This is some direct copy/paste of posts I made in the beta forums. It is not the easiest read there is, and I am sorry for that.
Success Chance:
* All success chance has a base value of (human at home soulforge).
* Success chance is not impacted by the property attempted nor the ingredients necessary for said property.
* Success chance values are set - only bonuses change them, and those bonuses are set to certain formulae.
Success chances at 100% property intensity:
NPC Item NPC Item
Property 1 - 155.6 Property 1 - 171.1
Property 2 - 87.4 Property 2 - 96.1
Property 3 - 46.4 Property 3 - 51.0
Property 4 - 18.8 Property 4 - 20.6
Property 5 - -1.0 Property 5 - -1.1
Non-Exceptional Item Non-Exceptional Item
Property 1 - 171.1 Property 1 - 186.7
Property 2 - 96.1 Property 2 - 104.8
Property 3 - 51.0 Property 3 - 55.6
Property 4 - 20.6 Property 4 - 22.5
Property 5 - -1.1 Property 5 - -1.2
Exceptional Item Exceptional Item
Property 1 - 186.7 Property 1 - 202.2
Property 2 - 104.8 Property 2 - 113.6
Property 3 - 55.6 Property 3 - 60.3
Property 4 - 22.5 Property 4 - 24.4
Property 5 - -1.2 Property 5 - -1.3
Total Item Intensity:
* It is possible to imbue moderate to high total intensity on an NPC purchased item, depending on the properties desired.
* Maximum intensity for a non-exceptionally crafted item appears to be identical to that of an NPC purchased item.
* It is possible to imbue high to maximum total intensity on an exceptionally crafted item, depending on the properties desired.
* Exceptionally crafted base items give a bonus chance to adding a property, as well as to the maximum possible intensity of a property; however no rhyme or reason is apparent to the bonus. Probably some obscure formula related to each propety and its "weight" that, without knowing the weights and which properties have them, cannot be determined by a mere mortal.
Property Weight:
* Property weight only has low to moderate impact on the total possible intensity for armor pieces. Likely due to the specific properties available on armor.
* Property weight has wide range of imapct on the total possible intensity for weapons, also likely due to the specific properties available on weapons. The large advantage to maximum total property intensity given by using an exceptionally crafted base item makes it very difficult to tell the true impact.
* Property weight on jewelry mostly follows the model of property weight on armor. There is some variance due to certain offensive properties being available on jewelry that are not available on armor.
* Property weight on shields appears to have zero impact. It is likely that none of the properties available on shields have weight.
Imbuing Bonuses to Success Chance:
* Jewelry (non-magical) cannot receive the exceptional bonuses available on other items due to the inablilty to craft the pieces exceptionally. This includes both the 20% success chance bonus as well as the unknown total maximum possible intensity bonus available on all other item types.
* Magical jewelry (crafted artifact-type) is unknown due to lack of testing; however, since these items may be exceptionally crafted, it is assumed that they may benefit from the exceptional bonuses available to other item types.
* The base value for all imbuing bonuses is that of a human character imbuing onto an NPC purchased item, except the Queen's Forge bonus.
Non-Exeptional Crafted Bonus: applied 10%
Gargoyle Racial Bonus: applied 10%
Exceptional Crafted Bonus: applied 20%
* The Gargoyle Racial bonus will stack with the bonus obtained from the base item. The Queen's Forge bonus stacks with both racial and base item bonuses.
* The Queen's Forge base bonus is a flat bonus, rather than an applied bonus, of 2%. There is additional bonus added to the Queen's Forge bonus based on any other bonuses the character may receive. This bonus is the percentage of bonus the character has, applied to 2%. That total is then added to the character's success chance value as it would at any other soulforge.
[for better understanding, the above in mathematical terms]
H = Human Base Value
T = Total Succes Chance
(2 + (2 x .1)) + (H + (H x .1)) = T
[this equation is for a gargoyle using an NPC purchased item at Queen's Forge]
Plus Skills On Jewelry:
Being a special case, this subject requires its own category.
* It is possible to imbue an NPC purchased piece of jewelry with five 100% intensity Plus Skill properties, meaning that + Skill does not have any "weight". The success chance subject to all available bonuses.
* There are five groups of skills that will replace eachother:
Magery, Swords, Macing, Fencing, Musicianship (loosely, primary skills)
Animal Taming, Tactics, Provocation, Spirit Speak, Wrestling (loosely, secondary skills)
Eval, Veternary, Bushido, Anatomy, Stealing, Necromancy (loosely, modifying skills)
Discordance, Meditation, Animal Lore, Stealth, Focus, Parry (loosely, supporting skills)
Resist, Chivalry, Peacemaking, Healing, Archery, Ninjitsu (leftovers)
Success Chance:
* All success chance has a base value of (human at home soulforge).
