For the 300th time, we should all be happy with our 2 extra slots.

You may be, but I am not content.For the 300th time, we should all be happy with our 2 extra slots.
Hum, are you feeling like no one is reading your posts?For the 300th time, we should all be happy with our 2 extra slots.
I'm not sure what planet you're from bubba, but I haven't voiced an opinion yet. Good job inventing things to criticize. Maybe you should go over the 300 posts and try to find where I've said something 10 times, or at all.Hum, are you feeling like no one is reading your posts?
I think a number of us get your point of view.
I think a number of people .... well .... gasp .... do not agree with you. I assume that is acceptable/ok with you?
I think it is fair to say a number of posters have expressed their gratitude for the 2 extra slots.
I think it is fair to say a number of posters have expressed a need for more than 2 slots.
I think it is fair to say a number of posters have expressed a desire more pets to be able to facilitate a greater variety of play styles. Is that ok with you that there are people that want to have a greater variety of play styles?
I am just sayin you can shoot for 600 or you can trust me, your first 10 were really read.![]()
I'm not sure what planet you're from bubba, but I haven't voiced an opinion yet. Good job inventing things to criticize. Maybe you should go over the 300 posts and try to find where I've said something 10 times, or at all.
*Shrug* Your words not mineFor the 300th time, we should all be happy with our 2 extra slots.
Reply #300 genius.. you assume way too much and remember even less.*Shrug* Your words not mine![]()
For the 300th time, we should all be happy with our 2 extra slots.
Nah I don't assume anything and you failed to gain a point in skatingReply #300 genius.. you assume way too much and remember even less.
Lol, they got rid of a previous #300.. there was no bs, there was no opinion. Ask a mod. You're the one attacking me for having an opinion, yet you made up that I posted it many times over. Get your facts straight before you post responses. After all you're derailing this yet again.Nah I don't assume anything and you failed to gain a point in skatingYou can try to skate away from your words but they are gonna stick to you.
You got caught with your bs and now your going to devolve into name calling and being insulting.
Just saying there is a shovel in your hand and you have an excellent start on the whole so dig it deeper
But hey, the mod's have gone through this thread to clear out your posts once already, I do not see the point or value in giving them any more work to do.
What? Oh you mean, "RRAAWWRR G. Dragons/Tamers are so overpowered.....so you cannot have more pet storage!!!!!!"I'll let you kiddies get back to bickering without bothering to read what anyone else says.
Hello Don't log on often, but read almost everyday.Not in trade window, it really is in a pet transfer crate.
@ Frodo, long time no see, poppet!![]()
I emphatically disagree. I never said there's anything wrong with the suggestion. I just don't agree with it. That's my opinion and no amount of speculation or suggestion to the otherwise can sway me. It's not justified, plain and simple.There is nothing wrong with wanting more. With the amount of tameables in the game, 2 is really negligible.
I emphatically disagree. I never said there's anything wrong with the suggestion. I just don't agree with it. That's my opinion and no amount of speculation or suggestion to the otherwise can sway me. It's not justified, plain and simple.
After wading through all the posts, I am not convinced that more than 2 is needed. Not for a free ride anyway. Anybody that wants more slots, should earn it. You either earn it in years through the natural evolution of the game and/or as a result of game development (like what is being alloted in this case) or, through the raising of skill (like the vet skill). Other than that its just a gimme and I don't think that's right.
Of course, this is my opinion. I don't have to convince or railroad anyone. And I don't care what others think, except for the ones that count and I haven't seen them weigh in on the "discussion" (using the term VERY LOOSELY here), so far.
That'll be all for this thread. Thank you.
Only a lazy disreputable example of a UO tamer relies only on a Greater Dragon, that or they think they can PvP one or the other.All 16 weapons combined wouldn't be equal to one greater dragon. And you could have 16 of them.
To be totally honest we were given 2 20% storage increases... Which is 40% added storage.... so..... if we get 40% storage and a 40% bonus to stable slots... that would be 1 added slot for normal(nice of them to give 2 now eh?)..... and Would mean 19.6 for tamers..... round that to 20.... Which is what I asked for.... keep the 2 for normal players. Though I still think they should give normal players 5.... but that is just me being generous.Okay the two times they added storage was unjustified. Do you agree with that?
It is justified though (years of adding pets and then they say we get two slots after all those years? I'll buy them if I have too) justified in the sense that they did the same thing for storage. What was it? 25% increase twice? Why didn't we get a 25% increase on the stables twice? Or at least once?
Sounds good to me.To be totally honest we were given 2 20% storage increases... Which is 40% added storage.... so..... if we get 40% storage and a 40% bonus to stable slots... that would be 1 added slot for normal(nice of them to give 2 now eh?)..... and Would mean 19.6 for tamers..... round that to 20.... Which is what I asked for.... keep the 2 for normal players. Though I still think they should give normal players 5.... but that is just me being generous.
You remind me of how much I love Siege, Nexus.Only a lazy disreputable example of a UO tamer relies only on a Greater Dragon, that or they think they can PvP one or the other.
To really get the most out of taming one needs to study, find out which pets are best against what spawn, or to go beyond that find a pet that amuses them and then explore their full potential. For example, I've a Ferret that I use to Kill Drakes for hides (this amuses me), or when I take my tamer to Travesty I take a Reptalon (they do very well there), or if say me and a group goes and does Dread Horn, I will usually take a Rune Beetle to tank (they out preform GD's there) and a well trained Kitsune.
So yes, I could easily say that depending on the tamer, more stable slots would be a good thing, though I'm not advocating or asking for more than the 2 additional one's. I'll just make more tamers.
But I will make one simple request of you, Remember not all tamers are the foolish, lazy, fire and forget types.
Someone mentioned packs, Some of the new tamables have Pack Instinct, this alone would justify those tamers that prefer packs to wish for or ask for additional stable slots beyond the 2.
I rarely play siege anymore, though I do agree Siege is a lot of fun. Just my mates are for the most part on Chesapeake, and few have any real interest in Siege.You remind me of how much I love Siege, Nexus.
Even with 8 tamers, THE most tamer fun I've had in years was attempting to tame bake kits at base skill requirement there. I tamed a bunch of gamans and chucked them at the target kitsune until it had dumped enough mana for me to more safely lead tame in GM gear, just gateable magery and 0 resist.
ps: My fun pet is a giant rat.![]()
Cute rat! I'm jealous.Oh, you're preaching to the choir, Nexus. If taming is a chore, you're doing it wrong.
To bring us gently back on-topic, I will always devote a stable slot to this fella:-
If it's a GD, or dreadmare, or rune beetle, or one of the new critters Basil is preventing me from owning on that tamer, so be it. I'll live. Furthermore, I'll certainly continue to have awesome adventures with Basil and all the other pets I've loved over a decade of UO.
Let's also make characters dies so that eventually everyone has to make a new one.With the new expansion all equipment (imbued but yes you will have to use this stuff to compete) will eventually break since each time its repaired you'll lose durability and PoF wont work as a 'get round'.
So yes you can have more stable slots but only if you accept that pets get old and die.
Your weapons are free and last forever, whereas everyone else's can cost upwards of 10mill and will break. Fairs fair![]()