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Imbuing: Current Information


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is some direct copy/paste of posts I made in the beta forums. It is not the easiest read there is, and I am sorry for that.

Success Chance:

* All success chance has a base value of (human at home soulforge).

* Success chance is not impacted by the property attempted nor the ingredients necessary for said property.

* Success chance values are set - only bonuses change them, and those bonuses are set to certain formulae.

Success chances at 100% property intensity:


NPC Item NPC Item
Property 1 - 155.6 Property 1 - 171.1
Property 2 - 87.4 Property 2 - 96.1
Property 3 - 46.4 Property 3 - 51.0
Property 4 - 18.8 Property 4 - 20.6
Property 5 - -1.0 Property 5 - -1.1

Non-Exceptional Item Non-Exceptional Item
Property 1 - 171.1 Property 1 - 186.7
Property 2 - 96.1 Property 2 - 104.8
Property 3 - 51.0 Property 3 - 55.6
Property 4 - 20.6 Property 4 - 22.5
Property 5 - -1.1 Property 5 - -1.2

Exceptional Item Exceptional Item
Property 1 - 186.7 Property 1 - 202.2
Property 2 - 104.8 Property 2 - 113.6
Property 3 - 55.6 Property 3 - 60.3
Property 4 - 22.5 Property 4 - 24.4
Property 5 - -1.2 Property 5 - -1.3

Total Item Intensity:

* It is possible to imbue moderate to high total intensity on an NPC purchased item, depending on the properties desired.

* Maximum intensity for a non-exceptionally crafted item appears to be identical to that of an NPC purchased item.

* It is possible to imbue high to maximum total intensity on an exceptionally crafted item, depending on the properties desired.

* Exceptionally crafted base items give a bonus chance to adding a property, as well as to the maximum possible intensity of a property; however no rhyme or reason is apparent to the bonus. Probably some obscure formula related to each propety and its "weight" that, without knowing the weights and which properties have them, cannot be determined by a mere mortal.

Property Weight:

* Property weight only has low to moderate impact on the total possible intensity for armor pieces. Likely due to the specific properties available on armor.

* Property weight has wide range of imapct on the total possible intensity for weapons, also likely due to the specific properties available on weapons. The large advantage to maximum total property intensity given by using an exceptionally crafted base item makes it very difficult to tell the true impact.

* Property weight on jewelry mostly follows the model of property weight on armor. There is some variance due to certain offensive properties being available on jewelry that are not available on armor.

* Property weight on shields appears to have zero impact. It is likely that none of the properties available on shields have weight.

Imbuing Bonuses to Success Chance:

* Jewelry (non-magical) cannot receive the exceptional bonuses available on other items due to the inablilty to craft the pieces exceptionally. This includes both the 20% success chance bonus as well as the unknown total maximum possible intensity bonus available on all other item types.

* Magical jewelry (crafted artifact-type) is unknown due to lack of testing; however, since these items may be exceptionally crafted, it is assumed that they may benefit from the exceptional bonuses available to other item types.

* The base value for all imbuing bonuses is that of a human character imbuing onto an NPC purchased item, except the Queen's Forge bonus.

Non-Exeptional Crafted Bonus: applied 10%
Gargoyle Racial Bonus: applied 10%
Exceptional Crafted Bonus: applied 20%

* The Gargoyle Racial bonus will stack with the bonus obtained from the base item. The Queen's Forge bonus stacks with both racial and base item bonuses.

* The Queen's Forge base bonus is a flat bonus, rather than an applied bonus, of 2%. There is additional bonus added to the Queen's Forge bonus based on any other bonuses the character may receive. This bonus is the percentage of bonus the character has, applied to 2%. That total is then added to the character's success chance value as it would at any other soulforge.

[for better understanding, the above in mathematical terms]

H = Human Base Value
T = Total Succes Chance

(2 + (2 x .1)) + (H + (H x .1)) = T
[this equation is for a gargoyle using an NPC purchased item at Queen's Forge]

Plus Skills On Jewelry:

Being a special case, this subject requires its own category.

* It is possible to imbue an NPC purchased piece of jewelry with five 100% intensity Plus Skill properties, meaning that + Skill does not have any "weight". The success chance subject to all available bonuses.