* Success chance is not impacted by the property attempted nor the ingredients necessary for said property.
* Success chance values are set - only bonuses change them, and those bonuses are set to certain formulae.
Success chances at 100% property intensity:
NPC Item NPC Item
Property 1 - 155.6 Property 1 - 171.1
Property 2 - 87.4 Property 2 - 96.1
Property 3 - 46.4 Property 3 - 51.0
Property 4 - 18.8 Property 4 - 20.6
Property 5 - -1.0 Property 5 - -1.1
Non-Exceptional Item Non-Exceptional Item
Property 1 - 171.1 Property 1 - 186.7
Property 2 - 96.1 Property 2 - 104.8
Property 3 - 51.0 Property 3 - 55.6
Property 4 - 20.6 Property 4 - 22.5
Property 5 - -1.1 Property 5 - -1.2
Exceptional Item Exceptional Item
Property 1 - 186.7 Property 1 - 202.2
Property 2 - 104.8 Property 2 - 113.6
Property 3 - 55.6 Property 3 - 60.3
Property 4 - 22.5 Property 4 - 24.4
Property 5 - -1.2 Property 5 - -1.3
Total Item Intensity:
* It is possible to imbue moderate to high total intensity on an NPC purchased item, depending on the properties desired.
* Maximum intensity for a non-exceptionally crafted item appears to be identical to that of an NPC purchased item.
* It is possible to imbue high to maximum total intensity on an exceptionally crafted item, depending on the properties desired.
* Exceptionally crafted base items give a bonus chance to adding a property, as well as to the maximum possible intensity of a property; however no rhyme or reason is apparent to the bonus. Probably some obscure formula related to each propety and its "weight" that, without knowing the weights and which properties have them, cannot be determined by a mere mortal.
Property Weight:
* Property weight only has low to moderate impact on the total possible intensity for armor pieces. Likely due to the specific properties available on armor.
* Property weight has wide range of imapct on the total possible intensity for weapons, also likely due to the specific properties available on weapons. The large advantage to maximum total property intensity given by using an exceptionally crafted base item makes it very difficult to tell the true impact.
* Property weight on jewelry mostly follows the model of property weight on armor. There is some variance due to certain offensive properties being available on jewelry that are not available on armor.
* Property weight on shields appears to have zero impact. It is likely that none of the properties available on shields have weight.
Imbuing Bonuses to Success Chance:
* Jewelry (non-magical) cannot receive the exceptional bonuses available on other items due to the inablilty to craft the pieces exceptionally. This includes both the 20% success chance bonus as well as the unknown total maximum possible intensity bonus available on all other item types.
* Magical jewelry (crafted artifact-type) is unknown due to lack of testing; however, since these items may be exceptionally crafted, it is assumed that they may benefit from the exceptional bonuses available to other item types.
* The base value for all imbuing bonuses is that of a human character imbuing onto an NPC purchased item, except the Queen's Forge bonus.
Non-Exeptional Crafted Bonus: applied 10%
Gargoyle Racial Bonus: applied 10%
Exceptional Crafted Bonus: applied 20%
* The Gargoyle Racial bonus will stack with the bonus obtained from the base item. The Queen's Forge bonus stacks with both racial and base item bonuses.
* The Queen's Forge base bonus is a flat bonus, rather than an applied bonus, of 2%. There is additional bonus added to the Queen's Forge bonus based on any other bonuses the character may receive. This bonus is the percentage of bonus the character has, applied to 2%. That total is then added to the character's success chance value as it would at any other soulforge.
[for better understanding, the above in mathematical terms]
H = Human Base Value
T = Total Succes Chance
(2 + (2 x .1)) + (H + (H x .1)) = T
[this equation is for a gargoyle using an NPC purchased item at Queen's Forge]
Plus Skills On Jewelry:
Being a special case, this subject requires its own category.
* It is possible to imbue an NPC purchased piece of jewelry with five 100% intensity Plus Skill properties, meaning that + Skill does not have any "weight". The success chance subject to all available bonuses.
* There are five groups of skills that will replace eachother:
Magery, Swords, Macing, Fencing, Musicianship (loosely, primary skills)
Animal Taming, Tactics, Provocation, Spirit Speak, Wrestling (loosely, secondary skills)
Eval, Veternary, Bushido, Anatomy, Stealing, Necromancy (loosely, modifying skills)
Discordance, Meditation, Animal Lore, Stealth, Focus, Parry (loosely, supporting skills)
Resist, Chivalry, Peacemaking, Healing, Archery, Ninjitsu (leftovers)