit when COLORED hiryus began wandering the land?

No no, we know that GOLD Paragons are the REAL we all quit UO, it wasn't the AOS expansion as some like to say.

Nope, I think we all quit when we saw GLACIAL BLUE spellbooks, headbands, pickaxes, and cloth pants.

Or was it when we first saw those CRYSTAL house tiles?

Oh no wait, for surely we quit when the Europa GOLD Brit guard sashes got duped, cut up and turned into large flashy items of clothing, like robes and cloaks?

But I thought we gave away all our stuff and quit 2 years ago when, for 18 hours a day, that guy on Atlantic was selling exploited BLACK faction horses...?

No I remember now, we all quit the first time we saw a BLAZE cu sidhe ingame!

Then again, I could swear we were all still playing when GLACIAL YELLOW and GLACIAL BLUE Meliande hair dye made its way onto the first, second AND third players head.

Wait a minute!

We were just being sarcastic weren't we?


I don't mind it, I am sure I can get use to it. Just some colours should not be able to be used on certain pets, white should not be used on dragons or black on horses. Plus I would like the old silver steeds and Kirin colours in the mix and maybe the purple llama.


Some dyes could be good for some pets. Not all dyes, not all pets.
So it's a no.



aye - but I think I see where that one's going. No one can see the tag when he's sitting on the beast, and by the time his 'victim' can see that it's not a faction horse, it's going to be too late.

In this age of soulstones a nontamer Factioner COULD decide to get some taming and lore skill off a soulstone and then WAIT 7 days for their killer dread mare or greater dragon to BOND just to FOOL pvpers in Fel once or twice before the other pvpers figure out what's going on.

Seems an awful lot of work though doesn't it?

I think most pvp tamers are well known on their shards and already use the high powered pets for pvping.

I find it hard to believe that they'd be able to dye their dread mare a faction horse color or their greater dragon to look like a white wyrm and be able to FOOL anyone.

Still it makes sense that the Devs remove the faction colors from use on horses and the whites from use on Greaters.


I don't mind it, I am sure I can get use to it. Just some colours should not be able to be used on certain pets, white should not be used on dragons or black on horses. Plus I would like the old silver steeds and Kirin colours in the mix and maybe the purple llama.

Black SHOULD be used on horses due to that exploit that allows cheaters to own black faction horses and noncheaters to NOT own a black horse.

This is 2 years late, but better late than never.

The day the Devs decided to do NOTHING and allow the cheaters to make billions of gold off selling those exploit black faction guard horses is the day black horses should have been made available to ALL of us, for sale from stable masters AND spawning in the wild.
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