After reading the threads and Draconi replies to many players' concerns, I gave it some thinking and some things just are not clear to me.
When clarifying the interview we have been reading about, Draconi talks about the 2 new Champion Spawns added to Stygian Abyss which are PvP areas and mentions that for imbuing, at first they were thinking to add some ingredients which would have spawned there but on a second thought they scrapped that idea.
Thank Gawd, because if imbuing is directed to crafters as my understanding is it is, it sounds very odd and not much "role playing" that crafters were expected to enter PvP areas and engage in PvP to get with their business going.......
Anyways, that comment got me thinking though that perhaps the 2 New Champion Spawns coming with Stygian Abyss will not be a Power scrolls drops as those in felucca but different things will spawn from them ?
If so, what will they spawn ? Anything which might be "required" for other game play coming with Stygian Abyss ?
Has anyone done them in beta who can comment on them with more detailed informations ?
When clarifying the interview we have been reading about, Draconi talks about the 2 new Champion Spawns added to Stygian Abyss which are PvP areas and mentions that for imbuing, at first they were thinking to add some ingredients which would have spawned there but on a second thought they scrapped that idea.
Thank Gawd, because if imbuing is directed to crafters as my understanding is it is, it sounds very odd and not much "role playing" that crafters were expected to enter PvP areas and engage in PvP to get with their business going.......
Anyways, that comment got me thinking though that perhaps the 2 New Champion Spawns coming with Stygian Abyss will not be a Power scrolls drops as those in felucca but different things will spawn from them ?
If so, what will they spawn ? Anything which might be "required" for other game play coming with Stygian Abyss ?
Has anyone done them in beta who can comment on them with more detailed informations ?