* There are five groups of skills that will replace eachother:

Magery, Swords, Macing, Fencing, Musicianship (loosely, primary skills)
Animal Taming, Tactics, Provocation, Spirit Speak, Wrestling (loosely, secondary skills)
Eval, Veternary, Bushido, Anatomy, Stealing, Necromancy (loosely, modifying skills)
Discordance, Meditation, Animal Lore, Stealth, Focus, Parry (loosely, supporting skills)
Resist, Chivalry, Peacemaking, Healing, Archery, Ninjitsu (leftovers)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Human "Success Chance" is the base value for success. (H)
Gargoyles get a 10% racial bonus to success chance. (H x .1) = 10%
Non-exceptional crafted items get a 10% bonus to success chance. (H x .1)) = 10%
Exceptionally crafted items get an additional 20% bonus to success chance. (H x .2) = 20%
Queen's Forge gets 2% [hard value] bonus + bonus value for racial and/or item (see below)


NPC Purchased Item: Base Value (H) ... Queen's Forge: H + 2
Non-Exeptional Crafted: H + (H x .1) ... Queen's Forge: (H + (H x .1)) + (2 + (2 x .1))
Exceptionally Crafted: H + (H x .2) ... Queen's Forge: (H + (H x .2)) + (2 + (2 x .2))


Racial Bonus: H + (H x .1) ... Queen's Forge: (H + (H x .1)) + (2 + (2 x .1))
Non-Exceptional Crafted: H + (H x .2) ... Queen's Forge: (H + (H x .2)) + (2 + (2 x .2))
Exceptionally Crafted: H + (H x .3) ... Queen's Forge: (H + (H x .3)) + (2 + (2 x .3))


Note: The game rounds some of the numbers wrong.

NPC Item: 155.6
NPC Item QF: 157.6

Crafted Item: 171.1
Crafted Item QF: 173.3

Exceptional Item: 186.7
Exceptional Item QF: 189.0 *


NPC Item: 171.1
NPC Item QF: 173.3 *

Crafted Item: 186.7
Crafted Item QF: 189.0 *

Exceptional Item: 202.2
Exceptional Item QF: 204.8

* For these values I used math, not in-game testing. As a result, they may be +/- .1%


So, am I understanding your chart correctly that it is currently not possible to imbue a 5th property at 100%? Is that what the negatives mean? It looks suspicious because you have the gargoyle chances lower than the human ones. Sorry...I'm probably just being brain dead here.

Stupid Miner

So, am I understanding your chart correctly that it is currently not possible to imbue a 5th property at 100%? Is that what the negatives mean? It looks suspicious because you have the gargoyle chances lower than the human ones. Sorry...I'm probably just being brain dead here.
Correct 5x100% is a no.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not correct. When you go to the Queen's Forge, those negatives invert to be positives. So where there is a -1.3 it turns into a +1.3 at the Queen's Forge.

5x 100% is possible with SOME items, depending on the properties. I do not fully understand the property weights yet.

Also, I questioned the gargish chance being LOWER than the human chance when in negative, but Wilki assured me that is has no impact (I am still not so certain). I removed the portion of the post that had to do with this because Wilki swears it is working properly ;)


keep in mind that during the final stages of the beta these can be tweaked. Which is why I left exact numbers out of the guide.


Also, I questioned the gargish chance being LOWER than the human chance when in negative, but Wilki assured me that is has no impact (I am still not so certain). I removed the portion of the post that had to do with this because Wilki swears it is working properly ;)
Yeah, this is the part that I don't understand. Hopefully some clarification will be forthcoming. But anyway, thanks for the numbers.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
keep in mind that during the final stages of the beta these can be tweaked. Which is why I left exact numbers out of the guide.
I knew that, and it is also why we have left it off the Stratic Guides, but since someone was beseeching for current information to play with it on Retribution *today*, I thought it would be helpful.


This is some direct copy/paste of posts I made in the beta forums. It is not the easiest read there is, and I am sorry for that.

Success Chance:

* All success chance has a base value of (human at home soulforge).

* Success chance is not impacted by the property attempted nor the ingredients necessary for said property.

* Success chance values are set - only bonuses change them, and those bonuses are set to certain formulae.

