A list of property "weights" can be found here:
An explanation of the system by one of the developers from the internal forums:
An explanation of the system by one of the developers from the internal forums:
My attempt at putting that in layman's terms *DISCLAIMER, I think my math may be wrong!*The current setup is each item has a set capacity for holding the energy used for imbuing magical properties.
Different properties will require different amounts of energy to imbue. ie the property weights
These weights are the factor by which the intensity of that property affects the items ability to store more imbued energy.
A weight of 1.4 means that for every 1% of intensity added, it takes 1.4 of the items energy storage capacity.
so at 100% intensity that property would take 140 storage.
using hit fireball as an example.. 50% hit fireball is at 100% intensity for that property. The weight is 1.4 so thats 1.4 * 100% = 140
With the exception of jewelry, items crafted with exceptional quality get a small bonus to that total energy storage capacity.
Wilki adds in another thread here:Ok, so if you imbue a weapon with 50% Hit Magic Arrow, the system "reads" that you have imbued the item with 55% Hit Magic Arrow (I think I figured it right!) So, while it wont tell you that you have exceeded the maximum number of properties (5), it will tell you the item is "Unstable" because it reads it as you exceeding the 500% limit.
From WarUltima:I'll try to explain it better.
Some properties "cost" more to imbue than others, in terms of reaching the total cap (either the 300% of imbued weight per item, or the 450/500 total weight for the item in general, which includes all properties, imbued or not).
For example, Damage Increase has the default weight of 1.0, which means that 100% counts as 100% against the cap. SSI, however, has a weight of 1.3, which means that 100% SSI would use up 130% towards the cap.
As far as individual properties go, as long as you don't exceed one of the total intensity caps for the item, then you can imbue any property up to 150%, regardless of weight.
So, that means you can have 75% Damage Increase (150% intensity for DI), and that would count at 150% intensity towards the cap.
For SSI, 150% intensity is 45 SSI, but since it has a weight multiplier of 1.3, it'd count as 1.3 * 150 = 195% against the cap.
From what I understand (and assumption), Hit Fireball has a 1.4 property weight. This means at 50 Hit Fireball it will be weighted as 140 total intensity, leaving 360 for the rest of the mods. So take the composite bow I enhanced a few days ago:
1. 40 Damage Inc (80% weighted @ 80%) 420% left
2. Balanced (100% intensity weighted 100%) 320% left
3. 40 Hit Fireball (80% weighted 112%) 208% left
4. 40 Velocity (80% weighted 104%) 104% left.
5. 30 SSI.