Success chances at 100% property intensity:


NPC Item NPC Item
Property 1 - 155.6 Property 1 - 171.1
Property 2 - 87.4 Property 2 - 96.1
Property 3 - 46.4 Property 3 - 51.0
Property 4 - 18.8 Property 4 - 20.6
Property 5 - -1.0 Property 5 - -1.1

Non-Exceptional Item Non-Exceptional Item
Property 1 - 171.1 Property 1 - 186.7
Property 2 - 96.1 Property 2 - 104.8
Property 3 - 51.0 Property 3 - 55.6
Property 4 - 20.6 Property 4 - 22.5
Property 5 - -1.1 Property 5 - -1.2

Exceptional Item Exceptional Item
Property 1 - 186.7 Property 1 - 202.2
Property 2 - 104.8 Property 2 - 113.6
Property 3 - 55.6 Property 3 - 60.3
Property 4 - 22.5 Property 4 - 24.4
Property 5 - -1.2 Property 5 - -1.3
Point of clarification, these are the chances based on 120 skill and 100% intensity on each property. Lower intensity on any preceding property increases the chances on that and all subsequent properties. So lets say you're making an LRC suit and that final piece of armor only needs LRC10 then do that property first and have much better results on the remaining properties you wish to add.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

NPC Item NPC Item
Property 1 - 155.6 Property 1 - 171.1
Property 2 - 87.4 Property 2 - 96.1
Property 3 - 46.4 Property 3 - 51.0
Property 4 - 18.8 Property 4 - 20.6
Property 5 - -1.0 Property 5 - -1.1

I looked at this for like 2 minutes and just went Huh?? Easier to ask heh.

What's the 2nd Colum of information for (Red stuff)?? I see that the % (percentage chance of success) for the 1st property is 155.6 and then it goes on to list property 1 again.. instead at 171.1 What changes for those numbers to be different.....


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, sorry, the 'tabs' in my wordpad document did not play well with forum formatting. And Beastmaster's clarification is correct, this is at 120 skill and 100% intensity. The intention was to give an example of the human vs. gargoyle chances.


Yeah it looks like things haven't changed very much since I last tested it. If you use a gargoyle, and step up to the Queen's Forge, that 5th property indeed becomes entirely possible at roughly 3.5%... Its INCREDIBLY Low, but still possible...

In fact you could assess these numbers as the lowest common denominator - meaning your probabilities won't get worse than this test from actors such as race, forge, or item bewing imbued. With of course the caveat that the system could always be tweaked :eyes:


The reason why the bonuses that are multipliers make a negative chance even more negative is that they're just... multiplying a negative.

myBonus = 1.1

-1 * myBonus = -1.1

Since negative success chance means that you always fail, exactly the same as 0% success chance, the bonus part is irrelevant to the equation.

FAIL * anything positive = FAIL

In any case, the display now bottoms out at 0%, so you won't get to see the varying degrees of failness anymore.

It is likely that there will be significant changes coming to imbuing to balance it out with existing content. Our goal is to allow you to customize your stuff, while not replacing all or most of the other existing methods of obtaining stuff.

I'm also hoping to add more information to the imbuing gump so that it's a little more obvious what's going on.

I might also alphabetize the property list... it drives me nuts every time I try to find a property to test.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I might also alphabetize the property list... it drives me nuts every time I try to find a property to test.
I know I just hugged you, Wilki, but *WHACKS WILKI* I suggested that like, FOREVER ago! My eyeballs are permanently damaged from all that information gathering I did *has to get glasses fer real now!*

PUHHHLEEAASE do that lol


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know you can have 4 100% properties and night sight. I made one. So clearly there is weight involved. I bet mage armor is low weight as well, but I never tried.

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Ailish,

fantastic work.Well done.

I think I have heard of a weight property list.You have the latest list?
I bet the more wanted properties like Hit lihtning will have more than 1.0 in weight.

Can everyone log in to beta test now?
Need to download something?

The Scandinavian


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Yes, open beta now. You'll need to download the enhanced client (aka SA client) or the classic enhanced client (aka 2d legacy client). There's a sticky in the SA forum that has links to download either client.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a couple of very impt question!

Where's the queen's forge and how big a boost does it give? The Retribution shard has a +1 and a +3 soulforge outside the bank, I am guessing this represents special soulforges that they intend to put at special locations like the queen's forge?


I have a couple of very impt question!

Where's the queen's forge and how big a boost does it give? The Retribution shard has a +1 and a +3 soulforge outside the bank, I am guessing this represents special soulforges that they intend to put at special locations like the queen's forge?
I would like to know where the queens forge are and can we get one for our houses?

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi again,

have any of you brave testers used the SA client?
Will my old smith look like a girl in her early teenage?

Maybe I should stick to 2d client.

BTW,anyone that have made any imbuing with less than 120 skill?

The Scandinavian

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi again,

my smith is a male but look like a young girl in KR...

Oki,maybe I should try,I will notice in about 3 min if I can stand the look of my char.

The Scandinavian

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First thing to test is imbueing with moderate skill,like 80.

Or maybe someone have done that already.
Give us some numbers in that case.

The Scandinavian